-- -- CONSTRAINTS -- Constraints can be specified with: -- - DEFAULT clause -- - CHECK clauses -- - PRIMARY KEY clauses -- - UNIQUE clauses -- -- -- DEFAULT syntax -- CREATE TABLE DEFAULT_TBL (i int DEFAULT 100, x text DEFAULT 'vadim', f float8 DEFAULT 123.456); INSERT INTO DEFAULT_TBL VALUES (1, 'thomas', 57.0613); INSERT INTO DEFAULT_TBL VALUES (1, 'bruce'); INSERT INTO DEFAULT_TBL (i, f) VALUES (2, 987.654); INSERT INTO DEFAULT_TBL (x) VALUES ('marc'); INSERT INTO DEFAULT_TBL VALUES (3, null, 1.0); SELECT '' AS five, * FROM DEFAULT_TBL; five | i | x | f ------+-----+--------+--------- | 1 | thomas | 57.0613 | 1 | bruce | 123.456 | 2 | vadim | 987.654 | 100 | marc | 123.456 | 3 | | 1 (5 rows) CREATE SEQUENCE DEFAULT_SEQ; CREATE TABLE DEFAULTEXPR_TBL (i1 int DEFAULT 100 + (200-199) * 2, i2 int DEFAULT nextval('default_seq')); INSERT INTO DEFAULTEXPR_TBL VALUES (-1, -2); INSERT INTO DEFAULTEXPR_TBL (i1) VALUES (-3); INSERT INTO DEFAULTEXPR_TBL (i2) VALUES (-4); INSERT INTO DEFAULTEXPR_TBL (i2) VALUES (NULL); SELECT '' AS four, * FROM DEFAULTEXPR_TBL; four | i1 | i2 ------+-----+---- | -1 | -2 | -3 | 1 | 102 | -4 | 102 | (4 rows) -- syntax errors -- test for extraneous comma CREATE TABLE error_tbl (i int DEFAULT (100, )); ERROR: syntax error at or near ")" at character 45 LINE 1: CREATE TABLE error_tbl (i int DEFAULT (100, )); ^ -- this will fail because gram.y uses b_expr not a_expr for defaults, -- to avoid a shift/reduce conflict that arises from NOT NULL being -- part of the column definition syntax: CREATE TABLE error_tbl (b1 bool DEFAULT 1 IN (1, 2)); ERROR: syntax error at or near "IN" at character 43 LINE 1: CREATE TABLE error_tbl (b1 bool DEFAULT 1 IN (1, 2)); ^ -- this should work, however: CREATE TABLE error_tbl (b1 bool DEFAULT (1 IN (1, 2))); DROP TABLE error_tbl; -- -- CHECK syntax -- CREATE TABLE CHECK_TBL (x int, CONSTRAINT CHECK_CON CHECK (x > 3)); INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (5); INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (4); INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (3); ERROR: new row for relation "check_tbl" violates check constraint "check_con" INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (2); ERROR: new row for relation "check_tbl" violates check constraint "check_con" INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (6); INSERT INTO CHECK_TBL VALUES (1); ERROR: new row for relation "check_tbl" violates check constraint "check_con" SELECT '' AS three, * FROM CHECK_TBL; three | x -------+--- | 5 | 4 | 6 (3 rows) CREATE SEQUENCE CHECK_SEQ; CREATE TABLE CHECK2_TBL (x int, y text, z int, CONSTRAINT SEQUENCE_CON CHECK (x > 3 and y <> 'check failed' and z < 8)); INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (4, 'check ok', -2); INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (1, 'x check failed', -2); ERROR: new row for relation "check2_tbl" violates check constraint "sequence_con" INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (5, 'z check failed', 10); ERROR: new row for relation "check2_tbl" violates check constraint "sequence_con" INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (0, 'check failed', -2); ERROR: new row for relation "check2_tbl" violates check constraint "sequence_con" INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (6, 'check failed', 11); ERROR: new row for relation "check2_tbl" violates check constraint "sequence_con" INSERT INTO CHECK2_TBL VALUES (7, 'check ok', 7); SELECT '' AS two, * from CHECK2_TBL; two | x | y | z -----+---+----------+---- | 4 | check ok | -2 | 7 | check ok | 7 (2 rows) -- -- Check constraints on INSERT -- CREATE SEQUENCE INSERT_SEQ; CREATE TABLE INSERT_TBL (x INT DEFAULT nextval('insert_seq'), y TEXT DEFAULT '-NULL-', z INT DEFAULT -1 * currval('insert_seq'), CONSTRAINT INSERT_CON CHECK (x >= 3 AND y <> 'check failed' AND x < 8), CHECK (x + z = 0)); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(x,z) VALUES (2, -2); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" SELECT '' AS zero, * FROM INSERT_TBL; zero | x | y | z ------+---+---+--- (0 rows) SELECT 'one' AS one, nextval('insert_seq'); one | nextval -----+--------- one | 1 (1 row) INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) VALUES ('Y'); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) VALUES ('Y'); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(x,z) VALUES (1, -2); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_tbl_check" INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(z,x) VALUES (-7, 7); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL VALUES (5, 'check failed', -5); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL VALUES (7, '!check failed', -7); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) VALUES ('-!NULL-'); SELECT '' AS four, * FROM INSERT_TBL; four | x | y | z ------+---+---------------+---- | 3 | Y | -3 | 7 | -NULL- | -7 | 7 | !check failed | -7 | 4 | -!NULL- | -4 (4 rows) INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y,z) VALUES ('check failed', 4); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_tbl_check" INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(x,y) VALUES (5, 'check failed'); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(x,y) VALUES (5, '!check failed'); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) VALUES ('-!NULL-'); SELECT '' AS six, * FROM INSERT_TBL; six | x | y | z -----+---+---------------+---- | 3 | Y | -3 | 7 | -NULL- | -7 | 7 | !check failed | -7 | 4 | -!NULL- | -4 | 5 | !check failed | -5 | 6 | -!NULL- | -6 (6 rows) SELECT 'seven' AS one, nextval('insert_seq'); one | nextval -------+--------- seven | 7 (1 row) INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) VALUES ('Y'); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" SELECT 'eight' AS one, currval('insert_seq'); one | currval -------+--------- eight | 8 (1 row) -- According to SQL92, it is OK to insert a record that gives rise to NULL -- constraint-condition results. Postgres used to reject this, but it -- was wrong: INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL VALUES (null, null, null); SELECT '' AS nine, * FROM INSERT_TBL; nine | x | y | z ------+---+---------------+---- | 3 | Y | -3 | 7 | -NULL- | -7 | 7 | !check failed | -7 | 4 | -!NULL- | -4 | 5 | !check failed | -5 | 6 | -!NULL- | -6 | | | (7 rows) -- -- Check inheritance of defaults and constraints -- CREATE TABLE INSERT_CHILD (cx INT default 42, cy INT CHECK (cy > x)) INHERITS (INSERT_TBL); INSERT INTO INSERT_CHILD(x,z,cy) VALUES (7,-7,11); INSERT INTO INSERT_CHILD(x,z,cy) VALUES (7,-7,6); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_child" violates check constraint "insert_child_check" INSERT INTO INSERT_CHILD(x,z,cy) VALUES (6,-7,7); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_child" violates check constraint "insert_tbl_check" INSERT INTO INSERT_CHILD(x,y,z,cy) VALUES (6,'check failed',-6,7); ERROR: new row for relation "insert_child" violates check constraint "insert_con" SELECT * FROM INSERT_CHILD; x | y | z | cx | cy ---+--------+----+----+---- 7 | -NULL- | -7 | 42 | 11 (1 row) DROP TABLE INSERT_CHILD; -- -- Check constraints on INSERT INTO -- DELETE FROM INSERT_TBL; DROP SEQUENCE INSERT_SEQ; CREATE SEQUENCE INSERT_SEQ START 4; CREATE TABLE tmp (xd INT, yd TEXT, zd INT); INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (null, 'Y', null); INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (5, '!check failed', null); INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (null, 'try again', null); INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y) select yd from tmp; SELECT '' AS three, * FROM INSERT_TBL; three | x | y | z -------+---+---------------+---- | 4 | Y | -4 | 5 | !check failed | -5 | 6 | try again | -6 (3 rows) INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL SELECT * FROM tmp WHERE yd = 'try again'; INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y,z) SELECT yd, -7 FROM tmp WHERE yd = 'try again'; INSERT INTO INSERT_TBL(y,z) SELECT yd, -8 FROM tmp WHERE yd = 'try again'; ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" SELECT '' AS four, * FROM INSERT_TBL; four | x | y | z ------+---+---------------+---- | 4 | Y | -4 | 5 | !check failed | -5 | 6 | try again | -6 | | try again | | 7 | try again | -7 (5 rows) DROP TABLE tmp; -- -- Check constraints on UPDATE -- UPDATE INSERT_TBL SET x = NULL WHERE x = 5; UPDATE INSERT_TBL SET x = 6 WHERE x = 6; UPDATE INSERT_TBL SET x = -z, z = -x; UPDATE INSERT_TBL SET x = z, z = x; ERROR: new row for relation "insert_tbl" violates check constraint "insert_con" SELECT * FROM INSERT_TBL; x | y | z ---+---------------+---- 4 | Y | -4 | try again | 7 | try again | -7 5 | !check failed | 6 | try again | -6 (5 rows) -- DROP TABLE INSERT_TBL; -- -- Check constraints on COPY FROM -- CREATE TABLE COPY_TBL (x INT, y TEXT, z INT, CONSTRAINT COPY_CON CHECK (x > 3 AND y <> 'check failed' AND x < 7 )); COPY COPY_TBL FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/constro.data'; SELECT '' AS two, * FROM COPY_TBL; two | x | y | z -----+---+---------------+--- | 4 | !check failed | 5 | 6 | OK | 4 (2 rows) COPY COPY_TBL FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/constrf.data'; ERROR: new row for relation "copy_tbl" violates check constraint "copy_con" CONTEXT: COPY copy_tbl, line 2: "7 check failed 6" SELECT * FROM COPY_TBL; x | y | z ---+---------------+--- 4 | !check failed | 5 6 | OK | 4 (2 rows) -- -- Primary keys -- CREATE TABLE PRIMARY_TBL (i int PRIMARY KEY, t text); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "primary_tbl_pkey" for table "primary_tbl" INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (1, 'one'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (2, 'two'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (1, 'three'); ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "primary_tbl_pkey" INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (4, 'three'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (5, 'one'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL (t) VALUES ('six'); ERROR: null value in column "i" violates not-null constraint SELECT '' AS four, * FROM PRIMARY_TBL; four | i | t ------+---+------- | 1 | one | 2 | two | 4 | three | 5 | one (4 rows) DROP TABLE PRIMARY_TBL; CREATE TABLE PRIMARY_TBL (i int, t text, PRIMARY KEY(i,t)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "primary_tbl_pkey" for table "primary_tbl" INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (1, 'one'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (2, 'two'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (1, 'three'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (4, 'three'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL VALUES (5, 'one'); INSERT INTO PRIMARY_TBL (t) VALUES ('six'); ERROR: null value in column "i" violates not-null constraint SELECT '' AS three, * FROM PRIMARY_TBL; three | i | t -------+---+------- | 1 | one | 2 | two | 1 | three | 4 | three | 5 | one (5 rows) DROP TABLE PRIMARY_TBL; -- -- Unique keys -- CREATE TABLE UNIQUE_TBL (i int UNIQUE, t text); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "unique_tbl_i_key" for table "unique_tbl" INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (1, 'one'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (2, 'two'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (1, 'three'); ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "unique_tbl_i_key" INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (4, 'four'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (5, 'one'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL (t) VALUES ('six'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL (t) VALUES ('seven'); SELECT '' AS five, * FROM UNIQUE_TBL; five | i | t ------+---+------- | 1 | one | 2 | two | 4 | four | 5 | one | | six | | seven (6 rows) DROP TABLE UNIQUE_TBL; CREATE TABLE UNIQUE_TBL (i int, t text, UNIQUE(i,t)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "unique_tbl_i_key" for table "unique_tbl" INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (1, 'one'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (2, 'two'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (1, 'three'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (1, 'one'); ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "unique_tbl_i_key" INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL VALUES (5, 'one'); INSERT INTO UNIQUE_TBL (t) VALUES ('six'); SELECT '' AS five, * FROM UNIQUE_TBL; five | i | t ------+---+------- | 1 | one | 2 | two | 1 | three | 5 | one | | six (5 rows) DROP TABLE UNIQUE_TBL;