Triggers Postgres has various client interfaces such as Perl, Tcl, Python and C, as well as two Procedural Languages (PL). It is also possible to call C functions as trigger actions. Note that STATEMENT-level trigger events are not supported in the current version. You can currently specify BEFORE or AFTER on INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE of a tuple as a trigger event. Trigger Creation If a trigger event occurs, the trigger manager (called by the Executor) initializes the global structure TriggerData *CurrentTriggerData (described below) and calls the trigger function to handle the event. The trigger function must be created before the trigger is created as a function taking no arguments and returns opaque. The syntax for creating triggers is as follows: CREATE TRIGGER <trigger name> <BEFORE|AFTER> <INSERT|DELETE|UPDATE> ON <relation name> FOR EACH <ROW|STATEMENT> EXECUTE PROCEDURE <procedure name> (<function args>); The name of the trigger is used if you ever have to delete the trigger. It is used as an argument to the DROP TRIGGER command. The next word determines whether the function is called before or after the event. The next element of the command determines on what event(s) will trigger the function. Multiple events can be specified separated by OR. The relation name determines which table the event applies to. The FOR EACH statement determines whether the trigger is fired for each affected row or before (or after) the entire statement has completed. The procedure name is the C function called. The args are passed to the function in the CurrentTriggerData structure. The purpose of passing arguments to the function is to allow different triggers with similar requirements to call the same function. Also, function may be used for triggering different relations (these functions are named as "general trigger functions"). As example of using both features above, there could be a general function that takes as its arguments two field names and puts the current user in one and the current timestamp in the other. This allows triggers to be written on INSERT events to automatically track creation of records in a transaction table for example. It could also be used as a "last updated" function if used in an UPDATE event. Trigger functions return HeapTuple to the calling Executor. This is ignored for triggers fired after an INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE operation but it allows BEFORE triggers to: - return NULL to skip the operation for the current tuple (and so the tuple will not be inserted/updated/deleted); - return a pointer to another tuple (INSERT and UPDATE only) which will be inserted (as the new version of the updated tuple if UPDATE) instead of original tuple. Note, that there is no initialization performed by the CREATE TRIGGER handler. This will be changed in the future. Also, if more than one trigger is defined for the same event on the same relation, the order of trigger firing is unpredictable. This may be changed in the future. If a trigger function executes SQL-queries (using SPI) then these queries may fire triggers again. This is known as cascading triggers. There is no explicit limitation on the number of cascade levels. If a trigger is fired by INSERT and inserts a new tuple in the same relation then this trigger will be fired again. Currently, there is nothing provided for synchronization (etc) of these cases but this may change. At the moment, there is function funny_dup17() in the regress tests which uses some techniques to stop recursion (cascading) on itself... Interaction with the Trigger Manager As mentioned above, when function is called by the trigger manager, structure TriggerData *CurrentTriggerData is NOT NULL and initialized. So it is better to check CurrentTriggerData against being NULL at the start and set it to NULL just after fetching the information to prevent calls to a trigger function not from the trigger manager. struct TriggerData is defined in src/include/commands/trigger.h: typedef struct TriggerData { TriggerEvent tg_event; Relation tg_relation; HeapTuple tg_trigtuple; HeapTuple tg_newtuple; Trigger *tg_trigger; } TriggerData; tg_event describes event for which the function is called. You may use the following macros to examine tg_event: TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired BEFORE; TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired AFTER; TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired for ROW-level event; TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired for STATEMENT-level event; TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by INSERT; TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by DELETE; TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(event) returns TRUE if trigger fired by UPDATE. tg_relation is pointer to structure describing the triggered relation. Look at src/include/utils/rel.h for details about this structure. The most interest things are tg_relation->rd_att (descriptor of the relation tuples) and tg_relation->rd_rel->relname (relation's name. This is not char*, but NameData. Use SPI_getrelname(tg_relation) to get char* if you need a copy of name). tg_trigtuple is a pointer to the tuple for which the trigger is fired. This is the tuple being inserted (if INSERT), deleted (if DELETE) or updated (if UPDATE). If INSERT/DELETE then this is what you are to return to Executor if you don't want to replace tuple with another one (INSERT) or skip the operation. tg_newtuple is a pointer to the new version of tuple if UPDATE and NULL if this is for an INSERT or a DELETE. This is what you are to return to Executor if UPDATE and you don't want to replace this tuple with another one or skip the operation. tg_trigger is pointer to structure Trigger defined in src/include/utils/rel.h: typedef struct Trigger { Oid tgoid; char *tgname; Oid tgfoid; FmgrInfo tgfunc; int16 tgtype; bool tgenabled; bool tgisconstraint; bool tgdeferrable; bool tginitdeferred; int16 tgnargs; int16 tgattr[FUNC_MAX_ARGS]; char **tgargs; } Trigger; tgname is the trigger's name, tgnargs is number of arguments in tgargs, tgargs is an array of pointers to the arguments specified in the CREATE TRIGGER statement. Other members are for internal use only. Visibility of Data Changes Postgres data changes visibility rule: during a query execution, data changes made by the query itself (via SQL-function, SPI-function, triggers) are invisible to the query scan. For example, in query INSERT INTO a SELECT * FROM a tuples inserted are invisible for SELECT' scan. In effect, this duplicates the database table within itself (subject to unique index rules, of course) without recursing. But keep in mind this notice about visibility in the SPI documentation: Changes made by query Q are visible by queries which are started after query Q, no matter whether they are started inside Q (during the execution of Q) or after Q is done. This is true for triggers as well so, though a tuple being inserted (tg_trigtuple) is not visible to queries in a BEFORE trigger, this tuple (just inserted) is visible to queries in an AFTER trigger, and to queries in BEFORE/AFTER triggers fired after this! Examples There are more complex examples in in src/test/regress/regress.c and in contrib/spi. Here is a very simple example of trigger usage. Function trigf reports the number of tuples in the triggered relation ttest and skips the operation if the query attempts to insert NULL into x (i.e - it acts as a NOT NULL constraint but doesn't abort the transaction). #include "executor/spi.h" /* this is what you need to work with SPI */ #include "commands/trigger.h" /* -"- and triggers */ HeapTuple trigf(void); HeapTuple trigf() { TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple rettuple; char *when; bool checknull = false; bool isnull; int ret, i; if (!CurrentTriggerData) elog(WARN, "trigf: triggers are not initialized"); /* tuple to return to Executor */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event)) rettuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_newtuple; else rettuple = CurrentTriggerData->tg_trigtuple; /* check for NULLs ? */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event) && TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event)) checknull = true; if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(CurrentTriggerData->tg_event)) when = "before"; else when = "after "; tupdesc = CurrentTriggerData->tg_relation->rd_att; CurrentTriggerData = NULL; /* Connect to SPI manager */ if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0) elog(WARN, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_connect returned %d", when, ret); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ret = SPI_exec("select count(*) from ttest", 0); if (ret < 0) elog(WARN, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_exec returned %d", when, ret); i = SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull); elog (NOTICE, "trigf (fired %s): there are %d tuples in ttest", when, i); SPI_finish(); if (checknull) { i = SPI_getbinval(rettuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull); if (isnull) rettuple = NULL; } return (rettuple); } Now, compile and create table ttest (x int4); create function trigf () returns opaque as '...path_to_so' language 'c'; vac=> create trigger tbefore before insert or update or delete on ttest for each row execute procedure trigf(); CREATE vac=> create trigger tafter after insert or update or delete on ttest for each row execute procedure trigf(); CREATE vac=> insert into ttest values (null); NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 0 tuples in ttest INSERT 0 0 -- Insertion skipped and AFTER trigger is not fired vac=> select * from ttest; x - (0 rows) vac=> insert into ttest values (1); NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 0 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 1 tuples in ttest ^^^^^^^^ remember what we said about visibility. INSERT 167793 1 vac=> select * from ttest; x - 1 (1 row) vac=> insert into ttest select x * 2 from ttest; NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 1 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 2 tuples in ttest ^^^^^^^^ remember what we said about visibility. INSERT 167794 1 vac=> select * from ttest; x - 1 2 (2 rows) vac=> update ttest set x = null where x = 2; NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest UPDATE 0 vac=> update ttest set x = 4 where x = 2; NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 2 tuples in ttest UPDATE 1 vac=> select * from ttest; x - 1 4 (2 rows) vac=> delete from ttest; NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 2 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 1 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired before): there are 1 tuples in ttest NOTICE:trigf (fired after ): there are 0 tuples in ttest ^^^^^^^^ remember what we said about visibility. DELETE 2 vac=> select * from ttest; x - (0 rows)