.\" This is -*-nroff-*- .\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here.... .\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/man/Attic/create_view.l,v 1996/08/18 22:14:22 scrappy Exp $ .TH "CREATE VIEW" SQL 11/05/95 Postgres95 Postgres95 .SH NAME create view \(em construct a virtual class .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBcreate view\fR view_name \fBas\fR \fBselect\fR expression1 [\fBas\fR attr_name1] {, expression_i [\fBas\fR attr_namei]} [\fBfrom\fR from.last] [\fBwhere\fR qual] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .BR "create view" will define a view of a class. This view is not physically materialized; instead the rule system is used to support view processing as in [STON90]. Specifically, a query rewrite retrieve rule is automatically generated to support retrieve operations on views. Then, the user can add as many update rules as desired to specify the processing of update operations to views. See [STON90] for a detailed discussion of this point. .SH EXAMPLE .nf -- --create a view consisting of toy department employees -- create view toyemp as select e.name from emp e where e.dept = 'toy' .fi .nf -- --Specify deletion semantics for toyemp -- create rule example1 as on delete to toyemp do instead delete emp where emp.oid = current.oid .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" create table(l), create rule(l),