-- -- CLUSTER -- CREATE TABLE clstr_tst_s (rf_a SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, b INT); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "clstr_tst_s_rf_a_seq" for serial column "clstr_tst_s.rf_a" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "clstr_tst_s_pkey" for table "clstr_tst_s" CREATE TABLE clstr_tst (a SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, b INT, c TEXT, d TEXT, CONSTRAINT clstr_tst_con FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES clstr_tst_s); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "clstr_tst_a_seq" for serial column "clstr_tst.a" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "clstr_tst_pkey" for table "clstr_tst" CREATE INDEX clstr_tst_b ON clstr_tst (b); CREATE INDEX clstr_tst_c ON clstr_tst (c); CREATE INDEX clstr_tst_c_b ON clstr_tst (c,b); CREATE INDEX clstr_tst_b_c ON clstr_tst (b,c); INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) VALUES (0); INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) SELECT b FROM clstr_tst_s; INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) SELECT b FROM clstr_tst_s; INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) SELECT b FROM clstr_tst_s; INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) SELECT b FROM clstr_tst_s; INSERT INTO clstr_tst_s (b) SELECT b FROM clstr_tst_s; CREATE TABLE clstr_tst_inh () INHERITS (clstr_tst); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (11, 'once'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (10, 'diez'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (31, 'treinta y uno'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (22, 'veintidos'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (3, 'tres'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (20, 'veinte'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (23, 'veintitres'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (21, 'veintiuno'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (4, 'cuatro'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (14, 'catorce'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (2, 'dos'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (18, 'dieciocho'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (27, 'veintisiete'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (25, 'veinticinco'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (13, 'trece'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (28, 'veintiocho'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (32, 'treinta y dos'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (5, 'cinco'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (29, 'veintinueve'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (1, 'uno'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (24, 'veinticuatro'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (30, 'treinta'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (12, 'doce'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (17, 'diecisiete'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (9, 'nueve'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (19, 'diecinueve'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (26, 'veintiseis'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (15, 'quince'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (7, 'siete'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (16, 'dieciseis'); INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (8, 'ocho'); -- This entry is needed to test that TOASTED values are copied correctly. INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c, d) VALUES (6, 'seis', repeat('xyzzy', 100000)); CLUSTER clstr_tst_c ON clstr_tst; SELECT a,b,c,substring(d for 30), length(d) from clstr_tst; a | b | c | substring | length ----+----+---------------+--------------------------------+-------- 10 | 14 | catorce | | 18 | 5 | cinco | | 9 | 4 | cuatro | | 26 | 19 | diecinueve | | 12 | 18 | dieciocho | | 30 | 16 | dieciseis | | 24 | 17 | diecisiete | | 2 | 10 | diez | | 23 | 12 | doce | | 11 | 2 | dos | | 25 | 9 | nueve | | 31 | 8 | ocho | | 1 | 11 | once | | 28 | 15 | quince | | 32 | 6 | seis | xyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzy | 500000 29 | 7 | siete | | 15 | 13 | trece | | 22 | 30 | treinta | | 17 | 32 | treinta y dos | | 3 | 31 | treinta y uno | | 5 | 3 | tres | | 20 | 1 | uno | | 6 | 20 | veinte | | 14 | 25 | veinticinco | | 21 | 24 | veinticuatro | | 4 | 22 | veintidos | | 19 | 29 | veintinueve | | 16 | 28 | veintiocho | | 27 | 26 | veintiseis | | 13 | 27 | veintisiete | | 7 | 23 | veintitres | | 8 | 21 | veintiuno | | (32 rows) SELECT a,b,c,substring(d for 30), length(d) from clstr_tst ORDER BY a; a | b | c | substring | length ----+----+---------------+--------------------------------+-------- 1 | 11 | once | | 2 | 10 | diez | | 3 | 31 | treinta y uno | | 4 | 22 | veintidos | | 5 | 3 | tres | | 6 | 20 | veinte | | 7 | 23 | veintitres | | 8 | 21 | veintiuno | | 9 | 4 | cuatro | | 10 | 14 | catorce | | 11 | 2 | dos | | 12 | 18 | dieciocho | | 13 | 27 | veintisiete | | 14 | 25 | veinticinco | | 15 | 13 | trece | | 16 | 28 | veintiocho | | 17 | 32 | treinta y dos | | 18 | 5 | cinco | | 19 | 29 | veintinueve | | 20 | 1 | uno | | 21 | 24 | veinticuatro | | 22 | 30 | treinta | | 23 | 12 | doce | | 24 | 17 | diecisiete | | 25 | 9 | nueve | | 26 | 19 | diecinueve | | 27 | 26 | veintiseis | | 28 | 15 | quince | | 29 | 7 | siete | | 30 | 16 | dieciseis | | 31 | 8 | ocho | | 32 | 6 | seis | xyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzy | 500000 (32 rows) SELECT a,b,c,substring(d for 30), length(d) from clstr_tst ORDER BY b; a | b | c | substring | length ----+----+---------------+--------------------------------+-------- 20 | 1 | uno | | 11 | 2 | dos | | 5 | 3 | tres | | 9 | 4 | cuatro | | 18 | 5 | cinco | | 32 | 6 | seis | xyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzy | 500000 29 | 7 | siete | | 31 | 8 | ocho | | 25 | 9 | nueve | | 2 | 10 | diez | | 1 | 11 | once | | 23 | 12 | doce | | 15 | 13 | trece | | 10 | 14 | catorce | | 28 | 15 | quince | | 30 | 16 | dieciseis | | 24 | 17 | diecisiete | | 12 | 18 | dieciocho | | 26 | 19 | diecinueve | | 6 | 20 | veinte | | 8 | 21 | veintiuno | | 4 | 22 | veintidos | | 7 | 23 | veintitres | | 21 | 24 | veinticuatro | | 14 | 25 | veinticinco | | 27 | 26 | veintiseis | | 13 | 27 | veintisiete | | 16 | 28 | veintiocho | | 19 | 29 | veintinueve | | 22 | 30 | treinta | | 3 | 31 | treinta y uno | | 17 | 32 | treinta y dos | | (32 rows) SELECT a,b,c,substring(d for 30), length(d) from clstr_tst ORDER BY c; a | b | c | substring | length ----+----+---------------+--------------------------------+-------- 10 | 14 | catorce | | 18 | 5 | cinco | | 9 | 4 | cuatro | | 26 | 19 | diecinueve | | 12 | 18 | dieciocho | | 30 | 16 | dieciseis | | 24 | 17 | diecisiete | | 2 | 10 | diez | | 23 | 12 | doce | | 11 | 2 | dos | | 25 | 9 | nueve | | 31 | 8 | ocho | | 1 | 11 | once | | 28 | 15 | quince | | 32 | 6 | seis | xyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzy | 500000 29 | 7 | siete | | 15 | 13 | trece | | 22 | 30 | treinta | | 17 | 32 | treinta y dos | | 3 | 31 | treinta y uno | | 5 | 3 | tres | | 20 | 1 | uno | | 6 | 20 | veinte | | 14 | 25 | veinticinco | | 21 | 24 | veinticuatro | | 4 | 22 | veintidos | | 19 | 29 | veintinueve | | 16 | 28 | veintiocho | | 27 | 26 | veintiseis | | 13 | 27 | veintisiete | | 7 | 23 | veintitres | | 8 | 21 | veintiuno | | (32 rows) -- Verify that inheritance link still works INSERT INTO clstr_tst_inh VALUES (0, 100, 'in child table'); SELECT a,b,c,substring(d for 30), length(d) from clstr_tst; a | b | c | substring | length ----+-----+----------------+--------------------------------+-------- 10 | 14 | catorce | | 18 | 5 | cinco | | 9 | 4 | cuatro | | 26 | 19 | diecinueve | | 12 | 18 | dieciocho | | 30 | 16 | dieciseis | | 24 | 17 | diecisiete | | 2 | 10 | diez | | 23 | 12 | doce | | 11 | 2 | dos | | 25 | 9 | nueve | | 31 | 8 | ocho | | 1 | 11 | once | | 28 | 15 | quince | | 32 | 6 | seis | xyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzyxyzzy | 500000 29 | 7 | siete | | 15 | 13 | trece | | 22 | 30 | treinta | | 17 | 32 | treinta y dos | | 3 | 31 | treinta y uno | | 5 | 3 | tres | | 20 | 1 | uno | | 6 | 20 | veinte | | 14 | 25 | veinticinco | | 21 | 24 | veinticuatro | | 4 | 22 | veintidos | | 19 | 29 | veintinueve | | 16 | 28 | veintiocho | | 27 | 26 | veintiseis | | 13 | 27 | veintisiete | | 7 | 23 | veintitres | | 8 | 21 | veintiuno | | 0 | 100 | in child table | | (33 rows) -- Verify that foreign key link still works INSERT INTO clstr_tst (b, c) VALUES (1111, 'this should fail'); ERROR: insert or update on table "clstr_tst" violates foreign key constraint "clstr_tst_con" DETAIL: Key (b)=(1111) is not present in table "clstr_tst_s". SELECT conname FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = 'clstr_tst'::regclass; conname ---------------- clstr_tst_pkey clstr_tst_con (2 rows) SELECT relname, relkind, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE oid = c.reltoastrelid) AS hastoast FROM pg_class c WHERE relname LIKE 'clstr_tst%' ORDER BY relname; relname | relkind | hastoast ----------------------+---------+---------- clstr_tst | r | t clstr_tst_a_seq | S | f clstr_tst_b | i | f clstr_tst_b_c | i | f clstr_tst_c | i | f clstr_tst_c_b | i | f clstr_tst_inh | r | t clstr_tst_pkey | i | f clstr_tst_s | r | f clstr_tst_s_pkey | i | f clstr_tst_s_rf_a_seq | S | f (11 rows) -- Verify that indisclustered is correctly set SELECT pg_class.relname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_class AS pg_class_2 WHERE pg_class.oid=indexrelid AND indrelid=pg_class_2.oid AND pg_class_2.relname = 'clstr_tst' AND indisclustered; relname ------------- clstr_tst_c (1 row) -- Try changing indisclustered ALTER TABLE clstr_tst CLUSTER ON clstr_tst_b_c; SELECT pg_class.relname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_class AS pg_class_2 WHERE pg_class.oid=indexrelid AND indrelid=pg_class_2.oid AND pg_class_2.relname = 'clstr_tst' AND indisclustered; relname --------------- clstr_tst_b_c (1 row) -- Try turning off all clustering ALTER TABLE clstr_tst SET WITHOUT CLUSTER; SELECT pg_class.relname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_class AS pg_class_2 WHERE pg_class.oid=indexrelid AND indrelid=pg_class_2.oid AND pg_class_2.relname = 'clstr_tst' AND indisclustered; relname --------- (0 rows) -- Verify that clustering all tables does in fact cluster the right ones CREATE USER clstr_user; CREATE TABLE clstr_1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "clstr_1_pkey" for table "clstr_1" CREATE TABLE clstr_2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "clstr_2_pkey" for table "clstr_2" CREATE TABLE clstr_3 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "clstr_3_pkey" for table "clstr_3" ALTER TABLE clstr_1 OWNER TO clstr_user; ALTER TABLE clstr_3 OWNER TO clstr_user; GRANT SELECT ON clstr_2 TO clstr_user; INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO clstr_2 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_2 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO clstr_3 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_3 VALUES (1); -- "CLUSTER " on a table that hasn't been clustered CLUSTER clstr_2; ERROR: there is no previously clustered index for table "clstr_2" CLUSTER clstr_1_pkey ON clstr_1; CLUSTER clstr_2_pkey ON clstr_2; SELECT * FROM clstr_1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM clstr_2 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM clstr_3; a --- 1 2 1 2 2 1 (6 rows) -- revert to the original state DELETE FROM clstr_1; DELETE FROM clstr_2; DELETE FROM clstr_3; INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO clstr_2 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_2 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO clstr_3 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_3 VALUES (1); -- this user can only cluster clstr_1 and clstr_3, but the latter -- has not been clustered SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION clstr_user; CLUSTER; SELECT * FROM clstr_1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM clstr_2 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM clstr_3; a --- 1 2 2 1 2 1 (6 rows) -- cluster a single table using the indisclustered bit previously set DELETE FROM clstr_1; INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO clstr_1 VALUES (1); CLUSTER clstr_1; SELECT * FROM clstr_1; a --- 1 2 (2 rows) -- clean up \c - DROP TABLE clstr_1; DROP TABLE clstr_3; DROP USER clstr_user;