# Verify the behavior of assorted pg_verifybackup options. use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use Config; use File::Path qw(rmtree); use PostgresNode; use TestLib; use Test::More tests => 25; # Start up the server and take a backup. my $master = get_new_node('master'); $master->init(allows_streaming => 1); $master->start; my $backup_path = $master->backup_dir . '/test_options'; $master->command_ok(['pg_basebackup', '-D', $backup_path, '--no-sync' ], "base backup ok"); # Verify that pg_verifybackup -q succeeds and produces no output. my $stdout; my $stderr; my $result = IPC::Run::run ['pg_verifybackup', '-q', $backup_path ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr; ok($result, "-q succeeds: exit code 0"); is($stdout, '', "-q succeeds: no stdout"); is($stderr, '', "-q succeeds: no stderr"); # Corrupt the PG_VERSION file. my $version_pathname = "$backup_path/PG_VERSION"; my $version_contents = slurp_file($version_pathname); open(my $fh, '>', $version_pathname) || die "open $version_pathname: $!"; print $fh 'q' x length($version_contents); close($fh); # Verify that pg_verifybackup -q now fails. command_fails_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-q', $backup_path ], qr/checksum mismatch for file \"PG_VERSION\"/, '-q checksum mismatch'); # Since we didn't change the length of the file, verification should succeed # if we ignore checksums. Check that we get the right message, too. command_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-s', $backup_path ], qr/backup successfully verified/, '-s skips checksumming'); # Validation should succeed if we ignore the problem file. command_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-i', 'PG_VERSION', $backup_path ], qr/backup successfully verified/, '-i ignores problem file'); # PG_VERSION is already corrupt; let's try also removing all of pg_xact. rmtree($backup_path . "/pg_xact"); # We're ignoring the problem with PG_VERSION, but not the problem with # pg_xact, so verification should fail here. command_fails_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-i', 'PG_VERSION', $backup_path ], qr/pg_xact.*is present in the manifest but not on disk/, '-i does not ignore all problems'); # If we use -i twice, we should be able to ignore all of the problems. command_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-i', 'PG_VERSION', '-i', 'pg_xact', $backup_path ], qr/backup successfully verified/, 'multiple -i options work'); # Verify that when -i is not used, both problems are reported. $result = IPC::Run::run ['pg_verifybackup', $backup_path ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr; ok(!$result, "multiple problems: fails"); like($stderr, qr/pg_xact.*is present in the manifest but not on disk/, "multiple problems: missing files reported"); like($stderr, qr/checksum mismatch for file \"PG_VERSION\"/, "multiple problems: checksum mismatch reported"); # Verify that when -e is used, only the problem detected first is reported. $result = IPC::Run::run ['pg_verifybackup', '-e', $backup_path ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr; ok(!$result, "-e reports 1 error: fails"); like($stderr, qr/pg_xact.*is present in the manifest but not on disk/, "-e reports 1 error: missing files reported"); unlike($stderr, qr/checksum mismatch for file \"PG_VERSION\"/, "-e reports 1 error: checksum mismatch not reported"); # Test valid manifest with nonexistent backup directory. command_fails_like(['pg_verifybackup', '-m', "$backup_path/backup_manifest", "$backup_path/fake" ], qr/could not open directory/, 'nonexistent backup directory');