\set HIDE_TOAST_COMPRESSION false -- ensure we get stable results regardless of installation's default SET default_toast_compression = 'pglz'; -- test creating table with compression method CREATE TABLE cmdata(f1 text COMPRESSION pglz); CREATE INDEX idx ON cmdata(f1); INSERT INTO cmdata VALUES(repeat('1234567890', 1000)); \d+ cmdata Table "public.cmdata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | text | | | | extended | pglz | | Indexes: "idx" btree (f1) CREATE TABLE cmdata1(f1 TEXT COMPRESSION lz4); ERROR: unsupported LZ4 compression method DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with lz4 support. HINT: You need to rebuild PostgreSQL using --with-lz4. INSERT INTO cmdata1 VALUES(repeat('1234567890', 1004)); ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmdata1 VALUES(repeat('1234567890', 1004)); ^ \d+ cmdata1 -- verify stored compression method in the data SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ^ -- decompress data slice SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 200, 5) FROM cmdata; substr -------- 01234 (1 row) SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 2000, 50) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 2000, 50) FROM cmdata1; ^ -- copy with table creation SELECT * INTO cmmove1 FROM cmdata; \d+ cmmove1 Table "public.cmmove1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | text | | | | extended | pglz | | SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmmove1; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) -- copy to existing table CREATE TABLE cmmove3(f1 text COMPRESSION pglz); INSERT INTO cmmove3 SELECT * FROM cmdata; INSERT INTO cmmove3 SELECT * FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmmove3 SELECT * FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmmove3; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) -- test LIKE INCLUDING COMPRESSION CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (LIKE cmdata1 INCLUDING COMPRESSION); ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (LIKE cmdata1 INCLUDING COMPRESSION); ^ \d+ cmdata2 DROP TABLE cmdata2; ERROR: table "cmdata2" does not exist -- try setting compression for incompressible data type CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (f1 int COMPRESSION pglz); ERROR: column data type integer does not support compression -- update using datum from different table CREATE TABLE cmmove2(f1 text COMPRESSION pglz); INSERT INTO cmmove2 VALUES (repeat('1234567890', 1004)); SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmmove2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) UPDATE cmmove2 SET f1 = cmdata1.f1 FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: UPDATE cmmove2 SET f1 = cmdata1.f1 FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmmove2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) -- test externally stored compressed data CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION large_val() RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE SQL AS 'select array_agg(md5(g::text))::text from generate_series(1, 256) g'; CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (f1 text COMPRESSION pglz); INSERT INTO cmdata2 SELECT large_val() || repeat('a', 4000); SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz (1 row) INSERT INTO cmdata1 SELECT large_val() || repeat('a', 4000); ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmdata1 SELECT large_val() || repeat('a', 4000); ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 200, 5) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 200, 5) FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT SUBSTR(f1, 200, 5) FROM cmdata2; substr -------- 8f14e (1 row) DROP TABLE cmdata2; --test column type update varlena/non-varlena CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (f1 int); \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | | ALTER TABLE cmdata2 ALTER COLUMN f1 TYPE varchar; \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+-------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | character varying | | | | extended | pglz | | ALTER TABLE cmdata2 ALTER COLUMN f1 TYPE int USING f1::integer; \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | | | --changing column storage should not impact the compression method --but the data should not be compressed ALTER TABLE cmdata2 ALTER COLUMN f1 TYPE varchar; \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+-------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | character varying | | | | extended | pglz | | ALTER TABLE cmdata2 ALTER COLUMN f1 SET STORAGE plain; \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+-------------------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | character varying | | | | plain | pglz | | INSERT INTO cmdata2 VALUES (repeat('123456789', 800)); SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- (1 row) -- test compression with materialized view CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv(x) AS SELECT * FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv(x) AS SELECT * FROM cmdata1; ^ \d+ mv SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(x) FROM mv; ERROR: relation "mv" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(x) FROM mv; ^ -- test compression with partition CREATE TABLE cmpart(f1 text COMPRESSION lz4) PARTITION BY HASH(f1); ERROR: unsupported LZ4 compression method DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with lz4 support. HINT: You need to rebuild PostgreSQL using --with-lz4. CREATE TABLE cmpart1 PARTITION OF cmpart FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 2, REMAINDER 0); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist CREATE TABLE cmpart2(f1 text COMPRESSION pglz); ALTER TABLE cmpart ATTACH PARTITION cmpart2 FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 2, REMAINDER 1); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 1004)); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 1004)); ^ INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 4004)); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 4004)); ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart1; ERROR: relation "cmpart1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart1; ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- (0 rows) -- test compression with inheritence, error CREATE TABLE cminh() INHERITS(cmdata, cmdata1); ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist CREATE TABLE cminh(f1 TEXT COMPRESSION lz4) INHERITS(cmdata); NOTICE: merging column "f1" with inherited definition ERROR: column "f1" has a compression method conflict DETAIL: pglz versus lz4 -- test default_toast_compression GUC SET default_toast_compression = ''; ERROR: invalid value for parameter "default_toast_compression": "" DETAIL: default_toast_compression cannot be empty. SET default_toast_compression = 'I do not exist compression'; ERROR: invalid value for parameter "default_toast_compression": "I do not exist compression" DETAIL: Compression method "I do not exist compression" does not exist. SET default_toast_compression = 'lz4'; ERROR: unsupported LZ4 compression method DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with lz4 support. HINT: You need to rebuild PostgreSQL using --with-lz4. DROP TABLE cmdata2; CREATE TABLE cmdata2 (f1 text); \d+ cmdata2 Table "public.cmdata2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | text | | | | extended | pglz | | SET default_toast_compression = 'pglz'; -- test alter compression method ALTER TABLE cmdata ALTER COLUMN f1 SET COMPRESSION lz4; ERROR: unsupported LZ4 compression method DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with lz4 support. HINT: You need to rebuild PostgreSQL using --with-lz4. INSERT INTO cmdata VALUES (repeat('123456789', 4004)); \d+ cmdata Table "public.cmdata" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+-------------+--------------+------------- f1 | text | | | | extended | pglz | | Indexes: "idx" btree (f1) SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz pglz (2 rows) -- test alter compression method for the materialized view ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mv ALTER COLUMN x SET COMPRESSION lz4; ERROR: relation "mv" does not exist \d+ mv -- test alter compression method for the partitioned table ALTER TABLE cmpart1 ALTER COLUMN f1 SET COMPRESSION pglz; ERROR: relation "cmpart1" does not exist ALTER TABLE cmpart2 ALTER COLUMN f1 SET COMPRESSION lz4; ERROR: unsupported LZ4 compression method DETAIL: This functionality requires the server to be built with lz4 support. HINT: You need to rebuild PostgreSQL using --with-lz4. -- new data should be compressed with the current compression method INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 1004)); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 1004)); ^ INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 4004)); ERROR: relation "cmpart" does not exist LINE 1: INSERT INTO cmpart VALUES (repeat('123456789', 4004)); ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart1; ERROR: relation "cmpart1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart1; ^ SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmpart2; pg_column_compression ----------------------- (0 rows) --vacuum full to recompress the data SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz pglz (2 rows) VACUUM FULL cmdata; SELECT pg_column_compression(f1) FROM cmdata; pg_column_compression ----------------------- pglz pglz (2 rows) -- check data is ok SELECT length(f1) FROM cmdata; length -------- 10000 36036 (2 rows) SELECT length(f1) FROM cmdata1; ERROR: relation "cmdata1" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT length(f1) FROM cmdata1; ^ SELECT length(f1) FROM cmmove1; length -------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT length(f1) FROM cmmove2; length -------- 10040 (1 row) SELECT length(f1) FROM cmmove3; length -------- 10000 (1 row) \set HIDE_TOAST_COMPRESSION true