-- -- FLOAT8 -- CREATE TABLE FLOAT8_TBL(f1 float8); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' 0.0 '); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1004.30 '); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' -34.84'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e+200'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e-200'); -- test for underflow and overflow handling SELECT '10e400'::float8; SELECT '-10e400'::float8; SELECT '10e-400'::float8; SELECT '-10e-400'::float8; -- test smallest normalized input SELECT float8send('2.2250738585072014E-308'::float8); -- bad input INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' '); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('xyz'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5.0.0'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5 . 0'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5. 0'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' - 3'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123 5'); -- special inputs SELECT 'NaN'::float8; SELECT 'nan'::float8; SELECT ' NAN '::float8; SELECT 'infinity'::float8; SELECT ' -INFINiTY '::float8; -- bad special inputs SELECT 'N A N'::float8; SELECT 'NaN x'::float8; SELECT ' INFINITY x'::float8; SELECT 'Infinity'::float8 + 100.0; SELECT 'Infinity'::float8 / 'Infinity'::float8; SELECT 'nan'::float8 / 'nan'::float8; SELECT 'nan'::numeric::float8; SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <> '1004.3'; SELECT '' AS one, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 = '1004.3'; SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' > f.f1; SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 < '1004.3'; SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' >= f.f1; SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <= '1004.3'; SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 * '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 + '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 / '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 - '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS one, f.f1 ^ '2.0' AS square_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '1004.3'; -- absolute value SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, @f.f1 AS abs_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; -- truncate SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, trunc(f.f1) AS trunc_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; -- round SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, round(f.f1) AS round_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; -- ceil / ceiling select ceil(f1) as ceil_f1 from float8_tbl f; select ceiling(f1) as ceiling_f1 from float8_tbl f; -- floor select floor(f1) as floor_f1 from float8_tbl f; -- sign select sign(f1) as sign_f1 from float8_tbl f; -- avoid bit-exact output here because operations may not be bit-exact. SET extra_float_digits = 0; -- square root SELECT sqrt(float8 '64') AS eight; SELECT |/ float8 '64' AS eight; SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, |/f.f1 AS sqrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; -- power SELECT power(float8 '144', float8 '0.5'); SELECT power(float8 'NaN', float8 '0.5'); SELECT power(float8 '144', float8 'NaN'); SELECT power(float8 'NaN', float8 'NaN'); SELECT power(float8 '-1', float8 'NaN'); SELECT power(float8 '1', float8 'NaN'); SELECT power(float8 'NaN', float8 '0'); -- take exp of ln(f.f1) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, exp(ln(f.f1)) AS exp_ln_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; -- cube root SELECT ||/ float8 '27' AS three; SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, ||/f.f1 AS cbrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; UPDATE FLOAT8_TBL SET f1 = FLOAT8_TBL.f1 * '-1' WHERE FLOAT8_TBL.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 * '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 ^ '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; SELECT 0 ^ 0 + 0 ^ 1 + 0 ^ 0.0 + 0 ^ 0.5; SELECT '' AS bad, ln(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '0.0' ; SELECT '' AS bad, ln(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 < '0.0' ; SELECT '' AS bad, exp(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f; SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 / '0.0' from FLOAT8_TBL f; SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; -- hyperbolic functions -- we run these with extra_float_digits = 0 too, since different platforms -- tend to produce results that vary in the last place. SELECT sinh(float8 '1'); SELECT cosh(float8 '1'); SELECT tanh(float8 '1'); SELECT asinh(float8 '1'); SELECT acosh(float8 '2'); SELECT atanh(float8 '0.5'); -- test Inf/NaN cases for hyperbolic functions SELECT sinh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT sinh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT sinh(float8 'nan'); SELECT cosh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT cosh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT cosh(float8 'nan'); SELECT tanh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT tanh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT tanh(float8 'nan'); SELECT asinh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT asinh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT asinh(float8 'nan'); -- acosh(Inf) should be Inf, but some mingw versions produce NaN, so skip test -- SELECT acosh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT acosh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT acosh(float8 'nan'); SELECT atanh(float8 'infinity'); SELECT atanh(float8 '-infinity'); SELECT atanh(float8 'nan'); RESET extra_float_digits; -- test for over- and underflow INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e400'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e400'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e-400'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e-400'); -- maintain external table consistency across platforms -- delete all values and reinsert well-behaved ones DELETE FROM FLOAT8_TBL; INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0.0'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-34.84'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1004.30'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1.2345678901234e+200'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1.2345678901234e-200'); SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; -- test edge-case coercions to integer SELECT '32767.4'::float8::int2; SELECT '32767.6'::float8::int2; SELECT '-32768.4'::float8::int2; SELECT '-32768.6'::float8::int2; SELECT '2147483647.4'::float8::int4; SELECT '2147483647.6'::float8::int4; SELECT '-2147483648.4'::float8::int4; SELECT '-2147483648.6'::float8::int4; SELECT '9223372036854773760'::float8::int8; SELECT '9223372036854775807'::float8::int8; SELECT '-9223372036854775808.5'::float8::int8; SELECT '-9223372036854780000'::float8::int8; -- test exact cases for trigonometric functions in degrees SELECT x, sind(x), sind(x) IN (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1) AS sind_exact FROM (VALUES (0), (30), (90), (150), (180), (210), (270), (330), (360)) AS t(x); SELECT x, cosd(x), cosd(x) IN (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1) AS cosd_exact FROM (VALUES (0), (60), (90), (120), (180), (240), (270), (300), (360)) AS t(x); SELECT x, tand(x), tand(x) IN ('-Infinity'::float8,-1,0, 1,'Infinity'::float8) AS tand_exact, cotd(x), cotd(x) IN ('-Infinity'::float8,-1,0, 1,'Infinity'::float8) AS cotd_exact FROM (VALUES (0), (45), (90), (135), (180), (225), (270), (315), (360)) AS t(x); SELECT x, asind(x), asind(x) IN (-90,-30,0,30,90) AS asind_exact, acosd(x), acosd(x) IN (0,60,90,120,180) AS acosd_exact FROM (VALUES (-1), (-0.5), (0), (0.5), (1)) AS t(x); SELECT x, atand(x), atand(x) IN (-90,-45,0,45,90) AS atand_exact FROM (VALUES ('-Infinity'::float8), (-1), (0), (1), ('Infinity'::float8)) AS t(x); SELECT x, y, atan2d(y, x), atan2d(y, x) IN (-90,0,90,180) AS atan2d_exact FROM (SELECT 10*cosd(a), 10*sind(a) FROM generate_series(0, 360, 90) AS t(a)) AS t(x,y); -- -- test output (and round-trip safety) of various values. -- To ensure we're testing what we think we're testing, start with -- float values specified by bit patterns (as a useful side effect, -- this means we'll fail on non-IEEE platforms). create type xfloat8; create function xfloat8in(cstring) returns xfloat8 immutable strict language internal as 'int8in'; create function xfloat8out(xfloat8) returns cstring immutable strict language internal as 'int8out'; create type xfloat8 (input = xfloat8in, output = xfloat8out, like = float8); create cast (xfloat8 as float8) without function; create cast (float8 as xfloat8) without function; create cast (xfloat8 as bigint) without function; create cast (bigint as xfloat8) without function; -- float8: seeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeeee mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm(x4) -- we don't care to assume the platform's strtod() handles subnormals -- correctly; those are "use at your own risk". However we do test -- subnormal outputs, since those are under our control. with testdata(bits) as (values -- small subnormals (x'0000000000000001'), (x'0000000000000002'), (x'0000000000000003'), (x'0000000000001000'), (x'0000000100000000'), (x'0000010000000000'), (x'0000010100000000'), (x'0000400000000000'), (x'0000400100000000'), (x'0000800000000000'), (x'0000800000000001'), -- these values taken from upstream testsuite (x'00000000000f4240'), (x'00000000016e3600'), (x'0000008cdcdea440'), -- borderline between subnormal and normal (x'000ffffffffffff0'), (x'000ffffffffffff1'), (x'000ffffffffffffe'), (x'000fffffffffffff')) select float8send(flt) as ibits, flt from (select bits::bigint::xfloat8::float8 as flt from testdata offset 0) s; -- round-trip tests with testdata(bits) as (values (x'0000000000000000'), -- smallest normal values (x'0010000000000000'), (x'0010000000000001'), (x'0010000000000002'), (x'0018000000000000'), -- (x'3ddb7cdfd9d7bdba'), (x'3ddb7cdfd9d7bdbb'), (x'3ddb7cdfd9d7bdbc'), (x'3e112e0be826d694'), (x'3e112e0be826d695'), (x'3e112e0be826d696'), (x'3e45798ee2308c39'), (x'3e45798ee2308c3a'), (x'3e45798ee2308c3b'), (x'3e7ad7f29abcaf47'), (x'3e7ad7f29abcaf48'), (x'3e7ad7f29abcaf49'), (x'3eb0c6f7a0b5ed8c'), (x'3eb0c6f7a0b5ed8d'), (x'3eb0c6f7a0b5ed8e'), (x'3ee4f8b588e368ef'), (x'3ee4f8b588e368f0'), (x'3ee4f8b588e368f1'), (x'3f1a36e2eb1c432c'), (x'3f1a36e2eb1c432d'), (x'3f1a36e2eb1c432e'), (x'3f50624dd2f1a9fb'), (x'3f50624dd2f1a9fc'), (x'3f50624dd2f1a9fd'), (x'3f847ae147ae147a'), (x'3f847ae147ae147b'), (x'3f847ae147ae147c'), (x'3fb9999999999999'), (x'3fb999999999999a'), (x'3fb999999999999b'), -- values very close to 1 (x'3feffffffffffff0'), (x'3feffffffffffff1'), (x'3feffffffffffff2'), (x'3feffffffffffff3'), (x'3feffffffffffff4'), (x'3feffffffffffff5'), (x'3feffffffffffff6'), (x'3feffffffffffff7'), (x'3feffffffffffff8'), (x'3feffffffffffff9'), (x'3feffffffffffffa'), (x'3feffffffffffffb'), (x'3feffffffffffffc'), (x'3feffffffffffffd'), (x'3feffffffffffffe'), (x'3fefffffffffffff'), (x'3ff0000000000000'), (x'3ff0000000000001'), (x'3ff0000000000002'), (x'3ff0000000000003'), (x'3ff0000000000004'), (x'3ff0000000000005'), (x'3ff0000000000006'), (x'3ff0000000000007'), (x'3ff0000000000008'), (x'3ff0000000000009'), -- (x'3ff921fb54442d18'), (x'4005bf0a8b14576a'), (x'400921fb54442d18'), -- (x'4023ffffffffffff'), (x'4024000000000000'), (x'4024000000000001'), (x'4058ffffffffffff'), (x'4059000000000000'), (x'4059000000000001'), (x'408f3fffffffffff'), (x'408f400000000000'), (x'408f400000000001'), (x'40c387ffffffffff'), (x'40c3880000000000'), (x'40c3880000000001'), (x'40f869ffffffffff'), (x'40f86a0000000000'), (x'40f86a0000000001'), (x'412e847fffffffff'), (x'412e848000000000'), (x'412e848000000001'), (x'416312cfffffffff'), (x'416312d000000000'), (x'416312d000000001'), (x'4197d783ffffffff'), (x'4197d78400000000'), (x'4197d78400000001'), (x'41cdcd64ffffffff'), (x'41cdcd6500000000'), (x'41cdcd6500000001'), (x'4202a05f1fffffff'), (x'4202a05f20000000'), (x'4202a05f20000001'), (x'42374876e7ffffff'), (x'42374876e8000000'), (x'42374876e8000001'), (x'426d1a94a1ffffff'), (x'426d1a94a2000000'), (x'426d1a94a2000001'), (x'42a2309ce53fffff'), (x'42a2309ce5400000'), (x'42a2309ce5400001'), (x'42d6bcc41e8fffff'), (x'42d6bcc41e900000'), (x'42d6bcc41e900001'), (x'430c6bf52633ffff'), (x'430c6bf526340000'), (x'430c6bf526340001'), (x'4341c37937e07fff'), (x'4341c37937e08000'), (x'4341c37937e08001'), (x'4376345785d89fff'), (x'4376345785d8a000'), (x'4376345785d8a001'), (x'43abc16d674ec7ff'), (x'43abc16d674ec800'), (x'43abc16d674ec801'), (x'43e158e460913cff'), (x'43e158e460913d00'), (x'43e158e460913d01'), (x'4415af1d78b58c3f'), (x'4415af1d78b58c40'), (x'4415af1d78b58c41'), (x'444b1ae4d6e2ef4f'), (x'444b1ae4d6e2ef50'), (x'444b1ae4d6e2ef51'), (x'4480f0cf064dd591'), (x'4480f0cf064dd592'), (x'4480f0cf064dd593'), (x'44b52d02c7e14af5'), (x'44b52d02c7e14af6'), (x'44b52d02c7e14af7'), (x'44ea784379d99db3'), (x'44ea784379d99db4'), (x'44ea784379d99db5'), (x'45208b2a2c280290'), (x'45208b2a2c280291'), (x'45208b2a2c280292'), -- (x'7feffffffffffffe'), (x'7fefffffffffffff'), -- round to even tests (+ve) (x'4350000000000002'), (x'4350000000002e06'), (x'4352000000000003'), (x'4352000000000004'), (x'4358000000000003'), (x'4358000000000004'), (x'435f000000000020'), -- round to even tests (-ve) (x'c350000000000002'), (x'c350000000002e06'), (x'c352000000000003'), (x'c352000000000004'), (x'c358000000000003'), (x'c358000000000004'), (x'c35f000000000020'), -- exercise fixed-point memmoves (x'42dc12218377de66'), (x'42a674e79c5fe51f'), (x'4271f71fb04cb74c'), (x'423cbe991a145879'), (x'4206fee0e1a9e061'), (x'41d26580b487e6b4'), (x'419d6f34540ca453'), (x'41678c29dcd6e9dc'), (x'4132d687e3df217d'), (x'40fe240c9fcb68c8'), (x'40c81cd6e63c53d3'), (x'40934a4584fd0fdc'), (x'405edd3c07fb4c93'), (x'4028b0fcd32f7076'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c59f8'), -- these cases come from the upstream's testsuite -- LotsOfTrailingZeros) (x'3e60000000000000'), -- Regression (x'c352bd2668e077c4'), (x'434018601510c000'), (x'43d055dc36f24000'), (x'43e052961c6f8000'), (x'3ff3c0ca2a5b1d5d'), -- LooksLikePow5 (x'4830f0cf064dd592'), (x'4840f0cf064dd592'), (x'4850f0cf064dd592'), -- OutputLength (x'3ff3333333333333'), (x'3ff3ae147ae147ae'), (x'3ff3be76c8b43958'), (x'3ff3c083126e978d'), (x'3ff3c0c1fc8f3238'), (x'3ff3c0c9539b8887'), (x'3ff3c0ca2a5b1d5d'), (x'3ff3c0ca4283de1b'), (x'3ff3c0ca43db770a'), (x'3ff3c0ca428abd53'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c1d2b'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c51f2'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c58fc'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c59dd'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c59f8'), (x'3ff3c0ca428c59fb'), -- 32-bit chunking (x'40112e0be8047a7d'), (x'40112e0be815a889'), (x'40112e0be826d695'), (x'40112e0be83804a1'), (x'40112e0be84932ad'), -- MinMaxShift (x'0040000000000000'), (x'007fffffffffffff'), (x'0290000000000000'), (x'029fffffffffffff'), (x'4350000000000000'), (x'435fffffffffffff'), (x'1330000000000000'), (x'133fffffffffffff'), (x'3a6fa7161a4d6e0c') ) select float8send(flt) as ibits, flt, flt::text::float8 as r_flt, float8send(flt::text::float8) as obits, float8send(flt::text::float8) = float8send(flt) as correct from (select bits::bigint::xfloat8::float8 as flt from testdata offset 0) s; -- clean up, lest opr_sanity complain drop type xfloat8 cascade;