DROP DATABASE SQL - Language Statements DROP DATABASE Destroys an existing database 1998-04-15 DROP DATABASE name 1998-04-15 Inputs name The name of an existing database to remove. 1998-04-15 Outputs DESTROYDB This message is returned if the command is successful. WARN: destroydb: database "name" does not exist. This message occurs if the specified database does not exist. ERROR: destroydb cannot be executed on an open database This message occurs if the specified database does not exist. 1998-04-15 Description DROP DATABASE removes the catalog entries for an existing database and deletes the directory containing the data. It can only be executed by the database administrator (See the CREATE DATABASE command for details). 1998-04-15 Notes DROP DATABASE statement is a Postgres language extension. This query cannot be executed while connected to the target database. It is usually preferable to use the destroydb script instead. Refer to the CREATE DATABASE statement for information on how to create a database. Compatibility 1998-04-15 SQL92 There is no DROP DATABASE in SQL92.