Update Pgaccess to 0.83

This commit is contained in:
Marc G. Fournier 1998-03-12 13:09:46 +00:00
parent c24ed70193
commit 8175eb3485
6 changed files with 486 additions and 167 deletions

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PGACCESS 0.82 1 March 1998 PGACCESS 0.83 11 March 1998
================================ ================================
I dedicate this program to my little 4 year daughter Ana-Maria and my wife I dedicate this program to my little 4 year daughter Ana-Maria and my wife
for their understanding. I hope they will forgive me for spending so many for their understanding. I hope they will forgive me for spending so many
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Reports
Forms Forms
- open user defined forms - open user defined forms
- form design module available - form design module available
- query widget qlowing access to a recordset - query widget allowing access to a recordset
Scripts Scripts
- define, modify and call user defined scripts - define, modify and call user defined scripts

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
CREATE TABLE pga_queries (queryname varchar(64), querytype char(1), querycommand text);
CREATE TABLE pga_forms (formname varchar(64), formsource text);
CREATE TABLE pga_scripts (scriptname varchar(64), scriptsource text);
CREATE TABLE pga_reports (reportname varchar(64), reportsource text, reportbody text, reportprocs text, reportoptions text);
CREATE TABLE phonebook (name varchar(32), phone_nr varchar(16), city varchar(32), company bool, continent char16);
CREATE TABLE pga_layout (tablename varchar(64), nrcols int2, colnames text, colwidth text);
COPY pga_queries FROM stdin;
COPY pga_forms FROM stdin;
Phone book pb 26 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26} 444x310+284+246 {label label1 {33 12 63 30} {} Name {}} {entry name_entry {87 9 217 30} {} entry2 pbqs(name)} {label label3 {33 39 73 54} {} Phone {}} {entry entry4 {87 36 195 57} {} entry4 pbqs(phone_nr)} {label label5 {33 66 78 84} {} City {}} {entry entry6 {87 63 195 84} {} entry6 pbqs(city)} {query qs {3 6 33 33} {} query7 {}} {button button8 {126 177 198 203} {.pb.qs:setsql "select oid,* from phonebook where name ~* '$what' order by name"\
set nrecs [.pb.qs:nrecords]\
.pb.qs:fill .pb.allnames name} Find {}} {button button9 {159 276 229 302} {.pb.qs:close\
set nrecs {}\
set what {}\
destroy .pb\
} Exit {}} {button button10 {102 249 124 269} {.pb.qs:movefirst\
} |< {}} {button button11 {129 249 151 269} {.pb.qs:moveprevious\
} << {}} {button button12 {156 249 178 269} {.pb.qs:movenext\
.pb.qs:updatecontrols} >> {}} {button button13 {183 249 205 269} {.pb.qs:movelast\
} >| {}} {checkbox checkbox14 {33 87 126 105} {} {Is it a company ?} pbqs(company)} {radio usa {63 108 201 120} {} U.S.A. pbqs(continent)} {radio europe {63 126 204 141} {} Europe pbqs(continent)} {radio africa {63 144 210 159} {} Africa pbqs(continent)} {entry entry18 {30 180 117 198} {} entry18 what} {label label19 {108 219 188 234} {} {records found} {}} {label label20 {90 219 105 234} {} { } nrecs} {label label21 {3 252 33 267} {} OID= {}} {label label22 {39 252 87 267} {} { } pbqs(oid)} {button button23 {9 276 79 302} {set oid {}\
catch {set oid $pbqs(oid)}\
if {[string trim $oid]!=""} {\
sql_exec noquiet "update phonebook set name='$pbqs(name)', phone_nr='$pbqs(phone_nr)',city='$pbqs(city)',company='$pbqs(company)',continent='$pbqs(continent)' where oid=$oid"\
} else {\
tk_messageBox -title Error -message "No record is displayed!"\
} Update {}} {button button24 {84 276 154 302} {set thisname {}\
catch {set thisname $pbqs(name)}\
if {[string trim $thisname]!=""} {\
sql_exec noquiet "insert into phonebook values ('$pbqs(name)','$pbqs(phone_nr)','$pbqs(city)','$pbqs(company)','$pbqs(continent)')"\
tk_messageBox -title Information -message "A new record has been added!"\
} else {\
tk_messageBox -title Error -message "This one doesn't have a name ?\
} {Add new} {}} {button button25 {168 111 231 135} {.pb.qs:clearcontrols\
# clearcontrols stillinitialise\
# incorectly booleans controls to {}\
# so I force it to 'f' (false)\
set pbqs(company) f\
focus .pb.name_entry} New {}} {listbox allnames {246 12 432 240} {} listbox26 {}}
A simple demo form asdf 14 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14} 377x315+170+155 {label label1 {15 36 99 57} {} {Selected color} {}} {entry entry2 {111 36 225 54} {} entry2 color} {radio red {249 21 342 36} {} {Red as cherry} color} {radio green {249 45 342 60} {} {Green as a melon} color} {radio blue {249 69 342 84} {} {Blue as the sky} color} {button button6 {45 69 198 99} {set color spooky} {Set a weird color} {}} {label label7 {24 129 138 147} {} {The checkbox's value} {}} {entry entry8 {162 129 172 147} {} entry8 cbvalue} {checkbox checkbox9 {180 126 279 150} {} {Check me :-)} cbvalue} {button button10 {219 273 366 303} {destroy .asdf} {Close that simple form} {}} {button button11 {219 237 366 267} {open_form "Phone book"} {Open my phone book} {}} {listbox lb {12 192 162 267} {} listbox12 {}} {button button13 {12 156 162 186} {.asdf.lb insert end red green blue cyan white navy black purple maroon violet} {Add some information} {}} {button button14 {12 273 162 303} {.asdf.lb delete 0 end} {Clear this listbox} {}}
COPY pga_scripts FROM stdin;
How are forms keeped inside ? open_table pga_forms\
COPY pga_reports FROM stdin;
COPY phonebook FROM stdin;
IBM 623346234 \N t usa
John Doe +44 35 2993825 Washington f usa
Bill Clinton +44 35 9283845 New York f usa
Monica Levintchi +44 38 5234526 Dallas f usa
Bill Gates +42 64 4523454 Los Angeles f usa
COMPAQ 623462345 \N t usa
SUN 784563253 \N t usa
DIGITAL 922644516 \N t usa
FIAT 623463445 \N t europe
MUGADUMBU +92 534662634 \N t africa
Frank Zappa 6734567 Montreal f usa
Jimmy Page 66323452 f europe
Constantin Teodorescu +40 39 611820 Braila f europe
NGBENDU Wazabanga 34577345 \N f africa
COPY pga_layout FROM stdin;
pga_forms 2 formname formsource 82 713
phonebook 5 name phone_nr city company continent 150 105 80 66 85

View File

@ -1,105 +1,224 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFEBCD" LINK="#0000EF" VLINK="#51188E" ALINK="#FF0000"> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFEBCD" LINK="#0000EF" VLINK="#51188E" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1> <H1>FORMS</H1>
<HR WIDTH="100%"> <P>
<HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
<P>This version (0.82) of PgAccess introduce the visual form builder. <P>This version (0.83) of PgAccess has changed a little the visual form
builder introduced since 0.82 version : variable handling, query-results
interface and control bindings naming convention. Please read it carefully,
download the database demo and practice a while before trying to design
your own forms.</P>
<P>For the moment, it has only some basic widgets : labels, entries, buttons <P>For the moment, it has only some basic widgets : labels, entries, buttons
, listboxes , checkboxes and radiobuttons. , listboxes , checkboxes and radiobuttons.</P>
<P>Also there is a query widget that allows you yo have access to a query <P>Also there is a pseudo query widget that allows you yo have access to
results. a query results. </P>
<P>In a manner very similar with Visual Tcl or Visual Basic, the user must <P><B>How do you generate widgets :</B></P>
select a widget from the toolbar and drags on the canvas the rectangle
that would define the widget. It can also specify some attributes in a <OL>
separate window. Renaming, resizing items are possible modifying parameters <LI>select a widget from the toolbox by clicking the appropriate radiobutton</LI>
in attribute window. Do not forget to press Enter in the edit field after
changing a value in order to be accepted. <LI>move to the canvas , point with the mouse at the desired location and
click the mouse button to begin</LI>
<LI>keeping the mouse-button pressed move the mouse in order to draw a
rectangle that will hold the widget</LI>
<LI>release the mouse-button </LI>
<P>In the rectangle that you have designed it will appear the selected
Move now to the attribute window to change some of its properties.</P>
<P>Renaming, resizing items are possible (for the moment) only by modifying
appropriate parameters in attribute window. You <B>must </B>press Enter
in the edit field after changing a value in order to be accepted. </P>
<P>You can also move items by dragging them or delete them by pressing <P>You can also move items by dragging them or delete them by pressing
Del key. Del key after selecting them.</P>
<P>In attribute window, there are some fields named <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Command <P>In attribute window, there are some fields named <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Command
</FONT></TT></B>and <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Variable</FONT></TT></B>. </FONT></TT></B>and <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Variable</FONT></TT></B>. </P>
<P>The field <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Command </FONT></TT></B>have meaning <P>The field <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Command </FONT></TT></B>have meaning
only for Button widgets and holds the command that will be invoked when only for Button widgets and holds the command that will be invoked when
the button is pressed. the button is pressed. </P>
<P>The field <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Variable </FONT></TT></B>have meaning <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The field <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>Variable </FONT></TT></B>have
only for EditField , Label widgets and checkboxes and it is the name of meaning only for EditField , Label widgets , checkboxes and radiobuttons
the global variable that will hold the value for that widget. For checkboxes and it is the name of the global variable that will hold the value for
the values are 1 or 0. that widget. For checkboxes the values are <B>t</B> and <B>f</B> (from
true and false) in order to simplify binding to logical data fields (PgAccess
0.82 used 0 and 1).</P>
<P>In order to make a simple test, put an entry field and set it's variable <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For radiobuttons, it is usual to assign the
to <B>v1</B> and a button who's command is "set v1 whisky". Press the button same variable to the same radiobuttons within the same group. That variable
"Test form" and click on the button. In that entry should appear whisky. will contain the name of the widget of the radiobutton that has been pressed.
<BR>Another test is defining in Script module a script called "My first Let's presume that you have entered 3 radiobuttons named red, green and
script" having the following commands: blue, all of them having the same variable named color. If you will press
<BR><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>tk_messageBox -title Warning -message "This is my them, they will assign their names to global variable.</P>
first message!"</FONT></TT>
<BR>and then define a button who's command is <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>execute_script <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In order to make a simple test, put an entry
"My first script"</FONT></TT></B>. field and set it's variable to <B>v1</B> and a button who's command is
<H2> &quot;set v1 whisky&quot;. Press the button &quot;Test form&quot; and click
Database manipulation</H2> on the button. In that entry should appear whisky. <BR>
Let's presume that our form have the internal name <B><TT>mf </TT></B>(my Another test is defining in Script module a script called &quot;My first
form). He wil be referred inside the Tcl/Tk source as <B><TT>.mf</TT></B> script&quot; having the following commands: <BR>
<BR>If you want to close the form in run-time you have to issue the command <TT><FONT SIZE=+1>tk_messageBox -title Warning -message &quot;This is my
<B><TT>destroy .mf</TT></B> first message!&quot;</FONT></TT> <BR>
and then define a button who's command is <B><TT><FONT SIZE=+1>execute_script
&quot;My first script&quot;</FONT></TT></B>. </P>
<H2>Database manipulation</H2>
<P>Let's presume that our form have the internal name <B><TT>mf </TT></B>(my
form). He will be referred inside the Tcl/Tk source as <B><TT>.mf</TT></B>
If you want to close the form in run-time you have to issue the command
<B><TT>destroy .mf</TT></B> </P>
<P>Also, any widget will have the name prefixed by <B><TT>.mf&nbsp;</TT></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <P>Also, any widget will have the name prefixed by <B><TT>.mf&nbsp;</TT></B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
We will have <B><TT>.mf.button1</TT></B> or <B><TT>.mf.listbox1</TT></B> We will have <B><TT>.mf.button1</TT></B> or <B><TT>.mf.listbox1</TT></B>
. . </P>
<P>We can name the query widget <B><TT>qry</TT></B> for example. The complete <P>We can name the query widget <B><TT>qry</TT></B> for example. The complete
name will be <B><TT>.mf.qry</TT></B> then. name will be <B><TT>.mf.qry</TT></B> then. <BR>
<BR>The <B><TT>Command </TT></B>property of the query widget must contain The <B><TT>Command </TT></B>property of the query widget must contain the
the SQL command that will be executed. SQL command that will be executed. <BR>
<BR>When the form will be in run-time, automatically you will have acces When the form will be in run-time, automatically you will have acces to
to the following methods : the following procedures and functions : </P>
<P><TT>.mf.qry:execute</TT> - opens the connection and execute the query <P><B><TT>.mf.qry:open</TT></B> - opens the connection and execute the
(returns nothing) query (returns nothing) <BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:nrecords</TT> - returns the number of records in the selected <B><TT>.mf.qry:setsql newsql</TT></B> - set the command query that will
query be executed at the next <B><TT>.mf.qry:open<BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:fields</TT> - returns a list of the fields in the result .mf.qry:nrecords</TT></B> - returns the number of records in the selected
set query <BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:movefirst</TT> - move the cursor to the first record in <B><TT>.mf.qry:crtrecord </TT></B>- returns the current record number inside
the recordset the query result<BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:movelast , .mf.qry:movenext , .mf.qry:moveprevious </TT>- <B><TT>.mf.qry:fields</TT></B> - returns a list of the fields in the result
moves the cursor set <BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:updatecontrols</TT> - update the variables inside the designed <B><TT>.mf.qry:movefirst</TT></B> - move the cursor to the first record
form that have a particular name (I'll explain later) in the recordset <BR>
<BR><TT>.mf.qry:close</TT> - close the connection (<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">if <TT><B>.mf.qry:movelast</B> , <B>.mf.qry:movenext</B> , <B>.mf.qry:moveprevious</B>
you don't close the query result, you will loose memory</FONT></B>) </TT>- moves the cursor there<BR>
<B><TT>.mf.qry:moveto newrecno</TT></B> - move the cursor to that new record
number (first is 0)<BR>
<B><TT>.mf.qry:updatecontrols</TT></B> - update the variables inside the
designed form that have a particular name (I'll explain later) <BR>
<B><TT>.mf.qry:clearcontrols</TT></B> - clear the variables inside the
designed form binded to a query result<BR>
<TT><B>.mf.qry:fill listbox field</B> </TT>- fill the named listbox (whole
widget name as <B><TT>.mf.listbox1</TT></B>) with the all the values of
that field in the current queryresult<BR>
<B><TT>.mf.qry:close</TT></B> - close the connection (<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">if
you don't close the query result, you will loose some memory</FONT></B>)
<P>It's no need to close a query-result if you want to assign it a new
SQL command and open it again. That will be done automatically.</P>
<P>If you want to bound some controls to the fields of the recordset, you <P>If you want to bound some controls to the fields of the recordset, you
will have to name their associate variable like that : will have to name their associate variable like that : </P>
<P><TT>.mf.qry.salary</TT> to get the "salary" field , or <TT>.mf.qry.name</TT> <P><B><TT>mfqry(salary)</TT></B> to get the &quot;salary&quot; field ,
to get the "name" field. or <B><TT>mfqry(name)</TT></B> to get the &quot;name&quot; field. So, you
take the internale name of the form (without the leading point) and merge
it with the query-widget name and you will get a associative arrayname.
The values are given using the field name as a key in this associative
<B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">* WARNING *</FONT></B> The naming style has been
changed from 0.82 version of PgAccess and I cannot guarantee that it not
be changed again in the future. I'm just trying to make it as simple it
could be. The old style naming convention had some incompatibilities with
Tcl/Tk syntax.</P>
<P>It's simple, isn't it ? It's just like a new widget that have some properties <P><B><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT COLOR="#9400D3">QUESTION</FONT> : </FONT></B>Do
and methods that can be accesed. you think that it would be more clear if the above functions and procedures
<BR>Also, the name convention is just like in Tcl/Tk. regarding a query-widget would be named in a similar manner as binded variable
controls ? That mean, <B><TT>mfqry:open</TT></B> and <B><TT>mfqry:updatecontrols</TT></B>
instead of <B><TT>.mf.qry:open</TT></B> and <B><TT>.mf.qry:updatecontrols</TT></B>
<P>The only advantage of <B><TT>.mf.qry:open</TT></B> is that is much closer
to the Tk method of referring objects within a window and it may give to
the programmer the feeling that he is using a object-oriented widget. Since
I cannot use further for naming binded variables a similar manner (<B><TT>.mf.qry.salary)</TT></B>
it might be possible to abandon that naming convention .</P>
<P>Here it is a dumped <B><A HREF="formdemo.sql">sample database</A></B>
that contains a demo database. What should you do ?<BR>
Shift-click the above URL in order to download that tiny file (4 Kb). Create
a empty database and <B><TT>psql yourdatabase &lt;formdemo.sql</TT></B></P>
<P>You should find a single table called &quot;phonebook&quot; a form called
&quot;Phone book&quot; and another &quot;A simple demo form&quot;.</P>
<P>First of all enter and view the phonebook table in table view. Note
the fields and their values.<BR>
Open the &quot;Phone book&quot; form and enter a letter (a, e or i) in
the field to the left of &quot;Find&quot; button then press Find. It's
fine to enter one letter in order to get more records in query result.
You will get information about the number of records selected, in the listbox
you will see all the values of field &quot;name&quot; from the current
data set. Use buttons to move to first, next, previous or last record within
the record set.</P>
<P>In order to add a new record, press the &quot;New&quot; button in order
to get new, clean entries. Fill them with your data and press &quot;Add
new&quot; button. A new phonebook record will be added. Also, if you want
to update a record, change it's values in the displayed fields after finding
it and press &quot;Update&quot; button. The values will be updated in the
database BUT NOT IN THE CURRENT QUERY RESULT . If you want to see them
modified, make a new query trying to find it again.</P>
<P><FONT COLOR="#000080">Before using the results from a query you should
know that the information that has been retrieved could be found only in
your computer client memory. It has <B>no live connection</B> to the data
from the database. That's why it isn't possible to develop a simple update
function as interface to that query-result widget. More than that : a query
result could be obtained from a SQL command that return a non-updatable
data set !!! For example fields gathered from multiple tables or summary
fields. It isn't just simple to make an automatic update procedure. The
programmer must know how to make the update or the append procedure, sometimes
using key fields to point to the desired record or an OID. There are examples
in the demo database in &quot;Phone book&quot; form. It may be possible
that in the future, I will develop another pseudo-widget describing a table.
It would be more simple than to implement an update or append or even a
delete procedure.</FONT></P>
<P>There is in the demo database also another simple form called &quot;A
simple demo form&quot;. It will show you how to handle variables from checkboxes,
radiobuttons, how to use listboxes, open another forms and so on. I think
they will help you.</P>
<P>In order to avoid naming user defined forms with&nbsp; a particular <P>In order to avoid naming user defined forms with&nbsp; a particular
name of another PgAccess form, I would recommend naming them as udf0, udf1 name of another PgAccess form, I would recommend naming them as udf0, udf1
(user defined form 0 , 1 ) (user defined form 0 , 1 ) </P>
<P> <P>
<HR WIDTH="25%"> <HR WIDTH="25%"></P>
<P>Please feel free to send me your oppinion at <B>teo@flex.ro</B> on forms <P>Please feel free to send me your oppinion at <B>teo@flex.ro</B> on forms
designing and usage. designing and usage. </P>
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>KEEP IN MIND ! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THE

View File

@ -1,118 +1,130 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i586) [Netscape]">
<TITLE>PgAccess - a Tcl/Tk PostgreSQL interface</TITLE> <TITLE>PgAccess - a Tcl/Tk PostgreSQL interface</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/3.04Gold (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i586) [Netscape]">
<H1> <H1>PgAccess - a database management tool for <A HREF="http://www.postgreSQL.org">PostgreSQL</A></H1>
PgAccess - a database management tool for <A HREF="http://www.postgreSQL.org">PostgreSQL</A></H1>
<HR> <P>
<P>This program is protected by the following <A HREF="copyright.html">copyright</A> <P>This program is protected by the following <A HREF="copyright.html">copyright</A>
<LI> </P>
<A HREF="pgaccess-0.82.tar.gz">Download the last version of Pgaccess (press
shift and click this link)</A>.</LI>
<LI><A HREF="pgaccess-0.83.tar.gz">Download the last version of Pgaccess
(press shift and click this link)</A>.</LI>
<P>Latest version of PgAccess is 0.83 , 11 March 1998 ! <BR>
&nbsp; </P>
<P>Latest version of PgAccess is 0.82 , 1 March 1998 !
<TR> <TR>
<TD> <TD>
<CENTER></CENTER> <CENTER><P><B><FONT SIZE=+2>PgAccess can now design <A HREF="forms.html">Forms</A></FONT></B>,
<B><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="pga-rad.html">Reports and Scripts</A></FONT></B>
<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+2>PgAccess can now design <A HREF="forms.html">Forms</A></FONT></B>, </P></CENTER>
<B><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="pga-rad.html">Reports and Scripts</A></FONT></B></CENTER>
</TD> </TD>
</TR> </TR>
I think that there were some problems loading libpgtcl library.
<BR>I invite you to read a <A HREF="index.html#libpgtcl">special section <H3><FONT COLOR="#000080">Installation problems</FONT></H3>
concerning <B>libpgtcl</B></A>
<H3> <UL>
<FONT COLOR="#191970">What does PgAccess now!</FONT></H3> <LI>Some problems related with locale special characters could be solved
Here are some images from PgAccess windows : <A HREF="pic-pga-1.gif">Main by this <A HREF="specialchars.html">simple patch</A></LI>
<LI>I think that there were some problems loading libpgtcl library. I invite
you to read a <A HREF="index.html#libpgtcl">special section concerning
libpgtcl</A> </LI>
<H3><FONT COLOR="#191970">What does PgAccess now!</FONT></H3>
<P>Here are some images from PgAccess windows : <A HREF="pic-pga-1.gif">Main
window </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-2.gif">table builder </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-4.gif">table(query) window </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-2.gif">table builder </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-4.gif">table(query)
view </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-3.gif">visual query builder </A>. view </A>, <A HREF="pic-pga-3.gif">visual query builder </A>. </P>
<P><B>Tables</B> <P><B>Tables</B> <BR>
<BR>- opening tables for viewing, max 200 records (changed by preferences - opening tables for viewing, max 200 records (changed by preferences menu)
menu) <BR>
<BR>- column resizing, dragging the vertical grid line (better in table - column resizing, dragging the vertical grid line (better in table space
space rather than in the table header) rather than in the table header) <BR>
<BR>- text wrap in cells - layout saved for every table - text wrap in cells - layout saved for every table <BR>
<BR>- import/export to external files (SDF,CSV) - import/export to external files (SDF,CSV) <BR>
<BR>- filter capabilities (enter filter like (price>3.14) - filter capabilities (enter filter like (price&gt;3.14) <BR>
<BR>- sort order capabilities (enter manually the sort field(s)) - sort order capabilities (enter manually the sort field(s)) <BR>
<BR>- editing in place - editing in place <BR>
<BR>- improved table generator assistant - improved table generator assistant <BR>
<BR>- improved field editing - improved field editing <BR>
<BR><B>Queries</B> <B>Queries</B> <BR>
<BR>- define , edit and stores "user defined queries" - define , edit and stores &quot;user defined queries&quot; <BR>
<BR>- store queries as views - store queries as views <BR>
<BR>- execution of queries - execution of queries <BR>
<BR>- viewing of select type queries result - viewing of select type queries result <BR>
<BR>- query deleting and renaming - query deleting and renaming <BR>
<BR>- <B><BLINK><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">NEW !!!</FONT></BLINK></B> Visual - visual query builder with drag &amp; drop capabilities. For any of you
query builder with drag &amp; drop capabilities. For any of you who had who had installed the Tcl/Tk plugin for Netscape Navigator, you can see
installed the Tcl/Tk plugin for Netscape Navigator, you can see it at work it at work <A HREF="qbtclet.html">clicking here</A> <BR>
<A HREF="qbtclet.html">clicking here</A> <B>Sequences</B> <BR>
<BR><B>Sequences</B> - defines sequences, delete them and inspect them <BR>
<BR>- defines sequences, delete them and inspect them <B>Functions</B> <BR>
<BR><B>Functions</B> - define, inspect and delete functions in SQL language <BR>
<BR>- define, inspect and delete functions in SQL language <B>Reports</B> <BR>
<BR><B>Reports</B> - design and display simple reports from tables <BR>
<BR>- design and display simple reports from tables - fields and labels, font changing, style and size <BR>
<BR>- fields and labels, font changing, style and size - saves and loads report description from database <BR>
<BR>- saves and loads report description from database - show report previews, sample postscript output file <BR>
<BR>- show report previews, sample postscript output file <B>Forms</B> <BR>
<BR><B>Forms</B> - open user defined forms <BR>
<BR>- open user defined forms - form design module available <BR>
<BR>- form design module available - query widget available, controls bound to query results <BR>
<BR>- query widget available, controls bound to query results - <A HREF="forms.html">click here</A> for a description of forms and how
<BR>- <A HREF="forms.html">click here</A> for a description of forms and they can be used <BR>
how they can be used <B>Scripts</B> <BR>
<BR><B>Scripts</B> - define, modify and call user defined scripts <BR>
<BR>- define, modify and call user defined scripts Here is <A HREF="pga-rad.html">a special section concerning forms and scripts</A>
<BR>Here is <A HREF="pga-rad.html">a special section concerning forms and . </P>
scripts</A> .
<P>On the TODO list! <P>On the TODO list! <BR>
<BR>- table design (add new fields, renaming, etc.) - table design (add new fields, renaming, etc.) </P>
<P>&nbsp; <P>&nbsp; </P>
<P>If you have any comment, suggestion for improvements, please feel free <P>If you have any comment, suggestion for improvements, please feel free
to e-mail to : <A HREF="mailto:teo@flex.ro">teo@flex.ro&nbsp;</A> to e-mail to : <A HREF="mailto:teo@flex.ro">teo@flex.ro&nbsp;</A> </P>
<P><B><FONT COLOR="#FF1493"><FONT SIZE=+2>Mailing list for PgAccess </FONT></FONT></B><A HREF="maillist.html">Here <P><B><FONT COLOR="#FF1493"><FONT SIZE=+2>Mailing list for PgAccess </FONT></FONT></B><A HREF="maillist.html">Here
you will find how to subscribe to this mailing list</A>. you will find how to subscribe to this mailing list</A>. </P>
<P> <P>
<HR> <HR></P>
More information about libgtcl</H1> <H1>More information about libgtcl</H1>
Also, you will need the PostgreSQL to Tcl interface library, lined as a
Tcl/Tk 'load'-able module. It is called libpgtcl and the source is located <P>Also, you will need the PostgreSQL to Tcl interface library, lined as
a Tcl/Tk 'load'-able module. It is called libpgtcl and the source is located
in the PostgreSQL directory /src/interfaces/libpgtcl. Specifically, you in the PostgreSQL directory /src/interfaces/libpgtcl. Specifically, you
will need a libpgtcl library that is 'load'-able from Tcl/Tk. This is technically will need a libpgtcl library that is 'load'-able from Tcl/Tk. This is technically
different from an ordinary PostgreSQL loadable object file, because libpgtcl different from an ordinary PostgreSQL loadable object file, because libpgtcl
is a collection of object files. Under Linux, this is called libpgtcl.so. is a collection of object files. Under Linux, this is called libpgtcl.so.
<BR>You can download <A HREF="libpgtcl.so">from here </A>a version already <BR>
compiled for Linux i386 systems. Just copy libpgtcl.so into your system You can download <A HREF="libpgtcl.so">from here </A>a version already
library director (/usr/lib) and go for it. One of the solutions is to remove compiled for Linux RedHat 4.2 i386 systems. Just copy libpgtcl.so into
from the source the line containing <B>load libpgtcl.so </B>and to load your system library directory (/usr/lib or /lib) and go for it. One of
pgaccess.tcl not with wish, but with pgwish (or wishpg) that wish that the solutions is to remove from the source the line containing <B>load
was linked with libpgtcl library! libpgtcl.so </B>and to load pgaccess.tcl not with wish, but with pgwish
(or wishpg) that wish that was linked with libpgtcl library! </P>
<P>If you have installed RedHat 5.0, you should get the last distribution <P>If you have installed RedHat 5.0, you should get the last distribution
kit of postgreSQL and compile it from scratch. RedHat 5.0 is using some kit of postgreSQL and compile it from scratch. RedHat 5.0 is using some
new versions of libraries and you have to compile and install again at new versions of libraries and you have to compile and install again at
least <B>libpq </B>and <B><TT>libpgtcl </TT></B>libraries. least <B>libpq </B>and <B><TT>libpgtcl </TT></B>libraries. </P>
<P>However, the application should work without problems! </P>
<P>However, the application should work without problems!

View File

@ -728,6 +728,12 @@ if {$fdvar(oper)=="move"} {
if {$fdvar(oper)!="draw"} return if {$fdvar(oper)!="draw"} return
set fdvar(oper) none set fdvar(oper) none
.fd.c delete curdraw .fd.c delete curdraw
# Check for x2<x1 or y2<y1
if {$x<$fdvar(xstart)} {set temp $x ; set x $fdvar(xstart) ; set fdvar(xstart) $temp}
if {$y<$fdvar(ystart)} {set temp $y ; set y $fdvar(ystart) ; set fdvar(ystart) $temp}
# Check for too small sizes
if {[expr $x-$fdvar(xstart)]<20} {set x [expr $fdvar(xstart)+20]}
if {[expr $y-$fdvar(ystart)]<10} {set y [expr $fdvar(ystart)+10]}
incr fdvar(objnum) incr fdvar(objnum)
set i $fdvar(objnum) set i $fdvar(objnum)
lappend fdvar(objlist) $i lappend fdvar(objlist) $i
@ -765,6 +771,7 @@ foreach i $fdvar(objlist) {
#close $fid #close $fid
set res [pg_exec $dbc "delete from pga_forms where formname='$fdvar(formname)'"] set res [pg_exec $dbc "delete from pga_forms where formname='$fdvar(formname)'"]
pg_result $res -clear pg_result $res -clear
regsub -all "'" $info "''" info
set res [pg_exec $dbc "insert into pga_forms values ('$fdvar(formname)','$info')"] set res [pg_exec $dbc "insert into pga_forms values ('$fdvar(formname)','$info')"]
pg_result $res -clear pg_result $res -clear
cmd_Forms cmd_Forms
@ -815,6 +822,7 @@ catch {set fdvar(c_text) $fdobj($i,l)}
proc {fd_test} {} { proc {fd_test} {} {
global fdvar fdobj dbc datasets global fdvar fdobj dbc datasets
set basewp $fdvar(forminame)
set base .$fdvar(forminame) set base .$fdvar(forminame)
if {[winfo exists $base]} { if {[winfo exists $base]} {
wm deiconify $base; return wm deiconify $base; return
@ -840,30 +848,82 @@ switch $fdobj($item,t) {
button $base.$name -borderwidth 1 -padx 0 -pady 0 -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -command [subst {$cmd}] button $base.$name -borderwidth 1 -padx 0 -pady 0 -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -command [subst {$cmd}]
} }
checkbox { checkbox {
checkbutton $base.$name -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -variable "$fdobj($item,v)" -borderwidth 1 checkbutton $base.$name -onvalue t -offvalue f -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -variable "$fdobj($item,v)" -borderwidth 1
set wh {} set wh {}
} }
query { set visual 0 query {
set procbody "proc $base.$name:execute {} {global dbc datasets ; set datasets($base.$name) \[pg_exec \$dbc \"$fdobj($item,x)\"\] ; set ceva \[$base.$name:fields\]}" set visual 0
eval $procbody set datasets($base.$name,sql) $fdobj($item,x)
# tk_messageBox -message $procbody eval "proc $base.$name:open {} {\
set procbody "proc $base.$name:nrecords {} {global datasets ; return \[pg_result \$datasets($base.$name) -numTuples\]}" global dbc datasets tup$basewp$name ;\
eval $procbody catch {unset tup$basewp$name} ;\
# tk_messageBox -message $procbody set wn \[focus\] ; cursor_watch \$wn ;\
set procbody "proc $base.$name:close {} {global datasets ; pg_result \$datasets($base.$name) -clear}" set res \[pg_exec \$dbc \"\$datasets($base.$name,sql)\"\] ;\
eval $procbody pg_result \$res -assign tup$basewp$name ;\
# tk_messageBox -message $procbody set fl {} ;\
set procbody "proc $base.$name:fields {} {global datasets ; set fl {} ; foreach fd \[pg_result \$datasets($base.$name) -lAttributes\] {lappend fl \[lindex \$fd 0\]} ; set datasets($base.$name,fields) \$fl ; return \$fl}" foreach fd \[pg_result \$res -lAttributes\] {lappend fl \[lindex \$fd 0\]} ;\
# tk_messageBox -message $procbody set datasets($base.$name,fields) \$fl ;\
eval $procbody set datasets($base.$name,recno) 0 ;\
set datasets($base.$name,nrecs) \[pg_result \$res -numTuples\] ;\
cursor_arrow \$wn ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:setsql {sqlcmd} {\
global datasets ;\
set datasets($base.$name,sql) \$sqlcmd ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:nrecords {} {\
global datasets ;\
return \$datasets($base.$name,nrecs) ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:crtrecord {} {\
global datasets ;\
return \$datasets($base.$name,recno) ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:moveto {newrecno} {\
global datasets ;\
set datasets($base.$name,recno) \$newrecno ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:close {} {
global tup$basewp$name ;\
catch {unset tup$basewp$name };\
eval "proc $base.$name:fields {} {\
global datasets ;\
return \$datasets($base.$name,fields) ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:fill {lb fld} {\
global datasets tup$basewp$name ;\
\$lb delete 0 end ;\
for {set i 0} {\$i<\$datasets($base.$name,nrecs)} {incr i} {\
\$lb insert end \$tup$basewp$name\(\$i,\$fld\) ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:movefirst {} {global datasets ; set datasets($base.$name,recno) 0}" eval "proc $base.$name:movefirst {} {global datasets ; set datasets($base.$name,recno) 0}"
eval "proc $base.$name:movenext {} {global datasets ; incr datasets($base.$name,recno)}" eval "proc $base.$name:movenext {} {global datasets ; incr datasets($base.$name,recno) ; if {\$datasets($base.$name,recno)==\[$base.$name:nrecords\]} {$base.$name:movelast}}"
eval "proc $base.$name:moveprevious {} {global datasets ; incr datasets($base.$name,recno) -1 ; if {\$datasets($base.$name,recno)==-1} {$base.$name:movefirst}}" eval "proc $base.$name:moveprevious {} {global datasets ; incr datasets($base.$name,recno) -1 ; if {\$datasets($base.$name,recno)==-1} {$base.$name:movefirst}}"
eval "proc $base.$name:movelast {} {global datasets ; set datasets($base.$name,recno) \[expr \[$base.$name:nrecords\] -1\]}" eval "proc $base.$name:movelast {} {global datasets ; set datasets($base.$name,recno) \[expr \[$base.$name:nrecords\] -1\]}"
eval "proc $base.$name:updatecontrols {} {global datasets ; set i 0 ; foreach fld \$datasets($base.$name,fields) {catch {upvar $base.$name.\$fld dbvar ; set dbvar \[lindex \[pg_result \$datasets($base.$name) -getTuple \$datasets($base.$name,recno)\] \$i\]} ; incr i}}" eval "proc $base.$name:updatecontrols {} {\
global datasets tup$basewp$name ;\
set i \$datasets($base.$name,recno) ;\
foreach fld \$datasets($base.$name,fields) {\
catch {\
upvar $basewp$name\(\$fld\) dbvar ;\
set dbvar \$tup$basewp$name\(\$i,\$fld\) ;\
eval "proc $base.$name:clearcontrols {} {\
global datasets ;\
catch { foreach fld \$datasets($base.$name,fields) {\
catch {\
upvar $basewp$name\(\$fld\) dbvar ;\
set dbvar {} ;\
} }
radio { radio {
radiobutton $base.$name -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -variable "$fdobj($item,v)" -borderwidth 1 radiobutton $base.$name -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -text "$fdobj($item,l)" -variable "$fdobj($item,v)" -value "$name" -borderwidth 1
set wh {} set wh {}
} }
entry { entry {
@ -877,7 +937,11 @@ switch $fdobj($item,t) {
set var {} ; catch {set var $fdobj($item,v)} set var {} ; catch {set var $fdobj($item,v)}
if {$var!=""} {$base.$name configure -textvar $var} if {$var!=""} {$base.$name configure -textvar $var}
} }
listbox {listbox $base.$name -borderwidth 1 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*} listbox {
listbox $base.$name -borderwidth 1 -background white -highlightthickness 0 -selectborderwidth 0 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -yscrollcommand [subst {$base.sb$name set}]
scrollbar $base.sb$name -borderwidth 1 -command [subst {$base.$name yview}] -orient vert -highlightthickness 0
eval [subst "place $base.sb$name -x [expr [lindex $coord 2]-14] -y [expr [lindex $coord 1]-1] -width 16 -height [expr 3+[lindex $coord 3]-[lindex $coord 1]] -anchor nw -bordermode ignore"]
} }
if $visual {eval [subst "place $base.$name -x [expr [lindex $coord 0]-1] -y [expr [lindex $coord 1]-1] -anchor nw $wh -bordermode ignore"]} if $visual {eval [subst "place $base.$name -x [expr [lindex $coord 0]-1] -y [expr [lindex $coord 1]-1] -anchor nw $wh -bordermode ignore"]}
} }
@ -2565,7 +2629,7 @@ proc vTclWindow.about {base} {
label $base.l2 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief groove -text {A Tcl/Tk interface to label $base.l2 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief groove -text {A Tcl/Tk interface to
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
by Constantin Teodorescu} by Constantin Teodorescu}
label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief sunken -text {vers 0.82} label $base.l3 -borderwidth 0 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief sunken -text {vers 0.83}
label $base.l4 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief groove -text {You will always get the latest version at: label $base.l4 -font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-* -relief groove -text {You will always get the latest version at:
http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess
@ -2883,7 +2947,7 @@ proc vTclWindow.iew {base} {
tk_messageBox -title Information -message "Operation completed!" tk_messageBox -title Information -message "Operation completed!"
Window destroy .iew Window destroy .iew
} }
cursor_arrow .iew catch {cursor_arrow .iew}
}} -padx 9 -pady 3 -text Export }} -padx 9 -pady 3 -text Export
button $base.cancelbtn -borderwidth 1 -command {Window destroy .iew} -padx 9 -pady 3 -text Cancel button $base.cancelbtn -borderwidth 1 -command {Window destroy .iew} -padx 9 -pady 3 -text Cancel
checkbutton $base.oicb -borderwidth 1 -text {with OIDs} -variable oicb checkbutton $base.oicb -borderwidth 1 -text {with OIDs} -variable oicb

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<TITLE>Special locale characters</TITLE>
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/3.04Gold (X11; I; Linux 2.0.32 i586) [Netscape]">
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EF" VLINK="#51188E" ALINK="#FF0000">
<H1>Special locale characters and PgAccess
<HR WIDTH="100%"></H1>
<P>The problem is related with some special characters used in different
countries because PgAccess did not use fonts with `-ISO8859-1' encoding
-- </P>
<P>The sollution was proposed by H.P.Heidinger ( hph@hphbbs.ruhr.de) and
it's very simple.</P>
<P>If you look into PgAccess, you will find fonts declared as follows :</P>
<P><TT>$ grep -e '-font' -i pgaccess.tcl<BR>
-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \<BR>
-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \<BR>
-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \<BR>
-font -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* \</TT></P>
<P>It should be something like: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1</P>
<P>You can achieve this by running the following script :</P>
cp pgaccess.tcl pgaccess.tcl-org<BR>
cat pgaccess.tcl |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\ /\-iso8859\-1\ /g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\}/\-iso8859\-1}/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*\]/\-iso8859\-1]/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-\*\-\*$/\-iso8859\-1/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/\-Clean\-/\-Fixed\-/g' |\<BR>
sed -e's/clean/fixed/g' &gt;pgaccess.iso<BR>
mv pgaccess.iso pgaccess.tcl<BR>
chmod +x pgaccess.tcl</TT></P>
<P>The final version of PgAccess (1.0) will let the user decide what fonts
will be used through a &quot;preferences&quot; dialog window.</P>