Proposal for function-manager redesign 24-May-2000 -------------------------------------- We know that the existing mechanism for calling Postgres functions needs to be redesigned. It has portability problems because it makes assumptions about parameter passing that violate ANSI C; it fails to handle NULL arguments and results cleanly; and "function handlers" that support a class of functions (such as fmgr_pl) can only be done via a really ugly, non-reentrant kluge. (Global variable set during every function call, forsooth.) Here is a proposal for fixing these problems. In the past, the major objections to redoing the function-manager interface have been (a) it'll be quite tedious to implement, since every built-in function and everyplace that calls such functions will need to be touched; (b) such wide-ranging changes will be difficult to make in parallel with other development work; (c) it will break existing user-written loadable modules that define "C language" functions. While I have no solution to the "tedium" aspect, I believe I see an answer to the other problems: by use of function handlers, we can support both old and new interfaces in parallel for both callers and callees, at some small efficiency cost for the old styles. That way, most of the changes can be done on an incremental file-by-file basis --- we won't need a "big bang" where everything changes at once. Support for callees written in the old style can be left in place indefinitely, to provide backward compatibility for user-written C functions. Note that neither the old function manager nor the redesign are intended to handle functions that accept or return sets. Those sorts of functions need to be handled by special querytree structures. Changes in pg_proc (system data about a function) ------------------------------------------------- A new column "proisstrict" will be added to the system pg_proc table. This is a boolean value which will be TRUE if the function is "strict", that is it always returns NULL when any of its inputs are NULL. The function manager will check this field and skip calling the function when it's TRUE and there are NULL inputs. This allows us to remove explicit NULL-value tests from many functions that currently need them. A function that is not marked "strict" is responsible for checking whether its inputs are NULL or not. Most builtin functions will be marked "strict". An optional WITH parameter will be added to CREATE FUNCTION to allow specification of whether user-defined functions are strict or not. I am inclined to make the default be "not strict", since that seems to be the more useful case for functions expressed in SQL or a PL language, but am open to arguments for the other choice. The new function-manager interface ---------------------------------- The core of the new design is revised data structures for representing the result of a function lookup and for representing the parameters passed to a specific function invocation. (We want to keep function lookup separate from function call, since many parts of the system apply the same function over and over; the lookup overhead should be paid once per query, not once per tuple.) When a function is looked up in pg_proc, the result is represented as typedef struct { PGFunction fn_addr; /* pointer to function or handler to be called */ Oid fn_oid; /* OID of function (NOT of handler, if any) */ short fn_nargs; /* 0..FUNC_MAX_ARGS, or -1 if variable arg count */ bool fn_strict; /* function is "strict" (NULL in => NULL out) */ void *fn_extra; /* extra space for use by handler */ } FmgrInfo; For an ordinary built-in function, fn_addr is just the address of the C routine that implements the function. Otherwise it is the address of a handler for the class of functions that includes the target function. The handler can use the function OID and perhaps also the fn_extra slot to find the specific code to execute. (fn_oid = InvalidOid can be used to denote a not-yet-initialized FmgrInfo struct. fn_extra will always be NULL when an FmgrInfo is first filled by the function lookup code, but a function handler could set it to avoid making repeated lookups of its own when the same FmgrInfo is used repeatedly during a query.) fn_nargs is the number of arguments expected by the function, and fn_strict is its strictness flag. FmgrInfo already exists in the current code, but has fewer fields. This change should be transparent at the source-code level. During a call of a function, the following data structure is created and passed to the function: typedef struct { FmgrInfo *flinfo; /* ptr to lookup info used for this call */ Node *context; /* pass info about context of call */ Node *resultinfo; /* pass or return extra info about result */ bool isnull; /* function must set true if result is NULL */ short nargs; /* # arguments actually passed */ Datum arg[FUNC_MAX_ARGS]; /* Arguments passed to function */ bool argnull[FUNC_MAX_ARGS]; /* T if arg[i] is actually NULL */ } FunctionCallInfoData; typedef FunctionCallInfoData* FunctionCallInfo; flinfo points to the lookup info used to make the call. Ordinary functions will probably ignore this field, but function class handlers will need it to find out the OID of the specific function being called. context is NULL for an "ordinary" function call, but may point to additional info when the function is called in certain contexts. (For example, the trigger manager will pass information about the current trigger event here.) If context is used, it should point to some subtype of Node; the particular kind of context can then be indicated by the node type field. (A callee should always check the node type before assuming it knows what kind of context is being passed.) fmgr itself puts no other restrictions on the use of this field. resultinfo is NULL when calling any function from which a simple Datum result is expected. It may point to some subtype of Node if the function returns more than a Datum. Like the context field, resultinfo is a hook for expansion; fmgr itself doesn't constrain the use of the field. nargs, arg[], and argnull[] hold the arguments being passed to the function. Notice that all the arguments passed to a function (as well as its result value) will now uniformly be of type Datum. As discussed below, callers and callees should apply the standard Datum-to-and-from-whatever macros to convert to the actual argument types of a particular function. The value in arg[i] is unspecified when argnull[i] is true. It is generally the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the number of arguments passed matches what the callee is expecting; except for callees that take a variable number of arguments, the callee will typically ignore the nargs field and just grab values from arg[]. The isnull field will be initialized to "false" before the call. On return from the function, isnull is the null flag for the function result: if it is true the function's result is NULL, regardless of the actual function return value. Note that simple "strict" functions can ignore both isnull and argnull[], since they won't even get called when there are any TRUE values in argnull[]. FunctionCallInfo replaces FmgrValues plus a bunch of ad-hoc parameter conventions, global variables (fmgr_pl_finfo and CurrentTriggerData at least), and other uglinesses. Callees, whether they be individual functions or function handlers, shall always have this signature: Datum function (FunctionCallInfo fcinfo); which is represented by the typedef typedef Datum (*PGFunction) (FunctionCallInfo fcinfo); The function is responsible for setting fcinfo->isnull appropriately as well as returning a result represented as a Datum. Note that since all callees will now have exactly the same signature, and will be called through a function pointer declared with exactly that signature, we should have no portability or optimization problems. Function coding conventions --------------------------- As an example, int4 addition goes from old-style int32 int4pl(int32 arg1, int32 arg2) { return arg1 + arg2; } to new-style Datum int4pl(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo) { /* we assume the function is marked "strict", so we can ignore * NULL-value handling */ return Int32GetDatum(DatumGetInt32(fcinfo->arg[0]) + DatumGetInt32(fcinfo->arg[1])); } This is, of course, much uglier than the old-style code, but we can improve matters with some well-chosen macros for the boilerplate parts. I propose below macros that would make the code look like Datum int4pl(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { int32 arg1 = PG_GETARG_INT32(0); int32 arg2 = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); PG_RETURN_INT32( arg1 + arg2 ); } This is still more code than before, but it's fairly readable, and it's also amenable to machine processing --- for example, we could probably write a script that scans code like this and extracts argument and result type info for comparison to the pg_proc table. For the standard data types float4, float8, and int8, these macros should hide the indirection and space allocation involved, so that the function's code is not explicitly aware that these types are pass-by-reference. This will offer a considerable gain in readability, and it also opens up the opportunity to make these types be pass-by-value on machines where it's feasible to do so. (For example, on an Alpha it's pretty silly to make int8 be pass-by-ref, since Datum is going to be 64 bits anyway. float4 could become pass-by-value on all machines...) Here are the proposed macros and coding conventions: The definition of an fmgr-callable function will always look like Datum function_name(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ... } "PG_FUNCTION_ARGS" just expands to "FunctionCallInfo fcinfo". The main reason for using this macro is to make it easy for scripts to spot function definitions. However, if we ever decide to change the calling convention again, it might come in handy to have this macro in place. A nonstrict function is responsible for checking whether each individual argument is null or not, which it can do with PG_ARGISNULL(n) (which is just "fcinfo->argnull[n]"). It should avoid trying to fetch the value of any argument that is null. Both strict and nonstrict functions can return NULL, if needed, with PG_RETURN_NULL(); which expands to { fcinfo->isnull = true; return (Datum) 0; } Argument values are ordinarily fetched using code like int32 name = PG_GETARG_INT32(number); For float4, float8, and int8, the PG_GETARG macros will hide the pass-by- reference nature of the data types; for example PG_GETARG_FLOAT4 expands to (* (float4 *) DatumGetPointer(fcinfo->arg[number])) and would typically be called like this: float4 arg = PG_GETARG_FLOAT4(0); Note that "float4" and "float8" are the recommended typedefs to use, not "float32data" and "float64data", and the macros are named accordingly. But 64-bit ints should be declared as "int64". Non-null values are returned with a PG_RETURN_XXX macro of the appropriate type. For example, PG_RETURN_INT32 expands to return Int32GetDatum(x) PG_RETURN_FLOAT4, PG_RETURN_FLOAT8, and PG_RETURN_INT64 hide the pass-by- reference nature of their datatypes. fmgr.h will provide PG_GETARG and PG_RETURN macros for all the basic data types. Modules or header files that define specialized SQL datatypes (eg, timestamp) should define appropriate macros for those types, so that functions manipulating the types can be coded in the standard style. For non-primitive data types (particularly variable-length types) it probably won't be very practical to hide the pass-by-reference nature of the data type, so the PG_GETARG and PG_RETURN macros for those types probably won't do more than DatumGetPointer/PointerGetDatum plus the appropriate typecast. Functions returning such types will need to palloc() their result space explicitly. I recommend naming the GETARG and RETURN macros for such types to end in "_P", as a reminder that they produce or take a pointer. For example, PG_GETARG_TEXT_P yields "text *". For TOAST-able data types, the PG_GETARG macro will deliver a de-TOASTed data value. There might be a few cases where the still-toasted value is wanted, but I am having a hard time coming up with examples. For the moment I'd say that any such code could use a lower-level macro that is just ((struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(fcinfo->arg[n])). Note: the above examples assume that arguments will be counted starting at zero. We could have the ARG macros subtract one from the argument number, so that arguments are counted starting at one. I'm not sure if that would be more or less confusing. Does anyone have a strong feeling either way about it? When a function needs to access fcinfo->flinfo or one of the other auxiliary fields of FunctionCallInfo, it should just do it. I doubt that providing syntactic-sugar macros for these cases is useful. Call-site coding conventions ---------------------------- There are many places in the system that call either a specific function (for example, the parser invokes "textin" by name in places) or a particular group of functions that have a common argument list (for example, the optimizer invokes selectivity estimation functions with a fixed argument list). These places will need to change, but we should try to avoid making them significantly uglier than before. Places that invoke an arbitrary function with an arbitrary argument list can simply be changed to fill a FunctionCallInfoData structure directly; that'll be no worse and possibly cleaner than what they do now. When invoking a specific built-in function by name, we have generally just written something like result = textin ( ... args ... ) which will not work after textin() is converted to the new call style. I suggest that code like this be converted to use "helper" functions that will create and fill in a FunctionCallInfoData struct. For example, if textin is being called with one argument, it'd look something like result = DirectFunctionCall1(textin, PointerGetDatum(argument)); These helper routines will have declarations like Datum DirectFunctionCall2(PGFunction func, Datum arg1, Datum arg2); Note it will be the caller's responsibility to convert to and from Datum; appropriate conversion macros should be used. The DirectFunctionCallN routines will not bother to fill in fcinfo->flinfo (indeed cannot, since they have no idea about an OID for the target function); they will just set it NULL. This is unlikely to bother any built-in function that could be called this way. Note also that this style of coding cannot pass a NULL input value nor cope with a NULL result (it couldn't before, either!). We can make the helper routines elog an error if they see that the function returns a NULL. (Note: direct calls like this will have to be changed at the same time that their called routines are changed to the new style. But that will still be a lot less of a constraint than a "big bang" conversion.) When invoking a function that has a known argument signature, we have usually written either result = fmgr(targetfuncOid, ... args ... ); or result = fmgr_ptr(FmgrInfo *finfo, ... args ... ); depending on whether an FmgrInfo lookup has been done yet or not. This kind of code can be recast using helper routines, in the same style as above: result = OidFunctionCall1(funcOid, PointerGetDatum(argument)); result = FunctionCall2(funcCallInfo, PointerGetDatum(argument), Int32GetDatum(argument)); Again, this style of coding does not allow for expressing NULL inputs or receiving a NULL result. As with the callee-side situation, I propose adding argument conversion macros that hide the pass-by-reference nature of int8, float4, and float8, with an eye to making those types relatively painless to convert to pass-by-value. The existing helper functions fmgr(), fmgr_c(), etc will be left in place until all uses of them are gone. Of course their internals will have to change in the first step of implementation, but they can continue to support the same external appearance. Notes about function handlers ----------------------------- Handlers for classes of functions should find life much easier and cleaner in this design. The OID of the called function is directly reachable from the passed parameters; we don't need the global variable fmgr_pl_finfo anymore. Also, by modifying fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra, the handler can cache lookup info to avoid repeat lookups when the same function is invoked many times. (fn_extra can only be used as a hint, since callers are not required to re-use an FmgrInfo struct. But in performance-critical paths they normally will do so.) Issue: in what context should a handler allocate memory that it intends to use for fn_extra data? The current palloc context when the handler is actually called might be considerably shorter-lived than the FmgrInfo struct, which would lead to dangling-pointer problems at the next use of the FmgrInfo. Perhaps FmgrInfo should also store a memory context identifier that the handler could use to allocate space of the right lifespan. (Having fmgr_info initialize this to CurrentMemoryContext should work in nearly all cases, though a few places might have to set it differently.) At the moment I have not done this, since the existing PL handlers only need to set fn_extra to point at long-lived structures (data in their own caches) and don't really care which context the FmgrInfo is in anyway. Are there any other things needed by the call handlers for PL/pgsql and other languages? During the conversion process, support for old-style builtin functions and old-style user-written C functions will be provided by appropriate function handlers. For example, the handler for old-style builtins looks roughly like fmgr_c() used to. System table updates -------------------- In the initial phase, two new entries will be added to pg_language for language types "newinternal" and "newC", corresponding to builtin and dynamically-loaded functions having the new calling convention. There will also be a change to pg_proc to add the new "proisstrict" column. Then pg_proc entries will be changed from language code "internal" to "newinternal" piecemeal, as the associated routines are rewritten. (This will imply several rounds of forced initdbs as the contents of pg_proc change, but I think we can live with that.) The old language names "internal" and "C" will continue to refer to functions with the old calling convention. We should deprecate old-style functions because of their portability problems, but the support for them will only be one small function handler routine, so we can leave them in place for as long as necessary. The expected calling convention for PL call handlers will need to change all-at-once, but fortunately there are not very many of them to fix.