package example; import*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; /** * This example application is not really an example. It actually performs * some tests on various methods in the DatabaseMetaData and ResultSetMetaData * classes. * * To use it, simply have a database created. It will create some work tables * and run tests on them. */ public class metadata { Connection db; // The connection to the database Statement st; // Our statement to run queries with DatabaseMetaData dbmd; // This defines the structure of the database /** * These are the available tests on DatabaseMetaData */ public void doDatabaseMetaData() throws SQLException { if(doTest("getProcedures() - should show all available procedures")) displayResult(dbmd.getProcedures(null,null,null)); if(doTest("getProcedures() with pattern - should show all circle procedures")) displayResult(dbmd.getProcedures(null,null,"circle%")); if(doTest("getProcedureColumns() on circle procedures")) displayResult(dbmd.getProcedureColumns(null,null,"circle%",null)); if(doTest("getTables()")) displayResult(dbmd.getTables(null,null,null,null)); if(doTest("getColumns() - should show all tables, can take a while to run")) displayResult(dbmd.getColumns(null,null,null,null)); if(doTest("getColumns() - should show the test_b table")) displayResult(dbmd.getColumns(null,null,"test_b",null)); if(doTest("getColumnPrivileges() - should show all tables")) displayResult(dbmd.getColumnPrivileges(null,null,null,null)); if(doTest("getPrimaryKeys()")) displayResult(dbmd.getPrimaryKeys(null,null,null)); if(doTest("getTypeInfo()")) displayResult(dbmd.getTypeInfo()); } /** * These are the available tests on ResultSetMetaData */ public void doResultSetMetaData() throws SQLException { String sql = "select imagename,descr,source,cost from test_a,test_b,test_c where and"; System.out.println("Executing query for tests"); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); if(doTest("isCurrency()")) System.out.println("isCurrency on col 1 = "+rsmd.isCurrency(1)+" should be false\nisCurrency on col 4 = "+rsmd.isCurrency(4)+" should be true"); // Finally close the query. Now give the user a chance to display the // ResultSet. // // NB: displayResult() actually closes the ResultSet. if(doTest("Display query result")) { System.out.println("Query: "+sql); displayResult(rs); } else rs.close(); } /** * This creates some test data */ public void init() throws SQLException { System.out.println("Creating some tables"); cleanup(); st.executeUpdate("create table test_a (imagename name,image oid,id int4)"); st.executeUpdate("create table test_b (descr text,imageid int4,id int4)"); st.executeUpdate("create table test_c (source text,cost money,imageid int4)"); System.out.println("Adding some data"); st.executeUpdate("insert into test_a values ('test1',0,1)"); st.executeUpdate("insert into test_b values ('A test description',1,2)"); st.executeUpdate("insert into test_c values ('nowhere particular','$10.99',1)"); } /** * This removes the test data */ public void cleanup() throws SQLException { try { st.executeUpdate("drop table test_a"); st.executeUpdate("drop table test_b"); st.executeUpdate("drop table test_c"); } catch(Exception ex) { // We ignore any errors here } } public metadata(String args[]) throws ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException { String url = args[0]; String usr = args[1]; String pwd = args[2]; // Load the driver Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); // Connect to database System.out.println("Connecting to Database URL = " + url); db = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usr, pwd); dbmd = db.getMetaData(); st = db.createStatement(); // This prints the backend's version System.out.println("Connected to "+dbmd.getDatabaseProductName()+" "+dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion()); init(); System.out.println(); // Now the tests if(doTest("Test DatabaseMetaData")) doDatabaseMetaData(); if(doTest("Test ResultSetMetaData")) doResultSetMetaData(); System.out.println("\nNow closing the connection"); st.close(); db.close(); cleanup(); } /** * This asks if the user requires to run a test. */ public boolean doTest(String s) { System.out.println(); System.out.print(s); System.out.print(" Perform test? Y or N:"); System.out.flush(); char c = ' '; try { while(!(c=='n' || c=='y' || c=='N' || c=='Y')) { c=(char); } } catch(IOException ioe) { return false; } return c=='y' || c=='Y'; } /** * This displays a result set. * Note: it closes the result once complete. */ public void displayResult(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); int count=0; // Print the result column names int cols = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for(int i=1;i<=cols;i++) System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnLabel(i)+(i3) DriverManager.setLogStream(System.err); // Now run the tests try { metadata test = new metadata(args); } catch(Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception caught.\n"+ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } } }