]]> ]]> ]]> ]> (define draft-mode #f) (define pgsql-docs-list "pgsql-docs@postgresql.org") ;; Don't show manpage volume numbers (define %refentry-xref-manvolnum% #f) ;; Don't use graphics for callouts. (We could probably do that, but ;; it needs extra work.) (define %callout-graphics% #f) ;; Show comments during the development stage. (define %show-comments% draft-mode) ;; Don't append period if run-in title ends with any of these ;; characters. We had to add the colon here. This is fixed in ;; stylesheets version 1.71, so it can be removed sometime. (define %content-title-end-punct% '(#\. #\! #\? #\:)) ;; No automatic punctuation after honorific name parts (define %honorific-punctuation% "") ;; Change display of some elements (element command ($mono-seq$)) (element envar ($mono-seq$)) (element lineannotation ($italic-seq$)) (element literal ($mono-seq$)) (element structfield ($mono-seq$)) (element structname ($mono-seq$)) (element symbol ($mono-seq$)) (element token ($mono-seq$)) (element type ($mono-seq$)) (element (programlisting emphasis) ($bold-seq$)) ;; to highlight sections of code ;; Special support for Tcl synopses (element optional (if (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role")) "tcl") (make sequence (literal "?") ($charseq$) (literal "?")) (make sequence (literal %arg-choice-opt-open-str%) ($charseq$) (literal %arg-choice-opt-close-str%)))) ;; Avoid excessive cross-reference labels (define (auto-xref-indirect? target ancestor) (cond ; ;; Always add indirect references to another book ; ((member (gi ancestor) (book-element-list)) ; #t) ;; Add indirect references to the section or component a block ;; is in iff chapters aren't autolabelled. (Otherwise "Figure 1-3" ;; is sufficient) ((and (member (gi target) (block-element-list)) (not %chapter-autolabel%)) #t) ;; Add indirect references to the component a section is in if ;; the sections are not autolabelled ((and (member (gi target) (section-element-list)) (member (gi ancestor) (component-element-list)) (not %section-autolabel%)) #t) (else #f))) ;; Bibliography things ;; Use the titles of bibliography entries in cross-references (define biblio-xref-title #t) ;; Process bibliography entry components in the order shown below, not ;; in the order they appear in the document. (I suppose this should ;; be made to fit some publishing standard.) (define %biblioentry-in-entry-order% #f) (define (biblioentry-inline-elements) (list (normalize "author") (normalize "authorgroup") (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "volumenum") (normalize "edition") (normalize "othercredit") (normalize "contrib") (normalize "editor") (normalize "publishername") (normalize "confgroup") (normalize "publisher") (normalize "isbn") (normalize "issn") (normalize "pubsnumber") (normalize "date") (normalize "pubdate") (normalize "pagenums") (normalize "bibliomisc"))) (mode biblioentry-inline-mode (element confgroup (make sequence (literal "Proc. ") (next-match))) (element isbn (make sequence (literal "ISBN ") (process-children))) (element issn (make sequence (literal "ISSN ") (process-children)))) ;; The rules in the default stylesheet for productname format it as a ;; paragraph. This may be suitable for productname directly within ;; *info, but it's nonsense when productname is used inline, as we do. (mode set-titlepage-recto-mode (element (para productname) ($charseq$))) (mode set-titlepage-verso-mode (element (para productname) ($charseq$))) (mode book-titlepage-recto-mode (element (para productname) ($charseq$))) (mode book-titlepage-verso-mode (element (para productname) ($charseq$))) ;; Add more here if needed... string (time) #t))))) ;; Create an index (define html-index #t) ;; Block elements are allowed in PARA in DocBook, but not in P in ;; HTML. With %fix-para-wrappers% turned on, the stylesheets attempt ;; to avoid putting block elements in HTML P tags by outputting ;; additional end/begin P pairs around them. (define %fix-para-wrappers% #t) ;; ...but we need to do some extra work to make the above apply to PRE ;; as well. (mostly pasted from dbverb.dsl) (define ($verbatim-display$ indent line-numbers?) (let ((content (make element gi: "PRE" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (if (or indent line-numbers?) ($verbatim-line-by-line$ indent line-numbers?) (process-children))))) (if %shade-verbatim% (make element gi: "TABLE" attributes: ($shade-verbatim-attr$) (make element gi: "TR" (make element gi: "TD" content))) (make sequence (para-check) content (para-check 'restart))))) ;; ...and for notes. (element note (make sequence (para-check) ($admonition$) (para-check 'restart))) ;;; XXX The above is very ugly. It might be better to run 'tidy' on ;;; the resulting *.html files. ;; Format multiple terms in varlistentry vertically, instead ;; of comma-separated. (element (varlistentry term) (make sequence (process-children-trim) (if (not (last-sibling?)) (make empty-element gi: "BR") (empty-sosofo)))) ]]> (string->number (attribute-string (normalize "columns"))) 0) (string->number (attribute-string (normalize "columns"))) 1) 1)) (members (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "member")))) (cond ((equal? type (normalize "inline")) (if (equal? (gi (parent (current-node))) (normalize "para")) (process-children) (make paragraph space-before: %para-sep% space-after: %para-sep% start-indent: (inherited-start-indent)))) ((equal? type (normalize "vert")) (my-simplelist-vert members)) ((equal? type (normalize "horiz")) (simplelist-table 'row cols members))))) (element member (let ((type (inherited-attribute-string (normalize "type")))) (cond ((equal? type (normalize "inline")) (make sequence (process-children) (if (not (last-sibling?)) (literal ", ") (literal "")))) ((equal? type (normalize "vert")) (make paragraph space-before: 0pt space-after: 0pt)) ((equal? type (normalize "horiz")) (make paragraph quadding: 'start (process-children)))))) ;; Jadetex doesn't handle links to the content of tables, so ;; indexterms that point to table entries will go nowhere. We fix ;; this by pointing the index entry to the table itself instead, which ;; should be equally useful in practice. (define (find-parent-table nd) (let ((table (ancestor-member nd ($table-element-list$)))) (if (node-list-empty? table) nd table))) ;; (The function below overrides the one in print/dbindex.dsl.) (define (indexentry-link nd) (let* ((id (attribute-string (normalize "role") nd)) (prelim-target (find-indexterm id)) (target (find-parent-table prelim-target)) (preferred (not (node-list-empty? (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "emphasis"))))) (sosofo (if (node-list-empty? target) (literal "?") (make link destination: (node-list-address target) (with-mode toc-page-number-mode (process-node-list target)))))) (if preferred (make sequence font-weight: 'bold sosofo) sosofo))) ;; By default, the part and reference title pages get wrong page ;; numbers: The first title page gets roman numerals carried over from ;; preface/toc -- we want arabic numerals. We also need to make sure ;; that page-number-restart is set of #f explicitly, because otherwise ;; it will carry over from the previous component, which is not good. ;; ;; (This looks worse than it is. It's copied from print/dbttlpg.dsl ;; and common/dbcommon.dsl and modified in minor detail.) (define (first-part?) (let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book"))) (nd (ancestor-member (current-node) (append (component-element-list) (division-element-list)))) (bookch (children book))) (let loop ((nl bookch)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) #f (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "part")) (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd) #t #f) (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))) (define (first-reference?) (let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book"))) (nd (ancestor-member (current-node) (append (component-element-list) (division-element-list)))) (bookch (children book))) (let loop ((nl bookch)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) #f (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "reference")) (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd) #t #f) (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))) (define (part-titlepage elements #!optional (side 'recto)) (let ((nodelist (titlepage-nodelist (if (equal? side 'recto) (reference-titlepage-recto-elements) (reference-titlepage-verso-elements)) elements)) ;; partintro is a special case... (partintro (node-list-first (node-list-filter-by-gi elements (list (normalize "partintro")))))) (if (part-titlepage-content? elements side) (make simple-page-sequence page-n-columns: %titlepage-n-columns% ;; Make sure that page number format is correct. page-number-format: ($page-number-format$) ;; Make sure that the page number is set to 1 if this is the ;; first part in the book page-number-restart?: (first-part?) input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse use: default-text-style ;; This hack is required for the RTF backend. If an external-graphic ;; is the first thing on the page, RTF doesn't seem to do the right ;; thing (the graphic winds up on the baseline of the first line ;; of the page, left justified). This "one point rule" fixes ;; that problem. (make paragraph line-spacing: 1pt (literal "")) (let loop ((nl nodelist) (lastnode (empty-node-list))) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-sosofo) (make sequence (if (or (node-list-empty? lastnode) (not (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (gi lastnode)))) (part-titlepage-before (node-list-first nl) side) (empty-sosofo)) (cond ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "subtitle")) (part-titlepage-subtitle (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "title")) (part-titlepage-title (node-list-first nl) side)) (else (part-titlepage-default (node-list-first nl) side))) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list-first nl))))) (if (and %generate-part-toc% %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage% (equal? side 'recto)) (make display-group (build-toc (current-node) (toc-depth (current-node)))) (empty-sosofo)) ;; PartIntro is a special case (if (and (equal? side 'recto) (not (node-list-empty? partintro)) %generate-partintro-on-titlepage%) ($process-partintro$ partintro #f) (empty-sosofo))) (empty-sosofo)))) (define (reference-titlepage elements #!optional (side 'recto)) (let ((nodelist (titlepage-nodelist (if (equal? side 'recto) (reference-titlepage-recto-elements) (reference-titlepage-verso-elements)) elements)) ;; partintro is a special case... (partintro (node-list-first (node-list-filter-by-gi elements (list (normalize "partintro")))))) (if (reference-titlepage-content? elements side) (make simple-page-sequence page-n-columns: %titlepage-n-columns% ;; Make sure that page number format is correct. page-number-format: ($page-number-format$) ;; Make sure that the page number is set to 1 if this is the ;; first part in the book page-number-restart?: (first-reference?) input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse use: default-text-style ;; This hack is required for the RTF backend. If an external-graphic ;; is the first thing on the page, RTF doesn't seem to do the right ;; thing (the graphic winds up on the baseline of the first line ;; of the page, left justified). This "one point rule" fixes ;; that problem. (make paragraph line-spacing: 1pt (literal "")) (let loop ((nl nodelist) (lastnode (empty-node-list))) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-sosofo) (make sequence (if (or (node-list-empty? lastnode) (not (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (gi lastnode)))) (reference-titlepage-before (node-list-first nl) side) (empty-sosofo)) (cond ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "author")) (reference-titlepage-author (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "authorgroup")) (reference-titlepage-authorgroup (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "corpauthor")) (reference-titlepage-corpauthor (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "editor")) (reference-titlepage-editor (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "subtitle")) (reference-titlepage-subtitle (node-list-first nl) side)) ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "title")) (reference-titlepage-title (node-list-first nl) side)) (else (reference-titlepage-default (node-list-first nl) side))) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list-first nl))))) (if (and %generate-reference-toc% %generate-reference-toc-on-titlepage% (equal? side 'recto)) (make display-group (build-toc (current-node) (toc-depth (current-node)))) (empty-sosofo)) ;; PartIntro is a special case (if (and (equal? side 'recto) (not (node-list-empty? partintro)) %generate-partintro-on-titlepage%) ($process-partintro$ partintro #f) (empty-sosofo))) (empty-sosofo)))) ]]>