Teach verify_heapam() to validate update chains within a page.

Prior to this commit, we only consider each tuple or line pointer
on the page in isolation, but now we can do some validation of a line
pointer against its successor. For example, a redirect line pointer
shouldn't point to another redirect line pointer, and if a tuple
is HOT-updated, the result should be a heap-only tuple.

Himanshu Upadhyaya and Robert Haas, reviewed by Aleksander Alekseev,
Andres Freund, and Peter Geoghegan.
This commit is contained in:
Robert Haas 2023-03-22 08:48:54 -04:00
parent d69c404c4c
commit bbc1376b39
2 changed files with 524 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ typedef struct HeapCheckContext
} HeapCheckContext;
/* Internal implementation */
static void check_tuple(HeapCheckContext *ctx);
static void check_tuple(HeapCheckContext *ctx,
bool *xmin_commit_status_ok,
XidCommitStatus *xmin_commit_status);
static void check_toast_tuple(HeapTuple toasttup, HeapCheckContext *ctx,
ToastedAttribute *ta, int32 *expected_chunk_seq,
uint32 extsize);
@ -160,7 +162,9 @@ static void check_toasted_attribute(HeapCheckContext *ctx,
ToastedAttribute *ta);
static bool check_tuple_header(HeapCheckContext *ctx);
static bool check_tuple_visibility(HeapCheckContext *ctx);
static bool check_tuple_visibility(HeapCheckContext *ctx,
bool *xmin_commit_status_ok,
XidCommitStatus *xmin_commit_status);
static void report_corruption(HeapCheckContext *ctx, char *msg);
static void report_toast_corruption(HeapCheckContext *ctx,
@ -399,9 +403,16 @@ verify_heapam(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
for (ctx.blkno = first_block; ctx.blkno <= last_block; ctx.blkno++)
OffsetNumber maxoff;
OffsetNumber predecessor[MaxOffsetNumber];
OffsetNumber successor[MaxOffsetNumber];
bool lp_valid[MaxOffsetNumber];
bool xmin_commit_status_ok[MaxOffsetNumber];
XidCommitStatus xmin_commit_status[MaxOffsetNumber];
memset(predecessor, 0, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * MaxOffsetNumber);
/* Optionally skip over all-frozen or all-visible blocks */
if (skip_option != SKIP_PAGES_NONE)
@ -433,6 +444,12 @@ verify_heapam(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
for (ctx.offnum = FirstOffsetNumber; ctx.offnum <= maxoff;
ctx.offnum = OffsetNumberNext(ctx.offnum))
BlockNumber nextblkno;
OffsetNumber nextoffnum;
successor[ctx.offnum] = InvalidOffsetNumber;
lp_valid[ctx.offnum] = false;
xmin_commit_status_ok[ctx.offnum] = false;
ctx.itemid = PageGetItemId(ctx.page, ctx.offnum);
/* Skip over unused/dead line pointers */
@ -469,6 +486,14 @@ verify_heapam(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
psprintf("line pointer redirection to unused item at offset %u",
(unsigned) rdoffnum));
* Record the fact that this line pointer has passed basic
* sanity checking, and also the offset number to which it
* points.
lp_valid[ctx.offnum] = true;
successor[ctx.offnum] = rdoffnum;
@ -502,11 +527,237 @@ verify_heapam(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
/* It should be safe to examine the tuple's header, at least */
lp_valid[ctx.offnum] = true;
ctx.tuphdr = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(ctx.page, ctx.itemid);
ctx.natts = HeapTupleHeaderGetNatts(ctx.tuphdr);
/* Ok, ready to check this next tuple */
* If the CTID field of this tuple seems to point to another tuple
* on the same page, record that tuple as the successor of this
* one.
nextblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(ctx.tuphdr)->t_ctid);
nextoffnum = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&(ctx.tuphdr)->t_ctid);
if (nextblkno == ctx.blkno && nextoffnum != ctx.offnum)
successor[ctx.offnum] = nextoffnum;
* Update chain validation. Check each line pointer that's got a valid
* successor against that successor.
ctx.attnum = -1;
for (ctx.offnum = FirstOffsetNumber; ctx.offnum <= maxoff;
ctx.offnum = OffsetNumberNext(ctx.offnum))
ItemId curr_lp;
ItemId next_lp;
HeapTupleHeader curr_htup;
HeapTupleHeader next_htup;
TransactionId curr_xmin;
TransactionId curr_xmax;
TransactionId next_xmin;
OffsetNumber nextoffnum = successor[ctx.offnum];
* The current line pointer may not have a successor, either
* because it's not valid or because it didn't point to anything.
* In either case, we have to give up.
* If the current line pointer does point to something, it's
* possible that the target line pointer isn't valid. We have to
* give up in that case, too.
if (nextoffnum == InvalidOffsetNumber || !lp_valid[nextoffnum])
/* We have two valid line pointers that we can examine. */
curr_lp = PageGetItemId(ctx.page, ctx.offnum);
next_lp = PageGetItemId(ctx.page, nextoffnum);
/* Handle the cases where the current line pointer is a redirect. */
if (ItemIdIsRedirected(curr_lp))
/* Can't redirect to another redirect. */
if (ItemIdIsRedirected(next_lp))
psprintf("redirected line pointer points to another redirected line pointer at offset %u",
(unsigned) nextoffnum));
/* Can only redirect to a HOT tuple. */
next_htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(ctx.page, next_lp);
if (!HeapTupleHeaderIsHeapOnly(next_htup))
psprintf("redirected line pointer points to a non-heap-only tuple at offset %u",
(unsigned) nextoffnum));
* Redirects are created by updates, so successor should be
* the result of an update.
if ((next_htup->t_infomask & HEAP_UPDATED) == 0)
psprintf("redirected line pointer points to a non-heap-updated tuple at offset %u",
(unsigned) nextoffnum));
/* HOT chains should not intersect. */
if (predecessor[nextoffnum] != InvalidOffsetNumber)
psprintf("redirect line pointer points to offset %u, but offset %u also points there",
(unsigned) nextoffnum, (unsigned) predecessor[nextoffnum]));
* This redirect and the tuple to which it points seem to be
* part of an update chain.
predecessor[nextoffnum] = ctx.offnum;
* If the next line pointer is a redirect, or if it's a tuple
* but the XMAX of this tuple doesn't match the XMIN of the next
* tuple, then the two aren't part of the same update chain and
* there is nothing more to do.
if (ItemIdIsRedirected(next_lp))
curr_htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(ctx.page, curr_lp);
curr_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(curr_htup);
next_htup = (HeapTupleHeader) PageGetItem(ctx.page, next_lp);
next_xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(next_htup);
if (!TransactionIdIsValid(curr_xmax) ||
!TransactionIdEquals(curr_xmax, next_xmin))
/* HOT chains should not intersect. */
if (predecessor[nextoffnum] != InvalidOffsetNumber)
psprintf("tuple points to new version at offset %u, but offset %u also points there",
(unsigned) nextoffnum, (unsigned) predecessor[nextoffnum]));
* This tuple and the tuple to which it points seem to be part
* of an update chain.
predecessor[nextoffnum] = ctx.offnum;
* If the current tuple is marked as HOT-updated, then the next
* tuple should be marked as a heap-only tuple. Conversely, if the
* current tuple isn't marked as HOT-updated, then the next tuple
* shouldn't be marked as a heap-only tuple.
if (!HeapTupleHeaderIsHotUpdated(curr_htup) &&
psprintf("non-heap-only update produced a heap-only tuple at offset %u",
(unsigned) nextoffnum));
if (HeapTupleHeaderIsHotUpdated(curr_htup) &&
psprintf("heap-only update produced a non-heap only tuple at offset %u",
(unsigned) nextoffnum));
* If the current tuple's xmin is still in progress but the
* successor tuple's xmin is committed, that's corruption.
* NB: We recheck the commit status of the current tuple's xmin
* here, because it might have committed after we checked it and
* before we checked the commit status of the successor tuple's
* xmin. This should be safe because the xmin itself can't have
* changed, only its commit status.
curr_xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(curr_htup);
if (xmin_commit_status_ok[ctx.offnum] &&
xmin_commit_status[ctx.offnum] == XID_IN_PROGRESS &&
xmin_commit_status_ok[nextoffnum] &&
xmin_commit_status[nextoffnum] == XID_COMMITTED &&
psprintf("tuple with in-progress xmin %u was updated to produce a tuple at offset %u with committed xmin %u",
(unsigned) curr_xmin,
(unsigned) ctx.offnum,
(unsigned) next_xmin));
* If the current tuple's xmin is aborted but the successor tuple's
* xmin is in-progress or committed, that's corruption.
if (xmin_commit_status_ok[ctx.offnum] &&
xmin_commit_status[ctx.offnum] == XID_ABORTED &&
if (xmin_commit_status[nextoffnum] == XID_IN_PROGRESS)
psprintf("tuple with aborted xmin %u was updated to produce a tuple at offset %u with in-progress xmin %u",
(unsigned) curr_xmin,
(unsigned) ctx.offnum,
(unsigned) next_xmin));
else if (xmin_commit_status[nextoffnum] == XID_COMMITTED)
psprintf("tuple with aborted xmin %u was updated to produce a tuple at offset %u with committed xmin %u",
(unsigned) curr_xmin,
(unsigned) ctx.offnum,
(unsigned) next_xmin));
* An update chain can start either with a non-heap-only tuple or with
* a redirect line pointer, but not with a heap-only tuple.
* (This check is in a separate loop because we need the predecessor
* array to be fully populated before we can perform it.)
for (ctx.offnum = FirstOffsetNumber;
ctx.offnum <= maxoff;
ctx.offnum = OffsetNumberNext(ctx.offnum))
if (xmin_commit_status_ok[ctx.offnum] &&
(xmin_commit_status[ctx.offnum] == XID_COMMITTED ||
xmin_commit_status[ctx.offnum] == XID_IN_PROGRESS) &&
predecessor[ctx.offnum] == InvalidOffsetNumber)
ItemId curr_lp;
curr_lp = PageGetItemId(ctx.page, ctx.offnum);
if (!ItemIdIsRedirected(curr_lp))
HeapTupleHeader curr_htup;
curr_htup = (HeapTupleHeader)
PageGetItem(ctx.page, curr_lp);
if (HeapTupleHeaderIsHeapOnly(curr_htup))
psprintf("tuple is root of chain but is marked as heap-only tuple"));
/* clean up */
@ -638,6 +889,7 @@ check_tuple_header(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
HeapTupleHeader tuphdr = ctx->tuphdr;
uint16 infomask = tuphdr->t_infomask;
TransactionId curr_xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tuphdr);
bool result = true;
unsigned expected_hoff;
@ -663,6 +915,19 @@ check_tuple_header(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
if (!TransactionIdIsValid(curr_xmax) &&
psprintf("tuple has been HOT updated, but xmax is 0"));
* As above, even though this shouldn't happen, it's not sufficient
* justification for skipping further checks, we should still be able
* to perform sensibly.
if (infomask & HEAP_HASNULL)
expected_hoff = MAXALIGN(SizeofHeapTupleHeader + BITMAPLEN(ctx->natts));
@ -718,9 +983,14 @@ check_tuple_header(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
* Returns true if the tuple itself should be checked, false otherwise. Sets
* ctx->tuple_could_be_pruned if the tuple -- and thus also any associated
* TOAST tuples -- are eligible for pruning.
* Sets *xmin_commit_status_ok to true if the commit status of xmin is known
* and false otherwise. If it's set to true, then also set *xid_commit_status
* to the actual commit status.
static bool
check_tuple_visibility(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
check_tuple_visibility(HeapCheckContext *ctx, bool *xmin_commit_status_ok,
XidCommitStatus *xmin_commit_status)
TransactionId xmin;
TransactionId xvac;
@ -731,13 +1001,17 @@ check_tuple_visibility(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
HeapTupleHeader tuphdr = ctx->tuphdr;
ctx->tuple_could_be_pruned = true; /* have not yet proven otherwise */
*xmin_commit_status_ok = false; /* have not yet proven otherwise */
/* If xmin is normal, it should be within valid range */
xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuphdr);
switch (get_xid_status(xmin, ctx, &xmin_status))
*xmin_commit_status_ok = true;
*xmin_commit_status = xmin_status;
@ -1515,9 +1789,13 @@ check_toasted_attribute(HeapCheckContext *ctx, ToastedAttribute *ta)
* Check the current tuple as tracked in ctx, recording any corruption found in
* ctx->tupstore.
* We return some information about the status of xmin to aid in validating
* update chains.
static void
check_tuple(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
check_tuple(HeapCheckContext *ctx, bool *xmin_commit_status_ok,
XidCommitStatus *xmin_commit_status)
* Check various forms of tuple header corruption, and if the header is
@ -1531,7 +1809,8 @@ check_tuple(HeapCheckContext *ctx)
* cannot assume our relation description matches the tuple structure, and
* therefore cannot check it.
if (!check_tuple_visibility(ctx))
if (!check_tuple_visibility(ctx, xmin_commit_status_ok,

View File

@ -174,12 +174,16 @@ sub write_tuple
# Set umask so test directories and files are created with default permissions
my $pred_xmax;
my $pred_posid;
my $aborted_xid;
# Set up the node. Once we create and corrupt the table,
# autovacuum workers visiting the table could crash the backend.
# Disable autovacuum so that won't happen.
my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('test');
$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'autovacuum=off');
$node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'max_prepared_transactions=10');
# Start the node and load the extensions. We depend on both
# amcheck and pageinspect for this test.
@ -216,8 +220,15 @@ my $rel = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
qq(SELECT pg_relation_filepath('public.test')));
my $relpath = "$pgdata/$rel";
# Insert data and freeze public.test
my $ROWCOUNT = 17;
# Initial setup for the public.test table.
# $ROWCOUNT is the total number of rows that we expect to insert into the page.
# $ROWCOUNT_BASIC is the number of those rows that are related to basic
# tuple validation, rather than update chain validation.
my $ROWCOUNT = 44;
# First insert data needed for tests unrelated to update chain validation.
# Then freeze the page. These tuples are at offset numbers 1 to 16.
'postgres', qq(
INSERT INTO public.test (a, b, c)
@ -225,10 +236,86 @@ $node->safe_psql(
repeat('w', 10000)
FROM generate_series(1, $ROWCOUNT);
FROM generate_series(1, $ROWCOUNT_BASIC);
VACUUM FREEZE public.test;)
# Create some simple HOT update chains for line pointer validation. After
# the page is HOT pruned, we'll have two redirects line pointers each pointing
# to a tuple. We'll then change the second redirect to point to the same
# tuple as the first one and verify that we can detect corruption.
'postgres', qq(
INSERT INTO public.test (a, b, c)
VALUES ( x'DEADF9F9DEADF9F9'::bigint, 'abcdefg',
generate_series(1,2)); -- offset numbers 17 and 18
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '1'; -- offset number 19
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '2'; -- offset number 20
# Create some more HOT update chains.
'postgres', qq(
INSERT INTO public.test (a, b, c)
VALUES ( x'DEADF9F9DEADF9F9'::bigint, 'abcdefg',
generate_series(3,6)); -- offset numbers 21 through 24
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '3'; -- offset number 25
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '4'; -- offset number 26
# Negative test case of HOT-pruning with aborted tuple.
'postgres', qq(
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '5'; -- offset number 27
VACUUM FREEZE public.test;
# Next update on any tuple will be stored at the same place of tuple inserted
# by aborted transaction. This should not cause the table to appear corrupt.
'postgres', qq(
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '6'; -- offset number 27 again
VACUUM FREEZE public.test;
# Data for HOT chain validation, so not calling VACUUM FREEZE.
'postgres', qq(
INSERT INTO public.test (a, b, c)
VALUES ( x'DEADF9F9DEADF9F9'::bigint, 'abcdefg',
generate_series(7,15)); -- offset numbers 28 to 36
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '7'; -- offset number 37
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '10'; -- offset number 38
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '11'; -- offset number 39
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '12'; -- offset number 40
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '13'; -- offset number 41
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '14'; -- offset number 42
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '15'; -- offset number 43
# Need one aborted transaction to test corruption in HOT chains.
'postgres', qq(
UPDATE public.test SET c = 'a' WHERE c = '9'; -- offset number 44
# Need one in-progress transaction to test few corruption in HOT chains.
# We are creating PREPARE TRANSACTION here as these will not be aborted
# even if we stop the node.
'postgres', qq(
PREPARE TRANSACTION 'in_progress_tx';
my $in_progress_xid = $node->safe_psql(
'postgres', qq(
SELECT transaction FROM pg_prepared_xacts;
my $relfrozenxid = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
q(select relfrozenxid from pg_class where relname = 'test'));
my $datfrozenxid = $node->safe_psql('postgres',
@ -245,11 +332,12 @@ if ($datfrozenxid <= 3 || $datfrozenxid >= $relfrozenxid)
# Find where each of the tuples is located on the page.
# Find where each of the tuples is located on the page. If a particular
# line pointer is a redirect rather than a tuple, we record the offset as -1.
my @lp_off = split '\n', $node->safe_psql(
'postgres', qq(
select lp_off from heap_page_items(get_raw_page('test', 'main', 0))
where lp <= $ROWCOUNT
SELECT CASE WHEN lp_flags = 2 THEN -1 ELSE lp_off END
FROM heap_page_items(get_raw_page('test', 'main', 0))
is(scalar @lp_off, $ROWCOUNT, "acquired row offsets");
@ -268,6 +356,7 @@ for (my $tupidx = 0; $tupidx < $ROWCOUNT; $tupidx++)
my $offnum = $tupidx + 1; # offnum is 1-based, not zero-based
my $offset = $lp_off[$tupidx];
next if $offset == -1; # ignore redirect line pointers
my $tup = read_tuple($file, $offset);
# Sanity-check that the data appears on the page where we expect.
@ -280,7 +369,7 @@ for (my $tupidx = 0; $tupidx < $ROWCOUNT; $tupidx++)
plan skip_all =>
"Page layout differs from our expectations: expected (%x, %x, \"%s\"), got (%x, %x, \"%s\")",
"Page layout of index %d differs from our expectations: expected (%x, %x, \"%s\"), got (%x, %x, \"%s\")", $tupidx,
0xDEADF9F9, 0xDEADF9F9, "abcdefg", $a_1, $a_2, $b);
@ -315,6 +404,9 @@ use constant HEAP_XMAX_INVALID => 0x0800;
use constant HEAP_NATTS_MASK => 0x07FF;
use constant HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI => 0x1000;
use constant HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED => 0x2000;
use constant HEAP_HOT_UPDATED => 0x4000;
use constant HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE => 0x8000;
use constant HEAP_UPDATED => 0x2000;
# Helper function to generate a regular expression matching the header we
# expect verify_heapam() to return given which fields we expect to be non-null.
@ -346,9 +438,11 @@ for (my $tupidx = 0; $tupidx < $ROWCOUNT; $tupidx++)
my $offnum = $tupidx + 1; # offnum is 1-based, not zero-based
my $offset = $lp_off[$tupidx];
my $tup = read_tuple($file, $offset);
my $header = header(0, $offnum, undef);
# Read tuple, if there is one.
my $tup = $offset == -1 ? undef : read_tuple($file, $offset);
if ($offnum == 1)
# Corruptly set xmin < relfrozenxid
@ -361,7 +455,7 @@ for (my $tupidx = 0; $tupidx < $ROWCOUNT; $tupidx++)
push @expected,
qr/${header}xmin $xmin precedes relation freeze threshold 0:\d+/;
if ($offnum == 2)
elsif ($offnum == 2)
# Corruptly set xmin < datfrozenxid
my $xmin = 3;
@ -521,7 +615,137 @@ for (my $tupidx = 0; $tupidx < $ROWCOUNT; $tupidx++)
push @expected,
qr/${$header}xmin ${xmin} equals or exceeds next valid transaction ID 0:\d+/;
write_tuple($file, $offset, $tup);
elsif ($offnum == 17)
# at offnum 19 we will unset HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE and HEAP_UPDATED flags.
die "offnum $offnum should be a redirect" if defined $tup;
push @expected,
qr/${header}redirected line pointer points to a non-heap-only tuple at offset \d+/;
push @expected,
qr/${header}redirected line pointer points to a non-heap-updated tuple at offset \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 18)
# rewrite line pointer with lp_off = 17, lp_flags = 2, lp_len = 0.
die "offnum $offnum should be a redirect" if defined $tup;
sysseek($file, 92, 0) or BAIL_OUT("sysseek failed: $!");
pack("L", $ENDIANNESS eq 'little' ? 0x00010011 : 0x11000100))
or BAIL_OUT("syswrite failed: $!");
push @expected,
qr/${header}redirected line pointer points to another redirected line pointer at offset \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 19)
# unset HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE and HEAP_UPDATED flag, so that update chain
# validation will complain about offset 17
$tup->{t_infomask2} &= ~HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE;
$tup->{t_infomask} &= ~HEAP_UPDATED;
elsif ($offnum == 22)
# rewrite line pointer with lp.off = 25, lp_flags = 2, lp_len = 0
sysseek($file, 108, 0) or BAIL_OUT("sysseek failed: $!");
pack("L", $ENDIANNESS eq 'little' ? 0x00010019 : 0x19000100))
or BAIL_OUT("syswrite failed: $!");
push @expected,
qr/${header}redirect line pointer points to offset \d+, but offset \d+ also points there/;
elsif ($offnum == 28)
$tup->{t_infomask2} &= ~HEAP_HOT_UPDATED;
push @expected,
qr/${header}non-heap-only update produced a heap-only tuple at offset \d+/;
# Save these values so we can insert them into the tuple at offnum 29.
$pred_xmax = $tup->{t_xmax};
$pred_posid = $tup->{ip_posid};
elsif ($offnum == 29)
# Copy these values from the tuple at offset 28.
$tup->{t_xmax} = $pred_xmax;
$tup->{ip_posid} = $pred_posid;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple points to new version at offset \d+, but offset \d+ also points there/;
elsif ($offnum == 30)
# Save xid, so we can insert into into tuple at offset 31.
$aborted_xid = $tup->{t_xmax};
elsif ($offnum == 31)
# Set xmin to xmax of tuple at offset 30.
$tup->{t_xmin} = $aborted_xid;
$tup->{t_infomask} &= ~HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple with aborted xmin \d+ was updated to produce a tuple at offset \d+ with committed xmin \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 32)
$tup->{t_infomask2} |= HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple is root of chain but is marked as heap-only tuple/;
elsif ($offnum == 33)
# Tuple at offset 40 is the successor of this one; we'll corrupt it to
# be non-heap-only.
push @expected,
qr/${header}heap-only update produced a non-heap only tuple at offset \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 34)
$tup->{t_xmax} = 0;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple has been HOT updated, but xmax is 0/;
elsif ($offnum == 35)
$tup->{t_xmin} = $in_progress_xid;
$tup->{t_infomask} &= ~HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple with in-progress xmin \d+ was updated to produce a tuple at offset \d+ with committed xmin \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 36)
# Tuple at offset 43 is the successor of this one; we'll corrupt it to
# have xmin = $in_progress_xid. By setting the xmax of this tuple to
# the same value, we make it look like an update chain with an
# in-progress XID following a committed one.
$tup->{t_xmin} = $aborted_xid;
$tup->{t_xmax} = $in_progress_xid;
$tup->{t_infomask} &= ~HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
push @expected,
qr/${header}tuple with aborted xmin \d+ was updated to produce a tuple at offset \d+ with in-progress xmin \d+/;
elsif ($offnum == 40)
# Tuple at offset 33 is the predecessor of this one; the error will
# be reported there.
$tup->{t_infomask2} &= ~HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE;
elsif ($offnum == 43)
# Tuple at offset 36 is the predecessor of this one; the error will
# be reported there.
$tup->{t_xmin} = $in_progress_xid;
$tup->{t_infomask} &= ~HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
# The tests for update chain validation end up creating a bunch of
# tuples that aren't corrupted in any way e.g. because only one of
# the two tuples in the update chain needs to be corrupted for the
# test, or because one update chain is being made to erroneously
# point into the middle of another that has nothing wrong with it.
# In all such cases we need not write the tuple back to the file.
write_tuple($file, $offset, $tup) if defined $tup;
or BAIL_OUT("close failed: $!");
@ -532,6 +756,10 @@ $node->start;
[ 'pg_amcheck', '--no-dependent-indexes', '-p', $port, 'postgres' ],
2, [@expected], [], 'Expected corruption message output');
'postgres', qq(
COMMIT PREPARED 'in_progress_tx';