DROP RULE SQL - Language Statements DROP RULE Removes an existing rule from the database 1998-09-22 DROP RULE name 1998-09-22 Inputs name The name of an existing rule to drop. 1998-09-22 Outputs DROP Message returned if successfully. ERROR: RewriteGetRuleEventRel: rule "name" not found This message occurs if the specified rule does not exist. 1998-09-22 Description DROP RULE drops a rule from the specified Postgres rule system. Postgres will immediately cease enforcing it and will purge its definition from the system catalogs. 1998-09-22 Notes The DROP RULE statement is a Postgres language extension. Refer to CREATE RULE for information on how to create rules. 1998-09-22 Bugs Once a rule is dropped, access to historical information the rule has written may disappear. Usage To drop the rewrite rule newrule: DROP RULE newrule; Compatibility 1998-09-22 SQL92 There is no DROP RULE in SQL92.