/* # Insight Distribution Systems - System V - Apr 1998 #ident "@(#)setup.rul 1.13 :/sccs/sql/odbc/s.setup.rul 1/6/99 14:47:48" */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * PostgreSQL ODBC Driver Installation Script for InstallShield * \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define APP_NAME "PostgreSQL ODBC Driver" #define DRIVER_NAME "PostgreSQL" #define DRIVER_FILE "PSQLODBC.DLL" #define OLD_DRIVER_FILE "PODBC32.DLL" #define OLD_DRIVER_FILE_RENAMED "podbc32_sav.dll" #define COMPANY_NAME "Insight" #define PRODUCT_NAME "PostgreSQL ODBC Driver" #define PRODUCT_VERSION "6.3" #define PRODUCT_KEY "PSQLODBC.DLL" #define UNINSTALL_KEY "PSQLODBCv6.3" #define ODBC_DM_KEY "\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\SharedDLLs" #define ODBC_COMP_KEY "\\SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBCINST.INI" #define ODBC_CORE_KEY "\\SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBCINST.INI\\ODBC Core" #define ODBC_DRIVERS_KEY "\\SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBCINST.INI\\ODBC Drivers" declare // functions prototype SetupScreen(); prototype FileCompare(STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING); // variables STRING svMainDirectory [_MAX_STRING], svGrp, svUninstLogFile, svPath; STRING svValue, szName, szKey, szMessage; STRING szMsg, szTmp, szTmp2, szFileSet, szProgram; NUMBER nResult, pos, nvType, nvSize, nStartup, ComponentUsageCount; NUMBER nvDoNot, nvVersion, nvInstall, nCore, nDM; STRING dm, core, szFileName, svFileName; NUMBER options, nvInfo, nvResult; LONG lResult; STRING svCompVersion, svFileVersion, svCompDate, svCompTime, svFileDate, svFileTime; program StartHere: Disable( BACKGROUND ); // Set up the installation screen. SetupScreen(); InstallationInfo(COMPANY_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME, PRODUCT_VERSION, PRODUCT_KEY); RegDBSetAppInfo("Location", REGDB_STRING, WINSYSDIR ^ DRIVER_FILE, -1); // Create a Welcome dialog. WelcomeDlg: Disable( BACKBUTTON ); Welcome( "Welcome to the PostgreSQL Odbc Driver Installation", 0 ); Enable( BACKBUTTON ); Enable( NEXTBUTTON ); GetTargetDirectory: svMainDirectory = WINSYSDIR; OptionsDlg: RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = ODBC_DM_KEY; nCore = RegDBKeyExist(szKey); szName = WINSYSDIR ^ "ODBC32.DLL"; nDM = RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, szName, nvType, svValue, nvSize); szMessage = "Select options for installing the ODBC Driver Manager.\n" + "Analysis of your system suggests that the ODBC Driver Manager\n"; nvDoNot = FALSE; nvInstall = FALSE; nvVersion = FALSE; if (nCore >= 0 && nDM >= 0) then nvDoNot = TRUE; szMessage = szMessage + "is already installed. Therefore, you may choose not to install it."; else nvInstall = TRUE; szMessage = szMessage + "is not installed. Therefore, you should install it now."; endif; Enable(FINISHBUTTON); nResult = AskOptions(EXCLUSIVE, szMessage, "Do not install Driver Manager", nvDoNot, "Install Driver Manager ", nvInstall, "Install Driver Manager (with version checking)", nvVersion); if (nResult = BACK) then Disable(FINISHBUTTON); goto WelcomeDlg; endif; Version: CompressInfo("driver.z", DRIVER_FILE, COMP_INFO_VERSIONMS|COMP_INFO_VERSIONLS, nvInfo, svCompVersion); szFileName = WINSYSDIR ^ DRIVER_FILE; nResult = VerGetFileVersion(szFileName, svFileVersion); // MessageBox("System file PSQLODBC.dll version is " + svFileVersion, INFORMATION); lResult = VerCompare(svCompVersion, svFileVersion, VERSION); if (lResult = EQUALS) then //date CompressInfo("driver.z", DRIVER_FILE, COMP_INFO_DATE, nvInfo, svCompDate); GetFileInfo(szFileName, FILE_DATE, nvResult, svFileDate); //time CompressInfo("driver.z", DRIVER_FILE, COMP_INFO_TIME, nvInfo, svCompTime); GetFileInfo(szFileName, FILE_TIME, nvResult, svFileTime); // If compressed file date/time is earlier than system file date/time // then nResult = FileCompare(svCompDate, svCompTime, svFileDate, svFileTime); if (nResult < 0) then lResult = LESS_THAN; endif; NumToStr(szTmp, nResult); // MessageBox("File Compare = " + szTmp, INFORMATION); endif; if (lResult = LESS_THAN) then MessageBeep(0); nResult = AskYesNo("The " + PRODUCT_NAME + " is already installed on your system \nand is a newer version than the one that is about to be installed.\n\n" + "Would you like to continue the installation anyway (not recommended)?", NO); if (nResult = NO) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Installation has been aborted.\nNo changes have been made to your system.", WARNING); exit; endif; else /* nResult = AskYesNo("Ready to install " + PRODUCT_NAME + ".\n\nPress Yes to proceed with the installation.\nPress No to abort the installation.", YES); if (nResult = NO) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Installation has been aborted.\nNo changes have been made to your system.", WARNING); exit; endif; */ endif; CheckRegistry: Enable(STATUSDLG); SetStatusWindow(5, "Checking registry entries..."); Delay(1); RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = ODBC_DM_KEY; nResult = RegDBKeyExist(szKey); if (nResult < 0 && nvDoNot = TRUE) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("ODBC Core Components are not installed!", SEVERE); Disable(STATUSDLG); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Please install the ODBC Core Components\nand rerun this setup program.", INFORMATION); exit; endif; szName = WINSYSDIR ^ "ODBC32.DLL"; nResult = RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, szName, nvType, svValue, nvSize); if (nResult < 0 && nvDoNot = TRUE) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC32.DLL) is not installed!", SEVERE); Disable(STATUSDLG); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Please install the ODBC Driver Manager\nand rerun this setup program.", INFORMATION); exit; endif; FileSetup: SetStatusWindow( 10, "Copying program files..."); StatusUpdate(ON, 90); DeinstallStart(svMainDirectory, svUninstLogFile, UNINSTALL_KEY, 0); // Show the uninstall under Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel RegDBSetItem(REGDB_UNINSTALL_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME); szFileSet = "psqlodbc"; TARGETDIR = svMainDirectory; // winsys FileSetBeginDefine(szFileSet); nResult = CompressGet("driver.z", "*.*", COMP_NORMAL); if (nResult < 0) then NumToStr(szTmp, nResult); MessageBox("Compress Get Error on driver.z files.\n\nError # " + szTmp, SEVERE); exit; endif; TARGETDIR = svMainDirectory; // winsys // Driver Manager stuff if (! nvDoNot) then if (nvVersion) then options = COMP_UPDATE_VERSION; else options = COMP_NORMAL; endif; // The File usage count increments are handled by CompressGet // with the SHAREDFILE option. nResult = CompressGet("redist.z", "*.*", options|SHAREDFILE); if (nResult < 0) then NumToStr(szTmp, nResult); MessageBox("Compress Get Error on redist.z files.\n\nError # " + szTmp, SEVERE); exit; endif; endif; FileSetEndDefine(szFileSet); FileTransfer: nResult = FileSetPerformEz(szFileSet, 0); switch(nResult) case FS_DONE: case FS_CREATEDIR: MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create a required subdirectory under " + TARGETDIR + "." + "\nPlease check write access to this directory.", SEVERE); abort; default: NumToStr(szTmp, nResult); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Error copying files to " + TARGETDIR + "." + "\nPlease check this location and try again." + "\n\nError Number:"+szTmp, SEVERE); abort; endswitch; UpdateRegistry: SetStatusWindow(95, "Creating registry entries..."); Delay(2); RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); Disable(LOGGING); // Create ODBC Core Subkey (if it doesn't exist) // (But don't create uninstall information for it) szKey = ODBC_CORE_KEY; nResult = RegDBCreateKeyEx(szKey, ""); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create ODBC Core subkey.", SEVERE); exit; endif; // Create Installed Driver Key (if it doesn't exist) // (But don't create uninstall information for it) szKey = ODBC_DRIVERS_KEY; nResult = RegDBCreateKeyEx(szKey, ""); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create ODBC Drivers subkey.", SEVERE); exit; endif; // Increment Driver Manager Component UsageCount szKey = ODBC_CORE_KEY; szName = "UsageCount"; if (RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, szName, nvType, svValue, nvSize) < 0) then ComponentUsageCount = 0; endif; // MessageBox("Current Driver Manager Component Usage Count = " + svValue, INFORMATION); StrToNum(ComponentUsageCount, svValue); ComponentUsageCount = ComponentUsageCount + 1; NumToStr(szTmp, ComponentUsageCount); // MessageBox("New Driver Manager Component Usage Count = " + szTmp, INFORMATION); nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, szName, REGDB_NUMBER, szTmp, -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to increment Driver Manager component usage count.", SEVERE); exit; endif; // Re-enable logging now Enable(LOGGING); // set ODBC Drivers Subkey (installed) szKey = ODBC_DRIVERS_KEY; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, DRIVER_NAME, REGDB_STRING, "Installed", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'Installed' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; // Driver Specification Subkey (PostgreSQL) szKey = ODBC_COMP_KEY + "\\" + DRIVER_NAME; nResult = RegDBCreateKeyEx(szKey, ""); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create ODBC Driver Key.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "APILevel", REGDB_STRING, "1", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'APILevel' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "ConnectFunctions", REGDB_STRING, "YYN", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'ConnectFunctions' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "Driver", REGDB_STRING, WINSYSDIR ^ DRIVER_FILE, -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'Driver' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "DriverODBCVer", REGDB_STRING, "02.00", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'DriverODBCVer' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "FileUsage", REGDB_STRING, "0", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'FileUsage' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "Setup", REGDB_STRING, WINSYSDIR ^ DRIVER_FILE, -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'Setup' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "SQLLevel", REGDB_STRING, "1", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'SQLLevel' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "UsageCount", REGDB_NUMBER, "1", -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'UsageCount' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; pos = StrFind(CMDLINE, "UseDeclareFetch="); if (pos >= 0) then StrSub(svValue, CMDLINE, pos + 16, 1); nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "UseDeclareFetch", REGDB_STRING, svValue, -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'UseDeclareFetch' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; endif; pos = StrFind(CMDLINE, "Protocol="); if (pos >= 0) then StrSub(svValue, CMDLINE, pos + 9, 3); nResult = RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "Protocol", REGDB_STRING, svValue, -1); if (nResult < 0) then MessageBeep(0); MessageBox("Unable to create 'Protocol' key value.", SEVERE); exit; endif; endif; RenameOld: if (FindFile(WINSYSDIR, OLD_DRIVER_FILE, svFileName) = 0) then szMessage = "Renaming old driver to " + OLD_DRIVER_FILE_RENAMED + " ..."; SetStatusWindow(98, szMessage); Delay(1); Disable(LOGGING); SRCDIR= WINSYSDIR; TARGETDIR = WINSYSDIR; RenameFile(OLD_DRIVER_FILE, OLD_DRIVER_FILE_RENAMED); Enable(LOGGING); endif; Done: Delay(1); SetStatusWindow(100, "Installation complete"); Delay(1); Disable(STATUSDLG); if (BATCH_INSTALL = TRUE) then szMsg = "Some files could not be updated because they are " + "currently in use by other programs on the system. " + "Files in use will be updated the next time you restart " + "your system."; RebootDialog("Restart Windows", szMsg, SYS_BOOTMACHINE); CommitSharedFiles(0); szMsg = "Driver setup complete.\n\nReboot your system to complete the installation."; MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(szMsg, INFORMATION); else szMsg = "Driver installation completed successfully."; MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(szMsg, INFORMATION); endif; exit; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * * Function: SetupScreen * * Purpose: This function will set up the screen look. This includes * colors, fonts, text to be displayed, etc. * * * Input: * * Returns: * * Comments: \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function SetupScreen() begin Enable( INDVFILESTATUS ); SetTitle( APP_NAME + " Setup", 28, WHITE ); SetTitle( "Setup", 0, BACKGROUNDCAPTION ); // Caption bar text. Enable( BACKGROUND ); end; function FileCompare(szCompInfoDate, szCompInfoTime, szFileInfoDate, szFileInfoTime) STRING year, month, day, file_date, file_time; NUMBER nResult; begin StrSub(year, szFileInfoDate, 2, 2); StrSub(month, szFileInfoDate, 5, 2); StrSub(day, szFileInfoDate, 8, 2); file_date = month + "-" + day + "-" + year; nResult = StrCompare(szCompInfoDate, file_date); if (nResult != 0) then return nResult; endif; StrSub(file_time, szFileInfoTime, 0, 5); // MessageBox("Comp = " + szCompInfoDate + " " + szCompInfoTime + ", File = " + file_date + " " + file_time, INFORMATION); nResult = StrCompare(szCompInfoTime, file_time); return nResult; end;