/****************************************************************************** This file contains routines that can be bound to a Postgres backend and called by the backend in the process of processing queries. The calling format for these routines is dictated by Postgres architecture. ******************************************************************************/ #include /* do not include libpq-fe.h for backend-loaded functions*/ /* #include "libpq-fe.h" */ #include "postgres.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/mcxt.h" typedef struct Complex { double x; double y; } Complex; /* These prototypes declare the requirements that Postgres places on these user written functions. */ Complex *complex_in(char *str); char *complex_out(Complex * complex); Complex *complex_add(Complex * a, Complex * b); bool complex_abs_lt(Complex * a, Complex * b); bool complex_abs_le(Complex * a, Complex * b); bool complex_abs_eq(Complex * a, Complex * b); bool complex_abs_ge(Complex * a, Complex * b); bool complex_abs_gt(Complex * a, Complex * b); int4 complex_abs_cmp(Complex * a, Complex * b); /***************************************************************************** * Input/Output functions *****************************************************************************/ Complex * complex_in(char *str) { double x, y; Complex *result; if (sscanf(str, " ( %lf , %lf )", &x, &y) != 2) { elog(WARN, "complex_in: error in parsing \"%s\"", str); return NULL; } result = (Complex *) palloc(sizeof(Complex)); result->x = x; result->y = y; return (result); } /* * You might have noticed a slight inconsistency between the following * declaration and the SQL definition: * CREATE FUNCTION complex_out(opaque) RETURNS opaque ... * The reason is that the argument pass into complex_out is really just a * pointer. POSTGRES thinks all output functions are: * char *out_func(char *); */ char * complex_out(Complex * complex) { char *result; if (complex == NULL) return (NULL); result = (char *) palloc(60); sprintf(result, "(%g,%g)", complex->x, complex->y); return (result); } /***************************************************************************** * New Operators *****************************************************************************/ Complex * complex_add(Complex * a, Complex * b) { Complex *result; result = (Complex *) palloc(sizeof(Complex)); result->x = a->x + b->x; result->y = a->y + b->y; return (result); } /***************************************************************************** * Operator class for defining B-tree index *****************************************************************************/ #define Mag(c) ((c)->x*(c)->x + (c)->y*(c)->y) bool complex_abs_lt(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); return (amag < bmag); } bool complex_abs_le(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); return (amag <= bmag); } bool complex_abs_eq(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); return (amag == bmag); } bool complex_abs_ge(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); return (amag >= bmag); } bool complex_abs_gt(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); return (amag > bmag); } int4 complex_abs_cmp(Complex * a, Complex * b) { double amag = Mag(a), bmag = Mag(b); if (amag < bmag) return -1; else if (amag > bmag) return 1; else return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * test code *****************************************************************************/ /* * You should always test your code separately. Trust me, using POSTGRES to * debug your C function will be very painful and unproductive. In case of * POSTGRES crashing, it is impossible to tell whether the bug is in your * code or POSTGRES's. */ void test_main(void); void test_main() { Complex *a; Complex *b; a = complex_in("(4.01, 3.77 )"); printf("a = %s\n", complex_out(a)); b = complex_in("(1.0,2.0)"); printf("b = %s\n", complex_out(b)); printf("a + b = %s\n", complex_out(complex_add(a, b))); printf("a < b = %d\n", complex_abs_lt(a, b)); printf("a <= b = %d\n", complex_abs_le(a, b)); printf("a = b = %d\n", complex_abs_eq(a, b)); printf("a >= b = %d\n", complex_abs_ge(a, b)); printf("a > b = %d\n", complex_abs_gt(a, b)); }