-- erServer -- Master server setup for erServer demonstration implementation -- (c) 2000 Vadim Mikheev, PostgreSQL Inc. -- -- -- Slave servers -- drop table _RSERV_SERVERS_; create table _RSERV_SERVERS_ ( server int4, -- slave server id host text, -- server' host port int4, -- server' port dbase text -- db name ); -- -- Tables to sync -- drop table _RSERV_TABLES_; create table _RSERV_TABLES_ ( tname name, -- table name cname name, -- column name reloid oid, -- table oid key int4 -- key attnum ); -- -- Log for inserts/updates/deletes to sync-ed tables -- drop table _RSERV_LOG_; create table _RSERV_LOG_ ( reloid oid, logid int4, -- xid of last update xaction logtime timestamp, -- last update xaction start time deleted int4, -- deleted or inserted/updated key text -- ); -- This is to speedup lookup deleted tuples create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_DLT_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (deleted, logid); -- This is to speedup cleanup create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_TM_ID_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (logtime, logid); -- This is to speedup trigger and lookup updated tuples create index _RSERV_LOG_INDX_REL_KEY_ on _RSERV_LOG_ (reloid, key); -- -- How much each slave servers are sync-ed -- drop table _RSERV_SYNC_; create table _RSERV_SYNC_ ( server int4, syncid int4, -- from _rserv_sync_seq_ synctime timestamp, -- status int4, -- prepared (0) | applied minid int4, -- min xid from serializable snapshot maxid int4, -- max xid from serializable snapshot active text -- list of active xactions ); create index _RSERV_SYNC_INDX_SRV_ID_ on _RSERV_SYNC_ (server, syncid); drop sequence _rserv_sync_seq_; create sequence _rserv_sync_seq_; drop function _rserv_log_(); CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_log_() RETURNS opaque AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@' LANGUAGE 'c' ; drop function _rserv_sync_(int4); CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_sync_(int4) RETURNS int4 AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@' LANGUAGE 'c' ; drop function _rserv_debug_(int4); CREATE FUNCTION _rserv_debug_(int4) RETURNS int4 AS '@MODULE_FILENAME@' LANGUAGE 'c' ;