/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * extended_stats.c * POSTGRES extended statistics * * Generic code supporting statistics objects created via CREATE STATISTICS. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/statistics/extended_stats.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/genam.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/table.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "postmaster/autovacuum.h" #include "statistics/extended_stats_internal.h" #include "statistics/statistics.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* * Used internally to refer to an individual statistics object, i.e., * a pg_statistic_ext entry. */ typedef struct StatExtEntry { Oid statOid; /* OID of pg_statistic_ext entry */ char *schema; /* statistics object's schema */ char *name; /* statistics object's name */ Bitmapset *columns; /* attribute numbers covered by the object */ List *types; /* 'char' list of enabled statistic kinds */ } StatExtEntry; static List *fetch_statentries_for_relation(Relation pg_statext, Oid relid); static VacAttrStats **lookup_var_attr_stats(Relation rel, Bitmapset *attrs, int nvacatts, VacAttrStats **vacatts); static void statext_store(Relation pg_stext, Oid relid, MVNDistinct *ndistinct, MVDependencies *dependencies, VacAttrStats **stats); /* * Compute requested extended stats, using the rows sampled for the plain * (single-column) stats. * * This fetches a list of stats types from pg_statistic_ext, computes the * requested stats, and serializes them back into the catalog. */ void BuildRelationExtStatistics(Relation onerel, double totalrows, int numrows, HeapTuple *rows, int natts, VacAttrStats **vacattrstats) { Relation pg_stext; ListCell *lc; List *stats; MemoryContext cxt; MemoryContext oldcxt; cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "BuildRelationExtStatistics", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(cxt); pg_stext = heap_open(StatisticExtRelationId, RowExclusiveLock); stats = fetch_statentries_for_relation(pg_stext, RelationGetRelid(onerel)); foreach(lc, stats) { StatExtEntry *stat = (StatExtEntry *) lfirst(lc); MVNDistinct *ndistinct = NULL; MVDependencies *dependencies = NULL; VacAttrStats **stats; ListCell *lc2; /* * Check if we can build these stats based on the column analyzed. If * not, report this fact (except in autovacuum) and move on. */ stats = lookup_var_attr_stats(onerel, stat->columns, natts, vacattrstats); if (!stats) { if (!IsAutoVacuumWorkerProcess()) ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("statistics object \"%s.%s\" could not be computed for relation \"%s.%s\"", stat->schema, stat->name, get_namespace_name(onerel->rd_rel->relnamespace), RelationGetRelationName(onerel)), errtable(onerel))); continue; } /* check allowed number of dimensions */ Assert(bms_num_members(stat->columns) >= 2 && bms_num_members(stat->columns) <= STATS_MAX_DIMENSIONS); /* compute statistic of each requested type */ foreach(lc2, stat->types) { char t = (char) lfirst_int(lc2); if (t == STATS_EXT_NDISTINCT) ndistinct = statext_ndistinct_build(totalrows, numrows, rows, stat->columns, stats); else if (t == STATS_EXT_DEPENDENCIES) dependencies = statext_dependencies_build(numrows, rows, stat->columns, stats); } /* store the statistics in the catalog */ statext_store(pg_stext, stat->statOid, ndistinct, dependencies, stats); } heap_close(pg_stext, RowExclusiveLock); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt); MemoryContextDelete(cxt); } /* * statext_is_kind_built * Is this stat kind built in the given pg_statistic_ext tuple? */ bool statext_is_kind_built(HeapTuple htup, char type) { AttrNumber attnum; switch (type) { case STATS_EXT_NDISTINCT: attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxndistinct; break; case STATS_EXT_DEPENDENCIES: attnum = Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxdependencies; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unexpected statistics type requested: %d", type); } return !heap_attisnull(htup, attnum, NULL); } /* * Return a list (of StatExtEntry) of statistics objects for the given relation. */ static List * fetch_statentries_for_relation(Relation pg_statext, Oid relid) { SysScanDesc scan; ScanKeyData skey; HeapTuple htup; List *result = NIL; /* * Prepare to scan pg_statistic_ext for entries having stxrelid = this * rel. */ ScanKeyInit(&skey, Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid)); scan = systable_beginscan(pg_statext, StatisticExtRelidIndexId, true, NULL, 1, &skey); while (HeapTupleIsValid(htup = systable_getnext(scan))) { StatExtEntry *entry; Datum datum; bool isnull; int i; ArrayType *arr; char *enabled; Form_pg_statistic_ext staForm; entry = palloc0(sizeof(StatExtEntry)); staForm = (Form_pg_statistic_ext) GETSTRUCT(htup); entry->statOid = staForm->oid; entry->schema = get_namespace_name(staForm->stxnamespace); entry->name = pstrdup(NameStr(staForm->stxname)); for (i = 0; i < staForm->stxkeys.dim1; i++) { entry->columns = bms_add_member(entry->columns, staForm->stxkeys.values[i]); } /* decode the stxkind char array into a list of chars */ datum = SysCacheGetAttr(STATEXTOID, htup, Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxkind, &isnull); Assert(!isnull); arr = DatumGetArrayTypeP(datum); if (ARR_NDIM(arr) != 1 || ARR_HASNULL(arr) || ARR_ELEMTYPE(arr) != CHAROID) elog(ERROR, "stxkind is not a 1-D char array"); enabled = (char *) ARR_DATA_PTR(arr); for (i = 0; i < ARR_DIMS(arr)[0]; i++) { Assert((enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_NDISTINCT) || (enabled[i] == STATS_EXT_DEPENDENCIES)); entry->types = lappend_int(entry->types, (int) enabled[i]); } result = lappend(result, entry); } systable_endscan(scan); return result; } /* * Using 'vacatts' of size 'nvacatts' as input data, return a newly built * VacAttrStats array which includes only the items corresponding to * attributes indicated by 'stxkeys'. If we don't have all of the per column * stats available to compute the extended stats, then we return NULL to indicate * to the caller that the stats should not be built. */ static VacAttrStats ** lookup_var_attr_stats(Relation rel, Bitmapset *attrs, int nvacatts, VacAttrStats **vacatts) { int i = 0; int x = -1; VacAttrStats **stats; stats = (VacAttrStats **) palloc(bms_num_members(attrs) * sizeof(VacAttrStats *)); /* lookup VacAttrStats info for the requested columns (same attnum) */ while ((x = bms_next_member(attrs, x)) >= 0) { int j; stats[i] = NULL; for (j = 0; j < nvacatts; j++) { if (x == vacatts[j]->tupattnum) { stats[i] = vacatts[j]; break; } } if (!stats[i]) { /* * Looks like stats were not gathered for one of the columns * required. We'll be unable to build the extended stats without * this column. */ pfree(stats); return NULL; } /* * Sanity check that the column is not dropped - stats should have * been removed in this case. */ Assert(!stats[i]->attr->attisdropped); i++; } return stats; } /* * statext_store * Serializes the statistics and stores them into the pg_statistic_ext tuple. */ static void statext_store(Relation pg_stext, Oid statOid, MVNDistinct *ndistinct, MVDependencies *dependencies, VacAttrStats **stats) { HeapTuple stup, oldtup; Datum values[Natts_pg_statistic_ext]; bool nulls[Natts_pg_statistic_ext]; bool replaces[Natts_pg_statistic_ext]; memset(nulls, true, sizeof(nulls)); memset(replaces, false, sizeof(replaces)); memset(values, 0, sizeof(values)); /* * Construct a new pg_statistic_ext tuple, replacing the calculated stats. */ if (ndistinct != NULL) { bytea *data = statext_ndistinct_serialize(ndistinct); nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxndistinct - 1] = (data == NULL); values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxndistinct - 1] = PointerGetDatum(data); } if (dependencies != NULL) { bytea *data = statext_dependencies_serialize(dependencies); nulls[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxdependencies - 1] = (data == NULL); values[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxdependencies - 1] = PointerGetDatum(data); } /* always replace the value (either by bytea or NULL) */ replaces[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxndistinct - 1] = true; replaces[Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxdependencies - 1] = true; /* there should already be a pg_statistic_ext tuple */ oldtup = SearchSysCache1(STATEXTOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(statOid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oldtup)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for statistics object %u", statOid); /* replace it */ stup = heap_modify_tuple(oldtup, RelationGetDescr(pg_stext), values, nulls, replaces); ReleaseSysCache(oldtup); CatalogTupleUpdate(pg_stext, &stup->t_self, stup); heap_freetuple(stup); } /* initialize multi-dimensional sort */ MultiSortSupport multi_sort_init(int ndims) { MultiSortSupport mss; Assert(ndims >= 2); mss = (MultiSortSupport) palloc0(offsetof(MultiSortSupportData, ssup) + sizeof(SortSupportData) * ndims); mss->ndims = ndims; return mss; } /* * Prepare sort support info using the given sort operator and collation * at the position 'sortdim' */ void multi_sort_add_dimension(MultiSortSupport mss, int sortdim, Oid oper, Oid collation) { SortSupport ssup = &mss->ssup[sortdim]; ssup->ssup_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext; ssup->ssup_collation = collation; ssup->ssup_nulls_first = false; PrepareSortSupportFromOrderingOp(oper, ssup); } /* compare all the dimensions in the selected order */ int multi_sort_compare(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg) { MultiSortSupport mss = (MultiSortSupport) arg; SortItem *ia = (SortItem *) a; SortItem *ib = (SortItem *) b; int i; for (i = 0; i < mss->ndims; i++) { int compare; compare = ApplySortComparator(ia->values[i], ia->isnull[i], ib->values[i], ib->isnull[i], &mss->ssup[i]); if (compare != 0) return compare; } /* equal by default */ return 0; } /* compare selected dimension */ int multi_sort_compare_dim(int dim, const SortItem *a, const SortItem *b, MultiSortSupport mss) { return ApplySortComparator(a->values[dim], a->isnull[dim], b->values[dim], b->isnull[dim], &mss->ssup[dim]); } int multi_sort_compare_dims(int start, int end, const SortItem *a, const SortItem *b, MultiSortSupport mss) { int dim; for (dim = start; dim <= end; dim++) { int r = ApplySortComparator(a->values[dim], a->isnull[dim], b->values[dim], b->isnull[dim], &mss->ssup[dim]); if (r != 0) return r; } return 0; } /* * has_stats_of_kind * Check whether the list contains statistic of a given kind */ bool has_stats_of_kind(List *stats, char requiredkind) { ListCell *l; foreach(l, stats) { StatisticExtInfo *stat = (StatisticExtInfo *) lfirst(l); if (stat->kind == requiredkind) return true; } return false; } /* * choose_best_statistics * Look for and return statistics with the specified 'requiredkind' which * have keys that match at least two of the given attnums. Return NULL if * there's no match. * * The current selection criteria is very simple - we choose the statistics * object referencing the most of the requested attributes, breaking ties * in favor of objects with fewer keys overall. * * XXX if multiple statistics objects tie on both criteria, then which object * is chosen depends on the order that they appear in the stats list. Perhaps * further tiebreakers are needed. */ StatisticExtInfo * choose_best_statistics(List *stats, Bitmapset *attnums, char requiredkind) { ListCell *lc; StatisticExtInfo *best_match = NULL; int best_num_matched = 2; /* goal #1: maximize */ int best_match_keys = (STATS_MAX_DIMENSIONS + 1); /* goal #2: minimize */ foreach(lc, stats) { StatisticExtInfo *info = (StatisticExtInfo *) lfirst(lc); int num_matched; int numkeys; Bitmapset *matched; /* skip statistics that are not of the correct type */ if (info->kind != requiredkind) continue; /* determine how many attributes of these stats can be matched to */ matched = bms_intersect(attnums, info->keys); num_matched = bms_num_members(matched); bms_free(matched); /* * save the actual number of keys in the stats so that we can choose * the narrowest stats with the most matching keys. */ numkeys = bms_num_members(info->keys); /* * Use this object when it increases the number of matched clauses or * when it matches the same number of attributes but these stats have * fewer keys than any previous match. */ if (num_matched > best_num_matched || (num_matched == best_num_matched && numkeys < best_match_keys)) { best_match = info; best_num_matched = num_matched; best_match_keys = numkeys; } } return best_match; }