-- minimal test, basically just verifying that amcheck CREATE TABLE bttest_a(id int8); CREATE TABLE bttest_b(id int8); INSERT INTO bttest_a SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 100000); INSERT INTO bttest_b SELECT * FROM generate_series(100000, 1, -1); CREATE INDEX bttest_a_idx ON bttest_a USING btree (id); CREATE INDEX bttest_b_idx ON bttest_b USING btree (id); CREATE ROLE bttest_role; -- verify permissions are checked (error due to function not callable) SET ROLE bttest_role; SELECT bt_index_check('bttest_a_idx'::regclass); ERROR: permission denied for function bt_index_check SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_a_idx'::regclass); ERROR: permission denied for function bt_index_parent_check RESET ROLE; -- we, intentionally, don't check relation permissions - it's useful -- to run this cluster-wide with a restricted account, and as tested -- above explicit permission has to be granted for that. GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION bt_index_check(regclass) TO bttest_role; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION bt_index_parent_check(regclass) TO bttest_role; SET ROLE bttest_role; SELECT bt_index_check('bttest_a_idx'); bt_index_check ---------------- (1 row) SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_a_idx'); bt_index_parent_check ----------------------- (1 row) RESET ROLE; -- verify plain tables are rejected (error) SELECT bt_index_check('bttest_a'); ERROR: "bttest_a" is not an index SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_a'); ERROR: "bttest_a" is not an index -- verify non-existing indexes are rejected (error) SELECT bt_index_check(17); ERROR: could not open relation with OID 17 SELECT bt_index_parent_check(17); ERROR: could not open relation with OID 17 -- verify wrong index types are rejected (error) BEGIN; CREATE INDEX bttest_a_brin_idx ON bttest_a USING brin(id); SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_a_brin_idx'); ERROR: only B-Tree indexes are supported as targets for verification DETAIL: Relation "bttest_a_brin_idx" is not a B-Tree index. ROLLBACK; -- normal check outside of xact SELECT bt_index_check('bttest_a_idx'); bt_index_check ---------------- (1 row) -- more expansive test SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_b_idx'); bt_index_parent_check ----------------------- (1 row) BEGIN; SELECT bt_index_check('bttest_a_idx'); bt_index_check ---------------- (1 row) SELECT bt_index_parent_check('bttest_b_idx'); bt_index_parent_check ----------------------- (1 row) -- make sure we don't have any leftover locks SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE relation IN ('bttest_a_idx'::regclass, 'bttest_b_idx'::regclass); locktype | database | relation | page | tuple | virtualxid | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction | pid | mode | granted | fastpath ----------+----------+----------+------+-------+------------+---------------+---------+-------+----------+--------------------+-----+------+---------+---------- (0 rows) COMMIT; -- cleanup DROP TABLE bttest_a; DROP TABLE bttest_b; DROP OWNED BY bttest_role; -- permissions DROP ROLE bttest_role;