# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use Test::More; program_help_ok('pg_recvlogical'); program_version_ok('pg_recvlogical'); program_options_handling_ok('pg_recvlogical'); my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main'); # Initialize node without replication settings $node->init(allows_streaming => 1, has_archiving => 1); $node->append_conf( 'postgresql.conf', q{ wal_level = 'logical' max_replication_slots = 4 max_wal_senders = 4 log_min_messages = 'debug1' log_error_verbosity = verbose max_prepared_transactions = 10 }); $node->dump_info; $node->start; $node->command_fails(['pg_recvlogical'], 'pg_recvlogical needs a slot name'); $node->command_fails([ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test' ], 'pg_recvlogical needs a database'); $node->command_fails([ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', 'postgres' ], 'pg_recvlogical needs an action'); $node->command_fails( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--start' ], 'no destination file'); $node->command_ok( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--create-slot' ], 'slot created'); my $slot = $node->slot('test'); isnt($slot->{'restart_lsn'}, '', 'restart lsn is defined for new slot'); $node->psql('postgres', 'CREATE TABLE test_table(x integer)'); $node->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table(x) SELECT y FROM generate_series(1, 10) a(y);'); my $nextlsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()'); chomp($nextlsn); $node->command_ok( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--start', '--endpos', "$nextlsn", '--no-loop', '-f', '-' ], 'replayed a transaction'); $node->command_ok( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--drop-slot' ], 'slot dropped'); #test with two-phase option enabled $node->command_ok( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--create-slot', '--two-phase' ], 'slot with two-phase created'); $slot = $node->slot('test'); isnt($slot->{'restart_lsn'}, '', 'restart lsn is defined for new slot'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "BEGIN; INSERT INTO test_table values (11); PREPARE TRANSACTION 'test'"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "COMMIT PREPARED 'test'"); $nextlsn = $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()'); chomp($nextlsn); $node->command_fails( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--start', '--endpos', "$nextlsn", '--two-phase', '--no-loop', '-f', '-' ], 'incorrect usage'); $node->command_ok( [ 'pg_recvlogical', '-S', 'test', '-d', $node->connstr('postgres'), '--start', '--endpos', "$nextlsn", '--no-loop', '-f', '-' ], 'replayed a two-phase transaction'); done_testing();