-- -- first, define the parser. Turn off echoing so that expected file -- does not depend on contents of this file. -- SET client_min_messages = warning; \set ECHO none RESET client_min_messages; -- make test configuration using parser CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testcfg (PARSER = testparser); ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testcfg ADD MAPPING FOR word WITH simple; -- ts_parse SELECT * FROM ts_parse('testparser', 'That''s simple parser can''t parse urls like http://some.url/here/'); tokid | token -------+----------------------- 3 | That's 12 | 3 | simple 12 | 3 | parser 12 | 3 | can't 12 | 3 | parse 12 | 3 | urls 12 | 3 | like 12 | 3 | http://some.url/here/ (15 rows) SELECT to_tsvector('testcfg','That''s my first own parser'); to_tsvector ------------------------------------------------- 'my':2 'own':4 'first':3 'parser':5 'that''s':1 (1 row) SELECT to_tsquery('testcfg', 'star'); to_tsquery ------------ 'star' (1 row) SELECT ts_headline('testcfg','Supernovae stars are the brightest phenomena in galaxies', to_tsquery('testcfg', 'stars')); ts_headline ----------------------------------------------------------------- Supernovae stars are the brightest phenomena in galaxies (1 row)