/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include /* for getopt() */ #include #include "postgres.h" #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H #include #endif #include "access/attnum.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "catalog/pg_index.h" #include "catalog/pg_language.h" #include "catalog/pg_trigger.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #include #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP #include "strdup.h" #endif #include "pg_dump.h" #include "pg_backup.h" #include "pg_backup_archiver.h" #include "pg_backup_db.h" static const char *progname = "Archiver(db)"; static void _prompt_for_password(char *username, char *password); static void _check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH, bool ignoreVersion); static PGconn* _connectDB(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char* newdbname, char *newUser); static int _executeSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle* AH, PGconn *conn, PQExpBuffer qry, char *desc); static void _prompt_for_password(char *username, char *password) { char buf[512]; int length; int buflen; #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H struct termios t_orig, t; #endif /* * Allow for forcing a specific username */ if (strlen(username) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Username: "); fflush(stderr); if (fgets(username, 100, stdin) == NULL) username[0] = '\0'; length = strlen(username); if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] != '\n') { /* eat rest of the line */ do { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) break; buflen = strlen(buf); } while (buflen > 0 && buf[buflen - 1] != '\n'); } if (length > 0 && username[length - 1] == '\n') username[length - 1] = '\0'; } #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcgetattr(0, &t); t_orig = t; t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Password: "); fflush(stderr); if (fgets(password, 100, stdin) == NULL) password[0] = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcsetattr(0, TCSADRAIN, &t_orig); #endif length = strlen(password); if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] != '\n') { /* eat rest of the line */ do { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) break; buflen = strlen(buf); } while (buflen > 0 && buf[buflen - 1] != '\n'); } if (length > 0 && password[length - 1] == '\n') password[length - 1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); } static void _check_database_version(ArchiveHandle *AH, bool ignoreVersion) { PGresult *res; double myversion; const char *remoteversion_str; double remoteversion; PGconn *conn = AH->connection; myversion = strtod(PG_VERSION, NULL); res = PQexec(conn, "SELECT version()"); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK || PQntuples(res) != 1) die_horribly(AH, "check_database_version(): command failed. " "Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", PQerrorMessage(conn)); remoteversion_str = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0); remoteversion = strtod(remoteversion_str + 11, NULL); if (myversion != remoteversion) { fprintf(stderr, "Database version: %s\n%s version: %s\n", remoteversion_str, progname, PG_VERSION); if (ignoreVersion) fprintf(stderr, "Proceeding despite version mismatch.\n"); else die_horribly(AH, "Aborting because of version mismatch.\n" "Use --ignore-version if you think it's safe to proceed anyway.\n"); } PQclear(res); } /* * Check if a given user is a superuser. */ int UserIsSuperuser(ArchiveHandle *AH, char* user) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); PGresult *res; int i_usesuper; int ntups; int isSuper; /* Get the superuser setting */ appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "select usesuper from pg_user where usename = '%s'", user); res = PQexec(AH->connection, qry->data); if (!res) die_horribly(AH, "%s: null result checking superuser status of %s.\n", progname, user); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) die_horribly(AH, "%s: Could not check superuser status of %s. Explanation from backend: %s\n", progname, user, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection)); ntups = PQntuples(res); if (ntups == 0) isSuper = 0; else { i_usesuper = PQfnumber(res, "usesuper"); isSuper = (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, i_usesuper), "t") == 0); } PQclear(res); return isSuper; } int ConnectedUserIsSuperuser(ArchiveHandle *AH) { return UserIsSuperuser(AH, PQuser(AH->connection)); } char* ConnectedUser(ArchiveHandle *AH) { return PQuser(AH->connection); } /* * Reconnect the DB associated with the archive handle */ int ReconnectDatabase(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char* newdbname, char *newUser) { PGconn *newConn; char *dbname; if (!newdbname || (strcmp(newdbname, "-") == 0) ) dbname = PQdb(AH->connection); else dbname = (char*)newdbname; /* Let's see if the request is already satisfied */ if (strcmp(PQuser(AH->connection), newUser) == 0 && strcmp(newdbname, PQdb(AH->connection)) == 0) return 1; newConn = _connectDB(AH, dbname, newUser); PQfinish(AH->connection); AH->connection = newConn; strcpy(AH->username, newUser); return 1; } /* * Connect to the db again. */ static PGconn* _connectDB(ArchiveHandle *AH, const char* reqdb, char *requser) { int need_pass; PGconn *newConn; char password[100]; char *pwparam = NULL; int badPwd = 0; int noPwd = 0; char *newdb; char *newuser; if (!reqdb || (strcmp(reqdb, "-") == 0) ) newdb = PQdb(AH->connection); else newdb = (char*)reqdb; if (!requser || (strlen(requser) == 0)) newuser = PQuser(AH->connection); else newuser = (char*)requser; ahlog(AH, 1, "Connecting to %s as %s\n", newdb, newuser); do { need_pass = false; newConn = PQsetdbLogin(PQhost(AH->connection), PQport(AH->connection), NULL, NULL, newdb, newuser, pwparam); if (!newConn) die_horribly(AH, "%s: Failed to reconnect (PQsetdbLogin failed).\n", progname); if (PQstatus(newConn) == CONNECTION_BAD) { noPwd = (strcmp(PQerrorMessage(newConn), "fe_sendauth: no password supplied\n") == 0); badPwd = (strncmp(PQerrorMessage(newConn), "Password authentication failed for user", 39) == 0); if (noPwd || badPwd) { if (badPwd) fprintf(stderr, "Password incorrect\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to %s as %s\n", PQdb(AH->connection), newuser); need_pass = true; _prompt_for_password(newuser, password); pwparam = password; } else die_horribly(AH, "%s: Could not reconnect. %s\n", progname, PQerrorMessage(newConn)); } } while (need_pass); return newConn; } PGconn* ConnectDatabase(Archive *AHX, const char* dbname, const char* pghost, const char* pgport, const int reqPwd, const int ignoreVersion) { ArchiveHandle *AH = (ArchiveHandle*)AHX; char connect_string[512] = ""; char tmp_string[128]; char password[100]; if (AH->connection) die_horribly(AH, "%s: already connected to database\n", progname); if (!dbname && !(dbname = getenv("PGDATABASE")) ) die_horribly(AH, "%s: no database name specified\n", progname); AH->dbname = strdup(dbname); if (pghost != NULL) { AH->pghost = strdup(pghost); sprintf(tmp_string, "host=%s ", AH->pghost); strcat(connect_string, tmp_string); } else AH->pghost = NULL; if (pgport != NULL) { AH->pgport = strdup(pgport); sprintf(tmp_string, "port=%s ", AH->pgport); strcat(connect_string, tmp_string); } else AH->pgport = NULL; sprintf(tmp_string, "dbname=%s ", AH->dbname); strcat(connect_string, tmp_string); if (reqPwd) { AH->username[0] = '\0'; _prompt_for_password(AH->username, password); strcat(connect_string, "authtype=password "); sprintf(tmp_string, "user=%s ", AH->username); strcat(connect_string, tmp_string); sprintf(tmp_string, "password=%s ", password); strcat(connect_string, tmp_string); MemSet(tmp_string, 0, sizeof(tmp_string)); MemSet(password, 0, sizeof(password)); } AH->connection = PQconnectdb(connect_string); MemSet(connect_string, 0, sizeof(connect_string)); /* check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */ if (PQstatus(AH->connection) == CONNECTION_BAD) die_horribly(AH, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n%s\n", AH->dbname, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection)); /* check for version mismatch */ _check_database_version(AH, ignoreVersion); /* * AH->currUser = PQuser(AH->connection); * * Removed because it prevented an initial \connect * when dumping to SQL in pg_dump. */ return AH->connection; } /* Public interface */ /* Convenience function to send a query. Monitors result to handle COPY statements */ int ExecuteSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle* AH, PQExpBuffer qry, char *desc) { return _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->connection, qry, desc); } /* * Handle command execution. This is used to execute a command on more than one connection, * but the 'pgCopyIn' setting assumes the COPY commands are ONLY executed on the primary * setting...an error will be raised otherwise. */ static int _executeSqlCommand(ArchiveHandle* AH, PGconn *conn, PQExpBuffer qry, char *desc) { PGresult *res; /* fprintf(stderr, "Executing: '%s'\n\n", qry->data); */ res = PQexec(conn, qry->data); if (!res) die_horribly(AH, "%s: %s. No result from backend.\n", progname, desc); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) { if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COPY_IN) { if (conn != AH->connection) die_horribly(AH, "%s: COPY command execute in non-primary connection.\n", progname); AH->pgCopyIn = 1; } else die_horribly(AH, "%s: %s. Code = %d. Explanation from backend: '%s'.\n", progname, desc, PQresultStatus(res), PQerrorMessage(AH->connection)); } PQclear(res); return strlen(qry->data); } /* Convenience function to send one or more queries. Monitors result to handle COPY statements */ int ExecuteSqlCommandBuf(ArchiveHandle* AH, void *qryv, int bufLen) { int loc; int pos = 0; int sPos = 0; char *qry = (char*)qryv; int isEnd = 0; char *eos = qry + bufLen; /* fprintf(stderr, "\n\n*****\n Buffer:\n\n%s\n*******************\n\n", qry); */ /* If we're in COPY IN mode, then just break it into lines and send... */ if (AH->pgCopyIn) { for(;;) { /* Find a lf */ loc = strcspn(&qry[pos], "\n") + pos; pos = 0; /* If no match, then wait */ if (loc >= (eos - qry)) /* None found */ { appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, qry, (eos - qry)); break; }; /* fprintf(stderr, "Found cr at %d, prev char was %c, next was %c\n", loc, qry[loc-1], qry[loc+1]); */ /* Count the number of preceding slashes */ sPos = loc; while (sPos > 0 && qry[sPos-1] == '\\') sPos--; sPos = loc - sPos; /* If an odd number of preceding slashes, then \n was escaped * so set the next search pos, and restart (if any left). */ if ((sPos & 1) == 1) { /* fprintf(stderr, "cr was escaped\n"); */ pos = loc + 1; if (pos >= (eos - qry)) { appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, qry, (eos - qry)); break; } } else { /* We got a good cr */ qry[loc] = '\0'; appendPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf, "%s\n", qry); qry += loc + 1; isEnd = (strcmp(AH->pgCopyBuf->data, "\\.\n") == 0); /* fprintf(stderr, "Sending '%s' via COPY (at end = %d)\n\n", AH->pgCopyBuf->data, isEnd); */ PQputline(AH->connection, AH->pgCopyBuf->data); resetPQExpBuffer(AH->pgCopyBuf); /* fprintf(stderr, "Buffer is '%s'\n", AH->pgCopyBuf->data); */ if(isEnd) { PQendcopy(AH->connection); AH->pgCopyIn = 0; break; } } /* Make sure we're not past the original buffer end */ if (qry >= eos) break; } } /* We may have finished Copy In, and have a non-empty buffer */ if (!AH->pgCopyIn) { /* * The following is a mini state machine to assess then of of an SQL statement. * It really only needs to parse good SQL, or at least that's the theory... * End-of-statement is assumed to be an unquoted, un commented semi-colon. */ /* fprintf(stderr, "Buffer at start is: '%s'\n\n", AH->sqlBuf->data); */ for(pos=0; pos < (eos - qry); pos++) { appendPQExpBufferChar(AH->sqlBuf, qry[pos]); /* fprintf(stderr, " %c",qry[pos]); */ switch (AH->sqlparse.state) { case SQL_SCAN: /* Default state == 0, set in _allocAH */ if (qry[pos] == ';' && AH->sqlparse.braceDepth == 0) { /* Send It & reset the buffer */ /* fprintf(stderr, " sending: '%s'\n\n", AH->sqlBuf->data); */ ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, AH->sqlBuf, "Could not execute query"); resetPQExpBuffer(AH->sqlBuf); AH->sqlparse.lastChar = '\0'; } else { if (qry[pos] == '"' || qry[pos] == '\'') { /* fprintf(stderr,"[startquote]\n"); */ AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_QUOTE; AH->sqlparse.quoteChar = qry[pos]; AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 0; } else if (qry[pos] == '-' && AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '-') { AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_SQL_COMMENT; } else if (qry[pos] == '*' && AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '/') { AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_IN_EXT_COMMENT; } else if ( qry[pos] == '(' ) { AH->sqlparse.braceDepth++; } else if (qry[pos] == ')') { AH->sqlparse.braceDepth--; } AH->sqlparse.lastChar = qry[pos]; } break; case SQL_IN_SQL_COMMENT: if (qry[pos] == '\n') AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN; break; case SQL_IN_EXT_COMMENT: if (AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '*' && qry[pos] == '/') AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN; break; case SQL_IN_QUOTE: if (!AH->sqlparse.backSlash && AH->sqlparse.quoteChar == qry[pos]) { /* fprintf(stderr,"[endquote]\n"); */ AH->sqlparse.state = SQL_SCAN; } else { if (qry[pos] == '\\') { if (AH->sqlparse.lastChar == '\\') AH->sqlparse.backSlash = !AH->sqlparse.backSlash; else AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 1; } else { AH->sqlparse.backSlash = 0; } } break; } AH->sqlparse.lastChar = qry[pos]; /* fprintf(stderr, "\n"); */ } } return 1; } void FixupBlobRefs(ArchiveHandle *AH, char *tablename) { PQExpBuffer tblQry = createPQExpBuffer(); PGresult *res, *uRes; int i, n; char *attr; for(i=0 ; i < strlen(tablename) ; i++) tablename[i] = tolower(tablename[i]); if (strcmp(tablename, BLOB_XREF_TABLE) == 0) return; appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, "SELECT a.attname FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t " " WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid " " AND t.typname = 'oid' AND c.relname = '%s';", tablename); res = PQexec(AH->blobConnection, tblQry->data); if (!res) die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not find OID attrs of %s. Explanation from backend '%s'\n", progname, tablename, PQerrorMessage(AH->connection)); if ((n = PQntuples(res)) == 0) { /* We're done */ ahlog(AH, 1, "No OID attributes in table %s\n", tablename); PQclear(res); return; } for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { attr = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0); ahlog(AH, 1, " - %s.%s\n", tablename, attr); resetPQExpBuffer(tblQry); /* * We should use coalesce here (rather than 'exists'), but it seems to * be broken in 7.0.2 (weird optimizer strategy) */ appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, "UPDATE \"%s\" SET \"%s\" = ",tablename, attr); appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, " (SELECT x.newOid FROM \"%s\" x WHERE x.oldOid = \"%s\".\"%s\")", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, tablename, attr); appendPQExpBuffer(tblQry, " where exists" "(select * from %s x where x.oldOid = \"%s\".\"%s\");", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, tablename, attr); ahlog(AH, 10, " - sql:\n%s\n", tblQry->data); uRes = PQexec(AH->blobConnection, tblQry->data); if (!uRes) die_horribly(AH, "%s: could not update attr %s of table %s. Explanation from backend '%s'\n", progname, attr, tablename, PQerrorMessage(AH->blobConnection)); if ( PQresultStatus(uRes) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) die_horribly(AH, "%s: error while updating attr %s of table %s (result = %d)." " Explanation from backend '%s'\n", progname, attr, tablename, PQresultStatus(uRes), PQerrorMessage(AH->blobConnection)); PQclear(uRes); } PQclear(res); } /********** * Convenient SQL calls **********/ void CreateBlobXrefTable(ArchiveHandle* AH) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); /* IF we don't have a BLOB connection, then create one */ if (!AH->blobConnection) { AH->blobConnection = _connectDB(AH, NULL, NULL); } ahlog(AH, 1, "Creating table for BLOBS xrefs\n"); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Create Temporary Table %s(oldOid oid, newOid oid);", BLOB_XREF_TABLE); _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->blobConnection, qry, "can not create BLOB xref table '" BLOB_XREF_TABLE "'"); resetPQExpBuffer(qry); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Create Unique Index %s_ix on %s(oldOid)", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, BLOB_XREF_TABLE); _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->blobConnection, qry, "can not create index on BLOB xref table '" BLOB_XREF_TABLE "'"); } void InsertBlobXref(ArchiveHandle* AH, int old, int new) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Insert Into %s(oldOid, newOid) Values (%d, %d);", BLOB_XREF_TABLE, old, new); _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->blobConnection, qry, "can not create BLOB xref entry"); } void StartTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Begin;"); ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not start database transaction"); AH->txActive = true; } void StartTransactionXref(ArchiveHandle* AH) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Begin;"); _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->blobConnection, qry, "can not start BLOB xref transaction"); AH->blobTxActive = true; } void CommitTransaction(ArchiveHandle* AH) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Commit;"); ExecuteSqlCommand(AH, qry, "can not commit database transaction"); AH->txActive = false; } void CommitTransactionXref(ArchiveHandle* AH) { PQExpBuffer qry = createPQExpBuffer(); appendPQExpBuffer(qry, "Commit;"); _executeSqlCommand(AH, AH->blobConnection, qry, "can not commit BLOB xref transaction"); AH->blobTxActive = false; }