$PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dblink/doc/misc,v 1.3 2006/03/11 04:38:29 momjian Exp $ ================================================================== Name dblink_current_query -- returns the current query string Synopsis dblink_current_query () RETURNS text Inputs None Outputs Returns text -- a copy of the currently executing query Example usage test=# select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=postgres','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1; dblink_current_query ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select dblink_current_query() from (select dblink('dbname=postgres','select oid, proname from pg_proc where proname = ''byteacat''') as f1) as t1; (1 row) ================================================================== Name dblink_get_pkey -- returns the position and field names of a relation's primary key fields Synopsis dblink_get_pkey(text relname) RETURNS setof dblink_pkey_results Inputs relname any relation name; e.g. 'foobar' Outputs Returns setof dblink_pkey_results -- one row for each primary key field, in order of position in the key. dblink_pkey_results is defined as follows: CREATE TYPE dblink_pkey_results AS (position int4, colname text); Example usage test=# select * from dblink_get_pkey('foobar'); position | colname ----------+--------- 1 | f1 2 | f2 3 | f3 4 | f4 5 | f5 ================================================================== Name dblink_build_sql_insert -- builds an insert statement using a local tuple, replacing the selection key field values with alternate supplied values dblink_build_sql_delete -- builds a delete statement using supplied values for selection key field values dblink_build_sql_update -- builds an update statement using a local tuple, replacing the selection key field values with alternate supplied values Synopsis dblink_build_sql_insert(text relname ,int2vector primary_key_attnums ,int2 num_primary_key_atts ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text dblink_build_sql_delete(text relname ,int2vector primary_key_attnums ,int2 num_primary_key_atts ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text dblink_build_sql_update(text relname ,int2vector primary_key_attnums ,int2 num_primary_key_atts ,_text src_pk_att_vals_array ,_text tgt_pk_att_vals_array) RETURNS text Inputs relname any relation name; e.g. 'foobar' primary_key_attnums vector of primary key attnums (1 based, see pg_index.indkey); e.g. '1 2' num_primary_key_atts number of primary key attnums in the vector; e.g. 2 src_pk_att_vals_array array of primary key values, used to look up the local matching tuple, the values of which are then used to construct the SQL statement tgt_pk_att_vals_array array of primary key values, used to replace the local tuple values in the SQL statement Outputs Returns text -- requested SQL statement Example usage test=# select dblink_build_sql_insert('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b''a"}'); dblink_build_sql_insert -------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO foo(f1,f2,f3) VALUES('1','b''a','1') (1 row) test=# select dblink_build_sql_delete('MyFoo','1 2',2,'{"1", "b"}'); dblink_build_sql_delete --------------------------------------------- DELETE FROM "MyFoo" WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b' (1 row) test=# select dblink_build_sql_update('foo','1 2',2,'{"1", "a"}','{"1", "b"}'); dblink_build_sql_update ------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE foo SET f1='1',f2='b',f3='1' WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b' (1 row)