-- Core must test WITHOUT OVERLAPS -- with an int4range + daterange, -- so here we do some simple tests -- to make sure int + daterange works too, -- since that is the expected use-case. CREATE TABLE temporal_rng ( id integer, valid_at daterange, CONSTRAINT temporal_rng_pk PRIMARY KEY (id, valid_at WITHOUT OVERLAPS) ); \d temporal_rng Table "public.temporal_rng" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------- id | integer | | not null | valid_at | daterange | | not null | Indexes: "temporal_rng_pk" PRIMARY KEY (id, valid_at WITHOUT OVERLAPS) SELECT pg_get_constraintdef(oid) FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'temporal_rng_pk'; pg_get_constraintdef --------------------------------------------- PRIMARY KEY (id, valid_at WITHOUT OVERLAPS) (1 row) SELECT pg_get_indexdef(conindid, 0, true) FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'temporal_rng_pk'; pg_get_indexdef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temporal_rng_pk ON temporal_rng USING gist (id, valid_at) (1 row) INSERT INTO temporal_rng VALUES (1, '[2000-01-01,2001-01-01)'); -- same key, doesn't overlap: INSERT INTO temporal_rng VALUES (1, '[2001-01-01,2002-01-01)'); -- overlaps but different key: INSERT INTO temporal_rng VALUES (2, '[2000-01-01,2001-01-01)'); -- should fail: INSERT INTO temporal_rng VALUES (1, '[2000-06-01,2001-01-01)'); ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "temporal_rng_pk" DETAIL: Key (id, valid_at)=(1, [06-01-2000,01-01-2001)) conflicts with existing key (id, valid_at)=(1, [01-01-2000,01-01-2001)).