/* * relfilenode.c * * relfilenode functions * * Copyright (c) 2010, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * contrib/pg_upgrade/relfilenode.c */ #include "pg_upgrade.h" #include "catalog/pg_class.h" #include "access/transam.h" static void transfer_single_new_db(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, FileNameMap *maps, int size); static void transfer_relfile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *fromfile, const char *tofile, const char *oldnspname, const char *oldrelname, const char *newnspname, const char *newrelname); /* used by scandir(), must be global */ char scandir_file_pattern[MAXPGPATH]; /* * transfer_all_new_dbs() * * Responsible for upgrading all database. invokes routines to generate mappings and then * physically link the databases. */ const char * transfer_all_new_dbs(DbInfoArr *olddb_arr, DbInfoArr *newdb_arr, char *old_pgdata, char *new_pgdata) { int dbnum; const char *msg = NULL; prep_status("Restoring user relation files\n"); for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < newdb_arr->ndbs; dbnum++) { DbInfo *new_db = &newdb_arr->dbs[dbnum]; DbInfo *old_db = dbarr_lookup_db(olddb_arr, new_db->db_name); FileNameMap *mappings; int n_maps; pageCnvCtx *pageConverter = NULL; n_maps = 0; mappings = gen_db_file_maps(old_db, new_db, &n_maps, old_pgdata, new_pgdata); if (n_maps) { print_maps(mappings, n_maps, new_db->db_name); #ifdef PAGE_CONVERSION msg = setupPageConverter(&pageConverter); #endif transfer_single_new_db(pageConverter, mappings, n_maps); pg_free(mappings); } } prep_status(""); /* in case nothing printed */ check_ok(); return msg; } /* * get_pg_database_relfilenode() * * Retrieves the relfilenode for a few system-catalog tables. We need these * relfilenodes later in the upgrade process. */ void get_pg_database_relfilenode(Cluster whichCluster) { PGconn *conn = connectToServer("template1", whichCluster); ClusterInfo *active_cluster = ACTIVE_CLUSTER(whichCluster); PGresult *res; int i_relfile; res = executeQueryOrDie(conn, "SELECT c.relname, c.relfilenode " "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, " " pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND " " n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' AND " " c.relname = 'pg_database' " "ORDER BY c.relname"); i_relfile = PQfnumber(res, "relfilenode"); active_cluster->pg_database_oid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, 0, i_relfile)); PQclear(res); PQfinish(conn); } /* * transfer_single_new_db() * * create links for mappings stored in "maps" array. */ static void transfer_single_new_db(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, FileNameMap *maps, int size) { int mapnum; for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < size; mapnum++) { char old_file[MAXPGPATH]; char new_file[MAXPGPATH]; struct dirent **namelist = NULL; int numFiles; /* Copying files might take some time, so give feedback. */ snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%u", maps[mapnum].old_file, maps[mapnum].old_relfilenode); snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u", maps[mapnum].new_file, maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode); pg_log(PG_REPORT, OVERWRITE_MESSAGE, old_file); /* * Copy/link the relation file to the new cluster */ unlink(new_file); transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file, maps[mapnum].old_nspname, maps[mapnum].old_relname, maps[mapnum].new_nspname, maps[mapnum].new_relname); /* fsm/vm files added in PG 8.4 */ if (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 804) { /* * Now copy/link any fsm and vm files, if they exist */ snprintf(scandir_file_pattern, sizeof(scandir_file_pattern), "%u_", maps[mapnum].old_relfilenode); numFiles = pg_scandir(maps[mapnum].old_file, &namelist, dir_matching_filenames); while (numFiles--) { snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%s", maps[mapnum].old_file, namelist[numFiles]->d_name); snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u%s", maps[mapnum].new_file, maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode, strchr(namelist[numFiles]->d_name, '_')); unlink(new_file); transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file, maps[mapnum].old_nspname, maps[mapnum].old_relname, maps[mapnum].new_nspname, maps[mapnum].new_relname); pg_free(namelist[numFiles]); } pg_free(namelist); } /* * Now copy/link any related segments as well. Remember, PG breaks * large files into 1GB segments, the first segment has no extension, * subsequent segments are named relfilenode.1, relfilenode.2, * relfilenode.3, ... 'fsm' and 'vm' files use underscores so are not * copied. */ snprintf(scandir_file_pattern, sizeof(scandir_file_pattern), "%u.", maps[mapnum].old_relfilenode); numFiles = pg_scandir(maps[mapnum].old_file, &namelist, dir_matching_filenames); while (numFiles--) { snprintf(old_file, sizeof(old_file), "%s/%s", maps[mapnum].old_file, namelist[numFiles]->d_name); snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s/%u%s", maps[mapnum].new_file, maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode, strchr(namelist[numFiles]->d_name, '.')); unlink(new_file); transfer_relfile(pageConverter, old_file, new_file, maps[mapnum].old_nspname, maps[mapnum].old_relname, maps[mapnum].new_nspname, maps[mapnum].new_relname); pg_free(namelist[numFiles]); } pg_free(namelist); } } /* * transfer_relfile() * * Copy or link file from old cluster to new one. */ static void transfer_relfile(pageCnvCtx *pageConverter, const char *oldfile, const char *newfile, const char *oldnspname, const char *oldrelname, const char *newnspname, const char *newrelname) { const char *msg; if ((user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_LINK) && (pageConverter != NULL)) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "this migration requires page-by-page conversion, " "you must use copy-mode instead of link-mode\n"); if (user_opts.transfer_mode == TRANSFER_MODE_COPY) { pg_log(PG_INFO, "copying %s to %s\n", oldfile, newfile); if ((msg = copyAndUpdateFile(pageConverter, oldfile, newfile, true)) != NULL) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "error while copying %s.%s(%s) to %s.%s(%s): %s\n", oldnspname, oldrelname, oldfile, newnspname, newrelname, newfile, msg); } else { pg_log(PG_INFO, "linking %s to %s\n", newfile, oldfile); if ((msg = linkAndUpdateFile(pageConverter, oldfile, newfile)) != NULL) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "error while creating link from %s.%s(%s) to %s.%s(%s): %s\n", oldnspname, oldrelname, oldfile, newnspname, newrelname, newfile, msg); } return; }