#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################# # # DBMirror.pl # Contains the Database mirroring script. # This script queries the pending table off the database specified # (along with the associated schema) for updates that are pending on a # specific host. The database on that host is then updated with the changes. # # # Written by Steven Singer (ssinger@navtechinc.com) # (c) 2001-2002 Navtech Systems Support Inc. # Released under the GNU Public License version 2. See COPYING. # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ############################################################################## # $Id: DBMirror.pl,v 1.2 2002/10/18 18:41:19 momjian Exp $ # ############################################################################## =head1 NAME DBMirror.pl - A Perl module to mirror database changes from a master database to a slave. =head1 SYNPOSIS DBMirror.pl slaveConfigfile.conf =head1 DESCRIPTION This Perl script will connect to the master database and query its pending table for a list of pending changes. The transactions of the original changes to the master will be preserved when sending things to the slave. =cut =head1 METHODS =over 4 =cut BEGIN { # add in a global path to files # Pg should be included. } use strict; use Pg; use IO::Handle; sub mirrorCommand($$$$$$); sub mirrorInsert($$$$$); sub mirrorDelete($$$$$); sub mirrorUpdate($$$$$); sub sendQueryToSlaves($$); sub logErrorMessage($); sub openSlaveConnection($); sub updateMirrorHostTable($$); sub extractData($$); local $::masterHost; local $::masterDb; local $::masterUser; local $::masterPassword; local $::errorThreshold=5; local $::errorEmailAddr=undef; my %slaveInfoHash; local $::slaveInfo = \%slaveInfoHash; my $lastErrorMsg; my $repeatErrorCount=0; my $lastXID; my $commandCount=0; my $masterConn; Main(); sub Main() { #run the configuration file. if ($#ARGV != 0) { die "usage: DBMirror.pl configFile\n"; } if( ! defined do $ARGV[0]) { logErrorMessage("Invalid Configuration file $ARGV[0]"); die; } my $connectString = "host=$::masterHost dbname=$::masterDb user=$::masterUser password=$::masterPassword"; $masterConn = Pg::connectdb($connectString); unless($masterConn->status == PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) { logErrorMessage("Can't connect to master database\n" . $masterConn->errorMessage); die; } my $setQuery; $setQuery = "SET search_path = public"; $setResult = $masterConn->exec($setQuery); if($setResult->resultStatus!=PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { logErrorMessage($masterConn->errorMessage . "\n" . $setQuery); die; } my $setQuery2; $setQuery2 = "SET autocommit TO 'on'"; $setResult2 = $masterConn->exec($setQuery2); if($setResult2->resultStatus!=PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { logErrorMessage($masterConn->errorMessage . "\n" . $setQuery2); die; } my $firstTime = 1; while(1) { if($firstTime == 0) { sleep 60; } $firstTime = 0; # Open up the connection to the slave. if(! defined $::slaveInfo->{"status"} || $::slaveInfo->{"status"} == -1) { openSlaveConnection($::slaveInfo); } sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"SET autocommit TO 'on'"); sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE"); sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED"); #Obtain a list of pending transactions using ordering by our approximation #to the commit time. The commit time approximation is taken to be the #SeqId of the last row edit in the transaction. my $pendingTransQuery = "SELECT pd.\"XID\",MAX(\"SeqId\") FROM \"Pending\" pd"; $pendingTransQuery .= " LEFT JOIN \"MirroredTransaction\" mt INNER JOIN"; $pendingTransQuery .= " \"MirrorHost\" mh ON mt.\"MirrorHostId\" = "; $pendingTransQuery .= " mh.\"MirrorHostId\" AND mh.\"HostName\"="; $pendingTransQuery .= " '$::slaveInfo->{\"slaveHost\"}' "; $pendingTransQuery .= " ON pd.\"XID\""; $pendingTransQuery .= " = mt.\"XID\" WHERE mt.\"XID\" is null "; $pendingTransQuery .= " GROUP BY pd.\"XID\" "; $pendingTransQuery .= " ORDER BY MAX(pd.\"SeqId\")"; my $pendingTransResults = $masterConn->exec($pendingTransQuery); unless($pendingTransResults->resultStatus==PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { logErrorMessage("Can't query pending table\n" . $masterConn->errorMessage); die; } my $numPendingTrans = $pendingTransResults->ntuples; my $curTransTuple = 0; # # This loop loops through each pending transaction in the proper order. # The Pending row edits for that transaction will be queried from the # master and sent + committed to the slaves. while($curTransTuple < $numPendingTrans) { my $XID = $pendingTransResults->getvalue($curTransTuple,0); my $maxSeqId = $pendingTransResults->getvalue($curTransTuple,1); my $seqId; my $pendingQuery = "SELECT pnd.\"SeqId\",pnd.\"TableName\","; $pendingQuery .= " pnd.\"Op\",pnddata.\"IsKey\", pnddata.\"Data\" AS \"Data\" "; $pendingQuery .= " FROM \"Pending\" pnd, \"PendingData\" pnddata "; $pendingQuery .= " WHERE pnd.\"SeqId\" = pnddata.\"SeqId\" AND "; $pendingQuery .= " pnd.\"XID\"=$XID ORDER BY \"SeqId\", \"IsKey\" DESC"; my $pendingResults = $masterConn->exec($pendingQuery); unless($pendingResults->resultStatus==PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { logErrorMessage("Can't query pending table\n" . $masterConn->errorMessage); die; } my $numPending = $pendingResults->ntuples; my $curTuple = 0; sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"BEGIN"); while ($curTuple < $numPending) { $seqId = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,0); my $tableName = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,1); my $op = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,2); $curTuple = mirrorCommand($seqId,$tableName,$op,$XID, $pendingResults,$curTuple) +1; if($::slaveInfo->{"status"}==-1) { last; } } #Now commit the transaction. if($::slaveInfo->{"status"}==-1) { last; } sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"COMMIT"); updateMirrorHostTable($XID,$seqId); if($commandCount > 5000) { $commandCount = 0; $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = -1; $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->reset; #Open the connection right away. openSlaveConnection($::slaveInfo); } $pendingResults = undef; $curTransTuple = $curTransTuple +1; }#while transactions left. $pendingTransResults = undef; }#while(1) }#Main =item mirrorCommand(SeqId,tableName,op,transId,pendingResults,curTuple) Mirrors a single SQL Command(change to a single row) to the slave. =over 4 =item * SeqId The id number of the change to mirror. This is the primary key of the pending table. =item * tableName The name of the table the transaction takes place on. =item * op The type of operation this transaction is. 'i' for insert, 'u' for update or 'd' for delete. =item * transId The Transaction of of the Transaction that this command is part of. =item * pendingResults A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row edits in this transaction. =item * currentTuple The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about to be edited. If the command is an update then this points to the row with IsKey equal to true. The next row, curTuple+1 is the contains the PendingData with IsKey false for the update. =item returns The tuple number of last tuple for this command. This might be equal to currentTuple or it might be larger (+1 in the case of an Update). =back =cut sub mirrorCommand($$$$$$) { my $seqId = $_[0]; my $tableName = $_[1]; my $op = $_[2]; my $transId = $_[3]; my $pendingResults = $_[4]; my $currentTuple = $_[5]; if($op eq 'i') { $currentTuple = mirrorInsert($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults ,$currentTuple); } if($op eq 'd') { $currentTuple = mirrorDelete($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults, $currentTuple); } if($op eq 'u') { $currentTuple = mirrorUpdate($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults, $currentTuple); } $commandCount = $commandCount +1; if($commandCount % 100 == 0) { # print "Sent 100 commmands on SeqId $seqId \n"; # flush STDOUT; } return $currentTuple } =item mirrorInsert(transId,tableName,transId,pendingResults,currentTuple) Mirrors an INSERT operation to the slave database. A new row is placed in the slave database containing the primary key from pendingKeys along with the data fields contained in the row identified by sourceOid. =over 4 =item * transId The sequence id of the INSERT operation being mirrored. This is the primary key of the pending table. =item * tableName The name of the table the transaction takes place on. =item * sourceOid The OID of the row in the master database for which this transaction effects. If the transaction is a delete then the operation is not valid. =item * transId The Transaction Id of transaction that this insert is part of. =item * pendingResults A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row edits in this transaction. =item * currentTuple The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about to be edited. In the case of an insert this should point to the one row for the row edit. =item returns The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be currentTuple. =back =cut sub mirrorInsert($$$$$) { my $seqId = $_[0]; my $tableName = $_[1]; my $transId = $_[2]; my $pendingResults = $_[3]; my $currentTuple = $_[4]; my $counter; my $column; my $firstIteration=1; my %recordValues = extractData($pendingResults,$currentTuple); #Now build the insert query. my $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO \"$tableName\" ("; my $valuesQuery = ") VALUES ("; foreach $column (keys (%recordValues)) { if($firstIteration==0) { $insertQuery .= " ,"; $valuesQuery .= " ,"; } $insertQuery .= "\"$column\""; if(defined $recordValues{$column}) { my $quotedValue = $recordValues{$column}; $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $quotedValue =~ s/'/\\'/g; $valuesQuery .= "'$quotedValue'"; } else { $valuesQuery .= "null"; } $firstIteration=0; } $valuesQuery .= ")"; sendQueryToSlaves(undef,$insertQuery . $valuesQuery); return $currentTuple; } =item mirrorDelete(SeqId,tableName,transId,pendingResult,currentTuple) Deletes a single row from the slave database. The row is identified by the primary key for the transaction in the pendingKeys table. =over 4 =item * SeqId The Sequence id for this delete request. =item * tableName The name of the table to delete the row from. =item * transId The Transaction Id of the transaction that this command is part of. =item * pendingResults A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row edits in this transaction. =item * currentTuple The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about to be edited. In the case of a delete this should point to the one row for the row edit. =item returns The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be currentTuple. =back =cut sub mirrorDelete($$$$$) { my $seqId = $_[0]; my $tableName = $_[1]; my $transId = $_[2]; my $pendingResult = $_[3]; my $currentTuple = $_[4]; my %dataHash; my $currentField; my $firstField=1; %dataHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple); my $counter=0; my $deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM \"$tableName\" WHERE "; foreach $currentField (keys %dataHash) { if($firstField==0) { $deleteQuery .= " AND "; } my $currentValue = $dataHash{$currentField}; $deleteQuery .= "\""; $deleteQuery .= $currentField; if(defined $currentValue) { $deleteQuery .= "\"='"; $deleteQuery .= $currentValue; $deleteQuery .= "'"; } else { $deleteQuery .= " is null "; } $counter++; $firstField=0; } sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$deleteQuery); return $currentTuple; } =item mirrorUpdate(seqId,tableName,transId,pendingResult,currentTuple) Mirrors over an edit request to a single row of the database. The primary key from before the edit is used to determine which row in the slave should be changed. After the edit takes place on the slave its primary key will match the primary key the master had immediatly following the edit. All other fields will be set to the current values. Data integrity is maintained because the mirroring is performed in an SQL transcation so either all pending changes are made or none are. =over 4 =item * seqId The Sequence id of the update. =item * tableName The name of the table to perform the update on. =item * transId The transaction Id for the transaction that this command is part of. =item * pendingResults A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row edits in this transaction. =item * currentTuple The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about to be edited. In the case of a delete this should point to the one row for the row edit. =item returns The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be currentTuple +1. Which points to the non key row of the update. =back =cut sub mirrorUpdate($$$$$) { my $seqId = $_[0]; my $tableName = $_[1]; my $transId = $_[2]; my $pendingResult = $_[3]; my $currentTuple = $_[4]; my $counter; my $quotedValue; my $updateQuery = "UPDATE \"$tableName\" SET "; my $currentField; my %keyValueHash; my %dataValueHash; my $firstIteration=1; #Extract the Key values. This row contains the values of the # key fields before the update occours(the WHERE clause) %keyValueHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple); #Extract the data values. This is a SET clause that contains #values for the entire row AFTER the update. %dataValueHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple+1); $firstIteration=1; foreach $currentField (keys (%dataValueHash)) { if($firstIteration==0) { $updateQuery .= ", "; } $updateQuery .= " \"$currentField\"="; my $currentValue = $dataValueHash{$currentField}; if(defined $currentValue ) { $quotedValue = $currentValue; $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $quotedValue =~ s/'/\\'/g; $updateQuery .= "'$quotedValue'"; } else { $updateQuery .= "null "; } $firstIteration=0; } $updateQuery .= " WHERE "; $firstIteration=1; foreach $currentField (keys (%keyValueHash)) { my $currentValue; if($firstIteration==0) { $updateQuery .= " AND "; } $updateQuery .= "\"$currentField\"="; $currentValue = $keyValueHash{$currentField}; if(defined $currentValue) { $quotedValue = $currentValue; $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $quotedValue =~ s/'/\\'/g; $updateQuery .= "'$quotedValue'"; } else { $updateQuery .= " null "; } $firstIteration=0; } sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$updateQuery); return $currentTuple+1; } =item sendQueryToSlaves(seqId,sqlQuery) Sends an SQL query to the slave. =over 4 =item * seqId The sequence Id of the command being sent. Undef if no command is associated with the query being sent. =item * sqlQuery SQL operation to perform on the slave. =back =cut sub sendQueryToSlaves($$) { my $seqId = $_[0]; my $sqlQuery = $_[1]; if($::slaveInfo->{"status"} == 0) { my $queryResult = $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->exec($sqlQuery); unless($queryResult->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { my $errorMessage; $errorMessage = "Error sending query $seqId to " ; $errorMessage .= $::slaveInfo->{"slaveHost"}; $errorMessage .=$::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->errorMessage; $errorMessage .= "\n" . $sqlQuery; logErrorMessage($errorMessage); $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->exec("ROLLBACK"); $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = -1; } } } =item logErrorMessage(error) Mails an error message to the users specified $errorEmailAddr The error message is also printed to STDERR. =over 4 =item * error The error message to log. =back =cut sub logErrorMessage($) { my $error = $_[0]; if(defined $lastErrorMsg and $error eq $lastErrorMsg) { if($repeatErrorCount<$::errorThreshold) { $repeatErrorCount++; warn($error); return; } } $repeatErrorCount=0; if(defined $::errorEmailAddr) { my $mailPipe; open (mailPipe, "|/bin/mail -s DBMirror.pl $::errorEmailAddr"); print mailPipe "=====================================================\n"; print mailPipe " DBMirror.pl \n"; print mailPipe "\n"; print mailPipe " The DBMirror.pl script has encountred an error. \n"; print mailPipe " It might indicate that either the master database has\n"; print mailPipe " gone down or that the connection to a slave database can\n"; print mailPipe " not be made. \n"; print mailPipe " Process-Id: $$ on $::masterHost database $::masterDb\n"; print mailPipe "\n"; print mailPipe $error; print mailPipe "\n\n\n=================================================\n"; close mailPipe; } warn($error); $lastErrorMsg = $error; } sub openSlaveConnection($) { my $slavePtr = $_[0]; my $slaveConn; my $slaveConnString = "host=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"}; $slaveConnString .= " dbname=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveDb"}; $slaveConnString .= " user=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveUser"}; $slaveConnString .= " password=" . $slavePtr->{"slavePassword"}; $slaveConn = Pg::connectdb($slaveConnString); if($slaveConn->status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) { my $errorMessage = "Can't connect to slave database " ; $errorMessage .= $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"} . "\n"; $errorMessage .= $slaveConn->errorMessage; logErrorMessage($errorMessage); $slavePtr->{"status"} = -1; } else { $slavePtr->{"slaveConn"} = $slaveConn; $slavePtr->{"status"} = 0; #Determine the MirrorHostId for the slave from the master's database my $resultSet = $masterConn->exec('SELECT "MirrorHostId" FROM ' . ' "MirrorHost" WHERE "HostName"' . '=\'' . $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"} . '\''); if($resultSet->ntuples !=1) { my $errorMessage .= $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"} ."\n"; $errorMessage .= "Has no MirrorHost entry on master\n"; logErrorMessage($errorMessage); $slavePtr->{"status"}=-1; return; } $slavePtr->{"MirrorHostId"} = $resultSet->getvalue(0,0); } } =item updateMirrorHostTable(lastTransId,lastSeqId) Updates the MirroredTransaction table to reflect the fact that this transaction has been sent to the current slave. =over 4 =item * lastTransId The Transaction id for the last transaction that has been succesfully mirrored to the currently open slaves. =item * lastSeqId The Sequence Id of the last command that has been succefully mirrored =back =cut sub updateMirrorHostTable($$) { my $lastTransId = shift; my $lastSeqId = shift; if($::slaveInfo->{"status"}==0) { my $deleteTransactionQuery; my $deleteResult; my $updateMasterQuery = "INSERT INTO \"MirroredTransaction\" "; $updateMasterQuery .= " (\"XID\",\"LastSeqId\",\"MirrorHostId\")"; $updateMasterQuery .= " VALUES ($lastTransId,$lastSeqId,$::slaveInfo->{\"MirrorHostId\"}) "; my $updateResult = $masterConn->exec($updateMasterQuery); unless($updateResult->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { my $errorMessage = $masterConn->errorMessage . "\n"; $errorMessage .= $updateMasterQuery; logErrorMessage($errorMessage); die; } # print "Updated slaves to transaction $lastTransId\n" ; # flush STDOUT; #If this transaction has now been mirrored to all mirror hosts #then it can be deleted. $deleteTransactionQuery = 'DELETE FROM "Pending" WHERE "XID"=' . $lastTransId . ' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "MirroredTransaction"' . ' WHERE "XID"=' . $lastTransId . ')=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM' . ' "MirrorHost")'; $deleteResult = $masterConn->exec($deleteTransactionQuery); if($deleteResult->resultStatus!=PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { logErrorMessage($masterConn->errorMessage . "\n" . $deleteTransactionQuery); die; } } } sub extractData($$) { my $pendingResult = $_[0]; my $currentTuple = $_[1]; my $fnumber; my %valuesHash; $fnumber = 4; my $dataField = $pendingResult->getvalue($currentTuple,$fnumber); while(length($dataField)>0) { # Extract the field name that is surronded by double quotes $dataField =~ m/(\".*?\")/s; my $fieldName = $1; $dataField = substr $dataField ,length($fieldName); $fieldName =~ s/\"//g; #Remove the surronding " signs. if($dataField =~ m/(^= )/s) { #Matched null $dataField = substr $dataField , length($1); $valuesHash{$fieldName}=undef; } elsif ($dataField =~ m/(^=\')/s) { #Has data. my $value; $dataField = substr $dataField ,2; #Skip the =' LOOP: { #This is to allow us to use last from a do loop. #Recommended in perlsyn manpage. do { my $matchString; #Find the substring ending with the first ' or first \ $dataField =~ m/(.*?[\'\\])?/s; $matchString = $1; $value .= substr $matchString,0,length($matchString)-1; if($matchString =~ m/(\'$)/s) { # $1 runs to the end of the field value. $dataField = substr $dataField,length($matchString)+1; last; } else { #deal with the escape character. #It The character following the escape gets appended. $dataField = substr $dataField,length($matchString); $dataField =~ s/(^.)//s; $value .= $1; } } until(length($dataField)==0); } $valuesHash{$fieldName} = $value; }#else if else { logErrorMessage "Error in PendingData Sequence Id " . $pendingResult->getvalue($currentTuple,0); die; } } #while return %valuesHash; }