From: ZEUGSWETTER Andreas IZ5 Mon Apr 17 14:01:23 EDT 2000 AIX 4.3.2 with native IBM compiler xlc 3.6.4 passes all regression tests. Other versions of OS and compiler should also work. If you don't have a powerpc there might be differences in the geometry regression test. Use the following configure flags in addition to your own: ./configure --without-CXX and if you have readline there: --with-includes=/usr/local/include --with-libraries=/usr/local/lib libpq++ does not work because xlC does not have the string and bool classes. compiling the few files, that fail, with g++ does work. Compiling PostgreSQL with gcc (2.95.2) on AIX does work if you use the configure option: --template=aix_gcc With the current compiler flags the redefines of int8 - int64 that prior versions had a problem with are not a problem any more.