/* * psql - the PostgreSQL interactive terminal * * Copyright (c) 2000-2010, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/bin/psql/print.c,v 1.121 2010/01/30 18:59:51 tgl Exp $ */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include /* for ioctl() */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include #endif #include #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "pqsignal.h" #include "common.h" #include "mbprint.h" #include "print.h" /* * We define the cancel_pressed flag in this file, rather than common.c where * it naturally belongs, because this file is also used by non-psql programs * (see the bin/scripts/ directory). In those programs cancel_pressed will * never become set and will have no effect. * * Note: print.c's general strategy for when to check cancel_pressed is to do * so at completion of each row of output. */ volatile bool cancel_pressed = false; static char *decimal_point; static char *grouping; static char *thousands_sep; /* Line style control structures */ const printTextFormat pg_asciiformat = { "ascii", { { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "", "|", "|", "|" } }, "|", "|", "|", " ", "+", " ", "+", ".", ".", true }; const printTextFormat pg_asciiformat_old = { "old-ascii", { { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "-", "+", "+", "+" }, { "", "|", "|", "|" } }, ":", ";", " ", "+", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", false }; const printTextFormat pg_utf8format = { "unicode", { /* ─, ┌, ┬, ┐ */ { "\342\224\200", "\342\224\214", "\342\224\254", "\342\224\220" }, /* ─, ├, ┼, ┤ */ { "\342\224\200", "\342\224\234", "\342\224\274", "\342\224\244" }, /* ─, └, ┴, ┘ */ { "\342\224\200", "\342\224\224", "\342\224\264", "\342\224\230" }, /* N/A, │, │, │ */ { "", "\342\224\202", "\342\224\202", "\342\224\202" } }, /* │ */ "\342\224\202", /* │ */ "\342\224\202", /* │ */ "\342\224\202", " ", /* ↵ */ "\342\206\265", " ", /* ↵ */ "\342\206\265", /* … */ "\342\200\246", /* … */ "\342\200\246", true }; /* Local functions */ static int strlen_max_width(unsigned char *str, int *target_width, int encoding); static void IsPagerNeeded(const printTableContent *cont, const int extra_lines, FILE **fout, bool *is_pager); static void * pg_local_malloc(size_t size) { void *tmp; tmp = malloc(size); if (!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, _("out of memory\n")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return tmp; } static void * pg_local_calloc(int count, size_t size) { void *tmp; tmp = calloc(count, size); if (!tmp) { fprintf(stderr, _("out of memory\n")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return tmp; } static int integer_digits(const char *my_str) { int frac_len; if (my_str[0] == '-') my_str++; frac_len = strchr(my_str, '.') ? strlen(strchr(my_str, '.')) : 0; return strlen(my_str) - frac_len; } /* Return additional length required for locale-aware numeric output */ static int additional_numeric_locale_len(const char *my_str) { int int_len = integer_digits(my_str), len = 0; int groupdigits = atoi(grouping); if (int_len > 0) /* Don't count a leading separator */ len = (int_len / groupdigits - (int_len % groupdigits == 0)) * strlen(thousands_sep); if (strchr(my_str, '.') != NULL) len += strlen(decimal_point) - strlen("."); return len; } static int strlen_with_numeric_locale(const char *my_str) { return strlen(my_str) + additional_numeric_locale_len(my_str); } /* * Returns the appropriately formatted string in a new allocated block, * caller must free */ static char * format_numeric_locale(const char *my_str) { int i, j, int_len = integer_digits(my_str), leading_digits; int groupdigits = atoi(grouping); int new_str_start = 0; char *new_str = new_str = pg_local_malloc( strlen_with_numeric_locale(my_str) + 1); leading_digits = (int_len % groupdigits != 0) ? int_len % groupdigits : groupdigits; if (my_str[0] == '-') /* skip over sign, affects grouping * calculations */ { new_str[0] = my_str[0]; my_str++; new_str_start = 1; } for (i = 0, j = new_str_start;; i++, j++) { /* Hit decimal point? */ if (my_str[i] == '.') { strcpy(&new_str[j], decimal_point); j += strlen(decimal_point); /* add fractional part */ strcpy(&new_str[j], &my_str[i] + 1); break; } /* End of string? */ if (my_str[i] == '\0') { new_str[j] = '\0'; break; } /* Add separator? */ if (i != 0 && (i - leading_digits) % groupdigits == 0) { strcpy(&new_str[j], thousands_sep); j += strlen(thousands_sep); } new_str[j] = my_str[i]; } return new_str; } /*************************/ /* Unaligned text */ /*************************/ static void print_unaligned_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { const char *opt_fieldsep = cont->opt->fieldSep; const char *opt_recordsep = cont->opt->recordSep; bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; bool need_recordsep = false; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (!opt_fieldsep) opt_fieldsep = ""; if (!opt_recordsep) opt_recordsep = ""; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) fprintf(fout, "%s%s", cont->title, opt_recordsep); /* print headers */ if (!opt_tuples_only) { for (ptr = cont->headers; *ptr; ptr++) { if (ptr != cont->headers) fputs(opt_fieldsep, fout); fputs(*ptr, fout); } need_recordsep = true; } } else /* assume continuing printout */ need_recordsep = true; /* print cells */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (need_recordsep) { fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); need_recordsep = false; if (cancel_pressed) break; } if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); fputs(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else fputs(*ptr, fout); if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns) fputs(opt_fieldsep, fout); else need_recordsep = true; } /* print footers */ if (cont->opt->stop_table) { if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->footers != NULL && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { if (need_recordsep) { fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); need_recordsep = false; } fputs(f->data, fout); need_recordsep = true; } } /* the last record needs to be concluded with a newline */ if (need_recordsep) fputc('\n', fout); } } static void print_unaligned_vertical(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { const char *opt_fieldsep = cont->opt->fieldSep; const char *opt_recordsep = cont->opt->recordSep; bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; bool need_recordsep = false; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (!opt_fieldsep) opt_fieldsep = ""; if (!opt_recordsep) opt_recordsep = ""; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs(cont->title, fout); need_recordsep = true; } } else /* assume continuing printout */ need_recordsep = true; /* print records */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (need_recordsep) { /* record separator is 2 occurrences of recordsep in this mode */ fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); need_recordsep = false; if (cancel_pressed) break; } fputs(cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns], fout); fputs(opt_fieldsep, fout); if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); fputs(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else fputs(*ptr, fout); if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns) fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); else need_recordsep = true; } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { /* print footers */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->footers != NULL && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { fputs(opt_recordsep, fout); fputs(f->data, fout); } } fputc('\n', fout); } } /********************/ /* Aligned text */ /********************/ /* draw "line" */ static void _print_horizontal_line(const unsigned int ncolumns, const unsigned int *widths, unsigned short border, printTextRule pos, const printTextFormat *format, FILE *fout) { const printTextLineFormat *lformat = &format->lrule[pos]; unsigned int i, j; if (border == 1) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); else if (border == 2) fprintf(fout, "%s%s", lformat->leftvrule, lformat->hrule); for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; i++) { for (j = 0; j < widths[i]; j++) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); if (i < ncolumns - 1) { if (border == 0) fputc(' ', fout); else fprintf(fout, "%s%s%s", lformat->hrule, lformat->midvrule, lformat->hrule); } } if (border == 2) fprintf(fout, "%s%s", lformat->hrule, lformat->rightvrule); else if (border == 1) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } /* * Print pretty boxes around cells. */ static void print_aligned_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; int encoding = cont->opt->encoding; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; const printTextFormat *format = get_line_style(cont->opt); const printTextLineFormat *dformat = &format->lrule[PRINT_RULE_DATA]; unsigned int col_count = 0, cell_count = 0; unsigned int i, j; unsigned int *width_header, *max_width, *width_wrap, *width_average; unsigned int *max_nl_lines, /* value split by newlines */ *curr_nl_line, *max_bytes; unsigned char **format_buf; unsigned int width_total; unsigned int total_header_width; unsigned int extra_row_output_lines = 0; unsigned int extra_output_lines = 0; const char *const * ptr; struct lineptr **col_lineptrs; /* pointers to line pointer per column */ bool *header_done; /* Have all header lines been output? */ int *bytes_output; /* Bytes output for column value */ printTextLineWrap *wrap; /* Wrap status for each column */ int output_columns = 0; /* Width of interactive console */ bool is_pager = false; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->ncolumns > 0) { col_count = cont->ncolumns; width_header = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*width_header)); width_average = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*width_average)); max_width = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*max_width)); width_wrap = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*width_wrap)); max_nl_lines = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*max_nl_lines)); curr_nl_line = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*curr_nl_line)); col_lineptrs = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*col_lineptrs)); max_bytes = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*max_bytes)); format_buf = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*format_buf)); header_done = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*header_done)); bytes_output = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*bytes_output)); wrap = pg_local_calloc(col_count, sizeof(*wrap)); } else { width_header = NULL; width_average = NULL; max_width = NULL; width_wrap = NULL; max_nl_lines = NULL; curr_nl_line = NULL; col_lineptrs = NULL; max_bytes = NULL; format_buf = NULL; header_done = NULL; bytes_output = NULL; wrap = NULL; } /* scan all column headers, find maximum width and max max_nl_lines */ for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { int width, nl_lines, bytes_required; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) cont->headers[i], strlen(cont->headers[i]), encoding, &width, &nl_lines, &bytes_required); if (width > max_width[i]) max_width[i] = width; if (nl_lines > max_nl_lines[i]) max_nl_lines[i] = nl_lines; if (bytes_required > max_bytes[i]) max_bytes[i] = bytes_required; if (nl_lines > extra_row_output_lines) extra_row_output_lines = nl_lines; width_header[i] = width; } /* Add height of tallest header column */ extra_output_lines += extra_row_output_lines; extra_row_output_lines = 0; /* scan all cells, find maximum width, compute cell_count */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; ptr++, i++, cell_count++) { int width, nl_lines, bytes_required; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) *ptr, strlen(*ptr), encoding, &width, &nl_lines, &bytes_required); if (opt_numeric_locale && cont->aligns[i % col_count] == 'r') { width += additional_numeric_locale_len(*ptr); bytes_required += additional_numeric_locale_len(*ptr); } if (width > max_width[i % col_count]) max_width[i % col_count] = width; if (nl_lines > max_nl_lines[i % col_count]) max_nl_lines[i % col_count] = nl_lines; if (bytes_required > max_bytes[i % col_count]) max_bytes[i % col_count] = bytes_required; width_average[i % col_count] += width; } /* If we have rows, compute average */ if (col_count != 0 && cell_count != 0) { int rows = cell_count / col_count; for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) width_average[i] /= rows; } /* adjust the total display width based on border style */ if (opt_border == 0) width_total = col_count; else if (opt_border == 1) width_total = col_count * 3 - 1; else width_total = col_count * 3 + 1; total_header_width = width_total; for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { width_total += max_width[i]; total_header_width += width_header[i]; } /* * At this point: max_width[] contains the max width of each column, * max_nl_lines[] contains the max number of lines in each column, * max_bytes[] contains the maximum storage space for formatting strings, * width_total contains the giant width sum. Now we allocate some memory * for line pointers. */ for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { /* Add entry for ptr == NULL array termination */ col_lineptrs[i] = pg_local_calloc(max_nl_lines[i] + 1, sizeof(**col_lineptrs)); format_buf[i] = pg_local_malloc(max_bytes[i] + 1); col_lineptrs[i]->ptr = format_buf[i]; } /* Default word wrap to the full width, i.e. no word wrap */ for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) width_wrap[i] = max_width[i]; /* * Choose target output width: \pset columns, or $COLUMNS, or ioctl */ if (cont->opt->columns > 0) output_columns = cont->opt->columns; else if ((fout == stdout && isatty(fileno(stdout))) || is_pager) { if (cont->opt->env_columns > 0) output_columns = cont->opt->env_columns; #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ else { struct winsize screen_size; if (ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &screen_size) != -1) output_columns = screen_size.ws_col; } #endif } if (cont->opt->format == PRINT_WRAPPED) { /* * Optional optimized word wrap. Shrink columns with a high max/avg * ratio. Slighly bias against wider columns. (Increases chance a * narrow column will fit in its cell.) If available columns is * positive... and greater than the width of the unshrinkable column * headers */ if (output_columns > 0 && output_columns >= total_header_width) { /* While there is still excess width... */ while (width_total > output_columns) { double max_ratio = 0; int worst_col = -1; /* * Find column that has the highest ratio of its maximum width * compared to its average width. This tells us which column * will produce the fewest wrapped values if shortened. * width_wrap starts as equal to max_width. */ for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { if (width_average[i] && width_wrap[i] > width_header[i]) { /* Penalize wide columns by 1% of their width */ double ratio; ratio = (double) width_wrap[i] / width_average[i] + max_width[i] * 0.01; if (ratio > max_ratio) { max_ratio = ratio; worst_col = i; } } } /* Exit loop if we can't squeeze any more. */ if (worst_col == -1) break; /* Decrease width of target column by one. */ width_wrap[worst_col]--; width_total--; } } } /* If we wrapped beyond the display width, use the pager */ if (!is_pager && fout == stdout && output_columns > 0 && (output_columns < total_header_width || output_columns < width_total)) { fout = PageOutput(INT_MAX, cont->opt->pager); /* force pager */ is_pager = true; } /* Check if newlines or our wrapping now need the pager */ if (!is_pager) { /* scan all cells, find maximum width, compute cell_count */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; ptr++, cell_count++) { int width, nl_lines, bytes_required; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) *ptr, strlen(*ptr), encoding, &width, &nl_lines, &bytes_required); if (opt_numeric_locale && cont->align[i] == 'r') width += additional_numeric_locale_len(*ptr); /* * A row can have both wrapping and newlines that cause it to * display across multiple lines. We check for both cases below. */ if (width > 0 && width_wrap[i]) { unsigned int extra_lines; extra_lines = (width - 1) / width_wrap[i] + nl_lines; if (extra_lines > extra_row_output_lines) extra_row_output_lines = extra_lines; } /* i is the current column number: increment with wrap */ if (++i >= col_count) { i = 0; /* At last column of each row, add tallest column height */ extra_output_lines += extra_row_output_lines; extra_row_output_lines = 0; } } IsPagerNeeded(cont, extra_output_lines, &fout, &is_pager); } /* time to output */ if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (cont->title && !opt_tuples_only) { int width, height; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) cont->title, strlen(cont->title), encoding, &width, &height, NULL); if (width >= width_total) /* Aligned */ fprintf(fout, "%s\n", cont->title); else /* Centered */ fprintf(fout, "%-*s%s\n", (width_total - width) / 2, "", cont->title); } /* print headers */ if (!opt_tuples_only) { int more_col_wrapping; int curr_nl_line; if (opt_border == 2) _print_horizontal_line(col_count, width_wrap, opt_border, PRINT_RULE_TOP, format, fout); for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) pg_wcsformat((unsigned char *) cont->headers[i], strlen(cont->headers[i]), encoding, col_lineptrs[i], max_nl_lines[i]); more_col_wrapping = col_count; curr_nl_line = 0; memset(header_done, false, col_count * sizeof(bool)); while (more_col_wrapping) { if (opt_border == 2) fputs(dformat->leftvrule, fout); for (i = 0; i < cont->ncolumns; i++) { struct lineptr *this_line = col_lineptrs[i] + curr_nl_line; unsigned int nbspace; if (opt_border != 0 || (format->wrap_right_border == false && i > 0)) fputs(curr_nl_line ? format->header_nl_left : " ", fout); if (!header_done[i]) { nbspace = width_wrap[i] - this_line->width; /* centered */ fprintf(fout, "%-*s%s%-*s", nbspace / 2, "", this_line->ptr, (nbspace + 1) / 2, ""); if (!(this_line + 1)->ptr) { more_col_wrapping--; header_done[i] = 1; } } else fprintf(fout, "%*s", width_wrap[i], ""); if (opt_border != 0 || format->wrap_right_border == true) fputs(!header_done[i] ? format->header_nl_right : " ", fout); if (opt_border != 0 && i < col_count - 1) fputs(dformat->midvrule, fout); } curr_nl_line++; if (opt_border == 2) fputs(dformat->rightvrule, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } _print_horizontal_line(col_count, width_wrap, opt_border, PRINT_RULE_MIDDLE, format, fout); } } /* print cells, one loop per row */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i += col_count, ptr += col_count) { bool more_lines; if (cancel_pressed) break; /* * Format each cell. Format again, if it's a numeric formatting * locale (e.g. 123,456 vs. 123456) */ for (j = 0; j < col_count; j++) { pg_wcsformat((unsigned char *) ptr[j], strlen(ptr[j]), encoding, col_lineptrs[j], max_nl_lines[j]); curr_nl_line[j] = 0; if (opt_numeric_locale && cont->aligns[j] == 'r') { char *my_cell; my_cell = format_numeric_locale((char *) col_lineptrs[j]->ptr); /* Buffer IS large enough... now */ strcpy((char *) col_lineptrs[j]->ptr, my_cell); free(my_cell); } } memset(bytes_output, 0, col_count * sizeof(int)); /* * Each time through this loop, one display line is output. It can * either be a full value or a partial value if embedded newlines * exist or if 'format=wrapping' mode is enabled. */ do { more_lines = false; /* left border */ if (opt_border == 2) fputs(dformat->leftvrule, fout); /* for each column */ for (j = 0; j < col_count; j++) { /* We have a valid array element, so index it */ struct lineptr *this_line = &col_lineptrs[j][curr_nl_line[j]]; int bytes_to_output; int chars_to_output = width_wrap[j]; bool finalspaces = (opt_border == 2 || j < col_count - 1); /* Print left-hand wrap or newline mark */ if (opt_border != 0) { if (wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_WRAP) fputs(format->wrap_left, fout); else if (wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NEWLINE) fputs(format->nl_left, fout); else fputc(' ', fout); } if (!this_line->ptr) { /* Past newline lines so just pad for other columns */ if (finalspaces) fprintf(fout, "%*s", chars_to_output, ""); } else { /* Get strlen() of the characters up to width_wrap */ bytes_to_output = strlen_max_width(this_line->ptr + bytes_output[j], &chars_to_output, encoding); /* * If we exceeded width_wrap, it means the display width * of a single character was wider than our target width. * In that case, we have to pretend we are only printing * the target display width and make the best of it. */ if (chars_to_output > width_wrap[j]) chars_to_output = width_wrap[j]; if (cont->aligns[j] == 'r') /* Right aligned cell */ { /* spaces first */ fprintf(fout, "%*s", width_wrap[j] - chars_to_output, ""); fprintf(fout, "%.*s", bytes_to_output, this_line->ptr + bytes_output[j]); } else /* Left aligned cell */ { /* spaces second */ fprintf(fout, "%.*s", bytes_to_output, this_line->ptr + bytes_output[j]); } bytes_output[j] += bytes_to_output; /* Do we have more text to wrap? */ if (*(this_line->ptr + bytes_output[j]) != '\0') more_lines = true; else { /* Advance to next newline line */ curr_nl_line[j]++; if (col_lineptrs[j][curr_nl_line[j]].ptr != NULL) more_lines = true; bytes_output[j] = 0; } } /* Determine next line's wrap status for this column */ wrap[j] = PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NONE; if (col_lineptrs[j][curr_nl_line[j]].ptr != NULL) { if (bytes_output[j] != 0) wrap[j] = PRINT_LINE_WRAP_WRAP; else if (curr_nl_line[j] != 0) wrap[j] = PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NEWLINE; } /* * If left-aligned, pad out remaining space if needed (not * last column, and/or wrap marks required). */ if (cont->aligns[j] != 'r') /* Left aligned cell */ { if (finalspaces || wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_WRAP || wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NEWLINE) fprintf(fout, "%*s", width_wrap[j] - chars_to_output, ""); } /* Print right-hand wrap or newline mark */ if (wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_WRAP) fputs(format->wrap_right, fout); else if (wrap[j] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NEWLINE) fputs(format->nl_right, fout); else if (opt_border == 2 || j < col_count - 1) fputc(' ', fout); /* Print column divider, if not the last column */ if (opt_border != 0 && j < col_count - 1) { if (wrap[j+1] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_WRAP) fputs(format->midvrule_wrap, fout); else if (wrap[j+1] == PRINT_LINE_WRAP_NEWLINE) fputs(format->midvrule_nl, fout); else if (col_lineptrs[j + 1][curr_nl_line[j + 1]].ptr == NULL) fputs(format->midvrule_blank, fout); else fputs(dformat->midvrule, fout); } } /* end-of-row border */ if (opt_border == 2) fputs(dformat->rightvrule, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } while (more_lines); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { if (opt_border == 2 && !cancel_pressed) _print_horizontal_line(col_count, width_wrap, opt_border, PRINT_RULE_BOTTOM, format, fout); /* print footers */ if (cont->footers && !opt_tuples_only && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) fprintf(fout, "%s\n", f->data); } fputc('\n', fout); } /* clean up */ for (i = 0; i < col_count; i++) { free(col_lineptrs[i]); free(format_buf[i]); } free(width_header); free(width_average); free(max_width); free(width_wrap); free(max_nl_lines); free(curr_nl_line); free(col_lineptrs); free(max_bytes); free(format_buf); free(header_done); free(bytes_output); free(wrap); if (is_pager) ClosePager(fout); } static void print_aligned_vertical_line(const printTableContent *cont, unsigned long record, unsigned int hwidth, unsigned int dwidth, printTextRule pos, FILE *fout) { const printTextFormat *format = get_line_style(cont->opt); const printTextLineFormat *lformat = &format->lrule[pos]; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; unsigned int i; int reclen = 0; if (opt_border == 2) fprintf(fout, "%s%s", lformat->leftvrule, lformat->hrule); else if (opt_border == 1) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); if (record) { if (opt_border == 0) reclen = fprintf(fout, "* Record %lu", record); else reclen = fprintf(fout, "[ RECORD %lu ]", record); } if (opt_border != 2) reclen++; if (reclen < 0) reclen = 0; for (i = reclen; i < hwidth; i++) fputs(opt_border > 0 ? lformat->hrule : " ", fout); reclen -= hwidth; if (opt_border > 0) { if (reclen-- <= 0) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); if (reclen-- <= 0) fputs(lformat->midvrule, fout); if (reclen-- <= 0) fputs(lformat->hrule, fout); } else { if (reclen-- <= 0) fputc(' ', fout); } if (reclen < 0) reclen = 0; for (i = reclen; i < dwidth; i++) fputs(opt_border > 0 ? lformat->hrule : " ", fout); if (opt_border == 2) fprintf(fout, "%s%s", lformat->hrule, lformat->rightvrule); fputc('\n', fout); } static void print_aligned_vertical(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; const printTextFormat *format = get_line_style(cont->opt); const printTextLineFormat *dformat = &format->lrule[PRINT_RULE_DATA]; int encoding = cont->opt->encoding; unsigned long record = cont->opt->prior_records + 1; const char *const * ptr; unsigned int i, hwidth = 0, dwidth = 0, hheight = 1, dheight = 1, hformatsize = 0, dformatsize = 0; struct lineptr *hlineptr, *dlineptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->cells[0] == NULL && cont->opt->start_table && cont->opt->stop_table) { fprintf(fout, _("(No rows)\n")); return; } /* Find the maximum dimensions for the headers */ for (i = 0; i < cont->ncolumns; i++) { int width, height, fs; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) cont->headers[i], strlen(cont->headers[i]), encoding, &width, &height, &fs); if (width > hwidth) hwidth = width; if (height > hheight) hheight = height; if (fs > hformatsize) hformatsize = fs; } /* find longest data cell */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; ptr++, i++) { int numeric_locale_len; int width, height, fs; if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) numeric_locale_len = additional_numeric_locale_len(*ptr); else numeric_locale_len = 0; pg_wcssize((unsigned char *) *ptr, strlen(*ptr), encoding, &width, &height, &fs); width += numeric_locale_len; if (width > dwidth) dwidth = width; if (height > dheight) dheight = height; if (fs > dformatsize) dformatsize = fs; } /* * We now have all the information we need to setup the formatting * structures */ dlineptr = pg_local_malloc((sizeof(*dlineptr) + 1) * dheight); hlineptr = pg_local_malloc((sizeof(*hlineptr) + 1) * hheight); dlineptr->ptr = pg_local_malloc(dformatsize); hlineptr->ptr = pg_local_malloc(hformatsize); if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) fprintf(fout, "%s\n", cont->title); } /* print records */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { printTextRule pos; int line_count, dcomplete, hcomplete; if (cancel_pressed) break; if (i == 0) pos = PRINT_RULE_TOP; else if (!(*(ptr+1))) pos = PRINT_RULE_BOTTOM; else pos = PRINT_RULE_MIDDLE; if (i % cont->ncolumns == 0) { if (!opt_tuples_only) print_aligned_vertical_line(cont, record++, hwidth, dwidth, pos, fout); else if (i != 0 || !cont->opt->start_table || opt_border == 2) print_aligned_vertical_line(cont, 0, hwidth, dwidth, pos, fout); } /* Format the header */ pg_wcsformat((unsigned char *) cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns], strlen(cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns]), encoding, hlineptr, hheight); /* Format the data */ pg_wcsformat((unsigned char *) *ptr, strlen(*ptr), encoding, dlineptr, dheight); line_count = 0; dcomplete = hcomplete = 0; while (!dcomplete || !hcomplete) { if (opt_border == 2) fprintf(fout, "%s ", dformat->leftvrule); if (!hcomplete) { fprintf(fout, "%-s%*s", hlineptr[line_count].ptr, hwidth - hlineptr[line_count].width, ""); if (!hlineptr[line_count + 1].ptr) hcomplete = 1; } else fprintf(fout, "%*s", hwidth, ""); if (opt_border > 0) fprintf(fout, " %s ", dformat->midvrule); else fputc(' ', fout); if (!dcomplete) { if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale((char *) dlineptr[line_count].ptr); if (opt_border < 2) fprintf(fout, "%s\n", my_cell); else fprintf(fout, "%-s%*s %s\n", my_cell, (int) (dwidth - strlen(my_cell)), "", dformat->rightvrule); free(my_cell); } else { if (opt_border < 2) fprintf(fout, "%s\n", dlineptr[line_count].ptr); else fprintf(fout, "%-s%*s %s\n", dlineptr[line_count].ptr, dwidth - dlineptr[line_count].width, "", dformat->rightvrule); } if (!dlineptr[line_count + 1].ptr) dcomplete = 1; } else { if (opt_border < 2) fputc('\n', fout); else fprintf(fout, "%*s %s\n", dwidth, "", dformat->rightvrule); } line_count++; } } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { if (opt_border == 2 && !cancel_pressed) print_aligned_vertical_line(cont, 0, hwidth, dwidth, PRINT_RULE_BOTTOM, fout); /* print footers */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->footers != NULL && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; if (opt_border < 2) fputc('\n', fout); for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) fprintf(fout, "%s\n", f->data); } fputc('\n', fout); } free(hlineptr->ptr); free(dlineptr->ptr); free(hlineptr); free(dlineptr); } /**********************/ /* HTML printing ******/ /**********************/ void html_escaped_print(const char *in, FILE *fout) { const char *p; bool leading_space = true; for (p = in; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case '&': fputs("&", fout); break; case '<': fputs("<", fout); break; case '>': fputs(">", fout); break; case '\n': fputs("
\n", fout); break; case '"': fputs(""", fout); break; case ' ': /* protect leading space, for EXPLAIN output */ if (leading_space) fputs(" ", fout); else fputs(" ", fout); break; default: fputc(*p, fout); } if (*p != ' ') leading_space = false; } } static void print_html_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; const char *opt_table_attr = cont->opt->tableAttr; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (cont->opt->start_table) { fprintf(fout, "\n", fout); /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs(" \n", fout); } /* print headers */ if (!opt_tuples_only) { fputs(" \n", fout); for (ptr = cont->headers; *ptr; ptr++) { fputs(" \n", fout); } fputs(" \n", fout); } } /* print cells */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (i % cont->ncolumns == 0) { if (cancel_pressed) break; fputs(" \n", fout); } fprintf(fout, " \n", fout); if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns == 0) fputs(" \n", fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { fputs("
", fout); html_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("
", fout); html_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputs("
", cont->aligns[(i) % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' ? "right" : "left"); /* is string only whitespace? */ if ((*ptr)[strspn(*ptr, " \t")] == '\0') fputs("  ", fout); else if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); html_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else html_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputs("
\n", fout); /* print footers */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->footers != NULL && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; fputs("

", fout); for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { html_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputs("
\n", fout); } fputs("

", fout); } fputc('\n', fout); } } static void print_html_vertical(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; const char *opt_table_attr = cont->opt->tableAttr; unsigned long record = cont->opt->prior_records + 1; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (cont->opt->start_table) { fprintf(fout, "\n", fout); /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs(" \n", fout); } } /* print records */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (i % cont->ncolumns == 0) { if (cancel_pressed) break; if (!opt_tuples_only) fprintf(fout, "\n \n", record++); else fputs("\n \n", fout); } fputs(" \n" " \n", fout); fprintf(fout, " \n \n", fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { fputs("
", fout); html_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("
Record %lu
", fout); html_escaped_print(cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns], fout); fputs("", cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' ? "right" : "left"); /* is string only whitespace? */ if ((*ptr)[strspn(*ptr, " \t")] == '\0') fputs("  ", fout); else if (cont->aligns[i % cont->ncolumns] == 'r' && opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); html_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else html_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputs("
\n", fout); /* print footers */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->footers != NULL && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; fputs("

", fout); for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { html_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputs("
\n", fout); } fputs("

", fout); } fputc('\n', fout); } } /*************************/ /* LaTeX */ /*************************/ static void latex_escaped_print(const char *in, FILE *fout) { const char *p; for (p = in; *p; p++) switch (*p) { case '&': fputs("\\&", fout); break; case '%': fputs("\\%", fout); break; case '$': fputs("\\$", fout); break; case '_': fputs("\\_", fout); break; case '{': fputs("\\{", fout); break; case '}': fputs("\\}", fout); break; case '\\': fputs("\\backslash", fout); break; case '\n': fputs("\\\\", fout); break; default: fputc(*p, fout); } } static void print_latex_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs("\\begin{center}\n", fout); latex_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("\n\\end{center}\n\n", fout); } /* begin environment and set alignments and borders */ fputs("\\begin{tabular}{", fout); if (opt_border == 2) fputs("| ", fout); for (i = 0; i < cont->ncolumns; i++) { fputc(*(cont->aligns + i), fout); if (opt_border != 0 && i < cont->ncolumns - 1) fputs(" | ", fout); } if (opt_border == 2) fputs(" |", fout); fputs("}\n", fout); if (!opt_tuples_only && opt_border == 2) fputs("\\hline\n", fout); /* print headers */ if (!opt_tuples_only) { for (i = 0, ptr = cont->headers; i < cont->ncolumns; i++, ptr++) { if (i != 0) fputs(" & ", fout); fputs("\\textit{", fout); latex_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputc('}', fout); } fputs(" \\\\\n", fout); fputs("\\hline\n", fout); } } /* print cells */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); latex_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else latex_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns == 0) { fputs(" \\\\\n", fout); if (cancel_pressed) break; } else fputs(" & ", fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { if (opt_border == 2) fputs("\\hline\n", fout); fputs("\\end{tabular}\n\n\\noindent ", fout); /* print footers */ if (cont->footers && !opt_tuples_only && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { latex_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputs(" \\\\\n", fout); } } fputc('\n', fout); } } static void print_latex_vertical(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; unsigned long record = cont->opt->prior_records + 1; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs("\\begin{center}\n", fout); latex_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("\n\\end{center}\n\n", fout); } /* begin environment and set alignments and borders */ fputs("\\begin{tabular}{", fout); if (opt_border == 0) fputs("cl", fout); else if (opt_border == 1) fputs("c|l", fout); else if (opt_border == 2) fputs("|c|l|", fout); fputs("}\n", fout); } /* print records */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { /* new record */ if (i % cont->ncolumns == 0) { if (cancel_pressed) break; if (!opt_tuples_only) { if (opt_border == 2) { fputs("\\hline\n", fout); fprintf(fout, "\\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\\textit{Record %lu}} \\\\\n", record++); } else fprintf(fout, "\\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\textit{Record %lu}} \\\\\n", record++); } if (opt_border >= 1) fputs("\\hline\n", fout); } latex_escaped_print(cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns], fout); fputs(" & ", fout); latex_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputs(" \\\\\n", fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { if (opt_border == 2) fputs("\\hline\n", fout); fputs("\\end{tabular}\n\n\\noindent ", fout); /* print footers */ if (cont->footers && !opt_tuples_only && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { if (opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(f->data); latex_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else latex_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputs(" \\\\\n", fout); } } fputc('\n', fout); } } /*************************/ /* Troff -ms */ /*************************/ static void troff_ms_escaped_print(const char *in, FILE *fout) { const char *p; for (p = in; *p; p++) switch (*p) { case '\\': fputs("\\(rs", fout); break; default: fputc(*p, fout); } } static void print_troff_ms_text(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs(".LP\n.DS C\n", fout); troff_ms_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("\n.DE\n", fout); } /* begin environment and set alignments and borders */ fputs(".LP\n.TS\n", fout); if (opt_border == 2) fputs("center box;\n", fout); else fputs("center;\n", fout); for (i = 0; i < cont->ncolumns; i++) { fputc(*(cont->aligns + i), fout); if (opt_border > 0 && i < cont->ncolumns - 1) fputs(" | ", fout); } fputs(".\n", fout); /* print headers */ if (!opt_tuples_only) { for (i = 0, ptr = cont->headers; i < cont->ncolumns; i++, ptr++) { if (i != 0) fputc('\t', fout); fputs("\\fI", fout); troff_ms_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputs("\\fP", fout); } fputs("\n_\n", fout); } } /* print cells */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { if (opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); troff_ms_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else troff_ms_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); if ((i + 1) % cont->ncolumns == 0) { fputc('\n', fout); if (cancel_pressed) break; } else fputc('\t', fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { fputs(".TE\n.DS L\n", fout); /* print footers */ if (cont->footers && !opt_tuples_only && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { troff_ms_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } } fputs(".DE\n", fout); } } static void print_troff_ms_vertical(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout) { bool opt_tuples_only = cont->opt->tuples_only; bool opt_numeric_locale = cont->opt->numericLocale; unsigned short opt_border = cont->opt->border; unsigned long record = cont->opt->prior_records + 1; unsigned int i; const char *const * ptr; unsigned short current_format = 0; /* 0=none, 1=header, 2=body */ if (cancel_pressed) return; if (opt_border > 2) opt_border = 2; if (cont->opt->start_table) { /* print title */ if (!opt_tuples_only && cont->title) { fputs(".LP\n.DS C\n", fout); troff_ms_escaped_print(cont->title, fout); fputs("\n.DE\n", fout); } /* begin environment and set alignments and borders */ fputs(".LP\n.TS\n", fout); if (opt_border == 2) fputs("center box;\n", fout); else fputs("center;\n", fout); /* basic format */ if (opt_tuples_only) fputs("c l;\n", fout); } else current_format = 2; /* assume tuples printed already */ /* print records */ for (i = 0, ptr = cont->cells; *ptr; i++, ptr++) { /* new record */ if (i % cont->ncolumns == 0) { if (cancel_pressed) break; if (!opt_tuples_only) { if (current_format != 1) { if (opt_border == 2 && record > 1) fputs("_\n", fout); if (current_format != 0) fputs(".T&\n", fout); fputs("c s.\n", fout); current_format = 1; } fprintf(fout, "\\fIRecord %lu\\fP\n", record++); } if (opt_border >= 1) fputs("_\n", fout); } if (!opt_tuples_only) { if (current_format != 2) { if (current_format != 0) fputs(".T&\n", fout); if (opt_border != 1) fputs("c l.\n", fout); else fputs("c | l.\n", fout); current_format = 2; } } troff_ms_escaped_print(cont->headers[i % cont->ncolumns], fout); fputc('\t', fout); if (opt_numeric_locale) { char *my_cell = format_numeric_locale(*ptr); troff_ms_escaped_print(my_cell, fout); free(my_cell); } else troff_ms_escaped_print(*ptr, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } if (cont->opt->stop_table) { fputs(".TE\n.DS L\n", fout); /* print footers */ if (cont->footers && !opt_tuples_only && !cancel_pressed) { printTableFooter *f; for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) { troff_ms_escaped_print(f->data, fout); fputc('\n', fout); } } fputs(".DE\n", fout); } } /********************************/ /* Public functions */ /********************************/ /* * PageOutput * * Tests if pager is needed and returns appropriate FILE pointer. */ FILE * PageOutput(int lines, unsigned short int pager) { /* check whether we need / can / are supposed to use pager */ if (pager && isatty(fileno(stdin)) && isatty(fileno(stdout))) { const char *pagerprog; FILE *pagerpipe; #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ int result; struct winsize screen_size; result = ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &screen_size); /* >= accounts for a one-line prompt */ if (result == -1 || lines >= screen_size.ws_row || pager > 1) { #endif pagerprog = getenv("PAGER"); if (!pagerprog) pagerprog = DEFAULT_PAGER; #ifndef WIN32 pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif pagerpipe = popen(pagerprog, "w"); if (pagerpipe) return pagerpipe; #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ } #endif } return stdout; } /* * ClosePager * * Close previously opened pager pipe, if any */ void ClosePager(FILE *pagerpipe) { if (pagerpipe && pagerpipe != stdout) { /* * If printing was canceled midstream, warn about it. * * Some pagers like less use Ctrl-C as part of their command set. Even * so, we abort our processing and warn the user what we did. If the * pager quit as a result of the SIGINT, this message won't go * anywhere ... */ if (cancel_pressed) fprintf(pagerpipe, _("Interrupted\n")); pclose(pagerpipe); #ifndef WIN32 pqsignal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); #endif } } /* * Initialise a table contents struct. * Must be called before any other printTable method is used. * * The title is not duplicated; the caller must ensure that the buffer * is available for the lifetime of the printTableContent struct. * * If you call this, you must call printTableCleanup once you're done with the * table. */ void printTableInit(printTableContent *const content, const printTableOpt *opt, const char *title, const int ncolumns, const int nrows) { content->opt = opt; content->title = title; content->ncolumns = ncolumns; content->nrows = nrows; content->headers = pg_local_calloc(ncolumns + 1, sizeof(*content->headers)); content->cells = pg_local_calloc(ncolumns * nrows + 1, sizeof(*content->cells)); content->footers = NULL; content->aligns = pg_local_calloc(ncolumns + 1, sizeof(*content->align)); content->header = content->headers; content->cell = content->cells; content->footer = content->footers; content->align = content->aligns; } /* * Add a header to the table. * * Headers are not duplicated; you must ensure that the header string is * available for the lifetime of the printTableContent struct. * * If translate is true, the function will pass the header through gettext. * Otherwise, the header will not be translated. * * align is either 'l' or 'r', and specifies the alignment for cells in this * column. */ void printTableAddHeader(printTableContent *const content, const char *header, const bool translate, const char align) { #ifndef ENABLE_NLS (void) translate; /* unused parameter */ #endif if (content->header >= content->headers + content->ncolumns) { fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot add header to table content: " "column count of %d exceeded.\n"), content->ncolumns); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *content->header = (char *) mbvalidate((unsigned char *) header, content->opt->encoding); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS if (translate) *content->header = _(*content->header); #endif content->header++; *content->align = align; content->align++; } /* * Add a cell to the table. * * Cells are not duplicated; you must ensure that the cell string is available * for the lifetime of the printTableContent struct. * * If translate is true, the function will pass the cell through gettext. * Otherwise, the cell will not be translated. */ void printTableAddCell(printTableContent *const content, const char *cell, const bool translate) { #ifndef ENABLE_NLS (void) translate; /* unused parameter */ #endif if (content->cell >= content->cells + (content->ncolumns * content->nrows)) { fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot add cell to table content: " "total cell count of %d exceeded.\n"), content->ncolumns * content->nrows); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *content->cell = (char *) mbvalidate((unsigned char *) cell, content->opt->encoding); #ifdef ENABLE_NLS if (translate) *content->header = _(*content->header); #endif content->cell++; } /* * Add a footer to the table. * * Footers are added as elements of a singly-linked list, and the content is * strdup'd, so there is no need to keep the original footer string around. * * Footers are never translated by the function. If you want the footer * translated you must do so yourself, before calling printTableAddFooter. The * reason this works differently to headers and cells is that footers tend to * be made of up individually translated components, rather than being * translated as a whole. */ void printTableAddFooter(printTableContent *const content, const char *footer) { printTableFooter *f; f = pg_local_calloc(1, sizeof(*f)); f->data = pg_strdup(footer); if (content->footers == NULL) content->footers = f; else content->footer->next = f; content->footer = f; } /* * Change the content of the last-added footer. * * The current contents of the last-added footer are freed, and replaced by the * content given in *footer. If there was no previous footer, add a new one. * * The content is strdup'd, so there is no need to keep the original string * around. */ void printTableSetFooter(printTableContent *const content, const char *footer) { if (content->footers != NULL) { free(content->footer->data); content->footer->data = pg_strdup(footer); } else printTableAddFooter(content, footer); } /* * Free all memory allocated to this struct. * * Once this has been called, the struct is unusable unless you pass it to * printTableInit() again. */ void printTableCleanup(printTableContent *const content) { free(content->headers); free(content->cells); free(content->aligns); content->opt = NULL; content->title = NULL; content->headers = NULL; content->cells = NULL; content->aligns = NULL; content->header = NULL; content->cell = NULL; content->align = NULL; if (content->footers) { for (content->footer = content->footers; content->footer;) { printTableFooter *f; f = content->footer; content->footer = f->next; free(f->data); free(f); } } content->footers = NULL; content->footer = NULL; } /* * IsPagerNeeded * * Setup pager if required */ static void IsPagerNeeded(const printTableContent *cont, const int extra_lines, FILE **fout, bool *is_pager) { if (*fout == stdout) { int lines; if (cont->opt->expanded) lines = (cont->ncolumns + 1) * cont->nrows; else lines = cont->nrows + 1; if (!cont->opt->tuples_only) { printTableFooter *f; /* * FIXME -- this is slightly bogus: it counts the number of * footers, not the number of lines in them. */ for (f = cont->footers; f; f = f->next) lines++; } *fout = PageOutput(lines + extra_lines, cont->opt->pager); *is_pager = (*fout != stdout); } else *is_pager = false; } /* * Use this to print just any table in the supported formats. */ void printTable(const printTableContent *cont, FILE *fout, FILE *flog) { bool is_pager = false; if (cancel_pressed) return; if (cont->opt->format == PRINT_NOTHING) return; /* print_aligned_text() handles the pager itself */ if ((cont->opt->format != PRINT_ALIGNED && cont->opt->format != PRINT_WRAPPED) || cont->opt->expanded) IsPagerNeeded(cont, 0, &fout, &is_pager); /* print the stuff */ if (flog) print_aligned_text(cont, flog); switch (cont->opt->format) { case PRINT_UNALIGNED: if (cont->opt->expanded) print_unaligned_vertical(cont, fout); else print_unaligned_text(cont, fout); break; case PRINT_ALIGNED: case PRINT_WRAPPED: if (cont->opt->expanded) print_aligned_vertical(cont, fout); else print_aligned_text(cont, fout); break; case PRINT_HTML: if (cont->opt->expanded) print_html_vertical(cont, fout); else print_html_text(cont, fout); break; case PRINT_LATEX: if (cont->opt->expanded) print_latex_vertical(cont, fout); else print_latex_text(cont, fout); break; case PRINT_TROFF_MS: if (cont->opt->expanded) print_troff_ms_vertical(cont, fout); else print_troff_ms_text(cont, fout); break; default: fprintf(stderr, _("invalid output format (internal error): %d"), cont->opt->format); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (is_pager) ClosePager(fout); } /* * Use this to print query results * * It calls printTable with all the things set straight. */ void printQuery(const PGresult *result, const printQueryOpt *opt, FILE *fout, FILE *flog) { printTableContent cont; int i, r, c; if (cancel_pressed) return; printTableInit(&cont, &opt->topt, opt->title, PQnfields(result), PQntuples(result)); for (i = 0; i < cont.ncolumns; i++) { char align; Oid ftype = PQftype(result, i); switch (ftype) { case INT2OID: case INT4OID: case INT8OID: case FLOAT4OID: case FLOAT8OID: case NUMERICOID: case OIDOID: case XIDOID: case CIDOID: case CASHOID: align = 'r'; break; default: align = 'l'; break; } printTableAddHeader(&cont, PQfname(result, i), opt->translate_header, align); } /* set cells */ for (r = 0; r < cont.nrows; r++) { for (c = 0; c < cont.ncolumns; c++) { char *cell; bool translate; if (PQgetisnull(result, r, c)) cell = opt->nullPrint ? opt->nullPrint : ""; else cell = PQgetvalue(result, r, c); translate = (opt->translate_columns && opt->translate_columns[c]); printTableAddCell(&cont, cell, translate); } } /* set footers */ if (opt->footers) { char **footer; for (footer = opt->footers; *footer; footer++) printTableAddFooter(&cont, *footer); } else if (!opt->topt.expanded && opt->default_footer) { unsigned long total_records; char default_footer[100]; total_records = opt->topt.prior_records + cont.nrows; snprintf(default_footer, sizeof(default_footer), ngettext("(%lu row)", "(%lu rows)", total_records), total_records); printTableAddFooter(&cont, default_footer); } printTable(&cont, fout, flog); printTableCleanup(&cont); } void setDecimalLocale(void) { struct lconv *extlconv; extlconv = localeconv(); if (*extlconv->decimal_point) decimal_point = pg_strdup(extlconv->decimal_point); else decimal_point = "."; /* SQL output standard */ if (*extlconv->grouping && atoi(extlconv->grouping) > 0) grouping = pg_strdup(extlconv->grouping); else grouping = "3"; /* most common */ /* similar code exists in formatting.c */ if (*extlconv->thousands_sep) thousands_sep = pg_strdup(extlconv->thousands_sep); /* Make sure thousands separator doesn't match decimal point symbol. */ else if (strcmp(decimal_point, ",") != 0) thousands_sep = ","; else thousands_sep = "."; } /* get selected or default line style */ const printTextFormat * get_line_style(const printTableOpt *opt) { /* * Note: this function mainly exists to preserve the convention that * a printTableOpt struct can be initialized to zeroes to get default * behavior. */ if (opt->line_style != NULL) return opt->line_style; else return &pg_asciiformat; } /* * Compute the byte distance to the end of the string or *target_width * display character positions, whichever comes first. Update *target_width * to be the number of display character positions actually filled. */ static int strlen_max_width(unsigned char *str, int *target_width, int encoding) { unsigned char *start = str; unsigned char *end = str + strlen((char *) str); int curr_width = 0; while (str < end) { int char_width = PQdsplen((char *) str, encoding); /* * If the display width of the new character causes the string to * exceed its target width, skip it and return. However, if this is * the first character of the string (curr_width == 0), we have to * accept it. */ if (*target_width < curr_width + char_width && curr_width != 0) break; curr_width += char_width; str += PQmblen((char *) str, encoding); } *target_width = curr_width; return str - start; }