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1999-11-05 16:44:57 +01:00
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/ref/psql-ref.sgml,v 1.16 1999/11/05 15:44:56 momjian Exp $
Postgres documentation
<refentry id="APP-PSQL">
<refentrytitle id="app-psql-title">
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> interactive terminal
<synopsis>psql [ <replaceable class="parameter">options</replaceable> ] [ <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable> [ <replaceable class="parameter">user</replaceable> ] ]</synopsis>
<refsect2 id="R2-APP-PSQL-1">
<application>psql</application> accepts many command-line arguments,
a rich set of meta-commands, and the full <acronym>SQL</acronym> language
supported by <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>.
<refsect2 id="R2-APP-PSQL-2">
<application>psql</application> returns 0 to the shell on successful
completion of all queries, 1 for fatal errors, 2 for abrupt disconnection
from the backend, and 3 if a non-interactive script stopped because an <acronym>SQL</acronym>
command or psql meta-command resulted in an error.
<refsect1 id="R1-APP-PSQL-1">
<application>psql</application> is a character-based front-end to
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname>. It enables you to type in queries
interactively, issue them to <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, and see
the query results. In addition, it provides a number of meta-commands and
various shell-like features to facilitate writing scripts and automating a wide
variety of tasks.
<application>psql</application> is a regular
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> client application. Hence, a
<application>postmaster</application> process must be running on the database
server host before <application>psql</application> is executed. In addition,
the correct parameters to identify the database server, such as the
<application>postmaster</application> host name, may need to be specified as
described below.
When <application>psql</application> starts, it reads <acronym>SQL</acronym> and psql commands
from <filename>/etc/psqlrc</filename> and then from
This allows commands like <command>\set</command> or the <acronym>SQL</acronym> command
<xref linkend="SQL-SET" endterm="SQL-SET-title">, which can be used to set a variety of options,
to be run at the start of every session.
<refsect2 id="R2-APP-PSQL-3">
<title>Connecting To A Database</title>
<application>psql</application> attempts to make a connection to the
database name at the hostname and port number, and with the user name
specified on the command line. If any of these are omitted, the
<application>libpq</application> client library, upon which
<application>psql</application> is built, will choose defaults.
(This will usually mean the environment variables <envar>PGDATABASE</envar>,
<envar>PGHOST</envar>, <envar>PGPORT</envar>, <envar>PQUSER</envar>,
respectively, if they are set. Otherwise the default host is the local host
via Unix domain sockets, the default port is decided at compile time,
the default user is the system user name, and the default database is
the one with the same name as the user.)
If the connection could not be made for any reason (e.g., insufficient
privileges, postmaster is not running on the server, etc.),
<application>psql</application> will return an error and terminate.
<refsect2 id="R2-APP-PSQL-4">
<title>Entering Queries</title>
In normal operation, <application>psql</application> provides a prompt with
the name of the database that <application>psql</application> is currently
connected to followed by the string "=>". For example,
$ <userinput>psql testdb</userinput>
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
1999-11-05 16:44:57 +01:00
1999-11-05 01:57:39 +01:00
Type \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
At the prompt, the user may type in <acronym>SQL</acronym> queries.
Ordinarily, input lines are sent to the backend when a query-terminating
semicolon is reached. If the database server reports success, the query
results are displayed on the screen.
Whenever a query is executed, <application>psql</application> also polls
for asynchronous notification events generated by
<xref linkend="SQL-LISTEN" endterm="SQL-LISTEN-title"> and
<xref linkend="SQL-NOTIFY" endterm="SQL-NOTIFY-title">.
<application>psql</application> can be used in a pipe sequence, and
automatically detects when it is not used interactively.
<refsect1 id="R1-APP-PSQL-2">
<title><application>psql</application> Meta-Commands</title>
Anything you enter in <application>psql</application> that begins with an
unquoted backslash is a <application>psql</application> meta-command.
Anything else is <acronym>SQL</acronym> and simply goes into the current
query buffer (and once you have at least one complete query, it gets
automatically submitted to the backend). For this reason,
<application>psql</application> meta-commands are more commonly called
slash or backslash commands.
The format of a <application>psql</application> command is the backslash,
followed immediately by a command verb, then any arguments. The arguments
are separated from the command verb and each other by any number of white
space characters.
To include whitespace into an argument you must quote it with either single
or double quotes. Anything contained in single quotes (except for a
backslash-escaped single quote itself) is taken literally as the argument.
Anything contained in double quotes is furthermore subject to C-like
substitutions for <literal>\n</literal> (new line), <literal>\t</literal> (tab),
<literal>\0</literal><replaceable>digits</replaceable>, and
(the character with the given decimal, octal, or hexadecimal code).
If an unquoted argument begins with a dollar sign (<literal>$</literal>),
it is taken as a variable and the value of the variable is taken as the
argument instead. Inside double quotes, variable values can be substituted
by enclosing the name in a <literal>${...}</literal> sequence. See also under
<quote><xref linkend="APP-PSQL-variables" endterm="APP-PSQL-variables-title"></quote>.
Arguments that are quoted in <quote>back-ticks</quote> (<literal>`</literal>)
are taken as a command line
that is passed to the shell. The output of the command (with a trailing
newline removed) is taken as the argument value. Back-ticks are subject to
the same substitution rules as double-quotes.
Parsing for arguments stops when another unquoted backslash occurs. This
is taken as the beginning of a new meta-command. The special sequence
(two backslashes) marks the end of arguments and continues parsing
<acronym>SQL</acronym> queries, if any. That way <acronym>SQL</acronym> and
<application>psql</application> commands can be freely mixed on a line.
In any case, the arguments of a meta-command cannot continue beyond the end
of the line.
The following meta-commands are defined:
If the current table output format is unaligned, switch to aligned.
If it is not unaligned, set it to unaligned. This command is
kept for backwards compatibility. See <command>\pset</command> for a
general solution.
<term><literal>\C</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">title</replaceable> ]</term>
Set the title of any tables being printed as the result of a query or
unset any such title. This command is equivalent to
<literal>\pset title <replaceable class="parameter">title</replaceable></literal>.
(The name of this
command derives from <quote>caption</quote>, as it was previously only
used to set the caption in an <acronym>HTML</acronym> table.)
<term><literal>\connect</literal> (or <literal>\c</literal>) [ <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable> [ <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable> ] ]</term>
Establishes a connection to a new database and/or under a user name. The
previous connection is closed.
If <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable> is <literal>-</literal>
the current database name is assumed.
If <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable> is omitted or
<literal>-</literal> the current user name is assumed. If
<replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable> is <literal>?</literal>
<application>psql</application> will prompt for the new user name
As a special rule, <command>\connect</command> without any arguments will connect
to the default database as the default user (as you would have gotten
by starting <application>psql</application> without any arguments).
If the connection attempt failed (wrong username, access denied, etc.) the
previous connection will be kept, if and only if <application>psql</application> is
in interactive mode. When executing a non-interactive script, processing
will immediately stop with an error. This distinction was chosen as a user
convenience against typos on the one hand, and a safety mechanism that
scripts are not accidentally acting on the wrong database on the other hand.
<term><literal>\copy</literal> [ <literal>binary</literal> ] <replaceable class="parameter">table</replaceable>
[ <literal>with oids</literal> ] { <literal>from</literal> | <literal>to</literal> }
<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> [ <literal>with delimiters</literal>
'<replaceable class="parameter">character</replaceable>' ]
Performs a frontend (client) copy. This is an operation that runs an
<acronym>SQL</acronym> <xref linkend="SQL-COPY" endterm="SQL-COPY-title"> command,
but instead of the backend reading or writing the specified file, and
consequently requiring backend access and special user privilege,
as well as being bound to the file system accessible by the backend,
<application>psql</application> reads or writes the
file and routes the data to or from the backend onto the local file system.
The syntax of the command is in analogy to the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
<command>COPY</command> command, see its description for the details.
Note that because of this, special parsing rules apply to the
<command>\copy</command> command. In particular, the variable
substitution rules and backslash escapes do not apply.
This operation is not as efficient as the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
<command>COPY</command> command because all data must pass through the
client/server IP or socket connection. For large amounts of data this other
technique may be preferable.
Shows the copyright and distribution terms of <application>PostgreSQL</application>.
<term><literal>\d</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">relation</replaceable> </term>
Shows all column of <replaceable class="parameter">relation</replaceable>
(which could be a table, view, index, or sequence),
their types, and any special attributes such as <literal>NOT NULL</literal>
or defaults, if any.
If the relation is, in fact, a table, any defined indices are also listed.
If the relation is a view, the view definition is also shown.
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, any comments associated
with a table columns are shown as well.
If <command>\d</command> is called without any arguments, it is
equivalent to <command>\dtvs</command> which will show a list
of all tables, views, and sequences. This is purely a convenience
<term><literal>\da</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</term>
Lists all available aggregate functions, together with the data type they operate on.
If <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable>
(a regular expression) is specified, only matching aggregates are shown.
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, comments are listed for
each function as well.
<term><literal>\dd</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">object</replaceable> ]</term>
Shows the descriptions of <replaceable class="parameter">object</replaceable>
(which can be a regular expression), or of all objects if no argument is given.
(<quote>Object</quote> covers aggregates, functions, operators, types, relations
(tables, views, indices, sequences, large objects), rules, and triggers.) For example:
=> <userinput>\dd version</userinput>
Object descriptions
Name | What | Description
version | function | PostgreSQL version string
(1 row)
Descriptions for objects can be generated with the <command>COMMENT ON</command>
<acronym>SQL</acronym> command.
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> stores the object descriptions in the
pg_description system table.
<term><literal>\df [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</literal></term>
Lists available functions, together with their argument and return types.
If <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable>
(a regular expression) is specified, only matching functions are shown.
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, comments are listed for
each function as well.
<term><literal>\distvS [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</literal></term>
This is not the actual command name: The letters i, s, t, v, S stand for
index, sequence, table, view, and system table, respectively. You can specify
any or all of them in any order to obtain a listing of them, together with
who the owner is.
If <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> is specified,
it is a regular expression restricts the listing to those objects
whose name matches. If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set,
each object is listed with its associated description, if any.
This is an alias for <command>\lo_list</command>, which shows a list of large objects.
<term><literal>\do [ <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> ]</literal></term>
Lists available operators with their operand and return types.
If <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>
is specified, only operators with that name will be shown.
(Note that, unlike with similar commands, this is not a regular expression
because operator names were likely to interfere with regular expression
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, comments are listed for
each operator.
<term><literal>\dp</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</term>
This is an alias for <command>\z</command> which was included for its
greater mnemonic value (<quote>display permissions</quote>).
<term><literal>\dT [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</literal></term>
List all data types or only those that match <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable>.
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, each type is listed with
its associated description.
<term><literal>\edit</literal> (or <literal>\e</literal>) [ <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> ]</term>
If <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> is specified,
the file is edited and after the editor exit its content is copied
back to the query buffer. If no argument is given, the current query
buffer is copied to a temporary file which is then edited in the same
The new query buffer is then re-parsed according to the normal rules of
<application>psql</application>, where the whole buffer is treated as
a single line. (Thus you cannot make <quote>scripts</quote> this way,
use <command>\i</command> for that.) In particular, this means that
if the query ends (or rather contains) a semicolon, it is immediately
executed. In other cases it will merely wait in the query buffer.
<application>psql</application> searches the environment variables
<envar>PSQL_EDITOR</envar>, <envar>EDITOR</envar>, and <envar>VISUAL</envar>
(in that order) for an editor to use. If all of them are unset,
<filename>/bin/vi</filename> is run.
<term><literal>\echo</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">text</replaceable> [ ... ]</term>
Prints the arguments to the standard output. This can be useful to
intersperse information in the output of scripts. For example:
=> <userinput>\echo `date`</userinput>
Tue Oct 26 21:40:57 CEST 1999
If you use the <command>\o</command> command to redirect your query output
you may wish to use <command>\qecho</command> instead of this command.
<term><literal>\f</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">string</replaceable> ]</term>
Sets the field separator for unaligned query output. The default is <quote><literal>|</literal></quote>
(a <quote>pipe</quote> symbol). See also <command>\pset</command> for a generic way
of setting output options.
<term><literal>\g</literal> [ { <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> | <literal>|</literal><replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable> } ]</term>
Sends the current query input buffer to the backend and optionally
saves the output in <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>
or pipes the output into a separate Unix shell to execute
<replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>. A blank <literal>\g</literal>
is virtually equivalent to a semicolon. A <literal>\g</literal> with argument
is a <quote>one-shot</quote> alternative to the <command>\o</command> command.
<term><literal>\help</literal> (or <literal>\h</literal>) [ <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable> ]</term>
Give syntax help on the specified <acronym>SQL</acronym> command.
If <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable> is not a defined <acronym>SQL</acronym> command
or if <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable> is not specified,
then <application>psql</application> will
list all the commands for which syntax help is
available. If <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>
is an asterisk (<quote>*</quote>), then
syntax help on all <acronym>SQL</acronym> commands is shown.
To simplify typing, commands that consists of several words do not have to be quoted.
Thus it is fine to type <userinput>\help alter table</userinput>.
Turns on <acronym>HTML</acronym> query output format. If the <acronym>HTML</acronym>
format is already on, it is switched back to the default aligned text format. This
command is for compatibility and convenience, but see <command>\pset</command> about
setting other output options.
<term><literal>\i</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></term>
Reads input from the file <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>
and executes it as though it has been typed on the keyboard.
If you want to see the lines on the screen as they are read you must set
the variable <envar>echo</envar>.
<term><literal>\l</literal> (or <literal>\list</literal>)</term>
List all the databases in the server as well as their owners. If the
variable <envar>description</envar> is set, any descriptions for
the databases are shown as well. If your <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
installation was
compiled with multibyte encoding support, the encoding scheme of each
database is shown as well.
<term><literal>\lo_export</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">loid</replaceable> <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></term>
Reads the large object with <acronym>OID</acronym> <replaceable class="parameter">loid</replaceable>
from the database and writes it to <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>.
Note that this is subtly different from the server function <function>lo_export</function>,
which acts with the permissions of the user that the database server runs as and
on the server's file system.
Use <command>\lo_list</command> to find out the large object's <acronym>OID</acronym>.
See the description of the <envar>lo_transaction</envar> variable for
important information concerning all large object operations.
<term><literal>\lo_import</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> [ <replaceable class="parameter">comment</replaceable> ]</term>
Stores the file into a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> <quote>large object</quote>.
Optionally, it associates the given comment with the object. Example:
foo=> <userinput>\lo_import '/home/me/pictures/photo.xcf' 'a picture of me'</userinput>
lo_import 152801
The response indicates that the large object received object id 152801
which one ought to remember if one wants to access the object every again.
For that reason it is recommended to always associate a human-readable
comment with every object. Those can then be seen with the
<command>\lo_list</command> command.
Note that this command is subtly different from the server-side <function>lo_import</function>
because it acts as the local user on the local file system, rather than the server's
user and file system.
See the description of the <envar>lo_transaction</envar> variable for
important information concerning all large object operations.
Shows a list of all <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> <quote>large
objects</quote> currently stored in the database along with their owners.
If the variable <envar>description</envar> is set, the associated
comments are shown as well.
<term><literal>\lo_unlink</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">loid</replaceable></term>
Deletes the large object with <acronym>OID</acronym> <replaceable class="parameter">loid</replaceable>
from the database.
Use <command>\lo_list</command> to find out the large object's <acronym>OID</acronym>.
See the description of the <envar>lo_transaction</envar> variable for
important information concerning all large object operations.
<term><literal>\o</literal> [ {<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> | <literal>|</literal><replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>} ]</term>
Saves future query results to the file
<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> or pipe future
results into a separate Unix shell to execute
<replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>.
If no arguments are specified, the query output will be reset to
<quote>Query results</quote> includes all tables and notices obtained
from the database server, as well as output of various backslash
commands that query the database (such as <command>\d</command>).
To intersperse text output in between query results, use <command>\qecho</command>.
Print the current query buffer to the standard output.
<term><literal>\pset</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">parameter</replaceable> [ <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable> ]</term>
This command sets options affecting the output of query result tables.
<replaceable class="parameter">parameter</replaceable> describes which option
is to be set. The semantics of <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>
depend thereon.
Adjustable printing options are:
Sets the output format to one of <literal>unaligned</literal>,
<literal>aligned</literal>, <literal>html</literal>, or <literal>latex</literal>.
Unique abbreviations are allowed. (That would mean one letter is enough.)
<quote>Unaligned</quote> writes all fields of a tuple on a line, separated
by the currently active field separator. This is intended to create output
that might be intended to be read in by other programs (tab-separated,
<quote>Aligned</quote> mode is the
standard, human-readable, nicely formatted text output that is default.
The <quote><acronym>HTML</acronym></quote> and <quote>LaTeX</quote> modes
put out tables that are intended to be included in documents using the
respective mark-up language. They are not complete documents! (This might
not be so dramatic in <acronym>HTML</acronym>, but in LaTeX you must
have a complete document wrapper.)
The second argument must be a number. In general, the higher the number
the more borders and lines the tables will have, but this depends on
the particular format. In <acronym>HTML</acronym> mode, this will
translate directly into the <literal>border=...</literal> attribute, in
the others only values 0 (no border), 1 (internal dividing lines), and 2
(table frame) make sense.
<term><literal>expanded</literal> (or <literal>x</literal>)</term>
Toggles between regular and expanded format. When expanded format is
enabled, all output has two columns with the field name on the left
and the data on the right. This mode is useful if the data wouldn't
fit on the screen in the normal <quote>horizontal</quote> mode.
Expanded mode is support by all four output modes.
The second argument is a string that should be printed whenever a field
is null. The default is not to print anything, which can easily be mistaken
for, say, an empty string. There one might choose to write
<literal>\pset null "(null)"</literal>.
Specifies the field separator to be used in unaligned output mode. That way
one can create, for example, tab- or comma-separated output, which other
programs might prefer. To set a tab as field separator, type
<literal>\pset fieldsep "\t"</literal>. The default field separator is
<quote><literal>|</literal></quote> (a <quote>pipe</quote> symbol).
<term><literal>tuples_only</literal> (or <literal>t</literal>)</term>
Toggles between tuples only and full display. Full display may show
extra information such as column headers, titles, and various footers.
In tuples only mode, only actual table data is shown.
<term><literal>title</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">text</replaceable> ]</term>
Sets the table title for any subsequently printed tables. This can be
used to give your output descriptive tags. If no argument is given,
the title is unset.
This formerly only affected <acronym>HTML</acronym> mode. You can now
set titles in any output format.
<term><literal>tableattr</literal> (or <literal>T</literal>) [ <replaceable class="parameter">text</replaceable> ]</term>
Allows you to specify any attributes to be places inside the <acronym>HTML</acronym>
<sgmltag>table</sgmltag> tag. This could for example be
<literal>cellpadding</literal> or <literal>bgcolor</literal>. Note that you
probably don't want to specify <literal>border</literal> here, as
that is already taken care of by <literal>\pset border</literal>.
Toggles the list of a pager to do table output. If the environment variable
<envar>PAGER</envar> is set, the output is piped to the specified program.
Otherwise <filename>/bin/more</filename> is assumed.
In any case, <application>psql</application> only uses the pager if it
seems appropriate. That means among other things that the output is to
a terminal and that the table would normally not fit on the screen.
Because of the modular nature of the printing routines it is not always
possible to predict the number of lines that will actually be printed.
For that reason <application>psql</application> might not appear very
discriminating about when to use the pager and when not to.
Illustrations on how these different formats look can be seen in
the <xref linkend="APP-PSQL-examples" endterm="APP-PSQL-examples-title"> section.
There are various shortcut commands for <command>\pset</command>. See
<command>\a</command>, <command>\C</command>, <command>\H</command>,
<command>\t</command>, <command>\T</command>, and <command>\x</command>.
It is an error to call <command>\pset</command> without arguments. In the future
this call might show the current status of all printing options.
Quit the <application>psql</application> program.
<term><literal>\qecho</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">text</replaceable> [ ... ] </term>
This command is identical to <command>\echo</command> except that
all output will be written to the query output channel, as set by
Resets (clears) the query buffer.
<term><literal>\s</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> ]</term>
Print or save the command line history to
<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>.
If <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> is omitted,
the history is written to the standard output.
This option is only available if <application>psql</application> is
configured to use the <acronym>GNU</acronym> history library.
As of <application>psql</application> version 6.6 it is no longer
necessary, in fact, to save the command history as that will be done
automatically on program termination. The history is then
also automatically loaded every time <application>psql</application>
starts up.
<term><literal>\set</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable> [ <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable> ]]</term>
Sets the internal variable <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>
to <replaceable class="parameter">value</replaceable>. If no second argument
is given, the variable is unset (which is different from setting it to,
for example, and empty string: <literal>\set foo ''</literal>). If no
arguments are given, all currently defined variables are listed with their
Valid variable names can contain lower-case characters, digits, and
underscores. In particular, no upper-case characters are allowed, as
those are reserved for certain <quote>magic</quote> variables and
environment variables. See the section about <application>psql</application>
variables for details.
Although you are welcome to set any variable to anything you want to,
<application>psql</application> treats several variables special.
They are documented in the section about variables.
This command is totally separate from the <acronym>SQL</acronym> command
<xref linkend="SQL-SET" endterm="SQL-SET-title">.
Toggles the display of output column name headings and row count footer.
This command is equivalent to <literal>\pset tuples_only</literal> and
is provided for convenience.
<term><literal>\T</literal> <replaceable class="parameter">table_options</replaceable></term>
Allows you to specify options to be placed within the <sgmltag>table</sgmltag>
tag in <acronym>HTML</acronym> tabular output mode. This command is
equivalent to <literal>\pset tableattr <replaceable class="parameter">table_options</replaceable></literal>.
<term><literal>\w</literal> {<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable> | <replaceable class="parameter">|command</replaceable>}</term>
Outputs the current query buffer to the file <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>
or pipes it to the Unix command <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>.
Toggles extended row format mode. As such it is equivalent to
<literal>\pset expanded</literal>.
<term><literal>\z</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">pattern</replaceable> ]</term>
Produces a list of all tables in the database with their appropriate
access permissions listed. If an argument is given it is taken as a regular
expression which limits the listing to those tables which match it.
test=> <userinput>\z</userinput>
Access permissions for database "test"
Relation | Access permissions
my_table | {"=r","joe=arwR", "group staff=ar"}
(1 row )
Read this as follows:
<literal>"=r"</literal>: <literal>PUBLIC</literal> has read
(<command>SELECT</command>) permission on the table.
<literal>"joe=arwR"</literal>: User <literal>joe</literal> has read,
write (<command>UPDATE</command>, <command>DELETE</command>),
<quote>append</quote> (<command>INSERT</command>) permissions,
and permission to create rules on the table.
<literal>"group staff=ar"</literal>: Group <literal>staff</literal>
has <command>SELECT</command> and <command>INSERT</command> permission.
The commands <xref linkend="SQL-GRANT" endterm="SQL-GRANT-title"> and
<xref linkend="SQL-REVOKE" endterm="SQL-REVOKE-title">
are used to set access permissions.
<term><literal>\!</literal> [ <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable> ]</term>
Escapes to a separate Unix shell or executes the Unix command
<replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>.
Get help information about the slash (<quote>\</quote>) commands.
<refsect1 id="R1-APP-PSQL-3">
<title>Command-line Options</title>
If so configured, <application>psql</application> understands both standard
Unix short options, and <acronym>GNU</acronym>-style long options. Since the
latter are not available on all systems, you are advised to consider carefully
whether to use them, if you are writing scripts, etc. For support on the
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> mailing lists, you are asked to only
use the standard short options.
Many command line options are equivalent to an internal slash command or to
setting some variable. Those will not be explained in detail here. Instead,
you are asked to look them up in the respective section.
<term>-A, --no-align</term>
Switches to unaligned output mode. (The default output mode is otherwise
<term>-c, --command <replaceable class="parameter">query</replaceable></term>
Specifies that <application>psql</application>
is to execute one query string, <replaceable class="parameter">query</replaceable>,
and then exit. This is useful for shell scripts, typically in
conjunction with the <option>-q</option> option.
<replaceable class="parameter">query</replaceable> must be either a query string
that is completely parseable by the backend (i.e., it contains no <application>psql</application>
specific features), or it is a single backslash command. Thus
you cannot mix <acronym>SQL</acronym> and <application>psql</application>
meta-commands. To achieve this you could pipe the string into
<application>psql</application> and finish it with a a <literal>\q</literal>,
like so: <literal>echo "select * from foo; \q" | psql</literal>.
<term>-d, --dbname <replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable></term>
Specifies the name of the database to connect to. This is equivalent to specifying
<replaceable class="parameter">dbname</replaceable> as the first non-option
argument on the command line.
<term>-e, --echo</term>
In non-interactive mode, all lines are printed to the screen as they are read.
This is equivalent to setting the variable <envar>echo</envar>.
<term>-E, --echo-all</term>
Echos the actual queries generated by \d and other backslash commands.
You can use this if you wish to include similar functionality into
your own programs. This is equivalent to setting the variable
<envar>echo_secret</envar> from within <application>psql</application>.
<term>-f, --file <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></term>
Use the file <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>
as the source of queries instead of reading queries interactively.
After the file is processed, <application>terminates</application>.
This in many ways equivalent to the internal command <command>\i</command>.
<term>-F, --field-sep <replaceable class="parameter">separator</replaceable></term>
Use <replaceable class="parameter">separator</replaceable> as the field separator.
This is equivalent to <command>\pset fieldsep</command> or <command>\f</command>.
<term>-h, --host <replaceable class="parameter">hostname</replaceable></term>
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the
<application>postmaster</application> is running.
Without this option, communication is performed using
local Unix domain sockets.
<term>-H, --html</term>
Turns on <acronym>HTML</acronym> tabular output. This is equivalent
to <literal>\pset format html</literal> or the <command>\H</command>
<term>-l, --list</term>
Lists all available databases, then exits. Other non-connection options
are ignored. This is similar to the internal command <command>\list</command>.
<term>-n, --no-readline</term>
Do not use the readline library for input line editing and command history.
<term>-o, --out <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></term>
Put all query output into file <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable>.
This is equivalent to the command <command>\o</command>.
<term>-p, --port <replaceable class="parameter">port</replaceable></term>
Specifies the TCP/IP port or, by omission, the local Unix domain socket file
extension on which the <application>postmaster</application>
is listening for connections. Defaults to the value of the
<envar>PGPORT</envar> environment variable or, if not set, to the port
specified at compile time, usually 5432.
<term>-P, --pset <replaceable class="parameter">assignment</replaceable></term>
Allows you to specify printing options in the style of <command>\pset</command>
on the command line. Note that here you have to separate name and value with
an equal sign instead of a space. Thus to set the output format to LaTeX, you
could write <literal>-P format=latex</literal>.
Specifies that <application>psql</application> should do its work quietly.
By default, it prints welcome messages, various informational output and
prompts for each query.
If this option is used, none of this happens. This is useful with the
<option>-c</option> option. Within <application>psql</application> you can
also set the <envar>quiet</envar> variable to achieve the same effect.
<term>-s, --single-step</term>
Run in single-step mode. That means the user is prompted before each query
is sent to the backend, with the option to cancel execution as well.
Use this to debug scripts.
<term>-S, --single-line</term>
Runs in single-line mode where a newline sends a query, in addition to a semicolon.
This mode is provided for those who insist on it, but you are not necessarily
encouraged to use it. In particular, if you mix <acronym>SQL</acronym> and
meta-commands on a line the order of execution might not always be clear to
the unexperienced user. Moral: Unless you exclusively type short queries,
avoid using this mode.
<term>-t, --tuples-only</term>
Turn off printing of column names and result row count footers, etc.
It is completely equivalent to the <command>\t</command>.
<term>-T, --table-attr <replaceable class="parameter">table_options</replaceable></term>
Allows you to specify options to be placed within the <acronym>HTML</acronym>
<sgmltag>table</sgmltag> tag. See <command>\pset</command> for details.
Makes <application>psql</application> prompt for the user name and password
before connecting to the database.
This option is deprecated, as it is conceptually flawed. (Prompting for
a non-default user name and prompting for a password because the
backend requires it are really two different things.) You are encouraged
to look at the <option>-U</option> and <option>-W</option> options instead.
<term>-U, --username <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable></term>
Connects to the database as the user <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable>
instead of the default. (You must have permission to do so, of course.) If
<replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable> is <quote>?</quote>, <application>psql</application>
issues an interactive prompt for the user name.
<term>-v, --variable, --set <replaceable class="parameter">assignment</replaceable></term>
Performs a variable assignment, like the <command>\set</command> internal command.
Note that you must separate name and value, if any, by an equal sign on the command
<term>-V, --version</term>
Shows version information about <application>psql</application> and your
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname> database server, if it could be reached.
The output looks similar to this:
~$ <userinput>psql -V</userinput>
Server: PostgreSQL 6.5.2 on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by egcs
psql 6.6.0 on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 2.8.1 (Oct 27 1999 15:15:04), long options,
readline, history, locale, assert checks
The <quote>Server</quote> line is identical to the one returned by the
backend function <function>version()</function> and thus might vary
if you query different servers by using different connection
The <quote>psql</quote> line is compiled into the <application>psql</application>
binary. It shows you which <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> release
it was distributed with and what optional features were compiled into it.
Although in general (as in the example above) you can use <application>psql</application>
and database servers from different versions (if they don't differ too much)
this is not recommended or
even necessary. The optional features indicate only <application>psql</application>'s
capabilities but if <application>psql</application> was configured with
the same source tree as the rest of the distribution, it gives you an
indication about other parts of the installation as well.
Requests that <application>psql</application> should prompt for a password
before connecting to a database. This will remain set for the entire
session, even if you change the database connection with the meta-command
As of version 6.6, <application>psql</application> automatically issues a
password prompt whenever the backend requests password authentication.
Because this is currently based on a <quote>hack</quote> the automatic
recognition might mysteriously fail, hence this option to force a prompt.
If no password prompt is issued and the backend requires password authentication
the content of the environment variable <envar>PGPASSWORD</envar> is
taken. If this is not set, the connection attempt will fail.
If you are considering setting the variable <envar>PGPASSWORD</envar> to do
authentication, you have a problem.
Turns on extended row format mode. This is equivalent to the command
You may set environment variables to avoid typing some of the above
options. See the section <quote>Connection To A Database</quote> above
and in particular the documentation of the <application>libpq</application>
client library.
<refsect1 id="R1-APP-PSQL-4">
<title>Advanced features</title>
<refsect2 id="APP-PSQL-variables">
<title id="APP-PSQL-variables-title">Variables</title>
<application>psql</application> provides variable substitution features
similar to common Unix command shells. Variables are simply name/values
pairs, where the value can be any string of any length. To set variables,
use the <application>psql</application> meta-command <command>\set</command>:
testdb=> <userinput>\set foo bar</userinput>
sets the variable <quote>foo</quote> to the value <quote>bar</quote>. To retrieve
the content of the variable, precede the name with a dollar-sign and use it
as the argument of any slash command:
testdb=> <userinput>\echo $foo</userinput>
Alternatively, the value can also be interpolated into a double-quoted (or backtick-quoted)
string, like so:
testdb=> <userinput>\echo "foo is now ${foo}."</userinput>
foo is now bar.
(The curly braces are required. This is not <productname>Perl</productname>.) No variable substitution
will be performed in single-quoted strings or in any of the backslash commands
that have special parsing rules (<command>\copy</command>, <command>\help</command>).
The arguments of <command>\set</command> are subject to the same substitution
rules as with other commands. Thus you can construct interesting references
such as <literal>\set "${foo}bar" 'something'</literal> and get <quote>variable
variables</quote> of <productname>Perl</productname> or <productname><acronym>PHP</acronym></productname>
fame. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), there is not way to do anything useful
with these constructs. (<literal>\echo ${${foo}}</literal> doesn't work.) On the
other hand, <literal>\set bar $foo</literal> is a perfectly valid way to copy
a variable.
<application>psql</application>'s internal variable names can consist of
lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores in any order and any number of
them. Upper-case letters are not allowed. (There is a reason for that. Keep reading.)
If you attempt to refer to a variable that does not consist of those
characters <application>psql</application> first checks if it is the name of
one of several defined <quote>magic</quote> variables. Those variables you cannot
set but they always have a value. By convention they all start with an
upper-case letter. Finally, if no match is found that way, the value of
the respective environment variable is substituted.
Currently, the following <quote>magic</quote> variables are defined:
<envar>Version</envar> which contains a string with the version of
<application>psql</application>; <envar>Database</envar>, <envar>Host</envar>,
<envar>Port</envar>, <envar>User</envar> are the currently active
connection options.
A number of regular variables are treated specially by <application>psql</application>.
They indicate certain option settings that can be changed at runtime
by altering the value of the variable. Although you can use these
variables for any other purpose, this is not recommended, as the
program behavior might grow really strange really quickly. Note that the
majority variables are <quote>boolean</quote> variables, that is, they
only care whether or not are they set, not what to. A list of all specially
treated variables follows.
If set, the various <command>\d*</command> commands as well as
<command>\l</command> and <command>\lo_list</command> show object
descriptions along with the normal information. (Except for
<command>\dd</command> which always shows descriptions as this
is its very purpose.)
By default, if non-interactive scripts encounter an error, such as a
malformed <acronym>SQL</acronym> query or internal meta-command,
processing continues. This is often less than desirable. If this variable
is set, script processing will immediately terminate. If the script was
called from another script it will terminate in the same fashion.
If the outermost script was not called from an interactive <application>psql</application>
session but rather using the <option>-f</option> option, <application>psql</application>
will return error code 3, to distinguish this case from fatal
error conditions (error code 1).
If set, all lines from a script are written to the standard output before they
are executed. To specify this on program startup, in conjunction with the
<option>-f</option> option perhaps, use the switch <option>-e</option>.
When this variable is set and a backslash command queries the database, the query
is first shown. This way you can study the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
internals and provide similar functionality in your own programs. If you set the
variable to the value <quote>noexec</quote>, the queries are just shown but are
not actually sent to the backend and executed.
If you use the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> large object interface to store
data that does not fit into one tuple specially all the operations must be contained
in a transaction block. (See the documentation of the large object interface for
more information.) Since <application>psql</application> has no way to keep track if
you already have a transaction in progress when you call one of its internal commands
<command>\lo_export</command>, <command>\lo_import</command>, <command>\lo_unlink</command>
it must take some arbitrary action. This action could either be to roll back any transaction
that might already be in progress, or to commit any such transaction, or to do nothing
at all. In the latter case you must provide you own <command>BEGIN</command>/<command>END</command>
block or the results are unpredictable (usually resulting in the desired action not being
performed anyway).
To choose what you want to do you set this variable to one of
<quote>rollback</quote>, <quote>commit</quote>, or <quote>nothing</quote>. The default is
to roll back the transaction. If you just want to load one or a few objects this is fine.
However, if you intend to transfer many large objects, it might be advisable to
provide one explicit transaction block around all commands.
<term><envar>prompt1</envar>, <envar>prompt2</envar>, <envar>prompt3</envar></term>
These specify what the prompt <application>psql</application> issues is
supposed to look like. See
<quote><xref linkend="APP-PSQL-prompting" endterm="APP-PSQL-prompting-title"></quote>
This variable is equivalent to the command line option <option>-q</option>.
It is probably not too useful in interactive mode.
This variable is set be the command line options <option>-S</option>. You
can unset or reset it at run time.
This variable is equivalent to the command line option <option>-s</option>.
The escape character for <acronym>SQL</acronym> variable interpolation. See below.
<refsect2 id="APP-PSQL-sql-interpol">
<title id="APP-PSQL-sql-interpol-title"><acronym>SQL</acronym> Interpolation</title>
An additional useful feature of <application>psql</application> variables
is that you can substitute (<quote>interpolate</quote>) them into
regular <acronym>SQL</acronym> statements. In order not to break existing
<acronym>SQL</acronym> statements, you must choose your own special
character that tells <application>psql</application> that you wish to
interpolate the value of a variable here. You do this by setting the
variable <envar>sql_interpol</envar>. Only the first character will be
looked at. You can set this variable to anything you want but, for instance,
letters, numbers, semicolons, or backslashes will not make your life easier.
Reasonable choices include the dollar (<quote>$</quote>) and pound
(<quote>#</quote>) signs.
testdb=> <userinput>\set sql_interpol '#'</userinput>
Once this is set up, whenever <application>psql</application> sees the
magic character where it would expect a query, it will continue scanning
until it sees the same character again and will interpret anything in
between as a variable name.
testdb=> <userinput>\set foo 'my_table'</userinput>
testdb=> <userinput>SELECT * FROM #foo#;</userinput>
would then query the table <literal>my_table</literal>. The value of the
variable is copied literally, so it can even contain unbalanced quotes or
backslash commands. You must make sure that it makes sense where you put it.
One possible application of this mechanism is to copy the contents of a file
into a field. First load the file into a variable and then proceed as above.
testdb=> <userinput>\set content `cat my_file.txt`</userinput>
testdb=> <userinput>INSERT INTO my_table VALUES ('#content#');</userinput>
One possible problem with this approach is that <filename>my_file.txt</filename>
might contain single quotes. These need to be escaped so that
they don't cause a syntax error when the second line is processed. This
could be done with the program <application>sed</application>:
testdb=> <userinput>\set content `sed -e "s/'/\\\\\\'/g" < my_file.txt`</userinput>
Observe the correct number of backslashes (6)! You can resolve it this way: After
<application>psql</application> has parsed this line, it passes
<literal>sed -e "s/'/\\\'/g" < my_file.txt</literal> to the shell. The shell
will do it's own thing inside the double quotes and execute <filename>sed</filename>
with the arguments <literal>-e</literal> and <literal>s/'/\\'/g</literal>.
When <application>sed</application> parses this it will replace the two
backslashes with a single one and then do the substitution. Perhaps at
one point you thought it was great that all Unix commands use the same
escape character. And this is ignoring the fact that you might have to
escape all backslashes as well because <acronym>SQL</acronym> text constants
are also subject to certain interpretations. In that case you might
be better off preparing the file externally.
<refsect2 id="APP-PSQL-prompting">
<title id="APP-PSQL-prompting-title">Prompting</title>
The prompts <application>psql</application> issues can be customized to
your preference. The three variables <envar>prompt1</envar>, <envar>prompt2</envar>,
and <envar>prompt3</envar> contain strings and special escape sequences
that describe the appearance of the prompt. Prompt 1 is the normal prompt
that is issued when <application>psql</application> requests a new query.
Prompt 2 is issued when more input is expected during query input because
the query was not terminated with a semicolon or a quote was not closed.
Prompt 3 is issued when you run an <acronym>SQL</acronym> <command>COPY</command>
command and you are expected to type in the tuples on the terminal.
The value of the respective prompt variable is printed literally, except where
a percent sign (<quote>%</quote>) is encountered. Depending on the next
character, certain other text is substituted instead. Defined substitutions are:
<listitem><para>The hostname of the database server (or <quote>.</quote> if Unix domain socket).</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The hostname of the database server truncated after the first dot.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The port number at which the database server is listening.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The username you are connected as (not your local system user name).</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The name of the current database.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Like <literal>%/</literal>, but the output is <quote>~</quote> (tilde) if the database
is your default database.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>If the username is <literal>postgres</literal>, a <quote>#</quote>, otherwise a <quote>&gt;</quote>.</para></listitem>
In prompt 1 normally <quote>=</quote>, but <quote>^</quote> if in single-line mode, and
<quote>!</quote> if the session is disconnected from the database (which can only
happen if <command>\connect</command> fails).
In prompt 2 the sequence is replaced by <quote>-</quote>, <quote>*</quote>, a single quote,
or a double quote, depending on whether <application>psql</application> expects more input
because the query wasn't terminated yet, because you are inside a <literal>/* ... */</literal>
comment, or because you are inside a quote.
In prompt 3 the sequence doesn't resolve to anything.</para>
<term><literal>%</literal><replaceable class="parameter">digits</replaceable></term>
If <replaceable class="parameter">digits</replaceable> starts with <literal>0x</literal>
the rest of the characters are interpreted at a hexadecimal digit and the
character with the corresponding code is subsituted. If the first digit is <literal>0</literal>
the characters are interpreted as on octal number and the corresponding character
is substituted. Otherwise a decimal number is assumed.</para>
<term><literal>%$</literal><replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable><literal>$</literal></term>
The value of the <application>psql</application>, <quote>magic</quote>, or environment
variable <replaceable class="parameter">name</replaceable>. See the section
<quote><xref linkend="APP-PSQL-variables" endterm="APP-PSQL-variables-title"></quote>
for details.</para>
<term><literal>%`</literal><replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable><literal>`</literal></term>
The output of <replaceable class="parameter">command</replaceable>, similar to
ordinary <quote>back-tick</quote> substitution.</para>
To insert a percent sign into your prompt, write <literal>%%</literal>. The
default prompts are equivalent to <literal>'%/%R%# '</literal> for prompts 1
and 2, and <literal>'&gt;&gt; '</literal> for prompt 3.
<refsect1 id="APP-PSQL-examples">
<title id="APP-PSQL-examples-title">Examples</title>
This section only shows a few examples specific to <application>psql</application>.
If you want to learn <acronym>SQL</acronym> or get familiar with
<productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, you might wish to read the Tutorial that
is included in the distribution.
The first example shows how to spread a query over several lines of input.
Notice the changing prompt.
testdb=> <userinput>CREATE TABLE my_table (</userinput>
testdb-> <userinput> first int4 not null default 0,</userinput>
testdb-> <userinput> second text</userinput>
testdb-> <userinput>);</userinput>
Now look at the table definition again:
testdb=> <userinput>\d my_table</userinput>
Table "my_table"
Attribute | Type | Info
first | int4 | not null default 0
second | text |
At this point you decide to change the prompt to something more
testdb=> <userinput>\set prompt1 '%n@%m %~%R%# '</userinput>
peter@localhost testdb=>
Let's assume you have filled the table with data and want to take a look at it:
peter@localhost testdb=> SELECT * FROM my_table;
first | second
1 | one
2 | two
3 | three
4 | four
(4 rows)
Notice how the int4 colums in right aligned while the text column in left aligned.
You can make this table look differently by using the <command>\pset</command>
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset border 2</userinput>
Border style is 2.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>SELECT * FROM my_table;</userinput>
| first | second |
| 1 | one |
| 2 | two |
| 3 | three |
| 4 | four |
(4 rows)
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset border 0</userinput>
Border style is 0.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>SELECT * FROM my_table;</userinput>
first second
----- ------
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
(4 rows)
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset border 1</userinput>
Border style is 1.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset format unaligned</userinput>
Output format is unaligned.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset fieldsep ","</userinput>
Field separator is ",".
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\pset tuples_only</userinput>
Showing only tuples.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>SELECT second, first FROM my_table;</userinput>
Alternatively, use the short commands:
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>\a \t \x</userinput>
Output format is aligned.
Tuples only is off.
Expanded display is on.
peter@localhost testdb=> <userinput>SELECT * FROM my_table;</userinput>
-[ RECORD 1 ]-
first | 1
second | one
-[ RECORD 2 ]-
first | 2
second | two
-[ RECORD 3 ]-
first | 3
second | three
-[ RECORD 4 ]-
first | 4
second | four
<title>Bugs and Issues</title>
In some earlier life <application>psql</application> allowed the first
argument to start directly after the (single-letter) command. For
compatibility this is still supported to some extent but I am not
going to explain the details here as this use is discouraged. But
if you get strange messages, keep this in mind. For example
testdb=> <userinput>\foo</userinput>
Field separator is "oo".
is perhaps not what one would expect.
There are about three different parsers in <application>psql</application>,
in addition to the backend <acronym>SQL</acronym> parser, all doing their own thing
and attempting to get along with each other. Sometimes they do, sometimes
they don't. An excellent example of this can be seen in section
<quote><xref linkend="APP-PSQL-sql-interpol" endterm="APP-PSQL-sql-interpol-title"></quote>.
Changing this situation, however, is beyond feasability.
Several string buffers are assigned fixed sizes at compile time. These
are usually based on certain settings about what the backend can accept
for a particular quantity. If you use <application>psql</application> with
a different backend than the one it was configured for, you might encounter
these limits sooner rather than later.
<title>History and Lineage</title>
<application>psql</application> first appeared in <productname>Postgres95</productname>
to complement and later replace the <application>monitor</application> program. (You see this
name here or there in really old files. The author has never had the pleasure to use this
program though.) An uncountable number of people have added features since to reflect
the enhancements in the actual database server.
The present version is the result of a major clean-up and re-write in 1999 by
<ulink URL="">Peter Eisentraut</ulink> in preparation for release 7.0.
Many people had again contributed their ideas. The author would also like
to recognize the influence of <application>tcsh</application> at a number
of places.
<title><acronym>GNU</acronym> readline</title>
A great deal of <application>psql</application>'s convenience is owed to it
using the <acronym>GNU</acronym> readline and history library for accepting
and storing user input. To verify whether your copy of <application>psql</application>
was compiled with readline support, execute <literal>psql -V</literal> and check the
output for the words <quote>readline</quote> and <quote>history</quote>.
If you have the readline library installed but <application>psql</application>
does not seem to use it, you must make sure that <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>'s
top-level <filename>configure</filename> script finds it. <filename>configure</filename>
needs to find both the library <filename>libreadline.a</filename>
(or <filename></filename> on systems with shared libraries)
<emphasis>and</emphasis> the header files <filename>readline.h</filename> and
<filename>history.h</filename> (or <filename>readline/readline.h</filename> and
<filename>readline/history.h</filename>) in appropriate directories. If
you have the library and header files installed in an obscure place you
must tell <filename>configure</filename> about them, for example:
$ ./configure --with-includes=/opt/gnu/include --with-libraries=/opt/gnu/lib ...
Then you have to recompile <application>psql</application> (not necessarily
the entire code tree).
The <acronym>GNU</acronym> readline library can be obtained from the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
project's <acronym>FTP</acronym> server at <ulink URL=""></ulink>.
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