-- create a table to use as a basis for views and materialized views in various combinations CREATE TABLE t (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, type text NOT NULL, amt numeric NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'x', 2), (2, 'x', 3), (3, 'y', 5), (4, 'y', 7), (5, 'z', 11); -- we want a view based on the table, too, since views present additional challenges CREATE VIEW tv AS SELECT type, sum(amt) AS totamt FROM t GROUP BY type; SELECT * FROM tv ORDER BY type; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 11 (3 rows) -- create a materialized view with no data, and confirm correct behavior EXPLAIN (costs off) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tm AS SELECT type, sum(amt) AS totamt FROM t GROUP BY type WITH NO DATA; QUERY PLAN --------------------- HashAggregate -> Seq Scan on t (2 rows) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tm AS SELECT type, sum(amt) AS totamt FROM t GROUP BY type WITH NO DATA; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tm'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- f (1 row) SELECT * FROM tm; ERROR: materialized view "tm" has not been populated HINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tm; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tm'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- t (1 row) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tm_type ON tm (type); SELECT * FROM tm; type | totamt ------+-------- y | 12 z | 11 x | 5 (3 rows) -- create various views EXPLAIN (costs off) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tvm AS SELECT * FROM tv ORDER BY type; QUERY PLAN --------------------------- Sort Sort Key: t.type -> HashAggregate -> Seq Scan on t (4 rows) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tvm AS SELECT * FROM tv ORDER BY type; SELECT * FROM tvm; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 11 (3 rows) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tmm AS SELECT sum(totamt) AS grandtot FROM tm; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tvmm AS SELECT sum(totamt) AS grandtot FROM tvm; CREATE VIEW tvv AS SELECT sum(totamt) AS grandtot FROM tv; EXPLAIN (costs off) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tvvm AS SELECT * FROM tvv; QUERY PLAN --------------------------- Aggregate -> HashAggregate -> Seq Scan on t (3 rows) CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW tvvm AS SELECT * FROM tvv; CREATE VIEW tvvmv AS SELECT * FROM tvvm; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW bb AS SELECT * FROM tvvmv; CREATE INDEX aa ON bb (grandtot); -- check that plans seem reasonable \d+ tvm Materialized view "public.tvm" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- type | text | | extended | | totamt | numeric | | main | | View definition: SELECT tv.type, tv.totamt FROM tv ORDER BY tv.type; \d+ tvm Materialized view "public.tvm" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- type | text | | extended | | totamt | numeric | | main | | View definition: SELECT tv.type, tv.totamt FROM tv ORDER BY tv.type; \d+ tvvm Materialized view "public.tvvm" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- grandtot | numeric | | main | | View definition: SELECT tvv.grandtot FROM tvv; \d+ bb Materialized view "public.bb" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- grandtot | numeric | | main | | Indexes: "aa" btree (grandtot) View definition: SELECT tvvmv.grandtot FROM tvvmv; -- test schema behavior CREATE SCHEMA mvschema; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW tvm SET SCHEMA mvschema; \d+ tvm \d+ tvmm Materialized view "public.tvmm" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- grandtot | numeric | | main | | View definition: SELECT sum(tvm.totamt) AS grandtot FROM mvschema.tvm; SET search_path = mvschema, public; \d+ tvm Materialized view "mvschema.tvm" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+------------- type | text | | extended | | totamt | numeric | | main | | View definition: SELECT tv.type, tv.totamt FROM tv ORDER BY tv.type; -- modify the underlying table data INSERT INTO t VALUES (6, 'z', 13); -- confirm pre- and post-refresh contents of fairly simple materialized views SELECT * FROM tm ORDER BY type; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 11 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM tvm ORDER BY type; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 11 (3 rows) REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tm; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tvm; SELECT * FROM tm ORDER BY type; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 24 (3 rows) SELECT * FROM tvm ORDER BY type; type | totamt ------+-------- x | 5 y | 12 z | 24 (3 rows) RESET search_path; -- confirm pre- and post-refresh contents of nested materialized views EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tmm; QUERY PLAN ----------------- Seq Scan on tmm (1 row) EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tvmm; QUERY PLAN ------------------ Seq Scan on tvmm (1 row) EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tvvm; QUERY PLAN ------------------ Seq Scan on tvvm (1 row) SELECT * FROM tmm; grandtot ---------- 28 (1 row) SELECT * FROM tvmm; grandtot ---------- 28 (1 row) SELECT * FROM tvvm; grandtot ---------- 28 (1 row) REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tmm; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tvmm; REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tvvm; EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tmm; QUERY PLAN ----------------- Seq Scan on tmm (1 row) EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tvmm; QUERY PLAN ------------------ Seq Scan on tvmm (1 row) EXPLAIN (costs off) SELECT * FROM tvvm; QUERY PLAN ------------------ Seq Scan on tvvm (1 row) SELECT * FROM tmm; grandtot ---------- 41 (1 row) SELECT * FROM tvmm; grandtot ---------- 41 (1 row) SELECT * FROM tvvm; grandtot ---------- 41 (1 row) -- test diemv when the mv does not exist DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS tum; NOTICE: materialized view "tum" does not exist, skipping -- make sure that an unlogged materialized view works (in the absence of a crash) CREATE UNLOGGED MATERIALIZED VIEW tum AS SELECT type, sum(amt) AS totamt FROM t GROUP BY type WITH NO DATA; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tum'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- f (1 row) SELECT * FROM tum; ERROR: materialized view "tum" has not been populated HINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tum; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tum'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- t (1 row) SELECT * FROM tum; type | totamt ------+-------- y | 12 z | 24 x | 5 (3 rows) REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tum WITH NO DATA; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tum'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- f (1 row) SELECT * FROM tum; ERROR: materialized view "tum" has not been populated HINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command. REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tum WITH DATA; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('tum'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- t (1 row) SELECT * FROM tum; type | totamt ------+-------- y | 12 z | 24 x | 5 (3 rows) -- test join of mv and view SELECT type, m.totamt AS mtot, v.totamt AS vtot FROM tm m LEFT JOIN tv v USING (type) ORDER BY type; type | mtot | vtot ------+------+------ x | 5 | 5 y | 12 | 12 z | 24 | 24 (3 rows) -- test diemv when the mv does exist DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS tum; -- make sure that dependencies are reported properly when they block the drop DROP TABLE t; ERROR: cannot drop table t because other objects depend on it DETAIL: view tv depends on table t view tvv depends on view tv materialized view tvvm depends on view tvv view tvvmv depends on materialized view tvvm materialized view bb depends on view tvvmv materialized view mvschema.tvm depends on view tv materialized view tvmm depends on materialized view mvschema.tvm materialized view tm depends on table t materialized view tmm depends on materialized view tm HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. -- make sure dependencies are dropped and reported -- and make sure that transactional behavior is correct on rollback -- incidentally leaving some interesting materialized views for pg_dump testing BEGIN; DROP TABLE t CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 9 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to view tv drop cascades to view tvv drop cascades to materialized view tvvm drop cascades to view tvvmv drop cascades to materialized view bb drop cascades to materialized view mvschema.tvm drop cascades to materialized view tvmm drop cascades to materialized view tm drop cascades to materialized view tmm ROLLBACK; -- some additional tests not using base tables CREATE VIEW v_test1 AS SELECT 1 moo; CREATE VIEW v_test2 AS SELECT moo, 2*moo FROM v_test1 UNION ALL SELECT moo, 3*moo FROM v_test1; \d+ v_test2 View "public.v_test2" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description ----------+---------+-----------+---------+------------- moo | integer | | plain | ?column? | integer | | plain | View definition: SELECT v_test1.moo, 2 * v_test1.moo FROM v_test1 UNION ALL SELECT v_test1.moo, 3 * v_test1.moo FROM v_test1; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_test2 AS SELECT moo, 2*moo FROM v_test2 UNION ALL SELECT moo, 3*moo FROM v_test2; \d+ mv_test2 Materialized view "public.mv_test2" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description ----------+---------+-----------+---------+--------------+------------- moo | integer | | plain | | ?column? | integer | | plain | | View definition: SELECT v_test2.moo, 2 * v_test2.moo FROM v_test2 UNION ALL SELECT v_test2.moo, 3 * v_test2.moo FROM v_test2; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_test3 AS SELECT * FROM mv_test2 WHERE moo = 12345; SELECT pg_relation_is_scannable('mv_test3'::regclass); pg_relation_is_scannable -------------------------- t (1 row) DROP VIEW v_test1 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 3 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to view v_test2 drop cascades to materialized view mv_test2 drop cascades to materialized view mv_test3