/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * aggregatecmds.c * * Routines for aggregate-manipulation commands * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/aggregatecmds.c,v 1.10 2003/07/04 02:51:33 tgl Exp $ * * DESCRIPTION * The "DefineFoo" routines take the parse tree and pick out the * appropriate arguments/flags, passing the results to the * corresponding "FooDefine" routines (in src/catalog) that do * the actual catalog-munging. These routines also verify permission * of the user to execute the command. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* * DefineAggregate */ void DefineAggregate(List *names, List *parameters) { char *aggName; Oid aggNamespace; AclResult aclresult; List *transfuncName = NIL; List *finalfuncName = NIL; TypeName *baseType = NULL; TypeName *transType = NULL; char *initval = NULL; Oid baseTypeId; Oid transTypeId; List *pl; /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */ aggNamespace = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &aggName); /* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(aggNamespace, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, get_namespace_name(aggNamespace)); foreach(pl, parameters) { DefElem *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl); /* * sfunc1, stype1, and initcond1 are accepted as obsolete * spellings for sfunc, stype, initcond. */ if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc") == 0) transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc1") == 0) transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc") == 0) finalfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "basetype") == 0) baseType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype") == 0) transType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype1") == 0) transType = defGetTypeName(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond") == 0) initval = defGetString(defel); else if (strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond1") == 0) initval = defGetString(defel); else elog(WARNING, "DefineAggregate: attribute \"%s\" not recognized", defel->defname); } /* * make sure we have our required definitions */ if (baseType == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Define: \"basetype\" unspecified"); if (transType == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Define: \"stype\" unspecified"); if (transfuncName == NIL) elog(ERROR, "Define: \"sfunc\" unspecified"); /* * look up the aggregate's base type (input datatype) and transtype. * * We have historically allowed the command to look like basetype = 'ANY' * so we must do a case-insensitive comparison for the name ANY. Ugh. * * basetype can be a pseudo-type, but transtype can't, since we need to * be able to store values of the transtype. */ if (strcasecmp(TypeNameToString(baseType), "ANY") == 0) baseTypeId = ANYOID; else baseTypeId = typenameTypeId(baseType); transTypeId = typenameTypeId(transType); if (get_typtype(transTypeId) == 'p' && transTypeId != ANYARRAYOID && transTypeId != ANYELEMENTOID) elog(ERROR, "Aggregate transition datatype cannot be %s", format_type_be(transTypeId)); /* * Most of the argument-checking is done inside of AggregateCreate */ AggregateCreate(aggName, /* aggregate name */ aggNamespace, /* namespace */ transfuncName, /* step function name */ finalfuncName, /* final function name */ baseTypeId, /* type of data being aggregated */ transTypeId, /* transition data type */ initval); /* initial condition */ } /* * RemoveAggregate * Deletes an aggregate. */ void RemoveAggregate(RemoveAggrStmt *stmt) { List *aggName = stmt->aggname; TypeName *aggType = stmt->aggtype; Oid basetypeID; Oid procOid; HeapTuple tup; ObjectAddress object; /* * if a basetype is passed in, then attempt to find an aggregate for * that specific type. * * else attempt to find an aggregate with a basetype of ANYOID. This * means that the aggregate is to apply to all basetypes (eg, COUNT). */ if (aggType) basetypeID = typenameTypeId(aggType); else basetypeID = ANYOID; procOid = find_aggregate_func(aggName, basetypeID, false); /* * Find the function tuple, do permissions and validity checks */ tup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(procOid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: couldn't find pg_proc tuple for %s", NameListToString(aggName)); /* Permission check: must own agg or its namespace */ if (!pg_proc_ownercheck(procOid, GetUserId()) && !pg_namespace_ownercheck(((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup))->pronamespace, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, NameListToString(aggName)); /* find_aggregate_func already checked it is an aggregate */ ReleaseSysCache(tup); /* * Do the deletion */ object.classId = RelOid_pg_proc; object.objectId = procOid; object.objectSubId = 0; performDeletion(&object, stmt->behavior); } void RenameAggregate(List *name, TypeName *basetype, const char *newname) { Oid basetypeOid; Oid procOid; Oid namespaceOid; Oid oid_array[FUNC_MAX_ARGS]; HeapTuple tup; Relation rel; AclResult aclresult; /* * if a basetype is passed in, then attempt to find an aggregate for * that specific type. * * else attempt to find an aggregate with a basetype of ANYOID. This * means that the aggregate is to apply to all basetypes (eg, COUNT). */ if (basetype) basetypeOid = typenameTypeId(basetype); else basetypeOid = ANYOID; rel = heap_openr(ProcedureRelationName, RowExclusiveLock); procOid = find_aggregate_func(name, basetypeOid, false); tup = SearchSysCacheCopy(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(procOid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "RenameAggregate: couldn't find pg_proc tuple for %s", NameListToString(name)); namespaceOid = ((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup))->pronamespace; /* make sure the new name doesn't exist */ MemSet(oid_array, 0, sizeof(oid_array)); oid_array[0] = basetypeOid; if (SearchSysCacheExists(PROCNAMENSP, CStringGetDatum(newname), Int16GetDatum(1), PointerGetDatum(oid_array), ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceOid))) { if (basetypeOid == ANYOID) elog(ERROR, "function %s(*) already exists in schema %s", newname, get_namespace_name(namespaceOid)); else elog(ERROR, "function %s(%s) already exists in schema %s", newname, format_type_be(basetypeOid), get_namespace_name(namespaceOid)); } /* must be owner */ if (!pg_proc_ownercheck(procOid, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, NameListToString(name)); /* must have CREATE privilege on namespace */ aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceOid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, get_namespace_name(namespaceOid)); /* rename */ namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tup))->proname), newname); simple_heap_update(rel, &tup->t_self, tup); CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, tup); heap_close(rel, NoLock); heap_freetuple(tup); }