/* * findoidjoins.c, requires src/interfaces/libpgeasy * */ #include "postgres_fe.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #include "halt.h" #include "libpgeasy.h" PGresult *attres, *relres; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char query[4000]; char relname[256]; char relname2[256]; char attname[256]; char typname[256]; int count; char optstr[256]; if (argc != 2) halt("Usage: %s database\n", argv[0]); snprintf(optstr, 256, "dbname=%s", argv[1]); connectdb(optstr); on_error_continue(); on_error_stop(); doquery("BEGIN WORK"); doquery("\ DECLARE c_attributes BINARY CURSOR FOR \ SELECT typname, relname, a.attname \ FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t \ WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND \ relkind = 'r' AND \ (typname = 'oid' OR \ typname = 'regproc' OR \ typname = 'regclass' OR \ typname = 'regtype') AND \ a.attrelid = c.oid AND \ a.atttypid = t.oid \ ORDER BY 2, a.attnum ; \ "); doquery("FETCH ALL IN c_attributes"); attres = get_result(); doquery("\ DECLARE c_relations BINARY CURSOR FOR \ SELECT relname \ FROM pg_class c \ WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relhasoids \ ORDER BY 1; \ "); doquery("FETCH ALL IN c_relations"); relres = get_result(); set_result(attres); while (fetch(typname, relname, attname) != END_OF_TUPLES) { set_result(relres); reset_fetch(); while (fetch(relname2) != END_OF_TUPLES) { unset_result(relres); if (strcmp(typname, "oid") == 0) snprintf(query, 4000, "\ DECLARE c_matches BINARY CURSOR FOR \ SELECT count(*)::int4 \ FROM \"%s\" t1, \"%s\" t2 \ WHERE t1.\"%s\" = t2.oid ", relname, relname2, attname); else sprintf(query, 4000, "\ DECLARE c_matches BINARY CURSOR FOR \ SELECT count(*)::int4 \ FROM \"%s\" t1, \"%s\" t2 \ WHERE t1.\"%s\"::oid = t2.oid ", relname, relname2, attname); doquery(query); doquery("FETCH ALL IN c_matches"); fetch(&count); if (count != 0) printf("Join %s.%s => %s.oid\n", relname, attname, relname2); doquery("CLOSE c_matches"); set_result(relres); } set_result(attres); } set_result(relres); doquery("CLOSE c_relations"); PQclear(relres); set_result(attres); doquery("CLOSE c_attributes"); PQclear(attres); unset_result(attres); doquery("COMMIT WORK"); disconnectdb(); return 0; }