#include "postgres.h" #include #include "access/gist.h" #include "access/itup.h" #include "access/rtree.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/array.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "storage/bufpage.h" #include "access/tuptoaster.h" #include "txtidx.h" #include "query.h" #include "gistidx.h" #include "crc32.h" PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_in ); Datum gtxtidx_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_out ); Datum gtxtidx_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_compress ); Datum gtxtidx_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_decompress ); Datum gtxtidx_decompress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_consistent ); Datum gtxtidx_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_union ); Datum gtxtidx_union(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_same ); Datum gtxtidx_same(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_penalty ); Datum gtxtidx_penalty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gtxtidx_picksplit ); Datum gtxtidx_picksplit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); #define GETENTRY(vec,pos) ((GISTTYPE *) DatumGetPointer(((GISTENTRY *) VARDATA(vec))[(pos)].key)) #define SUMBIT(val) ( \ GETBITBYTE(val,0) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,1) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,2) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,3) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,4) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,5) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,6) + \ GETBITBYTE(val,7) \ ) Datum gtxtidx_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(ERROR,"Not implemented"); PG_RETURN_DATUM(0); } Datum gtxtidx_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { elog(ERROR,"Not implemented"); PG_RETURN_DATUM(0); } static int compareint( const void * a, const void * b ) { if ( *((int4*)a) == *((int4*)b) ) return 0; return ( *((int4*)a) > *((int4*)b) ) ? 1 : -1; } static int uniqueint( int4* a, int4 l ) { int4 *ptr, *res; if ( l == 1 ) return l; ptr = res = a; qsort((void*)a, l, sizeof(int4), compareint ); while (ptr - a < l) if (*ptr != *res) *(++res) = *ptr++; else ptr++; return res + 1 - a; } static void makesign( BITVECP sign, GISTTYPE *a) { int4 k,len = ARRNELEM( a ); int4 *ptr = GETARR( a ); MemSet( (void*)sign, 0, sizeof(BITVEC) ); for(k=0;kleafkey ) { /* txtidx */ GISTTYPE *res; txtidx *toastedval = (txtidx*)DatumGetPointer( entry->key ); txtidx *val = (txtidx*)DatumGetPointer( PG_DETOAST_DATUM(entry->key) ); int4 len; int4 *arr; WordEntry *ptr = ARRPTR(val); char *words = STRPTR(val); len = CALCGTSIZE( ARRKEY, val->size ); res = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( len ); res->len = len; res->flag = ARRKEY; arr = GETARR(res); len = val->size; while( len-- ) { *arr = crc32_sz( (uint8*)&words[ ptr->pos ], ptr->len ); arr++; ptr++; } len = uniqueint( GETARR(res), val->size ); if ( len != val->size ) { /* there is a collision of hash-function; len is always less than val->size */ len = CALCGTSIZE( ARRKEY, len ); res = (GISTTYPE*)repalloc( (void*)res, len ); res->len = len; } if ( val != toastedval ) pfree(val); /* make signature, if array is too long */ if ( res->len > TOAST_INDEX_TARGET ) { GISTTYPE *ressign; len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY, 0 ); ressign = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( len ); ressign->len = len; ressign->flag = SIGNKEY; makesign( GETSIGN(ressign), res ); pfree(res); res = ressign; } retval = (GISTENTRY*)palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(res), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, res->len, FALSE); } else if ( ISSIGNKEY(DatumGetPointer( entry->key )) && ! ISALLTRUE(DatumGetPointer( entry->key )) ){ int4 i,len; GISTTYPE *res; BITVECP sign = GETSIGN( DatumGetPointer( entry->key ) ); LOOPBYTE( if ( (sign[i] & 0xff) != 0xff ) PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); ); len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE, 0 ); res = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( len ); res->len = len; res->flag = SIGNKEY | ALLISTRUE; retval = (GISTENTRY*)palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(res), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, res->len, FALSE); } PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } Datum gtxtidx_decompress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GISTTYPE *key = (GISTTYPE*)DatumGetPointer( PG_DETOAST_DATUM(entry->key) ); if ( key != (GISTTYPE*)DatumGetPointer(entry->key) ) { GISTENTRY *retval = (GISTENTRY*)palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(key), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, key->len, FALSE); PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry); } typedef struct { int4 *arrb; int4 *arre; } CHKVAL; /* * is there value 'val' in array or not ? */ static bool checkcondition_arr( void *checkval, ITEM* val ) { int4 *StopLow = ((CHKVAL*)checkval)->arrb; int4 *StopHigh = ((CHKVAL*)checkval)->arre; int4 *StopMiddle; /* Loop invariant: StopLow <= val < StopHigh */ while (StopLow < StopHigh) { StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2; if (*StopMiddle == val->val) return (true); else if (*StopMiddle < val->val ) StopLow = StopMiddle + 1; else StopHigh = StopMiddle; } return (false); } static bool checkcondition_bit( void *checkval, ITEM* val ) { return GETBIT( checkval, HASHVAL( val->val ) ); } Datum gtxtidx_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { QUERYTYPE *query = (QUERYTYPE *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); GISTTYPE *key = (GISTTYPE *)DatumGetPointer( ((GISTENTRY *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0))->key ); if ( ISSIGNKEY(key) ) { if ( ISALLTRUE(key) ) PG_RETURN_BOOL(true); PG_RETURN_BOOL( execute( GETQUERY(query), (void*)GETSIGN(key), false, checkcondition_bit )); } else { /* only leaf pages */ CHKVAL chkval; chkval.arrb = GETARR(key); chkval.arre = chkval.arrb + ARRNELEM(key); PG_RETURN_BOOL( execute( GETQUERY(query), (void*)&chkval, true, checkcondition_arr ) ); } } static int4 unionkey( BITVECP sbase, GISTTYPE *add ) { int4 i; if ( ISSIGNKEY(add) ) { BITVECP sadd = GETSIGN( add ); if ( ISALLTRUE(add) ) return 1; LOOPBYTE( sbase[i] |= sadd[i]; ); } else { int4 *ptr = GETARR( add ); for(i=0;ilen = len; result->flag = flag; if ( ! ISALLTRUE(result) ) memcpy((void*)GETSIGN(result), (void*)base, sizeof( BITVEC ) ); PG_RETURN_POINTER( result ); } Datum gtxtidx_same(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTTYPE *a = (GISTTYPE*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GISTTYPE *b = (GISTTYPE*)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); bool *result = (bool *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); if ( ISSIGNKEY(a) ) { /* then b also ISSIGNKEY */ if ( ISALLTRUE(a) && ISALLTRUE(b) ) { *result = true; } else if ( ISALLTRUE(a) ) { *result = false; } else if ( ISALLTRUE(b) ) { *result = false; } else { int4 i; BITVECP sa=GETSIGN(a), sb=GETSIGN(b); *result = true; LOOPBYTE( if ( sa[i] != sb[i] ) { *result = false; break; } ); } } else { /* a and b ISARRKEY */ int4 lena = ARRNELEM(a), lenb = ARRNELEM(b); if ( lena != lenb ) { *result = false; } else { int4 *ptra = GETARR(a), *ptrb = GETARR(b); int4 i; *result = true; for(i=0;ikey ); GISTTYPE *newval = (GISTTYPE*)DatumGetPointer( newentry->key ); int4 unionsize = 0; BITVECP orig = GETSIGN(origval); if ( ISALLTRUE(origval) ) { *penalty = 0.0; PG_RETURN_POINTER( penalty ); } if ( ISARRKEY(newval) ) { int4 *ptr=GETARR(newval), n=ARRNELEM(newval); while( n-- ) { if ( GETBIT(orig, HASHVAL( *ptr ) ) == 0 ) unionsize++; ptr++; } *penalty = (float)unionsize; } else { if ( ISALLTRUE(newval) ) { *penalty = (float) (SIGLENBIT - sizebitvec( orig ) ); } else { char valtmp; BITVECP nval = GETSIGN(newval); int4 i; LOOPBYTE( valtmp = nval[i] | orig[i]; unionsize += SUMBIT(valtmp) - SUMBIT(orig[i]); ); *penalty = (float)unionsize; } } PG_RETURN_POINTER( penalty ); } typedef struct { bool allistrue; BITVEC sign; } CACHESIGN; static void fillcache( CACHESIGN *item, GISTTYPE *key ) { item->allistrue = false; if ( ISARRKEY( key ) ) { makesign(item->sign, key); } else if ( ISALLTRUE(key) ) { item->allistrue = true; } else { memcpy( (void*)item->sign, (void*)GETSIGN(key), sizeof(BITVEC)); } } #define WISH_F(a,b,c) (double)( -(double)(((a)-(b))*((a)-(b))*((a)-(b)))*(c) ) typedef struct { OffsetNumber pos; int4 cost; } SPLITCOST; static int comparecost( const void *a, const void *b ) { if ( ((SPLITCOST*)a)->cost == ((SPLITCOST*)b)->cost ) return 0; else return ( ((SPLITCOST*)a)->cost > ((SPLITCOST*)b)->cost ) ? 1 : -1; } Datum gtxtidx_picksplit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { bytea *entryvec = (bytea *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GIST_SPLITVEC *v = (GIST_SPLITVEC *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); OffsetNumber k,j; GISTTYPE *datum_l, *datum_r; BITVEC union_l, union_r; bool firsttime = true; int4 size_alpha,size_beta,sizeu,sizei; int4 size_waste, waste = 0.0; int4 size_l, size_r; int4 nbytes; OffsetNumber seed_1=0, seed_2=0; OffsetNumber *left, *right; OffsetNumber maxoff; BITVECP ptra, ptrb, ptrc; int i; CACHESIGN *cache; char valtmp; SPLITCOST *costvector; maxoff = ((VARSIZE(entryvec) - VARHDRSZ) / sizeof(GISTENTRY)) - 2; nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber); v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes); v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes); cache = (CACHESIGN*)palloc(sizeof(CACHESIGN)*(maxoff+2)); fillcache( &cache[FirstOffsetNumber], GETENTRY(entryvec,FirstOffsetNumber) ); for (k = FirstOffsetNumber; k < maxoff; k = OffsetNumberNext(k)) { for (j = OffsetNumberNext(k); j <= maxoff; j = OffsetNumberNext(j)) { if ( k==FirstOffsetNumber ) fillcache( &cache[j], GETENTRY(entryvec,j) ); if ( cache[k].allistrue || cache[j].allistrue ) { sizeu = SIGLENBIT; if ( cache[k].allistrue && cache[j].allistrue ) sizei = SIGLENBIT; else sizei = ( cache[k].allistrue ) ? sizebitvec( cache[j].sign ) : sizebitvec( cache[k].sign ); } else { sizeu = sizei = 0; ptra = cache[j].sign; ptrb = cache[k].sign; /* critical section for bench !!! */ #define COUNT(pos) do { \ if ( GETBITBYTE(*(char*)ptra,pos) ) { \ sizeu++; \ if ( GETBITBYTE(*(char*)ptrb, pos) ) \ sizei++; \ } else if ( GETBITBYTE(*(char*)ptrb, pos) ) \ sizeu++; \ } while(0) LOOPBYTE( COUNT(0); COUNT(1); COUNT(2); COUNT(3); COUNT(4); COUNT(5); COUNT(6); COUNT(7); ptra = (BITVECP) ( ((char*)ptra) + 1 ); ptrb = (BITVECP) ( ((char*)ptrb) + 1 ); ); } size_waste = sizeu - sizei; if (size_waste > waste || firsttime) { waste = size_waste; seed_1 = k; seed_2 = j; firsttime = false; } } } left = v->spl_left; v->spl_nleft = 0; right = v->spl_right; v->spl_nright = 0; if ( seed_1 == 0 || seed_2 == 0 ) { seed_1 = 1; seed_2 = 2; } /* form initial .. */ if ( cache[seed_1].allistrue ) { datum_l = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE, 0 ) ); datum_l->len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE, 0 ); datum_l->flag = SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE; size_l = SIGLENBIT; } else { datum_l = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY, 0 ) ); datum_l->len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY, 0 ); datum_l->flag = SIGNKEY; memcpy((void*)GETSIGN(datum_l), (void*)cache[seed_1].sign, sizeof(BITVEC)); size_l = sizebitvec( GETSIGN(datum_l) ); } if ( cache[seed_2].allistrue ) { datum_r = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE, 0 ) ); datum_r->len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE, 0 ); datum_r->flag = SIGNKEY|ALLISTRUE; size_r = SIGLENBIT; } else { datum_r = (GISTTYPE*)palloc( CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY, 0 ) ); datum_r->len = CALCGTSIZE( SIGNKEY, 0 ); datum_r->flag = SIGNKEY; memcpy((void*)GETSIGN(datum_r), (void*)cache[seed_2].sign, sizeof(BITVEC)); size_r = sizebitvec( GETSIGN(datum_r) ); } maxoff = OffsetNumberNext(maxoff); fillcache( &cache[maxoff], GETENTRY(entryvec,maxoff) ); /* sort before ... */ costvector=(SPLITCOST*)palloc( sizeof(SPLITCOST)*maxoff ); for (j = FirstOffsetNumber; j <= maxoff; j = OffsetNumberNext(j)) { costvector[j-1].pos = j; if ( cache[j].allistrue ) { size_alpha = SIGLENBIT - size_l; size_beta = SIGLENBIT - size_r; } else { ptra = cache[seed_1].sign; ptrb = cache[seed_2].sign; ptrc = cache[j].sign; size_beta = size_alpha = 0; if ( cache[seed_1].allistrue ) { if ( ! cache[seed_2].allistrue ) { LOOPBIT( if ( GETBIT(ptrc,i) && ! GETBIT(ptrb,i) ) size_beta++; ); } } else if ( cache[seed_2].allistrue ) { if ( ! cache[seed_1].allistrue ) { LOOPBIT( if ( GETBIT(ptrc,i) && ! GETBIT(ptra,i) ) size_alpha++; ); } } else { LOOPBIT( if ( GETBIT(ptrc,i) && ! GETBIT(ptra,i) ) size_alpha++; if ( GETBIT(ptrc,i) && ! GETBIT(ptrb,i) ) size_beta++; ); } } costvector[j-1].cost = abs( size_alpha - size_beta ); } qsort( (void*)costvector, maxoff, sizeof(SPLITCOST), comparecost ); for (k = 0; k < maxoff; k++) { j = costvector[k].pos; if ( j == seed_1 ) { *left++ = j; v->spl_nleft++; continue; } else if ( j == seed_2 ) { *right++ = j; v->spl_nright++; continue; } if ( ISALLTRUE( datum_l ) || cache[j].allistrue ) { size_alpha = SIGLENBIT; } else { ptra = cache[j].sign; ptrb = GETSIGN(datum_l); size_alpha = 0; LOOPBYTE( valtmp = union_l[i] = ptra[i] | ptrb[i]; size_alpha += SUMBIT( valtmp ); ); } if ( ISALLTRUE( datum_r ) || cache[j].allistrue ) { size_beta = SIGLENBIT; } else { ptra = cache[j].sign; ptrb = GETSIGN(datum_r); size_beta = 0; LOOPBYTE( valtmp = union_r[i] = ptra[i] | ptrb[i]; size_beta += SUMBIT( valtmp ); ); } if (size_alpha - size_l < size_beta - size_r + WISH_F(v->spl_nleft, v->spl_nright, 0.1)) { if ( ! ISALLTRUE( datum_l ) ) { if ( size_alpha == SIGLENBIT ) { if ( size_alpha != size_l ) MemSet( (void*)GETSIGN(datum_l),0xff, sizeof(BITVEC)); } else memcpy( (void*)GETSIGN(datum_l), (void*)union_l, sizeof(BITVEC) ); } size_l = size_alpha; *left++ = j; v->spl_nleft++; } else { if ( ! ISALLTRUE( datum_r ) ) { if ( size_beta == SIGLENBIT ) { if ( size_beta != size_r ) MemSet( (void*)GETSIGN(datum_r),0xff, sizeof(BITVEC)); } else memcpy( (void*)GETSIGN(datum_r), (void*)union_r, sizeof(BITVEC) ); } size_r = size_beta; *right++ = j; v->spl_nright++; } } *right = *left = FirstOffsetNumber; pfree(costvector); pfree(cache); v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(datum_l); v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(datum_r); PG_RETURN_POINTER( v ); }