.\" This is -*-nroff-*- .\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here.... .\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/listen.l,v 1.2 1996/12/11 00:27:54 momjian Exp $ .TH "LISTEN" SQL 03/12/94 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL .SH NAME listen \(em listen for notification on a relation .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBlisten\fR class_name .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .BR listen is used to register the current backend as a listener on the relation .IR class_name . When the command .BI notify " class_name" is called either from within a rule or at the query level, the frontend applications corresponding to the listening backends are notified. When the backend process exits, this registration is cleared. .PP This event notification is performed through the Libpq protocol and frontend application interface. The application program must explicitly poll a Libpq global variable, .IR PQAsyncNotifyWaiting , and call the routine .IR PQnotifies in order to find out the name of the class to which a given notification corresponds. If this code is not included in the application, the event notification will be queued and never be processed. .SH "SEE ALSO" create rule(l), notify(l), select(l), libpq. .SH BUGS There is no way to un-\c .BR listen except to drop the connection (i.e., restart the backend server). .PP The .IR monitor (1) command does not poll for asynchronous events.