/* * info.c * * information support functions * * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * contrib/pg_upgrade/info.c */ #include "postgres.h" #include "pg_upgrade.h" #include "access/transam.h" static void create_rel_filename_map(const char *old_data, const char *new_data, const DbInfo *old_db, const DbInfo *new_db, const RelInfo *old_rel, const RelInfo *new_rel, FileNameMap *map); static void get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster); static void get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo); static void free_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *rel_arr); static void print_db_infos(DbInfoArr *dbinfo); static void print_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *arr); /* * gen_db_file_maps() * * generates database mappings for "old_db" and "new_db". Returns a malloc'ed * array of mappings. nmaps is a return parameter which refers to the number * mappings. */ FileNameMap * gen_db_file_maps(DbInfo *old_db, DbInfo *new_db, int *nmaps, const char *old_pgdata, const char *new_pgdata) { FileNameMap *maps; int relnum; int num_maps = 0; maps = (FileNameMap *) pg_malloc(sizeof(FileNameMap) * old_db->rel_arr.nrels); for (relnum = 0; relnum < Min(old_db->rel_arr.nrels, new_db->rel_arr.nrels); relnum++) { RelInfo *old_rel = &old_db->rel_arr.rels[relnum]; RelInfo *new_rel = &new_db->rel_arr.rels[relnum]; if (old_rel->reloid != new_rel->reloid) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Mismatch of relation OID in database \"%s\": old OID %d, new OID %d\n", old_db->db_name, old_rel->reloid, new_rel->reloid); /* * TOAST table names initially match the heap pg_class oid. In * pre-8.4, TOAST table names change during CLUSTER; in pre-9.0, TOAST * table names change during ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET TYPE. In >= * 9.0, TOAST relation names always use heap table oids, hence we * cannot check relation names when upgrading from pre-9.0. Clusters * upgraded to 9.0 will get matching TOAST names. */ if (strcmp(old_rel->nspname, new_rel->nspname) != 0 || ((GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) >= 900 || strcmp(old_rel->nspname, "pg_toast") != 0) && strcmp(old_rel->relname, new_rel->relname) != 0)) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "Mismatch of relation names in database \"%s\": " "old name \"%s.%s\", new name \"%s.%s\"\n", old_db->db_name, old_rel->nspname, old_rel->relname, new_rel->nspname, new_rel->relname); create_rel_filename_map(old_pgdata, new_pgdata, old_db, new_db, old_rel, new_rel, maps + num_maps); num_maps++; } /* Do this check after the loop so hopefully we will produce a clearer error above */ if (old_db->rel_arr.nrels != new_db->rel_arr.nrels) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "old and new databases \"%s\" have a different number of relations\n", old_db->db_name); *nmaps = num_maps; return maps; } /* * create_rel_filename_map() * * fills a file node map structure and returns it in "map". */ static void create_rel_filename_map(const char *old_data, const char *new_data, const DbInfo *old_db, const DbInfo *new_db, const RelInfo *old_rel, const RelInfo *new_rel, FileNameMap *map) { if (strlen(old_rel->tablespace) == 0) { /* * relation belongs to the default tablespace, hence relfiles should * exist in the data directories. */ snprintf(map->old_dir, sizeof(map->old_dir), "%s/base/%u", old_data, old_db->db_oid); snprintf(map->new_dir, sizeof(map->new_dir), "%s/base/%u", new_data, new_db->db_oid); } else { /* relation belongs to a tablespace, so use the tablespace location */ snprintf(map->old_dir, sizeof(map->old_dir), "%s%s/%u", old_rel->tablespace, old_cluster.tablespace_suffix, old_db->db_oid); snprintf(map->new_dir, sizeof(map->new_dir), "%s%s/%u", new_rel->tablespace, new_cluster.tablespace_suffix, new_db->db_oid); } /* * old_relfilenode might differ from pg_class.oid (and hence * new_relfilenode) because of CLUSTER, REINDEX, or VACUUM FULL. */ map->old_relfilenode = old_rel->relfilenode; /* new_relfilenode will match old and new pg_class.oid */ map->new_relfilenode = new_rel->relfilenode; /* used only for logging and error reporing, old/new are identical */ snprintf(map->nspname, sizeof(map->nspname), "%s", old_rel->nspname); snprintf(map->relname, sizeof(map->relname), "%s", old_rel->relname); } void print_maps(FileNameMap *maps, int n_maps, const char *db_name) { if (log_opts.verbose) { int mapnum; pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "mappings for database \"%s\":\n", db_name); for (mapnum = 0; mapnum < n_maps; mapnum++) pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "%s.%s: %u to %u\n", maps[mapnum].nspname, maps[mapnum].relname, maps[mapnum].old_relfilenode, maps[mapnum].new_relfilenode); pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "\n\n"); } } /* * get_db_and_rel_infos() * * higher level routine to generate dbinfos for the database running * on the given "port". Assumes that server is already running. */ void get_db_and_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster) { int dbnum; if (cluster->dbarr.dbs != NULL) free_db_and_rel_infos(&cluster->dbarr); get_db_infos(cluster); for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < cluster->dbarr.ndbs; dbnum++) get_rel_infos(cluster, &cluster->dbarr.dbs[dbnum]); pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "\n%s databases:\n", CLUSTER_NAME(cluster)); if (log_opts.verbose) print_db_infos(&cluster->dbarr); } /* * get_db_infos() * * Scans pg_database system catalog and populates all user * databases. */ static void get_db_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster) { PGconn *conn = connectToServer(cluster, "template1"); PGresult *res; int ntups; int tupnum; DbInfo *dbinfos; int i_datname, i_oid, i_spclocation; char query[QUERY_ALLOC]; snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT d.oid, d.datname, %s " "FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d " " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t " " ON d.dattablespace = t.oid " "WHERE d.datallowconn = true " /* we don't preserve pg_database.oid so we sort by name */ "ORDER BY 2", /* 9.2 removed the spclocation column */ (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 901) ? "t.spclocation" : "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_location(t.oid) AS spclocation"); res = executeQueryOrDie(conn, "%s", query); i_oid = PQfnumber(res, "oid"); i_datname = PQfnumber(res, "datname"); i_spclocation = PQfnumber(res, "spclocation"); ntups = PQntuples(res); dbinfos = (DbInfo *) pg_malloc(sizeof(DbInfo) * ntups); for (tupnum = 0; tupnum < ntups; tupnum++) { dbinfos[tupnum].db_oid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, tupnum, i_oid)); snprintf(dbinfos[tupnum].db_name, sizeof(dbinfos[tupnum].db_name), "%s", PQgetvalue(res, tupnum, i_datname)); snprintf(dbinfos[tupnum].db_tblspace, sizeof(dbinfos[tupnum].db_tblspace), "%s", PQgetvalue(res, tupnum, i_spclocation)); } PQclear(res); PQfinish(conn); cluster->dbarr.dbs = dbinfos; cluster->dbarr.ndbs = ntups; } /* * get_rel_infos() * * gets the relinfos for all the user tables of the database referred * by "db". * * NOTE: we assume that relations/entities with oids greater than * FirstNormalObjectId belongs to the user */ static void get_rel_infos(ClusterInfo *cluster, DbInfo *dbinfo) { PGconn *conn = connectToServer(cluster, dbinfo->db_name); PGresult *res; RelInfo *relinfos; int ntups; int relnum; int num_rels = 0; char *nspname = NULL; char *relname = NULL; int i_spclocation, i_nspname, i_relname, i_oid, i_relfilenode, i_reltablespace; char query[QUERY_ALLOC]; /* * pg_largeobject contains user data that does not appear in pg_dumpall * --schema-only output, so we have to copy that system table heap and * index. We could grab the pg_largeobject oids from template1, but it is * easy to treat it as a normal table. Order by oid so we can join old/new * structures efficiently. */ snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE info_rels (reloid) AS SELECT c.oid " "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " " ON c.relnamespace = n.oid " "WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'i'%s) AND " /* exclude possible orphaned temp tables */ " ((n.nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' AND " " n.nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' AND " /* skip pg_toast because toast index have relkind == 'i', not 't' */ " n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', " " 'binary_upgrade', 'pg_toast') AND " " c.oid >= %u) " " OR (n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' AND " " relname IN ('pg_largeobject', 'pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index'%s) ));", /* see the comment at the top of old_8_3_create_sequence_script() */ (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) <= 803) ? "" : ", 'S'", FirstNormalObjectId, /* does pg_largeobject_metadata need to be migrated? */ (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(old_cluster.major_version) <= 804) ? "" : ", 'pg_largeobject_metadata', 'pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index'"); PQclear(executeQueryOrDie(conn, "%s", query)); /* * Get TOAST tables and indexes; we have to gather the TOAST tables in * later steps because we can't schema-qualify TOAST tables. */ PQclear(executeQueryOrDie(conn, "INSERT INTO info_rels " "SELECT reltoastrelid " "FROM info_rels i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c " " ON i.reloid = c.oid")); PQclear(executeQueryOrDie(conn, "INSERT INTO info_rels " "SELECT reltoastidxid " "FROM info_rels i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c " " ON i.reloid = c.oid")); snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT c.oid, n.nspname, c.relname, " " c.relfilenode, c.reltablespace, %s " "FROM info_rels i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c " " ON i.reloid = c.oid " " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " " ON c.relnamespace = n.oid " " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t " " ON c.reltablespace = t.oid " /* we preserve pg_class.oid so we sort by it to match old/new */ "ORDER BY 1;", /* 9.2 removed the spclocation column */ (GET_MAJOR_VERSION(cluster->major_version) <= 901) ? "t.spclocation" : "pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_location(t.oid) AS spclocation"); res = executeQueryOrDie(conn, "%s", query); ntups = PQntuples(res); relinfos = (RelInfo *) pg_malloc(sizeof(RelInfo) * ntups); i_oid = PQfnumber(res, "oid"); i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname"); i_relname = PQfnumber(res, "relname"); i_relfilenode = PQfnumber(res, "relfilenode"); i_reltablespace = PQfnumber(res, "reltablespace"); i_spclocation = PQfnumber(res, "spclocation"); for (relnum = 0; relnum < ntups; relnum++) { RelInfo *curr = &relinfos[num_rels++]; const char *tblspace; curr->reloid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_oid)); nspname = PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_nspname); strlcpy(curr->nspname, nspname, sizeof(curr->nspname)); relname = PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_relname); strlcpy(curr->relname, relname, sizeof(curr->relname)); curr->relfilenode = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_relfilenode)); if (atooid(PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_reltablespace)) != 0) /* Might be "", meaning the cluster default location. */ tblspace = PQgetvalue(res, relnum, i_spclocation); else /* A zero reltablespace indicates the database tablespace. */ tblspace = dbinfo->db_tblspace; strlcpy(curr->tablespace, tblspace, sizeof(curr->tablespace)); } PQclear(res); PQfinish(conn); dbinfo->rel_arr.rels = relinfos; dbinfo->rel_arr.nrels = num_rels; } void free_db_and_rel_infos(DbInfoArr *db_arr) { int dbnum; for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < db_arr->ndbs; dbnum++) free_rel_infos(&db_arr->dbs[dbnum].rel_arr); pg_free(db_arr->dbs); db_arr->dbs = NULL; db_arr->ndbs = 0; } static void free_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *rel_arr) { pg_free(rel_arr->rels); rel_arr->nrels = 0; } static void print_db_infos(DbInfoArr *db_arr) { int dbnum; for (dbnum = 0; dbnum < db_arr->ndbs; dbnum++) { pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "Database: %s\n", db_arr->dbs[dbnum].db_name); print_rel_infos(&db_arr->dbs[dbnum].rel_arr); pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "\n\n"); } } static void print_rel_infos(RelInfoArr *arr) { int relnum; for (relnum = 0; relnum < arr->nrels; relnum++) pg_log(PG_VERBOSE, "relname: %s.%s: reloid: %u reltblspace: %s\n", arr->rels[relnum].nspname, arr->rels[relnum].relname, arr->rels[relnum].reloid, arr->rels[relnum].tablespace); }