/* src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/type.c */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "preproc_extern.h" #define indicator_set ind_type != NULL && ind_type->type != ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR static struct ECPGstruct_member struct_no_indicator = {"no_indicator", &ecpg_no_indicator, NULL}; /* malloc + error check */ void * mm_alloc(size_t size) { void *ptr = malloc(size); if (ptr == NULL) mmfatal(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory"); return ptr; } /* strdup + error check */ char * mm_strdup(const char *string) { char *new = strdup(string); if (new == NULL) mmfatal(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory"); return new; } /* duplicate memberlist */ struct ECPGstruct_member * ECPGstruct_member_dup(struct ECPGstruct_member *rm) { struct ECPGstruct_member *new = NULL; while (rm) { struct ECPGtype *type; switch (rm->type->type) { case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: type = ECPGmake_struct_type(rm->type->u.members, rm->type->type, rm->type->type_name, rm->type->struct_sizeof); break; case ECPGt_array: /* * if this array does contain a struct again, we have to * create the struct too */ if (rm->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_struct || rm->type->u.element->type == ECPGt_union) type = ECPGmake_struct_type(rm->type->u.element->u.members, rm->type->u.element->type, rm->type->u.element->type_name, rm->type->u.element->struct_sizeof); else type = ECPGmake_array_type(ECPGmake_simple_type(rm->type->u.element->type, rm->type->u.element->size, rm->type->u.element->counter), rm->type->size); break; default: type = ECPGmake_simple_type(rm->type->type, rm->type->size, rm->type->counter); break; } ECPGmake_struct_member(rm->name, type, &new); rm = rm->next; } return new; } /* The NAME argument is copied. The type argument is preserved as a pointer. */ void ECPGmake_struct_member(const char *name, struct ECPGtype *type, struct ECPGstruct_member **start) { struct ECPGstruct_member *ptr, *ne = (struct ECPGstruct_member *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct ECPGstruct_member)); ne->name = mm_strdup(name); ne->type = type; ne->next = NULL; for (ptr = *start; ptr && ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next); if (ptr) ptr->next = ne; else *start = ne; } struct ECPGtype * ECPGmake_simple_type(enum ECPGttype type, char *size, int counter) { struct ECPGtype *ne = (struct ECPGtype *) mm_alloc(sizeof(struct ECPGtype)); ne->type = type; ne->type_name = NULL; ne->size = size; ne->u.element = NULL; ne->struct_sizeof = NULL; ne->counter = counter; /* only needed for varchar */ return ne; } struct ECPGtype * ECPGmake_array_type(struct ECPGtype *type, char *size) { struct ECPGtype *ne = ECPGmake_simple_type(ECPGt_array, size, 0); ne->u.element = type; return ne; } struct ECPGtype * ECPGmake_struct_type(struct ECPGstruct_member *rm, enum ECPGttype type, char *type_name, char *struct_sizeof) { struct ECPGtype *ne = ECPGmake_simple_type(type, mm_strdup("1"), 0); ne->type_name = mm_strdup(type_name); ne->u.members = ECPGstruct_member_dup(rm); ne->struct_sizeof = struct_sizeof; return ne; } static const char * get_type(enum ECPGttype type) { switch (type) { case ECPGt_char: return "ECPGt_char"; break; case ECPGt_unsigned_char: return "ECPGt_unsigned_char"; break; case ECPGt_short: return "ECPGt_short"; break; case ECPGt_unsigned_short: return "ECPGt_unsigned_short"; break; case ECPGt_int: return "ECPGt_int"; break; case ECPGt_unsigned_int: return "ECPGt_unsigned_int"; break; case ECPGt_long: return "ECPGt_long"; break; case ECPGt_unsigned_long: return "ECPGt_unsigned_long"; break; case ECPGt_long_long: return "ECPGt_long_long"; break; case ECPGt_unsigned_long_long: return "ECPGt_unsigned_long_long"; break; case ECPGt_float: return "ECPGt_float"; break; case ECPGt_double: return "ECPGt_double"; break; case ECPGt_bool: return "ECPGt_bool"; break; case ECPGt_varchar: return "ECPGt_varchar"; case ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR: /* no indicator */ return "ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR"; break; case ECPGt_char_variable: /* string that should not be quoted */ return "ECPGt_char_variable"; break; case ECPGt_const: /* constant string quoted */ return "ECPGt_const"; break; case ECPGt_decimal: return "ECPGt_decimal"; break; case ECPGt_numeric: return "ECPGt_numeric"; break; case ECPGt_interval: return "ECPGt_interval"; break; case ECPGt_descriptor: return "ECPGt_descriptor"; break; case ECPGt_sqlda: return "ECPGt_sqlda"; break; case ECPGt_date: return "ECPGt_date"; break; case ECPGt_timestamp: return "ECPGt_timestamp"; break; case ECPGt_string: return "ECPGt_string"; break; default: mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "unrecognized variable type code %d", type); } return NULL; } /* Dump a type. The type is dumped as: type-tag - enum ECPGttype reference-to-variable - char * size - long size of this field (if varchar) arrsize - long number of elements in the arr offset - offset to the next element Where: type-tag is one of the simple types or varchar. reference-to-variable can be a reference to a struct element. arrsize is the size of the array in case of array fetches. Otherwise 0. size is the maxsize in case it is a varchar. Otherwise it is the size of the variable (required to do array fetches of structs). */ static void ECPGdump_a_simple(FILE *o, const char *name, enum ECPGttype type, char *varcharsize, char *arrsize, const char *size, const char *prefix, int); static void ECPGdump_a_struct(FILE *o, const char *name, const char *ind_name, char *arrsize, struct ECPGtype *type, struct ECPGtype *ind_type, const char *prefix, const char *ind_prefix); void ECPGdump_a_type(FILE *o, const char *name, struct ECPGtype *type, const int brace_level, const char *ind_name, struct ECPGtype *ind_type, const int ind_brace_level, const char *prefix, const char *ind_prefix, char *arr_str_size, const char *struct_sizeof, const char *ind_struct_sizeof) { struct variable *var; if (type->type != ECPGt_descriptor && type->type != ECPGt_sqlda && type->type != ECPGt_char_variable && type->type != ECPGt_const && brace_level >= 0) { char *str; str = mm_strdup(name); var = find_variable(str); free(str); if ((var->type->type != type->type) || (var->type->type_name && !type->type_name) || (!var->type->type_name && type->type_name) || (var->type->type_name && type->type_name && strcmp(var->type->type_name, type->type_name) != 0)) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "variable \"%s\" is hidden by a local variable of a different type", name); else if (var->brace_level != brace_level) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "variable \"%s\" is hidden by a local variable", name); if (ind_name && ind_type && ind_type->type != ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR && ind_brace_level >= 0) { str = mm_strdup(ind_name); var = find_variable(str); free(str); if ((var->type->type != ind_type->type) || (var->type->type_name && !ind_type->type_name) || (!var->type->type_name && ind_type->type_name) || (var->type->type_name && ind_type->type_name && strcmp(var->type->type_name, ind_type->type_name) != 0)) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "indicator variable \"%s\" is hidden by a local variable of a different type", ind_name); else if (var->brace_level != ind_brace_level) mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "indicator variable \"%s\" is hidden by a local variable", ind_name); } } switch (type->type) { case ECPGt_array: if (indicator_set && ind_type->type != ECPGt_array) mmfatal(INDICATOR_NOT_ARRAY, "indicator for array/pointer has to be array/pointer"); switch (type->u.element->type) { case ECPGt_array: mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "nested arrays are not supported (except strings)"); /* array of array */ break; case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: ECPGdump_a_struct(o, name, ind_name, type->size, type->u.element, (ind_type == NULL) ? NULL : ((ind_type->type == ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) ? ind_type : ind_type->u.element), prefix, ind_prefix); break; default: if (!IS_SIMPLE_TYPE(type->u.element->type)) base_yyerror("internal error: unknown datatype, please report this to "); ECPGdump_a_simple(o, name, type->u.element->type, type->u.element->size, type->size, struct_sizeof ? struct_sizeof : NULL, prefix, type->u.element->counter); if (ind_type != NULL) { if (ind_type->type == ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) { char *str_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); ECPGdump_a_simple(o, ind_name, ind_type->type, ind_type->size, str_neg_one, NULL, ind_prefix, 0); free(str_neg_one); } else { ECPGdump_a_simple(o, ind_name, ind_type->u.element->type, ind_type->u.element->size, ind_type->size, NULL, ind_prefix, 0); } } } break; case ECPGt_struct: { char *str_one = mm_strdup("1"); if (indicator_set && ind_type->type != ECPGt_struct) mmfatal(INDICATOR_NOT_STRUCT, "indicator for struct has to be a struct"); ECPGdump_a_struct(o, name, ind_name, str_one, type, ind_type, prefix, ind_prefix); free(str_one); } break; case ECPGt_union: /* cannot dump a complete union */ base_yyerror("type of union has to be specified"); break; case ECPGt_char_variable: { /* * Allocate for each, as there are code-paths where the values * get stomped on. */ char *str_varchar_one = mm_strdup("1"); char *str_arr_one = mm_strdup("1"); char *str_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); if (indicator_set && (ind_type->type == ECPGt_struct || ind_type->type == ECPGt_array)) mmfatal(INDICATOR_NOT_SIMPLE, "indicator for simple data type has to be simple"); ECPGdump_a_simple(o, name, type->type, str_varchar_one, (arr_str_size && strcmp(arr_str_size, "0") != 0) ? arr_str_size : str_arr_one, struct_sizeof, prefix, 0); if (ind_type != NULL) ECPGdump_a_simple(o, ind_name, ind_type->type, ind_type->size, (arr_str_size && strcmp(arr_str_size, "0") != 0) ? arr_str_size : str_neg_one, ind_struct_sizeof, ind_prefix, 0); free(str_varchar_one); free(str_arr_one); free(str_neg_one); } break; case ECPGt_descriptor: { /* * Allocate for each, as there are code-paths where the values * get stomped on. */ char *str_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); char *ind_type_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); if (indicator_set && (ind_type->type == ECPGt_struct || ind_type->type == ECPGt_array)) mmfatal(INDICATOR_NOT_SIMPLE, "indicator for simple data type has to be simple"); ECPGdump_a_simple(o, name, type->type, NULL, str_neg_one, NULL, prefix, 0); if (ind_type != NULL) ECPGdump_a_simple(o, ind_name, ind_type->type, ind_type->size, ind_type_neg_one, NULL, ind_prefix, 0); free(str_neg_one); free(ind_type_neg_one); } break; default: { /* * Allocate for each, as there are code-paths where the values * get stomped on. */ char *str_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); char *ind_type_neg_one = mm_strdup("-1"); if (indicator_set && (ind_type->type == ECPGt_struct || ind_type->type == ECPGt_array)) mmfatal(INDICATOR_NOT_SIMPLE, "indicator for simple data type has to be simple"); ECPGdump_a_simple(o, name, type->type, type->size, (arr_str_size && strcmp(arr_str_size, "0") != 0) ? arr_str_size : str_neg_one, struct_sizeof, prefix, type->counter); if (ind_type != NULL) ECPGdump_a_simple(o, ind_name, ind_type->type, ind_type->size, (arr_str_size && strcmp(arr_str_size, "0") != 0) ? arr_str_size : ind_type_neg_one, ind_struct_sizeof, ind_prefix, 0); free(str_neg_one); free(ind_type_neg_one); } break; } } /* If size is NULL, then the offset is 0, if not use size as a string, it represents the offset needed if we are in an array of structs. */ static void ECPGdump_a_simple(FILE *o, const char *name, enum ECPGttype type, char *varcharsize, char *arrsize, const char *size, const char *prefix, int counter) { if (type == ECPGt_NO_INDICATOR) fprintf(o, "\n\tECPGt_NO_INDICATOR, NULL , 0L, 0L, 0L, "); else if (type == ECPGt_descriptor) /* remember that name here already contains quotes (if needed) */ fprintf(o, "\n\tECPGt_descriptor, %s, 1L, 1L, 1L, ", name); else if (type == ECPGt_sqlda) fprintf(o, "\n\tECPGt_sqlda, &%s, 0L, 0L, 0L, ", name); else { char *variable = (char *) mm_alloc(strlen(name) + ((prefix == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(prefix)) + 4); char *offset = (char *) mm_alloc(strlen(name) + strlen("sizeof(struct varchar_)") + 1 + strlen(varcharsize) + sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT * 10 / 3); switch (type) { /* * we have to use the & operator except for arrays and * pointers */ case ECPGt_varchar: /* * we have to use the pointer except for arrays with given * bounds */ if (((atoi(arrsize) > 0) || (atoi(arrsize) == 0 && strcmp(arrsize, "0") != 0)) && size == NULL) sprintf(variable, "(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); else sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); /* * If we created a varchar structure automatically, counter is * greater than 0. */ if (counter) sprintf(offset, "sizeof(struct varchar_%d)", counter); else sprintf(offset, "sizeof(struct varchar)"); break; case ECPGt_char: case ECPGt_unsigned_char: case ECPGt_char_variable: case ECPGt_string: { char *sizeof_name = "char"; /* * we have to use the pointer except for arrays with given * bounds, ecpglib will distinguish between * and [] */ if ((atoi(varcharsize) > 1 || (atoi(arrsize) > 0) || (atoi(varcharsize) == 0 && strcmp(varcharsize, "0") != 0) || (atoi(arrsize) == 0 && strcmp(arrsize, "0") != 0)) && size == NULL) { sprintf(variable, "(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); if ((type == ECPGt_char || type == ECPGt_unsigned_char) && strcmp(varcharsize, "0") == 0) { /* * If this is an array of char *, the offset would * be sizeof(char *) and not sizeof(char). */ sizeof_name = "char *"; } } else sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "(%s)*sizeof(%s)", strcmp(varcharsize, "0") == 0 ? "1" : varcharsize, sizeof_name); break; } case ECPGt_numeric: /* * we have to use a pointer here */ sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "sizeof(numeric)"); break; case ECPGt_interval: /* * we have to use a pointer here */ sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "sizeof(interval)"); break; case ECPGt_date: /* * we have to use a pointer and translate the variable type */ sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "sizeof(date)"); break; case ECPGt_timestamp: /* * we have to use a pointer and translate the variable type */ sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "sizeof(timestamp)"); break; case ECPGt_const: /* * just dump the const as string */ sprintf(variable, "\"%s\"", name); sprintf(offset, "strlen(\"%s\")", name); break; default: /* * we have to use the pointer except for arrays with given * bounds */ if (((atoi(arrsize) > 0) || (atoi(arrsize) == 0 && strcmp(arrsize, "0") != 0)) && size == NULL) sprintf(variable, "(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); else sprintf(variable, "&(%s%s)", prefix ? prefix : "", name); sprintf(offset, "sizeof(%s)", ecpg_type_name(type)); break; } /* * Array size would be -1 for addresses of members within structure, * when pointer to structure is being dumped. */ if (atoi(arrsize) < 0 && !size) strcpy(arrsize, "1"); /* * If size i.e. the size of structure of which this variable is part * of, that gives the offset to the next element, if required */ if (size == NULL || strlen(size) == 0) fprintf(o, "\n\t%s,%s,(long)%s,(long)%s,%s, ", get_type(type), variable, varcharsize, arrsize, offset); else fprintf(o, "\n\t%s,%s,(long)%s,(long)%s,%s, ", get_type(type), variable, varcharsize, arrsize, size); free(variable); free(offset); } } /* Penetrate a struct and dump the contents. */ static void ECPGdump_a_struct(FILE *o, const char *name, const char *ind_name, char *arrsize, struct ECPGtype *type, struct ECPGtype *ind_type, const char *prefix, const char *ind_prefix) { /* * If offset is NULL, then this is the first recursive level. If not then * we are in a struct in a struct and the offset is used as offset. */ struct ECPGstruct_member *p, *ind_p = NULL; char *pbuf = (char *) mm_alloc(strlen(name) + ((prefix == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(prefix)) + 3); char *ind_pbuf = (char *) mm_alloc(strlen(ind_name) + ((ind_prefix == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(ind_prefix)) + 3); if (atoi(arrsize) == 1) sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s.", prefix ? prefix : "", name); else sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s->", prefix ? prefix : "", name); prefix = pbuf; if (ind_type == &ecpg_no_indicator) ind_p = &struct_no_indicator; else if (ind_type != NULL) { if (atoi(arrsize) == 1) sprintf(ind_pbuf, "%s%s.", ind_prefix ? ind_prefix : "", ind_name); else sprintf(ind_pbuf, "%s%s->", ind_prefix ? ind_prefix : "", ind_name); ind_prefix = ind_pbuf; ind_p = ind_type->u.members; } for (p = type->u.members; p; p = p->next) { ECPGdump_a_type(o, p->name, p->type, -1, (ind_p != NULL) ? ind_p->name : NULL, (ind_p != NULL) ? ind_p->type : NULL, -1, prefix, ind_prefix, arrsize, type->struct_sizeof, (ind_p != NULL) ? ind_type->struct_sizeof : NULL); if (ind_p != NULL && ind_p != &struct_no_indicator) { ind_p = ind_p->next; if (ind_p == NULL && p->next != NULL) { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "indicator struct \"%s\" has too few members", ind_name); ind_p = &struct_no_indicator; } } } if (ind_type != NULL && ind_p != NULL && ind_p != &struct_no_indicator) { mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_WARNING, "indicator struct \"%s\" has too many members", ind_name); } free(pbuf); free(ind_pbuf); } void ECPGfree_struct_member(struct ECPGstruct_member *rm) { while (rm) { struct ECPGstruct_member *p = rm; rm = rm->next; free(p->name); free(p->type); free(p); } } void ECPGfree_type(struct ECPGtype *type) { if (!IS_SIMPLE_TYPE(type->type)) { switch (type->type) { case ECPGt_array: switch (type->u.element->type) { case ECPGt_array: base_yyerror("internal error: found multidimensional array\n"); break; case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: /* Array of structs. */ ECPGfree_struct_member(type->u.element->u.members); free(type->u.element); break; default: if (!IS_SIMPLE_TYPE(type->u.element->type)) base_yyerror("internal error: unknown datatype, please report this to "); free(type->u.element); } break; case ECPGt_struct: case ECPGt_union: ECPGfree_struct_member(type->u.members); break; default: mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "unrecognized variable type code %d", type->type); break; } } free(type); } const char * get_dtype(enum ECPGdtype type) { switch (type) { case ECPGd_count: return "ECPGd_countr"; break; case ECPGd_data: return "ECPGd_data"; break; case ECPGd_di_code: return "ECPGd_di_code"; break; case ECPGd_di_precision: return "ECPGd_di_precision"; break; case ECPGd_indicator: return "ECPGd_indicator"; break; case ECPGd_key_member: return "ECPGd_key_member"; break; case ECPGd_length: return "ECPGd_length"; break; case ECPGd_name: return "ECPGd_name"; break; case ECPGd_nullable: return "ECPGd_nullable"; break; case ECPGd_octet: return "ECPGd_octet"; break; case ECPGd_precision: return "ECPGd_precision"; break; case ECPGd_ret_length: return "ECPGd_ret_length"; case ECPGd_ret_octet: return "ECPGd_ret_octet"; break; case ECPGd_scale: return "ECPGd_scale"; break; case ECPGd_type: return "ECPGd_type"; break; case ECPGd_cardinality: return "ECPGd_cardinality"; default: mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "unrecognized descriptor item code %d", type); } return NULL; }