/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * utility.c * Contains functions which control the execution of the POSTGRES utility * commands. At one time acted as an interface between the Lisp and C * systems. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2003, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/tcop/utility.c,v 1.220 2004/06/25 21:55:57 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "catalog/catalog.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_shadow.h" #include "commands/alter.h" #include "commands/async.h" #include "commands/cluster.h" #include "commands/comment.h" #include "commands/copy.h" #include "commands/conversioncmds.h" #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "commands/explain.h" #include "commands/lockcmds.h" #include "commands/portalcmds.h" #include "commands/prepare.h" #include "commands/proclang.h" #include "commands/schemacmds.h" #include "commands/sequence.h" #include "commands/tablecmds.h" #include "commands/tablespace.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" #include "commands/typecmds.h" #include "commands/user.h" #include "commands/vacuum.h" #include "commands/view.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "postmaster/bgwriter.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteDefine.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteRemove.h" #include "storage/fd.h" #include "tcop/pquery.h" #include "tcop/utility.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* * Error-checking support for DROP commands */ struct msgstrings { char kind; int nonexistent_code; const char *nonexistent_msg; const char *nota_msg; const char *drophint_msg; }; static const struct msgstrings msgstringarray[] = { {RELKIND_RELATION, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE, gettext_noop("table \"%s\" does not exist"), gettext_noop("\"%s\" is not a table"), gettext_noop("Use DROP TABLE to remove a table.")}, {RELKIND_SEQUENCE, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE, gettext_noop("sequence \"%s\" does not exist"), gettext_noop("\"%s\" is not a sequence"), gettext_noop("Use DROP SEQUENCE to remove a sequence.")}, {RELKIND_VIEW, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE, gettext_noop("view \"%s\" does not exist"), gettext_noop("\"%s\" is not a view"), gettext_noop("Use DROP VIEW to remove a view.")}, {RELKIND_INDEX, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT, gettext_noop("index \"%s\" does not exist"), gettext_noop("\"%s\" is not an index"), gettext_noop("Use DROP INDEX to remove an index.")}, {RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE, ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT, gettext_noop("type \"%s\" does not exist"), gettext_noop("\"%s\" is not a type"), gettext_noop("Use DROP TYPE to remove a type.")}, {'\0', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* * Emit the right error message for a "DROP" command issued on a * relation of the wrong type */ static void DropErrorMsgWrongType(char *relname, char wrongkind, char rightkind) { const struct msgstrings *rentry; const struct msgstrings *wentry; for (rentry = msgstringarray; rentry->kind != '\0'; rentry++) if (rentry->kind == rightkind) break; Assert(rentry->kind != '\0'); for (wentry = msgstringarray; wentry->kind != '\0'; wentry++) if (wentry->kind == wrongkind) break; /* wrongkind could be something we don't have in our table... */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg(rentry->nota_msg, relname), (wentry->kind != '\0') ? errhint(wentry->drophint_msg) : 0)); } /* * Emit the right error message for a "DROP" command issued on a * non-existent relation */ static void DropErrorMsgNonExistent(RangeVar *rel, char rightkind) { const struct msgstrings *rentry; for (rentry = msgstringarray; rentry->kind != '\0'; rentry++) { if (rentry->kind == rightkind) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(rentry->nonexistent_code), errmsg(rentry->nonexistent_msg, rel->relname))); } Assert(false); /* Should be impossible */ } static void CheckDropPermissions(RangeVar *rel, char rightkind) { Oid relOid; HeapTuple tuple; Form_pg_class classform; relOid = RangeVarGetRelid(rel, true); if (!OidIsValid(relOid)) DropErrorMsgNonExistent(rel, rightkind); tuple = SearchSysCache(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relOid); classform = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (classform->relkind != rightkind) DropErrorMsgWrongType(rel->relname, classform->relkind, rightkind); /* Allow DROP to either table owner or schema owner */ if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relOid, GetUserId()) && !pg_namespace_ownercheck(classform->relnamespace, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_CLASS, rel->relname); if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemClass(classform)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("permission denied: \"%s\" is a system catalog", rel->relname))); ReleaseSysCache(tuple); } /* * Verify user has ownership of specified relation, else ereport. * * If noCatalogs is true then we also deny access to system catalogs, * except when allowSystemTableMods is true. */ void CheckRelationOwnership(RangeVar *rel, bool noCatalogs) { Oid relOid; HeapTuple tuple; relOid = RangeVarGetRelid(rel, false); tuple = SearchSysCache(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relOid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", relOid); if (!pg_class_ownercheck(relOid, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_CLASS, rel->relname); if (noCatalogs) { if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemClass((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("permission denied: \"%s\" is a system catalog", rel->relname))); } ReleaseSysCache(tuple); } static void check_xact_readonly(Node *parsetree) { if (!XactReadOnly) return; /* * Note: Commands that need to do more complicated checking are * handled elsewhere. */ switch (nodeTag(parsetree)) { case T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt: case T_AlterDomainStmt: case T_AlterGroupStmt: case T_AlterOwnerStmt: case T_AlterSeqStmt: case T_AlterTableStmt: case T_AlterUserStmt: case T_AlterUserSetStmt: case T_RenameStmt: case T_CommentStmt: case T_DefineStmt: case T_CreateCastStmt: case T_CreateConversionStmt: case T_CreatedbStmt: case T_CreateDomainStmt: case T_CreateFunctionStmt: case T_CreateGroupStmt: case T_IndexStmt: case T_CreatePLangStmt: case T_CreateOpClassStmt: case T_RuleStmt: case T_CreateSchemaStmt: case T_CreateSeqStmt: case T_CreateStmt: case T_CreateTableSpaceStmt: case T_CreateTrigStmt: case T_CompositeTypeStmt: case T_CreateUserStmt: case T_ViewStmt: case T_RemoveAggrStmt: case T_DropCastStmt: case T_DropStmt: case T_DropdbStmt: case T_DropTableSpaceStmt: case T_RemoveFuncStmt: case T_DropGroupStmt: case T_DropPLangStmt: case T_RemoveOperStmt: case T_RemoveOpClassStmt: case T_DropPropertyStmt: case T_DropUserStmt: case T_GrantStmt: case T_TruncateStmt: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_READ_ONLY_SQL_TRANSACTION), errmsg("transaction is read-only"))); break; default: /* do nothing */ break; } } /* * ProcessUtility * general utility function invoker * * parsetree: the parse tree for the utility statement * dest: where to send results * completionTag: points to a buffer of size COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE * in which to store a command completion status string. * * completionTag is only set nonempty if we want to return a nondefault * status (currently, only used for MOVE/FETCH). * * completionTag may be NULL if caller doesn't want a status string. */ void ProcessUtility(Node *parsetree, DestReceiver *dest, char *completionTag) { check_xact_readonly(parsetree); if (completionTag) completionTag[0] = '\0'; switch (nodeTag(parsetree)) { /* * ******************** transactions ******************** */ case T_TransactionStmt: { TransactionStmt *stmt = (TransactionStmt *) parsetree; switch (stmt->kind) { /* * START TRANSACTION, as defined by SQL99: * Identical to BEGIN, except that it takes a few * additional options. Same code for both. */ case TRANS_STMT_BEGIN: case TRANS_STMT_START: { BeginTransactionBlock(); if (stmt->options) { ListCell *head; foreach(head, stmt->options) { DefElem *item = (DefElem *) lfirst(head); if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_isolation") == 0) SetPGVariable("transaction_isolation", list_make1(item->arg), false); else if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_read_only") == 0) SetPGVariable("transaction_read_only", list_make1(item->arg), false); } } } break; case TRANS_STMT_COMMIT: EndTransactionBlock(); break; case TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK: UserAbortTransactionBlock(); break; } } break; /* * Portal (cursor) manipulation */ case T_DeclareCursorStmt: PerformCursorOpen((DeclareCursorStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_ClosePortalStmt: { ClosePortalStmt *stmt = (ClosePortalStmt *) parsetree; PerformPortalClose(stmt->portalname); } break; case T_FetchStmt: PerformPortalFetch((FetchStmt *) parsetree, dest, completionTag); break; /* * relation and attribute manipulation */ case T_CreateSchemaStmt: CreateSchemaCommand((CreateSchemaStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreateStmt: { Oid relOid; relOid = DefineRelation((CreateStmt *) parsetree, RELKIND_RELATION); /* * Let AlterTableCreateToastTable decide if this one needs * a secondary relation too. */ CommandCounterIncrement(); AlterTableCreateToastTable(relOid, true); } break; case T_CreateTableSpaceStmt: CreateTableSpace((CreateTableSpaceStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropTableSpaceStmt: DropTableSpace((DropTableSpaceStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropStmt: { DropStmt *stmt = (DropStmt *) parsetree; ListCell *arg; foreach(arg, stmt->objects) { List *names = (List *) lfirst(arg); RangeVar *rel; switch (stmt->removeType) { case OBJECT_TABLE: rel = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); CheckDropPermissions(rel, RELKIND_RELATION); RemoveRelation(rel, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: rel = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); CheckDropPermissions(rel, RELKIND_SEQUENCE); RemoveRelation(rel, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_VIEW: rel = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); CheckDropPermissions(rel, RELKIND_VIEW); RemoveView(rel, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_INDEX: rel = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); CheckDropPermissions(rel, RELKIND_INDEX); RemoveIndex(rel, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: /* RemoveType does its own permissions checks */ RemoveType(names, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_DOMAIN: /* * RemoveDomain does its own permissions * checks */ RemoveDomain(names, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: DropConversionCommand(names, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: /* * RemoveSchema does its own permissions * checks */ RemoveSchema(names, stmt->behavior); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized drop object type: %d", (int) stmt->removeType); break; } /* * We used to need to do CommandCounterIncrement() * here, but now it's done inside performDeletion(). */ } } break; case T_TruncateStmt: { TruncateStmt *stmt = (TruncateStmt *) parsetree; TruncateRelation(stmt->relation); } break; case T_CommentStmt: CommentObject((CommentStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CopyStmt: DoCopy((CopyStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_PrepareStmt: PrepareQuery((PrepareStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_ExecuteStmt: ExecuteQuery((ExecuteStmt *) parsetree, dest, completionTag); break; case T_DeallocateStmt: DeallocateQuery((DeallocateStmt *) parsetree); break; /* * schema */ case T_RenameStmt: ExecRenameStmt((RenameStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterOwnerStmt: ExecAlterOwnerStmt((AlterOwnerStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterTableStmt: AlterTable((AlterTableStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterDomainStmt: { AlterDomainStmt *stmt = (AlterDomainStmt *) parsetree; /* * Some or all of these functions are recursive to cover * inherited things, so permission checks are done there. */ switch (stmt->subtype) { case 'T': /* ALTER DOMAIN DEFAULT */ /* * Recursively alter column default for table and, * if requested, for descendants */ AlterDomainDefault(stmt->typename, stmt->def); break; case 'N': /* ALTER DOMAIN DROP NOT NULL */ AlterDomainNotNull(stmt->typename, false); break; case 'O': /* ALTER DOMAIN SET NOT NULL */ AlterDomainNotNull(stmt->typename, true); break; case 'C': /* ADD CONSTRAINT */ AlterDomainAddConstraint(stmt->typename, stmt->def); break; case 'X': /* DROP CONSTRAINT */ AlterDomainDropConstraint(stmt->typename, stmt->name, stmt->behavior); break; default: /* oops */ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized alter domain type: %d", (int) stmt->subtype); break; } } break; case T_GrantStmt: ExecuteGrantStmt((GrantStmt *) parsetree); break; /* * ******************************** object creation / * destruction ******************************** * */ case T_DefineStmt: { DefineStmt *stmt = (DefineStmt *) parsetree; switch (stmt->kind) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: DefineAggregate(stmt->defnames, stmt->definition); break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: DefineOperator(stmt->defnames, stmt->definition); break; case OBJECT_TYPE: DefineType(stmt->defnames, stmt->definition); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized define stmt type: %d", (int) stmt->kind); break; } } break; case T_CompositeTypeStmt: /* CREATE TYPE (composite) */ { CompositeTypeStmt *stmt = (CompositeTypeStmt *) parsetree; DefineCompositeType(stmt->typevar, stmt->coldeflist); } break; case T_ViewStmt: /* CREATE VIEW */ { ViewStmt *stmt = (ViewStmt *) parsetree; DefineView(stmt->view, stmt->query, stmt->replace); } break; case T_CreateFunctionStmt: /* CREATE FUNCTION */ CreateFunction((CreateFunctionStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_IndexStmt: /* CREATE INDEX */ { IndexStmt *stmt = (IndexStmt *) parsetree; CheckRelationOwnership(stmt->relation, true); DefineIndex(stmt->relation, /* relation */ stmt->idxname, /* index name */ stmt->accessMethod, /* am name */ stmt->tableSpace, stmt->indexParams, /* parameters */ (Expr *) stmt->whereClause, stmt->rangetable, stmt->unique, stmt->primary, stmt->isconstraint, false, /* is_alter_table */ true, /* check_rights */ false, /* skip_build */ false); /* quiet */ } break; case T_RuleStmt: /* CREATE RULE */ DefineQueryRewrite((RuleStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreateSeqStmt: DefineSequence((CreateSeqStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterSeqStmt: AlterSequence((AlterSeqStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_RemoveAggrStmt: RemoveAggregate((RemoveAggrStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_RemoveFuncStmt: RemoveFunction((RemoveFuncStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_RemoveOperStmt: RemoveOperator((RemoveOperStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreatedbStmt: createdb((CreatedbStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt: AlterDatabaseSet((AlterDatabaseSetStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropdbStmt: { DropdbStmt *stmt = (DropdbStmt *) parsetree; dropdb(stmt->dbname); } break; /* Query-level asynchronous notification */ case T_NotifyStmt: { NotifyStmt *stmt = (NotifyStmt *) parsetree; Async_Notify(stmt->relation->relname); } break; case T_ListenStmt: { ListenStmt *stmt = (ListenStmt *) parsetree; Async_Listen(stmt->relation->relname, MyProcPid); } break; case T_UnlistenStmt: { UnlistenStmt *stmt = (UnlistenStmt *) parsetree; Async_Unlisten(stmt->relation->relname, MyProcPid); } break; case T_LoadStmt: { LoadStmt *stmt = (LoadStmt *) parsetree; closeAllVfds(); /* probably not necessary... */ load_file(stmt->filename); } break; case T_ClusterStmt: cluster((ClusterStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_VacuumStmt: vacuum((VacuumStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_ExplainStmt: ExplainQuery((ExplainStmt *) parsetree, dest); break; case T_VariableSetStmt: { VariableSetStmt *n = (VariableSetStmt *) parsetree; /* * Special cases for special SQL syntax that effectively * sets more than one variable per statement. */ if (strcmp(n->name, "TRANSACTION") == 0) { ListCell *head; foreach(head, n->args) { DefElem *item = (DefElem *) lfirst(head); if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_isolation") == 0) SetPGVariable("transaction_isolation", list_make1(item->arg), n->is_local); else if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_read_only") == 0) SetPGVariable("transaction_read_only", list_make1(item->arg), n->is_local); } } else if (strcmp(n->name, "SESSION CHARACTERISTICS") == 0) { ListCell *head; foreach(head, n->args) { DefElem *item = (DefElem *) lfirst(head); if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_isolation") == 0) SetPGVariable("default_transaction_isolation", list_make1(item->arg), n->is_local); else if (strcmp(item->defname, "transaction_read_only") == 0) SetPGVariable("default_transaction_read_only", list_make1(item->arg), n->is_local); } } else SetPGVariable(n->name, n->args, n->is_local); } break; case T_VariableShowStmt: { VariableShowStmt *n = (VariableShowStmt *) parsetree; GetPGVariable(n->name, dest); } break; case T_VariableResetStmt: { VariableResetStmt *n = (VariableResetStmt *) parsetree; ResetPGVariable(n->name); } break; case T_CreateTrigStmt: CreateTrigger((CreateTrigStmt *) parsetree, false); break; case T_DropPropertyStmt: { DropPropertyStmt *stmt = (DropPropertyStmt *) parsetree; Oid relId; relId = RangeVarGetRelid(stmt->relation, false); switch (stmt->removeType) { case OBJECT_RULE: /* RemoveRewriteRule checks permissions */ RemoveRewriteRule(relId, stmt->property, stmt->behavior); break; case OBJECT_TRIGGER: /* DropTrigger checks permissions */ DropTrigger(relId, stmt->property, stmt->behavior); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized object type: %d", (int) stmt->removeType); break; } } break; case T_CreatePLangStmt: CreateProceduralLanguage((CreatePLangStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropPLangStmt: DropProceduralLanguage((DropPLangStmt *) parsetree); break; /* * ******************************** DOMAIN statements **** */ case T_CreateDomainStmt: DefineDomain((CreateDomainStmt *) parsetree); break; /* * ******************************** USER statements **** */ case T_CreateUserStmt: CreateUser((CreateUserStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterUserStmt: AlterUser((AlterUserStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterUserSetStmt: AlterUserSet((AlterUserSetStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropUserStmt: DropUser((DropUserStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_LockStmt: LockTableCommand((LockStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_ConstraintsSetStmt: DeferredTriggerSetState((ConstraintsSetStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreateGroupStmt: CreateGroup((CreateGroupStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_AlterGroupStmt: AlterGroup((AlterGroupStmt *) parsetree, "ALTER GROUP"); break; case T_DropGroupStmt: DropGroup((DropGroupStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CheckPointStmt: if (!superuser()) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("must be superuser to do CHECKPOINT"))); RequestCheckpoint(true); break; case T_ReindexStmt: { ReindexStmt *stmt = (ReindexStmt *) parsetree; switch (stmt->kind) { case OBJECT_INDEX: ReindexIndex(stmt->relation, stmt->force); break; case OBJECT_TABLE: ReindexTable(stmt->relation, stmt->force); break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: ReindexDatabase(stmt->name, stmt->force, false); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized object type: %d", (int) stmt->kind); break; } break; } break; case T_CreateConversionStmt: CreateConversionCommand((CreateConversionStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreateCastStmt: CreateCast((CreateCastStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_DropCastStmt: DropCast((DropCastStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_CreateOpClassStmt: DefineOpClass((CreateOpClassStmt *) parsetree); break; case T_RemoveOpClassStmt: RemoveOpClass((RemoveOpClassStmt *) parsetree); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(parsetree)); break; } } /* * UtilityReturnsTuples * Return "true" if this utility statement will send output to the * destination. * * Generally, there should be a case here for each case in ProcessUtility * where "dest" is passed on. */ bool UtilityReturnsTuples(Node *parsetree) { switch (nodeTag(parsetree)) { case T_FetchStmt: { FetchStmt *stmt = (FetchStmt *) parsetree; Portal portal; if (stmt->ismove) return false; portal = GetPortalByName(stmt->portalname); if (!PortalIsValid(portal)) return false; /* not our business to raise error */ return portal->tupDesc ? true : false; } case T_ExecuteStmt: { ExecuteStmt *stmt = (ExecuteStmt *) parsetree; PreparedStatement *entry; if (stmt->into) return false; entry = FetchPreparedStatement(stmt->name, false); if (!entry) return false; /* not our business to raise error */ switch (ChoosePortalStrategy(entry->query_list)) { case PORTAL_ONE_SELECT: return true; case PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: return true; case PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY: /* will not return tuples */ break; } return false; } case T_ExplainStmt: return true; case T_VariableShowStmt: return true; default: return false; } } /* * UtilityTupleDescriptor * Fetch the actual output tuple descriptor for a utility statement * for which UtilityReturnsTuples() previously returned "true". * * The returned descriptor is created in (or copied into) the current memory * context. */ TupleDesc UtilityTupleDescriptor(Node *parsetree) { switch (nodeTag(parsetree)) { case T_FetchStmt: { FetchStmt *stmt = (FetchStmt *) parsetree; Portal portal; if (stmt->ismove) return NULL; portal = GetPortalByName(stmt->portalname); if (!PortalIsValid(portal)) return NULL; /* not our business to raise error */ return CreateTupleDescCopy(portal->tupDesc); } case T_ExecuteStmt: { ExecuteStmt *stmt = (ExecuteStmt *) parsetree; PreparedStatement *entry; if (stmt->into) return NULL; entry = FetchPreparedStatement(stmt->name, false); if (!entry) return NULL; /* not our business to raise error */ return FetchPreparedStatementResultDesc(entry); } case T_ExplainStmt: return ExplainResultDesc((ExplainStmt *) parsetree); case T_VariableShowStmt: { VariableShowStmt *n = (VariableShowStmt *) parsetree; return GetPGVariableResultDesc(n->name); } default: return NULL; } } /* * CreateCommandTag * utility to get a string representation of the * command operation, given a raw (un-analyzed) parsetree. * * This must handle all raw command types, but since the vast majority * of 'em are utility commands, it seems sensible to keep it here. * * NB: all result strings must be shorter than COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE. * Also, the result must point at a true constant (permanent storage). */ const char * CreateCommandTag(Node *parsetree) { const char *tag; switch (nodeTag(parsetree)) { case T_InsertStmt: tag = "INSERT"; break; case T_DeleteStmt: tag = "DELETE"; break; case T_UpdateStmt: tag = "UPDATE"; break; case T_SelectStmt: tag = "SELECT"; break; case T_TransactionStmt: { TransactionStmt *stmt = (TransactionStmt *) parsetree; switch (stmt->kind) { case TRANS_STMT_BEGIN: tag = "BEGIN"; break; case TRANS_STMT_START: tag = "START TRANSACTION"; break; case TRANS_STMT_COMMIT: tag = "COMMIT"; break; case TRANS_STMT_ROLLBACK: tag = "ROLLBACK"; break; default: tag = "???"; break; } } break; case T_DeclareCursorStmt: tag = "DECLARE CURSOR"; break; case T_ClosePortalStmt: tag = "CLOSE CURSOR"; break; case T_FetchStmt: { FetchStmt *stmt = (FetchStmt *) parsetree; tag = (stmt->ismove) ? "MOVE" : "FETCH"; } break; case T_CreateDomainStmt: tag = "CREATE DOMAIN"; break; case T_CreateSchemaStmt: tag = "CREATE SCHEMA"; break; case T_CreateStmt: tag = "CREATE TABLE"; break; case T_CreateTableSpaceStmt: tag = "CREATE TABLESPACE"; break; case T_DropTableSpaceStmt: tag = "DROP TABLESPACE"; break; case T_DropStmt: switch (((DropStmt *) parsetree)->removeType) { case OBJECT_TABLE: tag = "DROP TABLE"; break; case OBJECT_SEQUENCE: tag = "DROP SEQUENCE"; break; case OBJECT_VIEW: tag = "DROP VIEW"; break; case OBJECT_INDEX: tag = "DROP INDEX"; break; case OBJECT_TYPE: tag = "DROP TYPE"; break; case OBJECT_DOMAIN: tag = "DROP DOMAIN"; break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: tag = "DROP CONVERSION"; break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: tag = "DROP SCHEMA"; break; default: tag = "???"; } break; case T_TruncateStmt: tag = "TRUNCATE TABLE"; break; case T_CommentStmt: tag = "COMMENT"; break; case T_CopyStmt: tag = "COPY"; break; case T_RenameStmt: switch (((RenameStmt *) parsetree)->renameType) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: tag = "ALTER AGGREGATE"; break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: tag = "ALTER CONVERSION"; break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: tag = "ALTER DATABASE"; break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: tag = "ALTER FUNCTION"; break; case OBJECT_GROUP: tag = "ALTER GROUP"; break; case OBJECT_LANGUAGE: tag = "ALTER LANGUAGE"; break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: tag = "ALTER OPERATOR CLASS"; break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: tag = "ALTER SCHEMA"; break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: tag = "ALTER TABLESPACE"; break; case OBJECT_TRIGGER: tag = "ALTER TRIGGER"; break; case OBJECT_USER: tag = "ALTER USER"; break; default: tag = "ALTER TABLE"; } break; case T_AlterOwnerStmt: switch (((AlterOwnerStmt *) parsetree)->objectType) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: tag = "ALTER AGGREGATE"; break; case OBJECT_CONVERSION: tag = "ALTER CONVERSION"; break; case OBJECT_DATABASE: tag = "ALTER DATABASE"; break; case OBJECT_DOMAIN: tag = "ALTER DOMAIN"; break; case OBJECT_FUNCTION: tag = "ALTER FUNCTION"; break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: tag = "ALTER OPERATOR"; break; case OBJECT_OPCLASS: tag = "ALTER OPERATOR CLASS"; break; case OBJECT_SCHEMA: tag = "ALTER SCHEMA"; break; case OBJECT_TABLESPACE: tag = "ALTER TABLESPACE"; break; case OBJECT_TYPE: tag = "ALTER TYPE"; break; default: tag = "ALTER TABLE"; } break; case T_AlterTableStmt: tag = "ALTER TABLE"; break; case T_AlterDomainStmt: tag = "ALTER DOMAIN"; break; case T_GrantStmt: { GrantStmt *stmt = (GrantStmt *) parsetree; tag = (stmt->is_grant) ? "GRANT" : "REVOKE"; } break; case T_DefineStmt: switch (((DefineStmt *) parsetree)->kind) { case OBJECT_AGGREGATE: tag = "CREATE AGGREGATE"; break; case OBJECT_OPERATOR: tag = "CREATE OPERATOR"; break; case OBJECT_TYPE: tag = "CREATE TYPE"; break; default: tag = "???"; } break; case T_CompositeTypeStmt: tag = "CREATE TYPE"; break; case T_ViewStmt: tag = "CREATE VIEW"; break; case T_CreateFunctionStmt: tag = "CREATE FUNCTION"; break; case T_IndexStmt: tag = "CREATE INDEX"; break; case T_RuleStmt: tag = "CREATE RULE"; break; case T_CreateSeqStmt: tag = "CREATE SEQUENCE"; break; case T_AlterSeqStmt: tag = "ALTER SEQUENCE"; break; case T_RemoveAggrStmt: tag = "DROP AGGREGATE"; break; case T_RemoveFuncStmt: tag = "DROP FUNCTION"; break; case T_RemoveOperStmt: tag = "DROP OPERATOR"; break; case T_CreatedbStmt: tag = "CREATE DATABASE"; break; case T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt: tag = "ALTER DATABASE"; break; case T_DropdbStmt: tag = "DROP DATABASE"; break; case T_NotifyStmt: tag = "NOTIFY"; break; case T_ListenStmt: tag = "LISTEN"; break; case T_UnlistenStmt: tag = "UNLISTEN"; break; case T_LoadStmt: tag = "LOAD"; break; case T_ClusterStmt: tag = "CLUSTER"; break; case T_VacuumStmt: if (((VacuumStmt *) parsetree)->vacuum) tag = "VACUUM"; else tag = "ANALYZE"; break; case T_ExplainStmt: tag = "EXPLAIN"; break; case T_VariableSetStmt: tag = "SET"; break; case T_VariableShowStmt: tag = "SHOW"; break; case T_VariableResetStmt: tag = "RESET"; break; case T_CreateTrigStmt: tag = "CREATE TRIGGER"; break; case T_DropPropertyStmt: switch (((DropPropertyStmt *) parsetree)->removeType) { case OBJECT_TRIGGER: tag = "DROP TRIGGER"; break; case OBJECT_RULE: tag = "DROP RULE"; break; default: tag = "???"; } break; case T_CreatePLangStmt: tag = "CREATE LANGUAGE"; break; case T_DropPLangStmt: tag = "DROP LANGUAGE"; break; case T_CreateUserStmt: tag = "CREATE USER"; break; case T_AlterUserStmt: tag = "ALTER USER"; break; case T_AlterUserSetStmt: tag = "ALTER USER"; break; case T_DropUserStmt: tag = "DROP USER"; break; case T_LockStmt: tag = "LOCK TABLE"; break; case T_ConstraintsSetStmt: tag = "SET CONSTRAINTS"; break; case T_CreateGroupStmt: tag = "CREATE GROUP"; break; case T_AlterGroupStmt: tag = "ALTER GROUP"; break; case T_DropGroupStmt: tag = "DROP GROUP"; break; case T_CheckPointStmt: tag = "CHECKPOINT"; break; case T_ReindexStmt: tag = "REINDEX"; break; case T_CreateConversionStmt: tag = "CREATE CONVERSION"; break; case T_CreateCastStmt: tag = "CREATE CAST"; break; case T_DropCastStmt: tag = "DROP CAST"; break; case T_CreateOpClassStmt: tag = "CREATE OPERATOR CLASS"; break; case T_RemoveOpClassStmt: tag = "DROP OPERATOR CLASS"; break; case T_PrepareStmt: tag = "PREPARE"; break; case T_ExecuteStmt: tag = "EXECUTE"; break; case T_DeallocateStmt: tag = "DEALLOCATE"; break; default: elog(WARNING, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(parsetree)); tag = "???"; break; } return tag; }