This short document is provided to help programmers through the internals of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. Makefile -------- All compilation must be done by using Make. This is because there are two versions of the driver, one for JDBC1 (for JDK 1.1.x) and the other for JDBC2 (for JDK 1.2 or later). The makefile determines which version to compile by using a helper class makeVersion. This class is only used by make, and is not stored in the Jar file. Note: It is not sufficient to simply call javac on postgresql/ as some classes are dynamically loaded, so javac will not compile them. postgresql.jar -------------- This jar file is produced by make, and contains the driver for your JDK platform. Note: It is possible to compile the driver under say JDK1.1.7, then under JDK 1.2. Because make doesn't remove the old classes before compiling, jar will simply package both sets together. When the driver is loaded, the postgresql.Driver class will sort out which set of classes to use. Importing packages ------------------ In user code, you may have to import one or more packages, if and only if you are using the non jdbc extensions (like FastPath, or LargeObject). DO NOT import the postgresql, postgresql.jdbc1 or postgresql.jdbc2 packages! Internally, some classes will import the packages when there is a link between them and the other packages. However, the above rule still applies. It's there because Javac becomes confused between the different places that similar class names are present. However, there are places where they need to refer to classes in the postgresql package. In this case, import the individual classes, and not the entire package. ie: import postgresql.Field NOT import postgresql.* Package Layout -------------- The driver is split into several packages: postgresql core classes, common to both JDBC 1 & 2 postgresql.jdbc1 classes used only in implementing JDBC 1 postgresql.jdbc2 classes used only in implementing JDBC 2 postgresql.fastpath FastPath to backend functions postgresql.geometric 2D Geometric types mapped to Java Objects postgresql.largeobject Low level Large Object access postgresql.util Utility classes Package postgresql ------------------ This package holds the core classes. Driver registers the driver when it's loaded, and determines which Connection class (in jdbc1 or jdbc2 packages) to use when connecting to a database. Field Used internally to represent a Field PG_Stream Used internally to manage the network stream. These classes contains common code that is not dependent to the two JDBC specifications. Connection Common code used in Connections, mainly Network Protocol stuff. ResultSet Common code used in ResultSet's Package postgresql.fastpath --------------------------- Fastpath Handles executing a function on the PostgreSQL Backend FastpathArg Defines an argument for a function call Package postgresql.geometric ---------------------------- PGbox Maps to postgresql type box PGcircle Maps to postgresql type circle PGline Maps to postgresql type line PGlseg Maps to postgresql type lseg PGpath Maps to postgresql type path PGpoint Maps to postgresql type point PGpolygon Maps to postgresql type polygon Package postgresql.jdbc1 ------------------------ The classes in this package handle the JDBC 1 Specification, for JDK 1.1.x All interfaces in the java.sql package are present here. Package postgresql.jdbc2 ------------------------ The classes in this package handle the JDBC 2 Specification, for JDK 1.2 All interfaces in the java.sql, and javax.sql packages are present here. Package postgresql.largeobject ------------------------------ LargeObject Represents an open LargeObject LargeObjectManager Handles the opening and deleting of LargeObjects Package postgresql.util ----------------------- PGmoney Maps to postgresql type money PGobject Used to represent postgresql types that have no Java equivalent PGtokenizer Helper class for the geometric types Serialize Used to serialise Java objects into tabes, rather than Blobs UnixCrypt Used to handle crypt authentication