Parsed test spec with 2 sessions starting permutation: s1_begin s1_tab_lookup s2_auth s2_truncate s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; ERROR: permission denied for table truncate_tab step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s1_begin s2_auth s2_truncate s1_tab_lookup s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; ERROR: permission denied for table truncate_tab step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s1_begin s2_auth s1_tab_lookup s2_truncate s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; ERROR: permission denied for table truncate_tab step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s2_auth s2_truncate s1_begin s1_tab_lookup s1_commit s2_reset step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; ERROR: permission denied for table truncate_tab step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s1_begin s1_tab_lookup s2_grant s2_auth s2_truncate s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s2_grant: GRANT TRUNCATE ON truncate_tab TO regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_truncate: <... completed> step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s1_begin s2_grant s2_auth s2_truncate s1_tab_lookup s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s2_grant: GRANT TRUNCATE ON truncate_tab TO regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s1_begin s2_grant s2_auth s1_tab_lookup s2_truncate s1_commit s2_reset step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s2_grant: GRANT TRUNCATE ON truncate_tab TO regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_truncate: <... completed> step s2_reset: RESET ROLE; starting permutation: s2_grant s2_auth s2_truncate s1_begin s1_tab_lookup s1_commit s2_reset step s2_grant: GRANT TRUNCATE ON truncate_tab TO regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_auth: SET ROLE regress_truncate_conflict; step s2_truncate: TRUNCATE truncate_tab; step s1_begin: BEGIN; step s1_tab_lookup: SELECT count(*) >= 0 FROM truncate_tab; ?column? t step s1_commit: COMMIT; step s2_reset: RESET ROLE;