# CI configuration file for CI utilizing cirrus-ci.org # # For instructions on how to enable the CI integration in a repository and # further details, see src/tools/ci/README # # # The actual CI tasks are defined in .cirrus.tasks.yml. To make the compute # resources for CI configurable on a repository level, the "final" CI # configuration is the combination of: # # 1) the contents of this file # # 2) if defined, the contents of the file referenced by the, repository # level, REPO_CI_CONFIG_GIT_URL variable (see # https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/programming-tasks/#fs for the accepted # format) # # 3) .cirrus.tasks.yml # # This composition is done by .cirrus.star env: # Source of images / containers GCP_PROJECT: pg-ci-images IMAGE_PROJECT: $GCP_PROJECT CONTAINER_REPO: us-docker.pkg.dev/${GCP_PROJECT}/ci DISK_SIZE: 25 # Define how to run various types of tasks. # VMs provided by cirrus-ci. Each user has a limited number of "free" credits # for testing. cirrus_community_vm_template: &cirrus_community_vm_template compute_engine_instance: image_project: $IMAGE_PROJECT image: family/$IMAGE_FAMILY platform: $PLATFORM cpu: $CPUS disk: $DISK_SIZE default_linux_task_template: &linux_task_template env: PLATFORM: linux <<: *cirrus_community_vm_template default_freebsd_task_template: &freebsd_task_template env: PLATFORM: freebsd <<: *cirrus_community_vm_template default_windows_task_template: &windows_task_template env: PLATFORM: windows <<: *cirrus_community_vm_template # macos workers provided by cirrus-ci default_macos_task_template: &macos_task_template env: PLATFORM: macos macos_instance: image: $IMAGE # Contents of REPO_CI_CONFIG_GIT_URL, if defined, will be inserted here, # followed by the contents .cirrus.tasks.yml. This allows # REPO_CI_CONFIG_GIT_URL to override how the task types above will be # executed, e.g. using a custom compute account or permanent workers.