#!/bin/sh # PostgreSQL server start script (launched by org.postgresql.postgres.plist) # edit these as needed: # directory containing postgres executable: PGBINDIR="/usr/local/pgsql/bin" # data directory: PGDATA="/usr/local/pgsql/data" # file to receive postmaster's initial log messages: PGLOGFILE="${PGDATA}/pgstart.log" # (it's recommendable to enable the Postgres logging_collector feature # so that PGLOGFILE doesn't grow without bound) # set umask to ensure PGLOGFILE is not created world-readable umask 077 # wait for networking to be up (else server may not bind to desired ports) /usr/sbin/ipconfig waitall # and launch the server exec "$PGBINDIR"/postgres -D "$PGDATA" >>"$PGLOGFILE" 2>&1