/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * inval.c-- * POSTGRES cache invalidation dispatcher code. * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/cache/inval.c,v 1996/07/09 06:22:06 scrappy Exp $ * * Note - this code is real crufty... * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" /* XXX to support hacks below */ #include "access/htup.h" #include "catalog/catalog.h" #include "storage/bufpage.h" #include "storage/buf.h" /* XXX for InvalidBuffer */ #include "storage/ipc.h" #include "storage/sinval.h" #include "utils/catcache.h" #include "utils/inval.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/relcache.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" /* XXX to support hacks below */ #include "utils/syscache.h" /* XXX to support the hacks below */ /* ---------------- * private invalidation structures * ---------------- */ typedef struct CatalogInvalidationData { Index cacheId; Index hashIndex; ItemPointerData pointerData; } CatalogInvalidationData; typedef struct RelationInvalidationData { Oid relationId; Oid objectId; } RelationInvalidationData; typedef union AnyInvalidation { CatalogInvalidationData catalog; RelationInvalidationData relation; } AnyInvalidation; typedef struct InvalidationMessageData { char kind; AnyInvalidation any; } InvalidationMessageData; typedef InvalidationMessageData *InvalidationMessage; /* ---------------- * variables and macros * ---------------- */ static LocalInvalid Invalid = EmptyLocalInvalid; /* XXX global */ static bool RefreshWhenInvalidate = false; Oid MyRelationRelationId = InvalidOid; Oid MyAttributeRelationId = InvalidOid; Oid MyAMRelationId = InvalidOid; Oid MyAMOPRelationId = InvalidOid; #define ValidateHacks() \ if (!OidIsValid(MyRelationRelationId)) getmyrelids() /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * "local" invalidation support functions * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------- * InvalidationEntryAllocate-- * Allocates an invalidation entry. * -------------------------------- */ InvalidationEntry InvalidationEntryAllocate(uint16 size) { InvalidationEntryData *entryDataP; entryDataP = (InvalidationEntryData *) malloc(sizeof (char *) + size); /* XXX alignment */ entryDataP->nextP = NULL; return ((Pointer) &entryDataP->userData); } /* -------------------------------- * LocalInvalidRegister -- * Returns a new local cache invalidation state containing a new entry. * -------------------------------- */ LocalInvalid LocalInvalidRegister(LocalInvalid invalid, InvalidationEntry entry) { Assert(PointerIsValid(entry)); ((InvalidationUserData *)entry)->dataP[-1] = (InvalidationUserData *)invalid; return (entry); } /* -------------------------------- * LocalInvalidInvalidate-- * Processes, then frees all entries in a local cache * invalidation state. * -------------------------------- */ void LocalInvalidInvalidate(LocalInvalid invalid, void (*function)()) { InvalidationEntryData *entryDataP; while (PointerIsValid(invalid)) { entryDataP = (InvalidationEntryData *) &((InvalidationUserData *)invalid)->dataP[-1]; if (PointerIsValid(function)) { (*function)((Pointer) &entryDataP->userData); } invalid = (Pointer) entryDataP->nextP; /* help catch errors */ entryDataP->nextP = (InvalidationUserData *) NULL; free((Pointer)entryDataP); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * private support functions * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------- * CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid * -------------------------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG #define CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid_DEBUG1 \ elog(DEBUG, "CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid(%d, %d, [%d, %d])", \ cacheId, hashIndex, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(pointer), \ ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(pointer)) #else #define CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid_DEBUG1 #endif /* INVALIDDEBUG */ static void CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid(Index cacheId, Index hashIndex, ItemPointer pointer) { InvalidationMessage message; /* ---------------- * debugging stuff * ---------------- */ CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid_DEBUG1; /* ---------------- * create a message describing the system catalog tuple * we wish to invalidate. * ---------------- */ message = (InvalidationMessage) InvalidationEntryAllocate(sizeof (InvalidationMessageData)); message->kind = 'c'; message->any.catalog.cacheId = cacheId; message->any.catalog.hashIndex = hashIndex; ItemPointerCopy(pointer, &message->any.catalog.pointerData); /* ---------------- * Note: Invalid is a global variable * ---------------- */ Invalid = LocalInvalidRegister(Invalid, (InvalidationEntry)message); } /* -------------------------------- * RelationIdRegisterLocalInvalid * -------------------------------- */ static void RelationIdRegisterLocalInvalid(Oid relationId, Oid objectId) { InvalidationMessage message; /* ---------------- * debugging stuff * ---------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "RelationRegisterLocalInvalid(%d, %d)", relationId, objectId); #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ /* ---------------- * create a message describing the relation descriptor * we wish to invalidate. * ---------------- */ message = (InvalidationMessage) InvalidationEntryAllocate(sizeof (InvalidationMessageData)); message->kind = 'r'; message->any.relation.relationId = relationId; message->any.relation.objectId = objectId; /* ---------------- * Note: Invalid is a global variable * ---------------- */ Invalid = LocalInvalidRegister(Invalid, (InvalidationEntry)message); } /* -------------------------------- * getmyrelids * -------------------------------- */ void getmyrelids() { HeapTuple tuple; tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELNAME, PointerGetDatum(RelationRelationName), 0,0,0); Assert(HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)); MyRelationRelationId = tuple->t_oid; tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELNAME, PointerGetDatum(AttributeRelationName), 0,0,0); Assert(HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)); MyAttributeRelationId = tuple->t_oid; tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELNAME, PointerGetDatum(AccessMethodRelationName), 0,0,0); Assert(HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)); MyAMRelationId = tuple->t_oid; tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELNAME, PointerGetDatum(AccessMethodOperatorRelationName), 0,0,0); Assert(HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)); MyAMOPRelationId = tuple->t_oid; } /* -------------------------------- * CacheIdInvalidate * * This routine can invalidate an tuple in a system catalog cache * or a cached relation descriptor. You pay your money and you * take your chances... * -------------------------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG #define CacheIdInvalidate_DEBUG1 \ elog(DEBUG, "CacheIdInvalidate(%d, %d, 0x%x[%d])", cacheId, hashIndex,\ pointer, ItemPointerIsValid(pointer)) #else #define CacheIdInvalidate_DEBUG1 #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ static void CacheIdInvalidate(Index cacheId, Index hashIndex, ItemPointer pointer) { /* ---------------- * assume that if the item pointer is valid, then we are * invalidating an item in the specified system catalog cache. * ---------------- */ if (ItemPointerIsValid(pointer)) { CatalogCacheIdInvalidate(cacheId, hashIndex, pointer); return; } CacheIdInvalidate_DEBUG1; ValidateHacks(); /* XXX */ /* ---------------- * if the cacheId is the oid of any of the tuples in the * following system relations, then assume we are invalidating * a relation descriptor * ---------------- */ if (cacheId == MyRelationRelationId) { RelationIdInvalidateRelationCacheByRelationId(hashIndex); return; } if (cacheId == MyAttributeRelationId) { RelationIdInvalidateRelationCacheByRelationId(hashIndex); return; } if (cacheId == MyAMRelationId) { RelationIdInvalidateRelationCacheByAccessMethodId(hashIndex); return; } if (cacheId == MyAMOPRelationId) { RelationIdInvalidateRelationCacheByAccessMethodId(InvalidOid); return; } /* ---------------- * Yow! the caller asked us to invalidate something else. * ---------------- */ elog(FATAL, "CacheIdInvalidate: cacheId=%d relation id?", cacheId); } /* -------------------------------- * ResetSystemCaches * * this blows away all tuples in the system catalog caches and * all the cached relation descriptors (and closes the files too). * -------------------------------- */ static void ResetSystemCaches() { ResetSystemCache(); RelationCacheInvalidate(false); } /* -------------------------------- * InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid * -------------------------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG #define InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG1 \ elog(DEBUG,\ "InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid(c, %d, %d, [%d, %d])",\ message->any.catalog.cacheId,\ message->any.catalog.hashIndex,\ ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&message->any.catalog.pointerData),\ ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&message->any.catalog.pointerData)) #define InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG2 \ elog(DEBUG, \ "InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid(r, %d, %d)", \ message->any.relation.relationId, \ message->any.relation.objectId) #else #define InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG1 #define InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG2 #endif /* INVALIDDEBUG */ static void InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid(InvalidationMessage message) { Assert(PointerIsValid(message)); switch (message->kind) { case 'c': /* cached system catalog tuple */ InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG1; RegisterSharedInvalid(message->any.catalog.cacheId, message->any.catalog.hashIndex, &message->any.catalog.pointerData); break; case 'r': /* cached relation descriptor */ InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid_DEBUG2; RegisterSharedInvalid(message->any.relation.relationId, message->any.relation.objectId, (ItemPointer) NULL); break; default: elog(FATAL, "InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid: `%c' kind", message->kind); } } /* -------------------------------- * InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate * -------------------------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG #define InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG1 \ elog(DEBUG, "InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate(c, %d, %d, [%d, %d])",\ message->any.catalog.cacheId,\ message->any.catalog.hashIndex,\ ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&message->any.catalog.pointerData),\ ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&message->any.catalog.pointerData)) #define InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG2 \ elog(DEBUG, "InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate(r, %d, %d)", \ message->any.relation.relationId, \ message->any.relation.objectId) #else #define InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG1 #define InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG2 #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ static void InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate(InvalidationMessage message) { Assert(PointerIsValid(message)); switch (message->kind) { case 'c': /* cached system catalog tuple */ InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG1; CatalogCacheIdInvalidate(message->any.catalog.cacheId, message->any.catalog.hashIndex, &message->any.catalog.pointerData); break; case 'r': /* cached relation descriptor */ InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate_DEBUG2; /* XXX ignore this--is this correct ??? */ break; default: elog(FATAL, "InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate: `%c' kind", message->kind); } } /* -------------------------------- * RelationInvalidateRelationCache * -------------------------------- */ static void RelationInvalidateRelationCache(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple, void (*function)()) { Oid relationId; Oid objectId; /* ---------------- * get the relation object id * ---------------- */ ValidateHacks(); /* XXX */ relationId = RelationGetRelationId(relation); /* ---------------- * * ---------------- */ if (relationId == MyRelationRelationId) { objectId = tuple->t_oid; } else if (relationId == MyAttributeRelationId) { objectId = ((AttributeTupleForm)GETSTRUCT(tuple))->attrelid; } else if (relationId == MyAMRelationId) { objectId = tuple->t_oid; } else if (relationId == MyAMOPRelationId) { ; /* objectId is unused */ } else return; /* ---------------- * can't handle immediate relation descriptor invalidation * ---------------- */ Assert(PointerIsValid(function)); (*function)(relationId, objectId); } /* * DiscardInvalid -- * Causes the invalidated cache state to be discarded. * * Note: * This should be called as the first step in processing a transaction. * This should be called while waiting for a query from the front end * when other backends are active. */ void DiscardInvalid() { /* ---------------- * debugging stuff * ---------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "DiscardInvalid called"); #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ InvalidateSharedInvalid(CacheIdInvalidate, ResetSystemCaches); } /* * RegisterInvalid -- * Causes registration of invalidated state with other backends iff true. * * Note: * This should be called as the last step in processing a transaction. */ void RegisterInvalid(bool send) { /* ---------------- * debugging stuff * ---------------- */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "RegisterInvalid(%d) called", send); #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ /* ---------------- * Note: Invalid is a global variable * ---------------- */ if (send) LocalInvalidInvalidate(Invalid, InvalidationMessageRegisterSharedInvalid); else LocalInvalidInvalidate(Invalid, InvalidationMessageCacheInvalidate); Invalid = EmptyLocalInvalid; } /* * SetRefreshWhenInvalidate -- * Causes the local caches to be immediately refreshed iff true. */ void SetRefreshWhenInvalidate(bool on) { #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "RefreshWhenInvalidate(%d) called", on); #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ RefreshWhenInvalidate = on; } /* * RelationIdInvalidateHeapTuple -- * Causes the given tuple in a relation to be invalidated. * * Note: * Assumes object id is valid. * Assumes tuple is valid. */ #ifdef INVALIDDEBUG #define RelationInvalidateHeapTuple_DEBUG1 \ elog(DEBUG, "RelationInvalidateHeapTuple(%.16s, [%d,%d])", \ RelationGetRelationName(relation), \ ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&tuple->t_ctid), \ ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&tuple->t_ctid)) #else #define RelationInvalidateHeapTuple_DEBUG1 #endif /* defined(INVALIDDEBUG) */ void RelationInvalidateHeapTuple(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple) { /* ---------------- * sanity checks * ---------------- */ Assert(RelationIsValid(relation)); Assert(HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)); if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) return; /* ---------------- * this only works for system relations now * ---------------- */ if (! IsSystemRelationName(RelationGetRelationTupleForm(relation)->relname.data)) return; /* ---------------- * debugging stuff * ---------------- */ RelationInvalidateHeapTuple_DEBUG1; /* ---------------- * * ---------------- */ RelationInvalidateCatalogCacheTuple(relation, tuple, CacheIdRegisterLocalInvalid); RelationInvalidateRelationCache(relation, tuple, RelationIdRegisterLocalInvalid); if (RefreshWhenInvalidate) RelationInvalidateCatalogCacheTuple(relation, tuple, (void (*)()) NULL); }