DROP LANGUAGE SQL - Language Statements DROP LANGUAGE Removes a user-defined procedural language 1999-07-20 DROP [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE 'name' 1998-04-15 Inputs name The name of an existing procedural language. 1998-04-15 Outputs DROP This message is returned if the language is successfully dropped. ERROR: Language "name" doesn't exist This message occurs if a language called name is not found in the database. 1998-04-15 Description DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE will remove the definition of the previously registered procedural language called name. 1998-04-15 Notes The DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE statement is a Postgres language extension. Refer to for information on how to create procedural languages. No checks are made if functions or trigger procedures registered in this language still exist. To re-enable them without having to drop and recreate all the functions, the pg_proc's prolang attribute of the functions must be adjusted to the new object ID of the recreated pg_language entry for the PL. Usage This command removes the PL/Sample language: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plsample'; Compatibility 1998-04-15 SQL92 There is no DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE in SQL92.