# -*-perl-*- hey - emacs - this is a perl file # $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/tools/msvc/vcregress.pl,v 1.5 2007/10/03 11:34:11 mha Exp $ use strict; our $config; use Cwd; use File::Copy; my $startdir = getcwd(); chdir "../../.." if (-d "../../../src/tools/msvc"); # buildenv.pl is for specifying the build environment settings # it should contian lines like: # $ENV{PATH} = "c:/path/to/bison/bin;$ENV{PATH}"; if ( -e "src/tools/msvc/buildenv.pl") { require "src/tools/msvc/buildenv.pl"; } my $what = shift || ""; if ($what =~ /^(check|installcheck|plcheck|contribcheck|ecpgcheck)$/i) { $what = uc $what; } else { usage(); } # use a capital C here because config.pl has $config my $Config = -e "release/postgres/postgres.exe" ? "Release" : "Debug"; copy("$Config/refint/refint.dll","contrib/spi"); copy("$Config/autoinc/autoinc.dll","contrib/spi"); copy("$Config/regress/regress.dll","src/test/regress"); $ENV{PATH} = "../../../$Config/libpq;../../$Config/libpq;$ENV{PATH}"; my $schedule = shift; unless ($schedule) { $schedule = "serial"; $schedule = "parallel" if ($what eq 'CHECK' || $what =~ /PARALLEL/); } my $temp_port; if (-e "src/tools/msvc/config.pl") { eval{ require "src/tools/msvc/config.pl"; $temp_port = $config->{'--with-pgport'}; } } $temp_port ||= 55432; my $topdir = getcwd(); $ENV{PERL5LIB} = "$topdir/src/tools/msvc"; my $maxconn = ""; $maxconn = "--max_connections=$ENV{MAX_CONNECTIONS}" if $ENV{MAX_CONNECTIONS}; my $temp_config = ""; $temp_config = "--temp-config=\"$ENV{TEMP_CONFIG}\"" if $ENV{TEMP_CONFIG}; chdir "src/test/regress"; my %command = ( CHECK => \&check, PLCHECK => \&plcheck, INSTALLCHECK => \&installcheck, ECPGCHECK => \&ecpgcheck, CONTRIBCHECK => \&contribcheck ); my $proc = $command{$what}; exit 3 unless $proc; &$proc(); exit 0; ######################################################################## sub installcheck { my @args = ( "../../../$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress", "--psqldir=../../../$Config/psql", "--schedule=${schedule}_schedule", "--multibyte=SQL_ASCII", "--load-language=plpgsql", "--no-locale" ); push(@args,$maxconn) if $maxconn; system(@args); my $status = $? >>8; exit $status if $status; } sub check { my @args = ( "../../../$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress", "--psqldir=../../../$Config/psql", "--schedule=${schedule}_schedule", "--multibyte=SQL_ASCII", "--load-language=plpgsql", "--no-locale", "--temp-install=./tmp_check", "--top-builddir=\"$topdir\"", "--temp-port=$temp_port" ); push(@args,$maxconn) if $maxconn; push(@args,$temp_config) if $temp_config; system(@args); my $status = $? >>8; exit $status if $status; } sub ecpgcheck { chdir $startdir; system("msbuild ecpg_regression.proj /p:config=$Config"); my $status = $? >>8; exit $status if $status; chdir "$topdir/src/interfaces/ecpg/test"; $schedule="ecpg"; my @args = ( "../../../../$Config/pg_regress_ecpg/pg_regress_ecpg", "--psqldir=../../../$Config/psql", "--dbname=regress1,connectdb", "--create-role=connectuser,connectdb", "--schedule=${schedule}_schedule", "--multibyte=SQL_ASCII", "--load-language=plpgsql", "--no-locale", "--temp-install=./tmp_chk", "--top-builddir=\"$topdir\"", "--temp-port=$temp_port" ); push(@args,$maxconn) if $maxconn; system(@args); $status = $? >>8; exit $status if $status; } sub plcheck { chdir "../../pl"; foreach my $pl (glob("*")) { next unless -d "$pl/sql" && -d "$pl/expected"; my $lang = $pl eq 'tcl' ? 'pltcl' : $pl; next unless -d "../../$Config/$lang"; $lang = 'plpythonu' if $lang eq 'plpython'; chdir $pl; print "============================================================\n"; print "Checking $lang\n"; my @tests = fetchTests(); my @args = ( "../../../$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress", "--psqldir=../../../$Config/psql", "--dbname=pl_regression","--load-language=$lang",@tests ); system(@args); my $status = $? >> 8; exit $status if $status; chdir ".."; } chdir "../../.."; } sub contribcheck { chdir "../../../contrib"; my $mstat = 0; foreach my $module (glob("*")) { next if $module eq 'tsearch2'; next unless -d "$module/sql" && -d "$module/expected" && (-f "$module/Makefile" || -f "$module/GNUmakefile"); chdir $module; print "============================================================\n"; print "Checking $module\n"; my @tests = fetchTests(); my @args = ( "../../$Config/pg_regress/pg_regress", "--psqldir=../../$Config/psql", "--dbname=contrib_regression",@tests ); system(@args); my $status = $? >> 8; $mstat ||= $status; chdir ".."; } exit $mstat if $mstat; } sub fetchTests { my $handle; open($handle,"; close($handle); my $t = ""; $m =~ s/\\[\r\n]*//gs; if ($m =~ /^REGRESS\s*=\s*(.*)$/gm) { $t = $1; $t =~ s/\s+/ /g; if ($m =~ /contrib\/pgcrypto/) { # pgcrypto is special since the tests depend on the # configuration of the build my $cftests = $config->{openssl} ?GetTests("OSSL_TESTS",$m) : GetTests("INT_TESTS",$m); my $pgptests = $config->{zlib} ?GetTests("ZLIB_TST",$m) : GetTests("ZLIB_OFF_TST",$m); $t =~ s/\$\(CF_TESTS\)/$cftests/; $t =~ s/\$\(CF_PGP_TESTS\)/$pgptests/; } } return split(/\s+/,$t); } sub GetTests { my $testname = shift; my $m = shift; if ($m =~ /^$testname\s*=\s*(.*)$/gm) { return $1; } return ""; } sub usage { print STDERR "Usage: vcregress.pl ", " [schedule]\n" ; exit(1); }