/* * This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of * 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson. * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/timezone/localtime.c,v 1.22 2010/03/11 18:43:24 tgl Exp $ */ /* * Leap second handling from Bradley White. * POSIX-style TZ environment variable handling from Guy Harris. */ /* this file needs to build in both frontend and backend contexts */ #include "c.h" #include #include "private.h" #include "pgtz.h" #include "tzfile.h" #ifndef WILDABBR /*---------- * Someone might make incorrect use of a time zone abbreviation: * 1. They might reference tzname[0] before calling tzset (explicitly * or implicitly). * 2. They might reference tzname[1] before calling tzset (explicitly * or implicitly). * 3. They might reference tzname[1] after setting to a time zone * in which Daylight Saving Time is never observed. * 4. They might reference tzname[0] after setting to a time zone * in which Standard Time is never observed. * 5. They might reference tm.TM_ZONE after calling offtime. * What's best to do in the above cases is open to debate; * for now, we just set things up so that in any of the five cases * WILDABBR is used. Another possibility: initialize tzname[0] to the * string "tzname[0] used before set", and similarly for the other cases. * And another: initialize tzname[0] to "ERA", with an explanation in the * manual page of what this "time zone abbreviation" means (doing this so * that tzname[0] has the "normal" length of three characters). *---------- */ #define WILDABBR " " #endif /* !defined WILDABBR */ static char wildabbr[] = WILDABBR; static const char gmt[] = "GMT"; /* * The DST rules to use if TZ has no rules and we can't load TZDEFRULES. * We default to US rules as of 1999-08-17. * POSIX 1003.1 section 8.1.1 says that the default DST rules are * implementation dependent; for historical reasons, US rules are a * common default. */ #define TZDEFRULESTRING ",M4.1.0,M10.5.0" struct rule { int r_type; /* type of rule--see below */ int r_day; /* day number of rule */ int r_week; /* week number of rule */ int r_mon; /* month number of rule */ long r_time; /* transition time of rule */ }; #define JULIAN_DAY 0 /* Jn - Julian day */ #define DAY_OF_YEAR 1 /* n - day of year */ #define MONTH_NTH_DAY_OF_WEEK 2 /* Mm.n.d - month, week, day of week */ /* * Prototypes for static functions. */ static long detzcode(const char *codep); static pg_time_t detzcode64(const char *codep); static int differ_by_repeat(pg_time_t t1, pg_time_t t0); static const char *getzname(const char *strp); static const char *getqzname(const char *strp, int delim); static const char *getnum(const char *strp, int *nump, int min, int max); static const char *getsecs(const char *strp, long *secsp); static const char *getoffset(const char *strp, long *offsetp); static const char *getrule(const char *strp, struct rule * rulep); static void gmtload(struct state * sp); static struct pg_tm *gmtsub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, struct pg_tm * tmp); static struct pg_tm *localsub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, struct pg_tm * tmp, const pg_tz *tz); static int increment_overflow(int *number, int delta); static pg_time_t transtime(pg_time_t janfirst, int year, const struct rule * rulep, long offset); static int typesequiv(const struct state * sp, int a, int b); static struct pg_tm *timesub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, const struct state * sp, struct pg_tm * tmp); /* GMT timezone */ static struct state gmtmem; #define gmtptr (&gmtmem) static int gmt_is_set = 0; /* * Section 4.12.3 of X3.159-1989 requires that * Except for the strftime function, these functions [asctime, * ctime, gmtime, localtime] return values in one of two static * objects: a broken-down time structure and an array of char. * Thanks to Paul Eggert for noting this. */ static struct pg_tm tm; static long detzcode(const char *codep) { long result; int i; result = (codep[0] & 0x80) ? ~0L : 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) result = (result << 8) | (codep[i] & 0xff); return result; } static pg_time_t detzcode64(const char *codep) { pg_time_t result; int i; result = (codep[0] & 0x80) ? (~(int64) 0) : 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) result = result * 256 + (codep[i] & 0xff); return result; } static int differ_by_repeat(pg_time_t t1, pg_time_t t0) { if (TYPE_INTEGRAL(pg_time_t) && TYPE_BIT(pg_time_t) -TYPE_SIGNED(pg_time_t) goback = sp->goahead = FALSE; if (name == NULL && (name = TZDEFAULT) == NULL) return -1; if (name[0] == ':') ++name; fid = pg_open_tzfile(name, canonname); if (fid < 0) return -1; nread = read(fid, u.buf, sizeof u.buf); if (close(fid) != 0 || nread <= 0) return -1; for (stored = 4; stored <= 8; stored *= 2) { int ttisstdcnt; int ttisgmtcnt; ttisstdcnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_ttisstdcnt); ttisgmtcnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_ttisgmtcnt); sp->leapcnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_leapcnt); sp->timecnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_timecnt); sp->typecnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_typecnt); sp->charcnt = (int) detzcode(u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt); p = u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt + sizeof u.tzhead.tzh_charcnt; if (sp->leapcnt < 0 || sp->leapcnt > TZ_MAX_LEAPS || sp->typecnt <= 0 || sp->typecnt > TZ_MAX_TYPES || sp->timecnt < 0 || sp->timecnt > TZ_MAX_TIMES || sp->charcnt < 0 || sp->charcnt > TZ_MAX_CHARS || (ttisstdcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisstdcnt != 0) || (ttisgmtcnt != sp->typecnt && ttisgmtcnt != 0)) return -1; if (nread - (p - u.buf) < sp->timecnt * stored + /* ats */ sp->timecnt + /* types */ sp->typecnt * 6 + /* ttinfos */ sp->charcnt + /* chars */ sp->leapcnt * (stored + 4) + /* lsinfos */ ttisstdcnt + /* ttisstds */ ttisgmtcnt) /* ttisgmts */ return -1; for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) { sp->ats[i] = (stored == 4) ? detzcode(p) : detzcode64(p); p += stored; } for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) { sp->types[i] = (unsigned char) *p++; if (sp->types[i] >= sp->typecnt) return -1; } for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) { struct ttinfo *ttisp; ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; ttisp->tt_gmtoff = detzcode(p); p += 4; ttisp->tt_isdst = (unsigned char) *p++; if (ttisp->tt_isdst != 0 && ttisp->tt_isdst != 1) return -1; ttisp->tt_abbrind = (unsigned char) *p++; if (ttisp->tt_abbrind < 0 || ttisp->tt_abbrind > sp->charcnt) return -1; } for (i = 0; i < sp->charcnt; ++i) sp->chars[i] = *p++; sp->chars[i] = '\0'; /* ensure '\0' at end */ for (i = 0; i < sp->leapcnt; ++i) { struct lsinfo *lsisp; lsisp = &sp->lsis[i]; lsisp->ls_trans = (stored == 4) ? detzcode(p) : detzcode64(p); p += stored; lsisp->ls_corr = detzcode(p); p += 4; } for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) { struct ttinfo *ttisp; ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; if (ttisstdcnt == 0) ttisp->tt_ttisstd = FALSE; else { ttisp->tt_ttisstd = *p++; if (ttisp->tt_ttisstd != TRUE && ttisp->tt_ttisstd != FALSE) return -1; } } for (i = 0; i < sp->typecnt; ++i) { struct ttinfo *ttisp; ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; if (ttisgmtcnt == 0) ttisp->tt_ttisgmt = FALSE; else { ttisp->tt_ttisgmt = *p++; if (ttisp->tt_ttisgmt != TRUE && ttisp->tt_ttisgmt != FALSE) return -1; } } /* * Out-of-sort ats should mean we're running on a signed time_t system * but using a data file with unsigned values (or vice versa). */ for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt - 2; ++i) if (sp->ats[i] > sp->ats[i + 1]) { ++i; if (TYPE_SIGNED(pg_time_t)) { /* * Ignore the end (easy). */ sp->timecnt = i; } else { /* * Ignore the beginning (harder). */ int j; for (j = 0; j + i < sp->timecnt; ++j) { sp->ats[j] = sp->ats[j + i]; sp->types[j] = sp->types[j + i]; } sp->timecnt = j; } break; } /* * If this is an old file, we're done. */ if (u.tzhead.tzh_version[0] == '\0') break; nread -= p - u.buf; for (i = 0; i < nread; ++i) u.buf[i] = p[i]; /* * If this is a narrow integer time_t system, we're done. */ if (stored >= (int) sizeof(pg_time_t) && TYPE_INTEGRAL(pg_time_t)) break; } if (doextend && nread > 2 && u.buf[0] == '\n' && u.buf[nread - 1] == '\n' && sp->typecnt + 2 <= TZ_MAX_TYPES) { struct state ts; int result; u.buf[nread - 1] = '\0'; result = tzparse(&u.buf[1], &ts, FALSE); if (result == 0 && ts.typecnt == 2 && sp->charcnt + ts.charcnt <= TZ_MAX_CHARS) { for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) ts.ttis[i].tt_abbrind += sp->charcnt; for (i = 0; i < ts.charcnt; ++i) sp->chars[sp->charcnt++] = ts.chars[i]; i = 0; while (i < ts.timecnt && ts.ats[i] <= sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]) ++i; while (i < ts.timecnt && sp->timecnt < TZ_MAX_TIMES) { sp->ats[sp->timecnt] = ts.ats[i]; sp->types[sp->timecnt] = sp->typecnt + ts.types[i]; ++sp->timecnt; ++i; } sp->ttis[sp->typecnt++] = ts.ttis[0]; sp->ttis[sp->typecnt++] = ts.ttis[1]; } } if (sp->timecnt > 1) { for (i = 1; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) if (typesequiv(sp, sp->types[i], sp->types[0]) && differ_by_repeat(sp->ats[i], sp->ats[0])) { sp->goback = TRUE; break; } for (i = sp->timecnt - 2; i >= 0; --i) if (typesequiv(sp, sp->types[sp->timecnt - 1], sp->types[i]) && differ_by_repeat(sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1], sp->ats[i])) { sp->goahead = TRUE; break; } } return 0; } static int typesequiv(const struct state * sp, int a, int b) { int result; if (sp == NULL || a < 0 || a >= sp->typecnt || b < 0 || b >= sp->typecnt) result = FALSE; else { const struct ttinfo *ap = &sp->ttis[a]; const struct ttinfo *bp = &sp->ttis[b]; result = ap->tt_gmtoff == bp->tt_gmtoff && ap->tt_isdst == bp->tt_isdst && ap->tt_ttisstd == bp->tt_ttisstd && ap->tt_ttisgmt == bp->tt_ttisgmt && strcmp(&sp->chars[ap->tt_abbrind], &sp->chars[bp->tt_abbrind]) == 0; } return result; } static const int mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}, {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31} }; static const int year_lengths[2] = { DAYSPERNYEAR, DAYSPERLYEAR }; /* * Given a pointer into a time zone string, scan until a character that is not * a valid character in a zone name is found. Return a pointer to that * character. */ static const char * getzname(const char *strp) { char c; while ((c = *strp) != '\0' && !is_digit(c) && c != ',' && c != '-' && c != '+') ++strp; return strp; } /* * Given a pointer into an extended time zone string, scan until the ending * delimiter of the zone name is located. Return a pointer to the delimiter. * * As with getzname above, the legal character set is actually quite * restricted, with other characters producing undefined results. * We don't do any checking here; checking is done later in common-case code. */ static const char * getqzname(const char *strp, int delim) { int c; while ((c = *strp) != '\0' && c != delim) ++strp; return strp; } /* * Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a number from that string. * Check that the number is within a specified range; if it is not, return * NULL. * Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the number. */ static const char * getnum(const char *strp, int *nump, int min, int max) { char c; int num; if (strp == NULL || !is_digit(c = *strp)) return NULL; num = 0; do { num = num * 10 + (c - '0'); if (num > max) return NULL; /* illegal value */ c = *++strp; } while (is_digit(c)); if (num < min) return NULL; /* illegal value */ *nump = num; return strp; } /* * Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a number of seconds, * in hh[:mm[:ss]] form, from the string. * If any error occurs, return NULL. * Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the number * of seconds. */ static const char * getsecs(const char *strp, long *secsp) { int num; /* * `HOURSPERDAY * DAYSPERWEEK - 1' allows quasi-Posix rules like * "M10.4.6/26", which does not conform to Posix, but which specifies the * equivalent of ``02:00 on the first Sunday on or after 23 Oct''. */ strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, HOURSPERDAY * DAYSPERWEEK - 1); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; *secsp = num * (long) SECSPERHOUR; if (*strp == ':') { ++strp; strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, MINSPERHOUR - 1); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; *secsp += num * SECSPERMIN; if (*strp == ':') { ++strp; /* `SECSPERMIN' allows for leap seconds. */ strp = getnum(strp, &num, 0, SECSPERMIN); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; *secsp += num; } } return strp; } /* * Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract an offset, in * [+-]hh[:mm[:ss]] form, from the string. * If any error occurs, return NULL. * Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the time. */ static const char * getoffset(const char *strp, long *offsetp) { int neg = 0; if (*strp == '-') { neg = 1; ++strp; } else if (*strp == '+') ++strp; strp = getsecs(strp, offsetp); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; /* illegal time */ if (neg) *offsetp = -*offsetp; return strp; } /* * Given a pointer into a time zone string, extract a rule in the form * date[/time]. See POSIX section 8 for the format of "date" and "time". * If a valid rule is not found, return NULL. * Otherwise, return a pointer to the first character not part of the rule. */ static const char * getrule(const char *strp, struct rule * rulep) { if (*strp == 'J') { /* * Julian day. */ rulep->r_type = JULIAN_DAY; ++strp; strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 1, DAYSPERNYEAR); } else if (*strp == 'M') { /* * Month, week, day. */ rulep->r_type = MONTH_NTH_DAY_OF_WEEK; ++strp; strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_mon, 1, MONSPERYEAR); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; if (*strp++ != '.') return NULL; strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_week, 1, 5); if (strp == NULL) return NULL; if (*strp++ != '.') return NULL; strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 0, DAYSPERWEEK - 1); } else if (is_digit(*strp)) { /* * Day of year. */ rulep->r_type = DAY_OF_YEAR; strp = getnum(strp, &rulep->r_day, 0, DAYSPERLYEAR - 1); } else return NULL; /* invalid format */ if (strp == NULL) return NULL; if (*strp == '/') { /* * Time specified. */ ++strp; strp = getsecs(strp, &rulep->r_time); } else rulep->r_time = 2 * SECSPERHOUR; /* default = 2:00:00 */ return strp; } /* * Given the Epoch-relative time of January 1, 00:00:00 UTC, in a year, the * year, a rule, and the offset from UTC at the time that rule takes effect, * calculate the Epoch-relative time that rule takes effect. */ static pg_time_t transtime(pg_time_t janfirst, int year, const struct rule * rulep, long offset) { int leapyear; pg_time_t value = 0; int i, d, m1, yy0, yy1, yy2, dow; leapyear = isleap(year); switch (rulep->r_type) { case JULIAN_DAY: /* * Jn - Julian day, 1 == January 1, 60 == March 1 even in leap * years. In non-leap years, or if the day number is 59 or less, * just add SECSPERDAY times the day number-1 to the time of * January 1, midnight, to get the day. */ value = janfirst + (rulep->r_day - 1) * SECSPERDAY; if (leapyear && rulep->r_day >= 60) value += SECSPERDAY; break; case DAY_OF_YEAR: /* * n - day of year. Just add SECSPERDAY times the day number to * the time of January 1, midnight, to get the day. */ value = janfirst + rulep->r_day * SECSPERDAY; break; case MONTH_NTH_DAY_OF_WEEK: /* * Mm.n.d - nth "dth day" of month m. */ value = janfirst; for (i = 0; i < rulep->r_mon - 1; ++i) value += mon_lengths[leapyear][i] * SECSPERDAY; /* * Use Zeller's Congruence to get day-of-week of first day of * month. */ m1 = (rulep->r_mon + 9) % 12 + 1; yy0 = (rulep->r_mon <= 2) ? (year - 1) : year; yy1 = yy0 / 100; yy2 = yy0 % 100; dow = ((26 * m1 - 2) / 10 + 1 + yy2 + yy2 / 4 + yy1 / 4 - 2 * yy1) % 7; if (dow < 0) dow += DAYSPERWEEK; /* * "dow" is the day-of-week of the first day of the month. Get the * day-of-month (zero-origin) of the first "dow" day of the month. */ d = rulep->r_day - dow; if (d < 0) d += DAYSPERWEEK; for (i = 1; i < rulep->r_week; ++i) { if (d + DAYSPERWEEK >= mon_lengths[leapyear][rulep->r_mon - 1]) break; d += DAYSPERWEEK; } /* * "d" is the day-of-month (zero-origin) of the day we want. */ value += d * SECSPERDAY; break; } /* * "value" is the Epoch-relative time of 00:00:00 UTC on the day in * question. To get the Epoch-relative time of the specified local time * on that day, add the transition time and the current offset from UTC. */ return value + rulep->r_time + offset; } /* * Given a POSIX section 8-style TZ string, fill in the rule tables as * appropriate. */ int tzparse(const char *name, struct state * sp, int lastditch) { const char *stdname; const char *dstname = NULL; size_t stdlen; size_t dstlen; long stdoffset; long dstoffset; pg_time_t *atp; unsigned char *typep; char *cp; int load_result; stdname = name; if (lastditch) { stdlen = strlen(name); /* length of standard zone name */ name += stdlen; if (stdlen >= sizeof sp->chars) stdlen = (sizeof sp->chars) - 1; stdoffset = 0; /* * Unlike the original zic library, do NOT invoke tzload() here; we * can't assume pg_open_tzfile() is sane yet, and we don't care about * leap seconds anyway. */ load_result = -1; } else { if (*name == '<') { name++; stdname = name; name = getqzname(name, '>'); if (*name != '>') return (-1); stdlen = name - stdname; name++; } else { name = getzname(name); stdlen = name - stdname; } if (*name == '\0') return -1; name = getoffset(name, &stdoffset); if (name == NULL) return -1; load_result = tzload(TZDEFRULES, NULL, sp, FALSE); } if (load_result != 0) sp->leapcnt = 0; /* so, we're off a little */ if (*name != '\0') { if (*name == '<') { dstname = ++name; name = getqzname(name, '>'); if (*name != '>') return -1; dstlen = name - dstname; name++; } else { dstname = name; name = getzname(name); dstlen = name - dstname; /* length of DST zone name */ } if (*name != '\0' && *name != ',' && *name != ';') { name = getoffset(name, &dstoffset); if (name == NULL) return -1; } else dstoffset = stdoffset - SECSPERHOUR; if (*name == '\0' && load_result != 0) name = TZDEFRULESTRING; if (*name == ',' || *name == ';') { struct rule start; struct rule end; int year; pg_time_t janfirst; pg_time_t starttime; pg_time_t endtime; ++name; if ((name = getrule(name, &start)) == NULL) return -1; if (*name++ != ',') return -1; if ((name = getrule(name, &end)) == NULL) return -1; if (*name != '\0') return -1; sp->typecnt = 2; /* standard time and DST */ /* * Two transitions per year, from EPOCH_YEAR forward. */ sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -dstoffset; sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = 1; sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = stdlen + 1; sp->ttis[1].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset; sp->ttis[1].tt_isdst = 0; sp->ttis[1].tt_abbrind = 0; atp = sp->ats; typep = sp->types; janfirst = 0; sp->timecnt = 0; for (year = EPOCH_YEAR; sp->timecnt + 2 <= TZ_MAX_TIMES; ++year) { pg_time_t newfirst; starttime = transtime(janfirst, year, &start, stdoffset); endtime = transtime(janfirst, year, &end, dstoffset); if (starttime > endtime) { *atp++ = endtime; *typep++ = 1; /* DST ends */ *atp++ = starttime; *typep++ = 0; /* DST begins */ } else { *atp++ = starttime; *typep++ = 0; /* DST begins */ *atp++ = endtime; *typep++ = 1; /* DST ends */ } sp->timecnt += 2; newfirst = janfirst; newfirst += year_lengths[isleap(year)] * SECSPERDAY; if (newfirst <= janfirst) break; janfirst = newfirst; } } else { long theirstdoffset; long theirdstoffset; long theiroffset; int isdst; int i; int j; if (*name != '\0') return -1; /* * Initial values of theirstdoffset and theirdstoffset. */ theirstdoffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) { j = sp->types[i]; if (!sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst) { theirstdoffset = -sp->ttis[j].tt_gmtoff; break; } } theirdstoffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) { j = sp->types[i]; if (sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst) { theirdstoffset = -sp->ttis[j].tt_gmtoff; break; } } /* * Initially we're assumed to be in standard time. */ isdst = FALSE; theiroffset = theirstdoffset; /* * Now juggle transition times and types tracking offsets as you * do. */ for (i = 0; i < sp->timecnt; ++i) { j = sp->types[i]; sp->types[i] = sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst; if (sp->ttis[j].tt_ttisgmt) { /* No adjustment to transition time */ } else { /* * If summer time is in effect, and the transition time * was not specified as standard time, add the summer time * offset to the transition time; otherwise, add the * standard time offset to the transition time. */ /* * Transitions from DST to DDST will effectively disappear * since POSIX provides for only one DST offset. */ if (isdst && !sp->ttis[j].tt_ttisstd) { sp->ats[i] += dstoffset - theirdstoffset; } else { sp->ats[i] += stdoffset - theirstdoffset; } } theiroffset = -sp->ttis[j].tt_gmtoff; if (sp->ttis[j].tt_isdst) theirdstoffset = theiroffset; else theirstdoffset = theiroffset; } /* * Finally, fill in ttis. ttisstd and ttisgmt need not be handled. */ sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset; sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = FALSE; sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0; sp->ttis[1].tt_gmtoff = -dstoffset; sp->ttis[1].tt_isdst = TRUE; sp->ttis[1].tt_abbrind = stdlen + 1; sp->typecnt = 2; } } else { dstlen = 0; sp->typecnt = 1; /* only standard time */ sp->timecnt = 0; sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff = -stdoffset; sp->ttis[0].tt_isdst = 0; sp->ttis[0].tt_abbrind = 0; } sp->charcnt = stdlen + 1; if (dstlen != 0) sp->charcnt += dstlen + 1; if ((size_t) sp->charcnt > sizeof sp->chars) return -1; cp = sp->chars; (void) strncpy(cp, stdname, stdlen); cp += stdlen; *cp++ = '\0'; if (dstlen != 0) { (void) strncpy(cp, dstname, dstlen); *(cp + dstlen) = '\0'; } return 0; } static void gmtload(struct state * sp) { if (tzload(gmt, NULL, sp, TRUE) != 0) (void) tzparse(gmt, sp, TRUE); } /* * The easy way to behave "as if no library function calls" localtime * is to not call it--so we drop its guts into "localsub", which can be * freely called. (And no, the PANS doesn't require the above behavior-- * but it *is* desirable.) * * The unused offset argument is for the benefit of mktime variants. */ static struct pg_tm * localsub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, struct pg_tm * tmp, const pg_tz *tz) { const struct state *sp; const struct ttinfo *ttisp; int i; struct pg_tm *result; const pg_time_t t = *timep; sp = &tz->state; if ((sp->goback && t < sp->ats[0]) || (sp->goahead && t > sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1])) { pg_time_t newt = t; pg_time_t seconds; pg_time_t tcycles; int64 icycles; if (t < sp->ats[0]) seconds = sp->ats[0] - t; else seconds = t - sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]; --seconds; tcycles = seconds / YEARSPERREPEAT / AVGSECSPERYEAR; ++tcycles; icycles = tcycles; if (tcycles - icycles >= 1 || icycles - tcycles >= 1) return NULL; seconds = icycles; seconds *= YEARSPERREPEAT; seconds *= AVGSECSPERYEAR; if (t < sp->ats[0]) newt += seconds; else newt -= seconds; if (newt < sp->ats[0] || newt > sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]) return NULL; /* "cannot happen" */ result = localsub(&newt, offset, tmp, tz); if (result == tmp) { pg_time_t newy; newy = tmp->tm_year; if (t < sp->ats[0]) newy -= icycles * YEARSPERREPEAT; else newy += icycles * YEARSPERREPEAT; tmp->tm_year = newy; if (tmp->tm_year != newy) return NULL; } return result; } if (sp->timecnt == 0 || t < sp->ats[0]) { i = 0; while (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst) if (++i >= sp->typecnt) { i = 0; break; } } else { int lo = 1; int hi = sp->timecnt; while (lo < hi) { int mid = (lo + hi) >> 1; if (t < sp->ats[mid]) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1; } i = (int) sp->types[lo - 1]; } ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; result = timesub(&t, ttisp->tt_gmtoff, sp, tmp); tmp->tm_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; tmp->tm_zone = &sp->chars[ttisp->tt_abbrind]; return result; } struct pg_tm * pg_localtime(const pg_time_t *timep, const pg_tz *tz) { return localsub(timep, 0L, &tm, tz); } /* * gmtsub is to gmtime as localsub is to localtime. */ static struct pg_tm * gmtsub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, struct pg_tm * tmp) { struct pg_tm *result; if (!gmt_is_set) { gmt_is_set = TRUE; gmtload(gmtptr); } result = timesub(timep, offset, gmtptr, tmp); /* * Could get fancy here and deliver something such as "UTC+xxxx" or * "UTC-xxxx" if offset is non-zero, but this is no time for a treasure * hunt. */ if (offset != 0) tmp->tm_zone = wildabbr; else tmp->tm_zone = gmtptr->chars; return result; } struct pg_tm * pg_gmtime(const pg_time_t *timep) { return gmtsub(timep, 0L, &tm); } /* * Return the number of leap years through the end of the given year * where, to make the math easy, the answer for year zero is defined as zero. */ static int leaps_thru_end_of(const int y) { return (y >= 0) ? (y / 4 - y / 100 + y / 400) : -(leaps_thru_end_of(-(y + 1)) + 1); } static struct pg_tm * timesub(const pg_time_t *timep, long offset, const struct state * sp, struct pg_tm * tmp) { const struct lsinfo *lp; pg_time_t tdays; int idays; /* unsigned would be so 2003 */ long rem; int y; const int *ip; long corr; int hit; int i; corr = 0; hit = 0; i = sp->leapcnt; while (--i >= 0) { lp = &sp->lsis[i]; if (*timep >= lp->ls_trans) { if (*timep == lp->ls_trans) { hit = ((i == 0 && lp->ls_corr > 0) || lp->ls_corr > sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr); if (hit) while (i > 0 && sp->lsis[i].ls_trans == sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_trans + 1 && sp->lsis[i].ls_corr == sp->lsis[i - 1].ls_corr + 1) { ++hit; --i; } } corr = lp->ls_corr; break; } } y = EPOCH_YEAR; tdays = *timep / SECSPERDAY; rem = *timep - tdays * SECSPERDAY; while (tdays < 0 || tdays >= year_lengths[isleap(y)]) { int newy; pg_time_t tdelta; int idelta; int leapdays; tdelta = tdays / DAYSPERLYEAR; idelta = tdelta; if (tdelta - idelta >= 1 || idelta - tdelta >= 1) return NULL; if (idelta == 0) idelta = (tdays < 0) ? -1 : 1; newy = y; if (increment_overflow(&newy, idelta)) return NULL; leapdays = leaps_thru_end_of(newy - 1) - leaps_thru_end_of(y - 1); tdays -= ((pg_time_t) newy - y) * DAYSPERNYEAR; tdays -= leapdays; y = newy; } { long seconds; seconds = tdays * SECSPERDAY + 0.5; tdays = seconds / SECSPERDAY; rem += seconds - tdays * SECSPERDAY; } /* * Given the range, we can now fearlessly cast... */ idays = tdays; rem += offset - corr; while (rem < 0) { rem += SECSPERDAY; --idays; } while (rem >= SECSPERDAY) { rem -= SECSPERDAY; ++idays; } while (idays < 0) { if (increment_overflow(&y, -1)) return NULL; idays += year_lengths[isleap(y)]; } while (idays >= year_lengths[isleap(y)]) { idays -= year_lengths[isleap(y)]; if (increment_overflow(&y, 1)) return NULL; } tmp->tm_year = y; if (increment_overflow(&tmp->tm_year, -TM_YEAR_BASE)) return NULL; tmp->tm_yday = idays; /* * The "extra" mods below avoid overflow problems. */ tmp->tm_wday = EPOCH_WDAY + ((y - EPOCH_YEAR) % DAYSPERWEEK) * (DAYSPERNYEAR % DAYSPERWEEK) + leaps_thru_end_of(y - 1) - leaps_thru_end_of(EPOCH_YEAR - 1) + idays; tmp->tm_wday %= DAYSPERWEEK; if (tmp->tm_wday < 0) tmp->tm_wday += DAYSPERWEEK; tmp->tm_hour = (int) (rem / SECSPERHOUR); rem %= SECSPERHOUR; tmp->tm_min = (int) (rem / SECSPERMIN); /* * A positive leap second requires a special representation. This uses * "... ??:59:60" et seq. */ tmp->tm_sec = (int) (rem % SECSPERMIN) + hit; ip = mon_lengths[isleap(y)]; for (tmp->tm_mon = 0; idays >= ip[tmp->tm_mon]; ++(tmp->tm_mon)) idays -= ip[tmp->tm_mon]; tmp->tm_mday = (int) (idays + 1); tmp->tm_isdst = 0; tmp->tm_gmtoff = offset; return tmp; } /* * Simplified normalize logic courtesy Paul Eggert. */ static int increment_overflow(int *number, int delta) { int number0; number0 = *number; *number += delta; return (*number < number0) != (delta < 0); } /* * Find the next DST transition time at or after the given time * * *timep is the input value, the other parameters are output values. * * When the function result is 1, *boundary is set to the time_t * representation of the next DST transition time at or after *timep, * *before_gmtoff and *before_isdst are set to the GMT offset and isdst * state prevailing just before that boundary, and *after_gmtoff and * *after_isdst are set to the state prevailing just after that boundary. * * When the function result is 0, there is no known DST transition at or * after *timep, but *before_gmtoff and *before_isdst indicate the GMT * offset and isdst state prevailing at *timep. (This would occur in * DST-less time zones, for example.) * * A function result of -1 indicates failure (this case does not actually * occur in our current implementation). */ int pg_next_dst_boundary(const pg_time_t *timep, long int *before_gmtoff, int *before_isdst, pg_time_t *boundary, long int *after_gmtoff, int *after_isdst, const pg_tz *tz) { const struct state *sp; const struct ttinfo *ttisp; int i; int j; const pg_time_t t = *timep; sp = &tz->state; if (sp->timecnt == 0) { /* non-DST zone, use lowest-numbered standard type */ i = 0; while (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst) if (++i >= sp->typecnt) { i = 0; break; } ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; *before_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *before_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; return 0; } if ((sp->goback && t < sp->ats[0]) || (sp->goahead && t > sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1])) { /* For values outside the transition table, extrapolate */ pg_time_t newt = t; pg_time_t seconds; pg_time_t tcycles; int64 icycles; int result; if (t < sp->ats[0]) seconds = sp->ats[0] - t; else seconds = t - sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]; --seconds; tcycles = seconds / YEARSPERREPEAT / AVGSECSPERYEAR; ++tcycles; icycles = tcycles; if (tcycles - icycles >= 1 || icycles - tcycles >= 1) return -1; seconds = icycles; seconds *= YEARSPERREPEAT; seconds *= AVGSECSPERYEAR; if (t < sp->ats[0]) newt += seconds; else newt -= seconds; if (newt < sp->ats[0] || newt > sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]) return -1; /* "cannot happen" */ result = pg_next_dst_boundary(&newt, before_gmtoff, before_isdst, boundary, after_gmtoff, after_isdst, tz); if (t < sp->ats[0]) *boundary -= seconds; else *boundary += seconds; return result; } if (t > sp->ats[sp->timecnt - 1]) { /* No known transition >= t, so use last known segment's type */ i = sp->types[sp->timecnt - 1]; ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; *before_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *before_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; return 0; } if (t <= sp->ats[0]) { /* For "before", use lowest-numbered standard type */ i = 0; while (sp->ttis[i].tt_isdst) if (++i >= sp->typecnt) { i = 0; break; } ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; *before_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *before_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; *boundary = sp->ats[0]; /* And for "after", use the first segment's type */ i = sp->types[0]; ttisp = &sp->ttis[i]; *after_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *after_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; return 1; } /* Else search to find the containing segment */ { int lo = 1; int hi = sp->timecnt; while (lo < hi) { int mid = (lo + hi) >> 1; if (t < sp->ats[mid]) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1; } i = lo; } j = sp->types[i - 1]; ttisp = &sp->ttis[j]; *before_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *before_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; *boundary = sp->ats[i]; j = sp->types[i]; ttisp = &sp->ttis[j]; *after_gmtoff = ttisp->tt_gmtoff; *after_isdst = ttisp->tt_isdst; return 1; } /* * If the given timezone uses only one GMT offset, store that offset * into *gmtoff and return TRUE, else return FALSE. */ bool pg_get_timezone_offset(const pg_tz *tz, long int *gmtoff) { /* * The zone could have more than one ttinfo, if it's historically used * more than one abbreviation. We return TRUE as long as they all have * the same gmtoff. */ const struct state *sp; int i; sp = &tz->state; for (i = 1; i < sp->typecnt; i++) { if (sp->ttis[i].tt_gmtoff != sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff) return false; } *gmtoff = sp->ttis[0].tt_gmtoff; return true; } /* * Return the name of the current timezone */ const char * pg_get_timezone_name(pg_tz *tz) { if (tz) return tz->TZname; return NULL; }