-- -- Tests for psql features that aren't closely connected to any -- specific server features -- -- \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02, 'Hello' as test03 \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_test01 :pref01_test02 :pref01_test03 -- should fail: bad variable name select 10 as "bad name" \gset -- multiple backslash commands in one line select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y select 5 as x, 6 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \g \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y select 7 as x, 8 as y \g \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x :pref01_y -- NULL should unset the variable \set var2 xyz select 1 as var1, NULL as var2, 3 as var3 \gset \echo :var1 :var2 :var3 -- \gset requires just one tuple select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset -- \gset should work in FETCH_COUNT mode too \set FETCH_COUNT 1 select 1 as x, 2 as y \gset pref01_ \\ \echo :pref01_x select 3 as x, 4 as y \gset pref01_ \echo :pref01_x \echo :pref01_y select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,3) \gset select 10 as test01, 20 as test02 from generate_series(1,0) \gset \unset FETCH_COUNT -- show all pset options \pset -- test multi-line headers, wrapping, and newline indicators prepare q as select array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('x',2*n)),E'\n') as "ab c", array_to_string(array_agg(repeat('y',20-2*n)),E'\n') as "a bc" from generate_series(1,10) as n(n) group by n>1 ; \pset linestyle ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset linestyle old-ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; deallocate q; -- test single-line header and data prepare q as select repeat('x',2*n) as "0123456789abcdef", repeat('y',20-2*n) as "0123456789" from generate_series(1,10) as n; \pset linestyle ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset expanded on \pset columns 20 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset linestyle old-ascii \pset expanded off \pset columns 40 \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset expanded on \pset border 0 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 1 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; \pset border 2 \pset format unaligned execute q; \pset format aligned execute q; \pset format wrapped execute q; deallocate q;