Parsed test spec with 3 sessions starting permutation: s0init s0start s1begin s1sharepgclass s2begin s2sharepgclass s0w s0start s2commit s1commit step s0init: SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('isolation_slot', 'test_decoding'); ?column? -------- init (1 row) step s0start: SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', 'false', 'include-sequences', 'false'); data ---- (0 rows) step s1begin: BEGIN; step s1sharepgclass: SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR SHARE) s; ?column? -------- t (1 row) step s2begin: BEGIN; step s2sharepgclass: SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR SHARE) s; ?column? -------- t (1 row) step s0w: INSERT INTO do_write DEFAULT VALUES; step s0start: SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', 'false', 'include-sequences', 'false'); data -------------------------------------------- BEGIN table public.do_write: INSERT: id[integer]:1 COMMIT (3 rows) step s2commit: COMMIT; step s1commit: COMMIT; ?column? -------- stop (1 row) starting permutation: s0init s0start s1begin s1keysharepgclass s2begin s2keysharepgclass s0alter s0w s0start s2commit s1commit step s0init: SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('isolation_slot', 'test_decoding'); ?column? -------- init (1 row) step s0start: SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', 'false', 'include-sequences', 'false'); data ---- (0 rows) step s1begin: BEGIN; step s1keysharepgclass: SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR KEY SHARE) s; ?column? -------- t (1 row) step s2begin: BEGIN; step s2keysharepgclass: SELECT count(*) > 1 FROM (SELECT * FROM pg_class FOR KEY SHARE) s; ?column? -------- t (1 row) step s0alter: ALTER TABLE do_write ADD column ts timestamptz; step s0w: INSERT INTO do_write DEFAULT VALUES; step s0start: SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', 'false', 'include-sequences', 'false'); data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN COMMIT BEGIN table public.do_write: INSERT: id[integer]:1 ts[timestamp with time zone]:null COMMIT (5 rows) step s2commit: COMMIT; step s1commit: COMMIT; ?column? -------- stop (1 row)