@echo off if exist src\tools\msvc\buildenv.bat call src\tools\msvc\buildenv.bat SET BV= for /F "tokens=4 usebackq" %%f in (`bison -V`) do if "!BV!"=="" SET BV=%%f if "%BV%"=="" goto novarexp if %BV% LSS 1.875 goto nobison if %BV% EQU 2.1 goto nobison if "%1" == "src\backend\parser\gram.y" call :generate %1 src\backend\parser\gram.c src\include\parser\parse.h if "%1" == "src\backend\bootstrap\bootparse.y" call :generate %1 src\backend\bootstrap\bootparse.c src\backend\bootstrap\bootstrap_tokens.h if "%1" == "src\pl\plpgsql\src\gram.y" call :generate %1 src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_gram.c src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl.tab.h if "%1" == "src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.y" call :generate %1 src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.c src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.h if "%1" == "contrib\cube\cubeparse.y" call :generate %1 contrib\cube\cubeparse.c contrib\cube\cubeparse.h if "%1" == "contrib\seg\segparse.y" call :generate %1 contrib\seg\segparse.c contrib\seg\segparse.h echo Unknown bison input: %1 exit 1 :generate SET fn=%1 SET cf=%2 bison.exe -d %fn% -o %cf% if errorlevel 1 exit 1 SET hf=%cf:~0,-2%.h if not "%hf%"=="%3" ( copy /y %hf% %3 if errorlevel 1 exit 1 del %hf% ) exit 0 :novarexp echo pgbison must be called with cmd /V:ON /C pgbison to work! exit 1 :nobison echo WARNING! Bison install not found, or unsupported Bison version. echo Attempting to build without. exit 0