-- -- CREATE_VIEW -- Virtual class definitions -- (this also tests the query rewrite system) -- CREATE VIEW street AS SELECT r.name, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname FROM ONLY road r, real_city c WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath; CREATE VIEW iexit AS SELECT ih.name, ih.thepath, interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit FROM ihighway ih, ramp r WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath; CREATE VIEW toyemp AS SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal FROM emp; -- Test comments COMMENT ON VIEW noview IS 'no view'; ERROR: relation "noview" does not exist COMMENT ON VIEW toyemp IS 'is a view'; COMMENT ON VIEW toyemp IS NULL; -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW -- CREATE TABLE viewtest_tbl (a int, b int); COPY viewtest_tbl FROM stdin; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT * FROM viewtest_tbl; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT * FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a > 10; SELECT * FROM viewtest; a | b ----+---- 15 | 20 20 | 25 (2 rows) CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT a, b FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a > 5 ORDER BY b DESC; SELECT * FROM viewtest; a | b ----+---- 20 | 25 15 | 20 10 | 15 (3 rows) -- should fail CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT a FROM viewtest_tbl WHERE a <> 20; ERROR: cannot drop columns from view -- should fail CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT 1, * FROM viewtest_tbl; ERROR: cannot change name of view column "a" to "?column?" -- should fail CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT a, b::numeric FROM viewtest_tbl; ERROR: cannot change data type of view column "b" from integer to numeric -- should work CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW viewtest AS SELECT a, b, 0 AS c FROM viewtest_tbl; DROP VIEW viewtest; DROP TABLE viewtest_tbl; -- tests for temporary views CREATE SCHEMA temp_view_test CREATE TABLE base_table (a int, id int) CREATE TABLE base_table2 (a int, id int); SET search_path TO temp_view_test, public; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (a int, id int); -- should be created in temp_view_test schema CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM base_table; -- should be created in temp object schema CREATE VIEW v1_temp AS SELECT * FROM temp_table; NOTICE: view "v1_temp" will be a temporary view -- should be created in temp object schema CREATE TEMP VIEW v2_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table; -- should be created in temp_views schema CREATE VIEW temp_view_test.v2 AS SELECT * FROM base_table; -- should fail CREATE VIEW temp_view_test.v3_temp AS SELECT * FROM temp_table; NOTICE: view "v3_temp" will be a temporary view ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema -- should fail CREATE SCHEMA test_schema CREATE TEMP VIEW testview AS SELECT 1; ERROR: cannot create temporary relation in non-temporary schema -- joins: if any of the join relations are temporary, the view -- should also be temporary -- should be non-temp CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a FROM base_table t1, base_table2 t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id; -- should be temp (one join rel is temp) CREATE VIEW v4_temp AS SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a FROM base_table t1, temp_table t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id; NOTICE: view "v4_temp" will be a temporary view -- should be temp CREATE VIEW v5_temp AS SELECT t1.a AS t1_a, t2.a AS t2_a, t3.a AS t3_a FROM base_table t1, base_table2 t2, temp_table t3 WHERE t1.id = t2.id and t2.id = t3.id; NOTICE: view "v5_temp" will be a temporary view -- subqueries CREATE VIEW v4 AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM base_table2); CREATE VIEW v5 AS SELECT t1.id, t2.a FROM base_table t1, (SELECT * FROM base_table2) t2; CREATE VIEW v6 AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM base_table2); CREATE VIEW v7 AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM base_table2); CREATE VIEW v8 AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1); CREATE VIEW v6_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table); NOTICE: view "v6_temp" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW v7_temp AS SELECT t1.id, t2.a FROM base_table t1, (SELECT * FROM temp_table) t2; NOTICE: view "v7_temp" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW v8_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM temp_table); NOTICE: view "v8_temp" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW v9_temp AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM temp_table); NOTICE: view "v9_temp" will be a temporary view -- a view should also be temporary if it references a temporary view CREATE VIEW v10_temp AS SELECT * FROM v7_temp; NOTICE: view "v10_temp" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW v11_temp AS SELECT t1.id, t2.a FROM base_table t1, v10_temp t2; NOTICE: view "v11_temp" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW v12_temp AS SELECT true FROM v11_temp; NOTICE: view "v12_temp" will be a temporary view -- a view should also be temporary if it references a temporary sequence CREATE SEQUENCE seq1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE seq1_temp; CREATE VIEW v9 AS SELECT seq1.is_called FROM seq1; CREATE VIEW v13_temp AS SELECT seq1_temp.is_called FROM seq1_temp; NOTICE: view "v13_temp" will be a temporary view SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'v_' AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'temp_view_test') ORDER BY relname; relname --------- v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 (9 rows) SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'v%' AND relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%') ORDER BY relname; relname ---------- v10_temp v11_temp v12_temp v13_temp v1_temp v2_temp v4_temp v5_temp v6_temp v7_temp v8_temp v9_temp (12 rows) CREATE SCHEMA testviewschm2; SET search_path TO testviewschm2, public; CREATE TABLE t1 (num int, name text); CREATE TABLE t2 (num2 int, value text); CREATE TEMP TABLE tt (num2 int, value text); CREATE VIEW nontemp1 AS SELECT * FROM t1 CROSS JOIN t2; CREATE VIEW temporal1 AS SELECT * FROM t1 CROSS JOIN tt; NOTICE: view "temporal1" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW nontemp2 AS SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2; CREATE VIEW temporal2 AS SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2; NOTICE: view "temporal2" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW nontemp3 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2; CREATE VIEW temporal3 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2; NOTICE: view "temporal3" will be a temporary view CREATE VIEW nontemp4 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.num = t2.num2 AND t2.value = 'xxx'; CREATE VIEW temporal4 AS SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN tt ON t1.num = tt.num2 AND tt.value = 'xxx'; NOTICE: view "temporal4" will be a temporary view SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'nontemp%' AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'testviewschm2') ORDER BY relname; relname ---------- nontemp1 nontemp2 nontemp3 nontemp4 (4 rows) SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname LIKE 'temporal%' AND relnamespace IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%') ORDER BY relname; relname ----------- temporal1 temporal2 temporal3 temporal4 (4 rows) CREATE TABLE tbl1 ( a int, b int); CREATE TABLE tbl2 (c int, d int); CREATE TABLE tbl3 (e int, f int); CREATE TABLE tbl4 (g int, h int); CREATE TEMP TABLE tmptbl (i int, j int); --Should be in testviewschm2 CREATE VIEW pubview AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl1.a BETWEEN (SELECT d FROM tbl2 WHERE c = 1) AND (SELECT e FROM tbl3 WHERE f = 2) AND EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON tbl4.h = tbl3.f); SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class where relname = 'pubview' AND relnamespace IN (SELECT OID FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'testviewschm2'); count ------- 1 (1 row) --Should be in temp object schema CREATE VIEW mytempview AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl1.a BETWEEN (SELECT d FROM tbl2 WHERE c = 1) AND (SELECT e FROM tbl3 WHERE f = 2) AND EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON tbl4.h = tbl3.f) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT g FROM tbl4 LEFT JOIN tmptbl ON tbl4.h = tmptbl.j); NOTICE: view "mytempview" will be a temporary view SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class where relname LIKE 'mytempview' And relnamespace IN (SELECT OID FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname LIKE 'pg_temp%'); count ------- 1 (1 row) -- -- CREATE VIEW and WITH(...) clause -- CREATE VIEW mysecview1 AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a = 0; CREATE VIEW mysecview2 WITH (security_barrier=true) AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 0; CREATE VIEW mysecview3 WITH (security_barrier=false) AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 0; CREATE VIEW mysecview4 WITH (security_barrier) AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a <> 0; CREATE VIEW mysecview5 WITH (security_barrier=100) -- Error AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 100; ERROR: invalid value for boolean option "security_barrier": 100 CREATE VIEW mysecview6 WITH (invalid_option) -- Error AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 100; ERROR: unrecognized parameter "invalid_option" SELECT relname, relkind, reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid in ('mysecview1'::regclass, 'mysecview2'::regclass, 'mysecview3'::regclass, 'mysecview4'::regclass) ORDER BY relname; relname | relkind | reloptions ------------+---------+-------------------------- mysecview1 | v | mysecview2 | v | {security_barrier=true} mysecview3 | v | {security_barrier=false} mysecview4 | v | {security_barrier=true} (4 rows) CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview1 AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a = 256; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview2 AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a > 256; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview3 WITH (security_barrier=true) AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a < 256; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mysecview4 WITH (security_barrier=false) AS SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE a <> 256; SELECT relname, relkind, reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE oid in ('mysecview1'::regclass, 'mysecview2'::regclass, 'mysecview3'::regclass, 'mysecview4'::regclass) ORDER BY relname; relname | relkind | reloptions ------------+---------+-------------------------- mysecview1 | v | mysecview2 | v | mysecview3 | v | {security_barrier=true} mysecview4 | v | {security_barrier=false} (4 rows) -- Check that unknown literals are converted to "text" in CREATE VIEW, -- so that we don't end up with unknown-type columns. CREATE VIEW unspecified_types AS SELECT 42 as i, 42.5 as num, 'foo' as u, 'foo'::unknown as u2, null as n; \d+ unspecified_types View "testviewschm2.unspecified_types" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- i | integer | | | | plain | num | numeric | | | | main | u | text | | | | extended | u2 | text | | | | extended | n | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT 42 AS i, 42.5 AS num, 'foo'::text AS u, 'foo'::text AS u2, NULL::text AS n; SELECT * FROM unspecified_types; i | num | u | u2 | n ----+------+-----+-----+--- 42 | 42.5 | foo | foo | (1 row) -- This test checks that proper typmods are assigned in a multi-row VALUES CREATE VIEW tt1 AS SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('abc'::varchar(3), '0123456789', 42, 'abcd'::varchar(4)), ('0123456789', 'abc'::varchar(3), 42.12, 'abc'::varchar(4)) ) vv(a,b,c,d); \d+ tt1 View "testviewschm2.tt1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+----------------------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- a | character varying | | | | extended | b | character varying | | | | extended | c | numeric | | | | main | d | character varying(4) | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT vv.a, vv.b, vv.c, vv.d FROM ( VALUES ('abc'::character varying(3),'0123456789'::character varying,42,'abcd'::character varying(4)), ('0123456789'::character varying,'abc'::character varying(3),42.12,'abc'::character varying(4))) vv(a, b, c, d); SELECT * FROM tt1; a | b | c | d ------------+------------+-------+------ abc | 0123456789 | 42 | abcd 0123456789 | abc | 42.12 | abc (2 rows) SELECT a::varchar(3) FROM tt1; a ----- abc 012 (2 rows) DROP VIEW tt1; -- Test view decompilation in the face of relation renaming conflicts CREATE TABLE tt1 (f1 int, f2 int, f3 text); CREATE TABLE tx1 (x1 int, x2 int, x3 text); CREATE TABLE temp_view_test.tt1 (y1 int, f2 int, f3 text); CREATE VIEW aliased_view_1 AS select * from tt1 where exists (select 1 from tx1 where tt1.f1 = tx1.x1); CREATE VIEW aliased_view_2 AS select * from tt1 a1 where exists (select 1 from tx1 where a1.f1 = tx1.x1); CREATE VIEW aliased_view_3 AS select * from tt1 where exists (select 1 from tx1 a2 where tt1.f1 = a2.x1); CREATE VIEW aliased_view_4 AS select * from temp_view_test.tt1 where exists (select 1 from tt1 where temp_view_test.tt1.y1 = tt1.f1); \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.f1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tx1 WHERE tt1.f1 = tx1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM tt1 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tx1 WHERE a1.f1 = tx1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.f1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tx1 a2 WHERE tt1.f1 = a2.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.y1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 tt1_1 WHERE tt1.y1 = tt1_1.f1)); ALTER TABLE tx1 RENAME TO a1; \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.f1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 WHERE tt1.f1 = a1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM tt1 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 a1_1 WHERE a1.f1 = a1_1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.f1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 a2 WHERE tt1.f1 = a2.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.y1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 tt1_1 WHERE tt1.y1 = tt1_1.f1)); ALTER TABLE tt1 RENAME TO a2; \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a2.f1, a2.f2, a2.f3 FROM a2 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 WHERE a2.f1 = a1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM a2 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 a1_1 WHERE a1.f1 = a1_1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a2.f1, a2.f2, a2.f3 FROM a2 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a1 a2_1 WHERE a2.f1 = a2_1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.y1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a2 WHERE tt1.y1 = a2.f1)); ALTER TABLE a1 RENAME TO tt1; \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a2.f1, a2.f2, a2.f3 FROM a2 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE a2.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM a2 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a2.f1, a2.f2, a2.f3 FROM a2 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 a2_1 WHERE a2.f1 = a2_1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.y1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM a2 WHERE tt1.y1 = a2.f1)); ALTER TABLE a2 RENAME TO tx1; ALTER TABLE tx1 SET SCHEMA temp_view_test; \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tx1.f1, tx1.f2, tx1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE tx1.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tx1.f1, tx1.f2, tx1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 a2 WHERE tx1.f1 = a2.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tt1.y1, tt1.f2, tt1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tt1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 WHERE tt1.y1 = tx1.f1)); ALTER TABLE temp_view_test.tt1 RENAME TO tmp1; ALTER TABLE temp_view_test.tmp1 SET SCHEMA testviewschm2; ALTER TABLE tmp1 RENAME TO tx1; \d+ aliased_view_1 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tx1.f1, tx1.f2, tx1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE tx1.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_2 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT a1.f1, a1.f2, a1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 a1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 WHERE a1.f1 = tt1.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_3 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_3" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- f1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tx1.f1, tx1.f2, tx1.f3 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tt1 a2 WHERE tx1.f1 = a2.x1)); \d+ aliased_view_4 View "testviewschm2.aliased_view_4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+----------+------------- y1 | integer | | | | plain | f2 | integer | | | | plain | f3 | text | | | | extended | View definition: SELECT tx1.y1, tx1.f2, tx1.f3 FROM tx1 WHERE (EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM temp_view_test.tx1 tx1_1 WHERE tx1.y1 = tx1_1.f1)); -- Test view decompilation in the face of column addition/deletion/renaming create table tt2 (a int, b int, c int); create table tt3 (ax int8, b int2, c numeric); create table tt4 (ay int, b int, q int); create view v1 as select * from tt2 natural join tt3; create view v1a as select * from (tt2 natural join tt3) j; create view v2 as select * from tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) join tt4 using (b); create view v2a as select * from (tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) join tt4 using (b)) j; create view v3 as select * from tt2 join tt3 using (b,c) full join tt4 using (b); select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax, + j.ay, + j.q + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) + JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------- SELECT b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) + FULL JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) alter table tt2 add column d int; alter table tt2 add column e int; select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax, + j.ay, + j.q + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) + JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------- SELECT b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 USING (b, c) + FULL JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) alter table tt3 rename c to d; select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------ SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------ SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax, + j.ay, + j.q + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j; (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------ SELECT b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c) USING (b, c)+ FULL JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) alter table tt3 add column c int; alter table tt3 add column e int; select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)) j(b, c, a, d, e, ax, c_1, e_1); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax, + j.ay, + j.q + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c) + JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j(b, c, a, d, e, ax, c_1, e_1, ay, q); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------- SELECT b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+ FULL JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) alter table tt2 drop column d; select pg_get_viewdef('v1', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v1a', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)) j(b, c, a, e, ax, c_1, e_1); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------- SELECT tt2.b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+ JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v2a', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT j.b, + j.c, + j.a, + j.ax, + j.ay, + j.q + FROM (tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c) + JOIN tt4 USING (b)) j(b, c, a, e, ax, c_1, e_1, ay, q); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('v3', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------- SELECT b, + tt3.c, + tt2.a, + tt3.ax, + tt4.ay, + tt4.q + FROM tt2 + JOIN tt3 tt3(ax, b, c, c_1, e) USING (b, c)+ FULL JOIN tt4 USING (b); (1 row) create table tt5 (a int, b int); create table tt6 (c int, d int); create view vv1 as select * from (tt5 cross join tt6) j(aa,bb,cc,dd); select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------- SELECT j.aa, + j.bb, + j.cc, + j.dd + FROM (tt5 + CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, cc, dd); (1 row) alter table tt5 add column c int; select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------- SELECT j.aa, + j.bb, + j.cc, + j.dd + FROM (tt5 + CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, c, cc, dd); (1 row) alter table tt5 add column cc int; select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------- SELECT j.aa, + j.bb, + j.cc, + j.dd + FROM (tt5 + CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, c, cc_1, cc, dd); (1 row) alter table tt5 drop column c; select pg_get_viewdef('vv1', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------- SELECT j.aa, + j.bb, + j.cc, + j.dd + FROM (tt5 + CROSS JOIN tt6) j(aa, bb, cc_1, cc, dd); (1 row) -- Unnamed FULL JOIN USING is lots of fun too create table tt7 (x int, xx int, y int); alter table tt7 drop column xx; create table tt8 (x int, z int); create view vv2 as select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5)) v(a,b,c,d,e) union all select * from tt7 full join tt8 using (x), tt8 tt8x; select pg_get_viewdef('vv2', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------------ SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.d, + v.e + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + tt8x.x_1 AS d, + tt8x.z AS e + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt8 tt8x(x_1, z); (1 row) create view vv3 as select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a,b,c,x,e,f) union all select * from tt7 full join tt8 using (x), tt7 tt7x full join tt8 tt8x using (x); select pg_get_viewdef('vv3', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------------- SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.x, + v.e, + v.f + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + x_1 AS x, + tt7x.y AS e, + tt8x.z AS f + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt7 tt7x(x_1, y) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z) USING (x_1); (1 row) create view vv4 as select * from (values(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a,b,c,x,e,f,g) union all select * from tt7 full join tt8 using (x), tt7 tt7x full join tt8 tt8x using (x) full join tt8 tt8y using (x); select pg_get_viewdef('vv4', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------------------------------------------- SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.x, + v.e, + v.f, + v.g + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f, g)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + x_1 AS x, + tt7x.y AS e, + tt8x.z AS f, + tt8y.z AS g + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt7 tt7x(x_1, y) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z) USING (x_1) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8y(x_1, z) USING (x_1); (1 row) alter table tt7 add column zz int; alter table tt7 add column z int; alter table tt7 drop column zz; alter table tt8 add column z2 int; select pg_get_viewdef('vv2', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------------ SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.d, + v.e + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + tt8x.x_1 AS d, + tt8x.z AS e + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('vv3', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------------- SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.x, + v.e, + v.f + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + x_1 AS x, + tt7x.y AS e, + tt8x.z AS f + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt7 tt7x(x_1, y, z) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1); (1 row) select pg_get_viewdef('vv4', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------------------------------------------- SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.x, + v.e, + v.f, + v.g + FROM ( VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) v(a, b, c, x, e, f, g)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7.y AS b, + tt8.z AS c, + x_1 AS x, + tt7x.y AS e, + tt8x.z AS f, + tt8y.z AS g + FROM tt7 + FULL JOIN tt8 USING (x), + tt7 tt7x(x_1, y, z) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8x(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1) + FULL JOIN tt8 tt8y(x_1, z, z2) USING (x_1); (1 row) -- Implicit coercions in a JOIN USING create issues similar to FULL JOIN create table tt7a (x date, xx int, y int); alter table tt7a drop column xx; create table tt8a (x timestamptz, z int); create view vv2a as select * from (values(now(),2,3,now(),5)) v(a,b,c,d,e) union all select * from tt7a left join tt8a using (x), tt8a tt8ax; select pg_get_viewdef('vv2a', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------------------------------- SELECT v.a, + v.b, + v.c, + v.d, + v.e + FROM ( VALUES (now(),2,3,now(),5)) v(a, b, c, d, e)+ UNION ALL + SELECT x AS a, + tt7a.y AS b, + tt8a.z AS c, + tt8ax.x_1 AS d, + tt8ax.z AS e + FROM tt7a + LEFT JOIN tt8a USING (x), + tt8a tt8ax(x_1, z); (1 row) -- -- Also check dropping a column that existed when the view was made -- create table tt9 (x int, xx int, y int); create table tt10 (x int, z int); create view vv5 as select x,y,z from tt9 join tt10 using(x); select pg_get_viewdef('vv5', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------- SELECT tt9.x, + tt9.y, + tt10.z + FROM tt9 + JOIN tt10 USING (x); (1 row) alter table tt9 drop column xx; select pg_get_viewdef('vv5', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------- SELECT tt9.x, + tt9.y, + tt10.z + FROM tt9 + JOIN tt10 USING (x); (1 row) -- -- Another corner case is that we might add a column to a table below a -- JOIN USING, and thereby make the USING column name ambiguous -- create table tt11 (x int, y int); create table tt12 (x int, z int); create table tt13 (z int, q int); create view vv6 as select x,y,z,q from (tt11 join tt12 using(x)) join tt13 using(z); select pg_get_viewdef('vv6', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------- SELECT tt11.x, + tt11.y, + tt12.z, + tt13.q + FROM tt11 + JOIN tt12 USING (x) + JOIN tt13 USING (z); (1 row) alter table tt11 add column z int; select pg_get_viewdef('vv6', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------ SELECT tt11.x, + tt11.y, + tt12.z, + tt13.q + FROM tt11 tt11(x, y, z_1)+ JOIN tt12 USING (x) + JOIN tt13 USING (z); (1 row) -- -- Check cases involving dropped/altered columns in a function's rowtype result -- create table tt14t (f1 text, f2 text, f3 text, f4 text); insert into tt14t values('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '42'); alter table tt14t drop column f2; create function tt14f() returns setof tt14t as $$ declare rec1 record; begin for rec1 in select * from tt14t loop return next rec1; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql; create view tt14v as select t.* from tt14f() t; select pg_get_viewdef('tt14v', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------- SELECT t.f1, + t.f3, + t.f4 + FROM tt14f() t(f1, f3, f4); (1 row) select * from tt14v; f1 | f3 | f4 -----+-----+---- foo | baz | 42 (1 row) begin; -- this perhaps should be rejected, but it isn't: alter table tt14t drop column f3; -- f3 is still in the view ... select pg_get_viewdef('tt14v', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------- SELECT t.f1, + t.f3, + t.f4 + FROM tt14f() t(f1, f3, f4); (1 row) -- but will fail at execution select f1, f4 from tt14v; f1 | f4 -----+---- foo | 42 (1 row) select * from tt14v; ERROR: attribute 3 of type record has been dropped rollback; begin; -- this perhaps should be rejected, but it isn't: alter table tt14t alter column f4 type integer using f4::integer; -- f4 is still in the view ... select pg_get_viewdef('tt14v', true); pg_get_viewdef -------------------------------- SELECT t.f1, + t.f3, + t.f4 + FROM tt14f() t(f1, f3, f4); (1 row) -- but will fail at execution select f1, f3 from tt14v; f1 | f3 -----+----- foo | baz (1 row) select * from tt14v; ERROR: attribute 4 of type record has wrong type DETAIL: Table has type integer, but query expects text. rollback; -- check display of whole-row variables in some corner cases create type nestedcomposite as (x int8_tbl); create view tt15v as select row(i)::nestedcomposite from int8_tbl i; select * from tt15v; row ------------------------------------------ ("(123,456)") ("(123,4567890123456789)") ("(4567890123456789,123)") ("(4567890123456789,4567890123456789)") ("(4567890123456789,-4567890123456789)") (5 rows) select pg_get_viewdef('tt15v', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------------------ SELECT ROW(i.*::int8_tbl)::nestedcomposite AS "row"+ FROM int8_tbl i; (1 row) select row(i.*::int8_tbl)::nestedcomposite from int8_tbl i; row ------------------------------------------ ("(123,456)") ("(123,4567890123456789)") ("(4567890123456789,123)") ("(4567890123456789,4567890123456789)") ("(4567890123456789,-4567890123456789)") (5 rows) create view tt16v as select * from int8_tbl i, lateral(values(i)) ss; select * from tt16v; q1 | q2 | column1 ------------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------- 123 | 456 | (123,456) 123 | 4567890123456789 | (123,4567890123456789) 4567890123456789 | 123 | (4567890123456789,123) 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | (4567890123456789,4567890123456789) 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789 | (4567890123456789,-4567890123456789) (5 rows) select pg_get_viewdef('tt16v', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------- SELECT i.q1, + i.q2, + ss.column1 + FROM int8_tbl i, + LATERAL ( VALUES (i.*::int8_tbl)) ss; (1 row) select * from int8_tbl i, lateral(values(i.*::int8_tbl)) ss; q1 | q2 | column1 ------------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------- 123 | 456 | (123,456) 123 | 4567890123456789 | (123,4567890123456789) 4567890123456789 | 123 | (4567890123456789,123) 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 | (4567890123456789,4567890123456789) 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789 | (4567890123456789,-4567890123456789) (5 rows) create view tt17v as select * from int8_tbl i where i in (values(i)); select * from tt17v; q1 | q2 ------------------+------------------- 123 | 456 123 | 4567890123456789 4567890123456789 | 123 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789 (5 rows) select pg_get_viewdef('tt17v', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------------------------- SELECT i.q1, + i.q2 + FROM int8_tbl i + WHERE (i.* IN ( VALUES (i.*::int8_tbl))); (1 row) select * from int8_tbl i where i.* in (values(i.*::int8_tbl)); q1 | q2 ------------------+------------------- 123 | 456 123 | 4567890123456789 4567890123456789 | 123 4567890123456789 | 4567890123456789 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789 (5 rows) -- check unique-ification of overlength names create view tt18v as select * from int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy union all select * from int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxz; NOTICE: identifier "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy" will be truncated to "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" NOTICE: identifier "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxz" will be truncated to "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" select pg_get_viewdef('tt18v', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.q1, + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.q2 + FROM int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + UNION ALL + SELECT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.q1, + xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.q2 + FROM int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; (1 row) explain (costs off) select * from tt18v; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append -> Seq Scan on int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> Seq Scan on int8_tbl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_1 (3 rows) -- check display of ScalarArrayOp with a sub-select select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])); -- fail ERROR: operator does not exist: text = text[] LINE 1: select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::t... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. select 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) create view tt19v as select 'foo'::text = any(array['abc','def','foo']::text[]) c1, 'foo'::text = any((select array['abc','def','foo']::text[])::text[]) c2; select pg_get_viewdef('tt19v', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT 'foo'::text = ANY (ARRAY['abc'::text, 'def'::text, 'foo'::text]) AS c1, + 'foo'::text = ANY ((( SELECT ARRAY['abc'::text, 'def'::text, 'foo'::text] AS "array"))::text[]) AS c2; (1 row) -- check display of assorted RTE_FUNCTION expressions create view tt20v as select * from coalesce(1,2) as c, collation for ('x'::text) col, current_date as d, localtimestamp(3) as t, cast(1+2 as int4) as i4, cast(1+2 as int8) as i8; select pg_get_viewdef('tt20v', true); pg_get_viewdef --------------------------------------------- SELECT c.c, + col.col, + d.d, + t.t, + i4.i4, + i8.i8 + FROM COALESCE(1, 2) c(c), + pg_collation_for('x'::text) col(col), + CURRENT_DATE d(d), + LOCALTIMESTAMP(3) t(t), + CAST(1 + 2 AS integer) i4(i4), + CAST((1 + 2)::bigint AS bigint) i8(i8); (1 row) -- corner cases with empty join conditions create view tt21v as select * from tt5 natural inner join tt6; select pg_get_viewdef('tt21v', true); pg_get_viewdef ---------------------- SELECT tt5.a, + tt5.b, + tt5.cc, + tt6.c, + tt6.d + FROM tt5 + CROSS JOIN tt6; (1 row) create view tt22v as select * from tt5 natural left join tt6; select pg_get_viewdef('tt22v', true); pg_get_viewdef ----------------------------- SELECT tt5.a, + tt5.b, + tt5.cc, + tt6.c, + tt6.d + FROM tt5 + LEFT JOIN tt6 ON TRUE; (1 row) -- check handling of views with immediately-renamed columns create view tt23v (col_a, col_b) as select q1 as other_name1, q2 as other_name2 from int8_tbl union select 42, 43; select pg_get_viewdef('tt23v', true); pg_get_viewdef ------------------------------- SELECT int8_tbl.q1 AS col_a,+ int8_tbl.q2 AS col_b + FROM int8_tbl + UNION + SELECT 42 AS col_a, + 43 AS col_b; (1 row) select pg_get_ruledef(oid, true) from pg_rewrite where ev_class = 'tt23v'::regclass and ev_type = '1'; pg_get_ruledef ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE RULE "_RETURN" AS + ON SELECT TO tt23v DO INSTEAD SELECT int8_tbl.q1 AS col_a,+ int8_tbl.q2 AS col_b + FROM int8_tbl + UNION + SELECT 42 AS col_a, + 43 AS col_b; (1 row) -- clean up all the random objects we made above \set VERBOSITY terse \\ -- suppress cascade details DROP SCHEMA temp_view_test CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 27 other objects DROP SCHEMA testviewschm2 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 62 other objects