/* * contrib/pg_trgm/trgm_op.c */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include "trgm.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "tsearch/ts_locale.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/pg_crc.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; /* GUC variables */ double similarity_threshold = 0.3f; double word_similarity_threshold = 0.6f; void _PG_init(void); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(set_limit); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(show_limit); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(show_trgm); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(similarity); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(word_similarity); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(similarity_dist); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(similarity_op); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(word_similarity_op); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(word_similarity_commutator_op); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(word_similarity_dist_op); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(word_similarity_dist_commutator_op); /* Trigram with position */ typedef struct { trgm trg; int index; } pos_trgm; /* * Module load callback */ void _PG_init(void) { /* Define custom GUC variables. */ DefineCustomRealVariable("pg_trgm.similarity_threshold", "Sets the threshold used by the %% operator.", "Valid range is 0.0 .. 1.0.", &similarity_threshold, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0, PGC_USERSET, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); DefineCustomRealVariable("pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold", "Sets the threshold used by the <%% operator.", "Valid range is 0.0 .. 1.0.", &word_similarity_threshold, 0.6, 0.0, 1.0, PGC_USERSET, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* * Deprecated function. * Use "pg_trgm.similarity_threshold" GUC variable instead of this function. */ Datum set_limit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { float4 nlimit = PG_GETARG_FLOAT4(0); char *nlimit_str; Oid func_out_oid; bool is_varlena; getTypeOutputInfo(FLOAT4OID, &func_out_oid, &is_varlena); nlimit_str = OidOutputFunctionCall(func_out_oid, Float4GetDatum(nlimit)); SetConfigOption("pg_trgm.similarity_threshold", nlimit_str, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(similarity_threshold); } /* * Deprecated function. * Use "pg_trgm.similarity_threshold" GUC variable instead of this function. */ Datum show_limit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(similarity_threshold); } static int comp_trgm(const void *a, const void *b) { return CMPTRGM(a, b); } static int unique_array(trgm *a, int len) { trgm *curend, *tmp; curend = tmp = a; while (tmp - a < len) if (CMPTRGM(tmp, curend)) { curend++; CPTRGM(curend, tmp); tmp++; } else tmp++; return curend + 1 - a; } /* * Finds first word in string, returns pointer to the word, * endword points to the character after word */ static char * find_word(char *str, int lenstr, char **endword, int *charlen) { char *beginword = str; while (beginword - str < lenstr && !ISWORDCHR(beginword)) beginword += pg_mblen(beginword); if (beginword - str >= lenstr) return NULL; *endword = beginword; *charlen = 0; while (*endword - str < lenstr && ISWORDCHR(*endword)) { *endword += pg_mblen(*endword); (*charlen)++; } return beginword; } /* * Reduce a trigram (three possibly multi-byte characters) to a trgm, * which is always exactly three bytes. If we have three single-byte * characters, we just use them as-is; otherwise we form a hash value. */ void compact_trigram(trgm *tptr, char *str, int bytelen) { if (bytelen == 3) { CPTRGM(tptr, str); } else { pg_crc32 crc; INIT_LEGACY_CRC32(crc); COMP_LEGACY_CRC32(crc, str, bytelen); FIN_LEGACY_CRC32(crc); /* * use only 3 upper bytes from crc, hope, it's good enough hashing */ CPTRGM(tptr, &crc); } } /* * Adds trigrams from words (already padded). */ static trgm * make_trigrams(trgm *tptr, char *str, int bytelen, int charlen) { char *ptr = str; if (charlen < 3) return tptr; if (bytelen > charlen) { /* Find multibyte character boundaries and apply compact_trigram */ int lenfirst = pg_mblen(str), lenmiddle = pg_mblen(str + lenfirst), lenlast = pg_mblen(str + lenfirst + lenmiddle); while ((ptr - str) + lenfirst + lenmiddle + lenlast <= bytelen) { compact_trigram(tptr, ptr, lenfirst + lenmiddle + lenlast); ptr += lenfirst; tptr++; lenfirst = lenmiddle; lenmiddle = lenlast; lenlast = pg_mblen(ptr + lenfirst + lenmiddle); } } else { /* Fast path when there are no multibyte characters */ Assert(bytelen == charlen); while (ptr - str < bytelen - 2 /* number of trigrams = strlen - 2 */ ) { CPTRGM(tptr, ptr); ptr++; tptr++; } } return tptr; } /* * Make array of trigrams without sorting and removing duplicate items. * * trg: where to return the array of trigrams. * str: source string, of length slen bytes. * * Returns length of the generated array. */ static int generate_trgm_only(trgm *trg, char *str, int slen) { trgm *tptr; char *buf; int charlen, bytelen; char *bword, *eword; if (slen + LPADDING + RPADDING < 3 || slen == 0) return 0; tptr = trg; /* Allocate a buffer for case-folded, blank-padded words */ buf = (char *) palloc(slen * pg_database_encoding_max_length() + 4); if (LPADDING > 0) { *buf = ' '; if (LPADDING > 1) *(buf + 1) = ' '; } eword = str; while ((bword = find_word(eword, slen - (eword - str), &eword, &charlen)) != NULL) { #ifdef IGNORECASE bword = lowerstr_with_len(bword, eword - bword); bytelen = strlen(bword); #else bytelen = eword - bword; #endif memcpy(buf + LPADDING, bword, bytelen); #ifdef IGNORECASE pfree(bword); #endif buf[LPADDING + bytelen] = ' '; buf[LPADDING + bytelen + 1] = ' '; /* * count trigrams */ tptr = make_trigrams(tptr, buf, bytelen + LPADDING + RPADDING, charlen + LPADDING + RPADDING); } pfree(buf); return tptr - trg; } /* * Guard against possible overflow in the palloc requests below. (We * don't worry about the additive constants, since palloc can detect * requests that are a little above MaxAllocSize --- we just need to * prevent integer overflow in the multiplications.) */ static void protect_out_of_mem(int slen) { if ((Size) (slen / 2) >= (MaxAllocSize / (sizeof(trgm) * 3)) || (Size) slen >= (MaxAllocSize / pg_database_encoding_max_length())) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("out of memory"))); } /* * Make array of trigrams with sorting and removing duplicate items. * * str: source string, of length slen bytes. * * Returns the sorted array of unique trigrams. */ TRGM * generate_trgm(char *str, int slen) { TRGM *trg; int len; protect_out_of_mem(slen); trg = (TRGM *) palloc(TRGMHDRSIZE + sizeof(trgm) * (slen / 2 + 1) *3); trg->flag = ARRKEY; len = generate_trgm_only(GETARR(trg), str, slen); SET_VARSIZE(trg, CALCGTSIZE(ARRKEY, len)); if (len == 0) return trg; /* * Make trigrams unique. */ if (len > 1) { qsort((void *) GETARR(trg), len, sizeof(trgm), comp_trgm); len = unique_array(GETARR(trg), len); } SET_VARSIZE(trg, CALCGTSIZE(ARRKEY, len)); return trg; } /* * Make array of positional trigrams from two trigram arrays trg1 and trg2. * * trg1: trigram array of search pattern, of length len1. trg1 is required * word which positions don't matter and replaced with -1. * trg2: trigram array of text, of length len2. trg2 is haystack where we * search and have to store its positions. * * Returns concatenated trigram array. */ static pos_trgm * make_positional_trgm(trgm *trg1, int len1, trgm *trg2, int len2) { pos_trgm *result; int i, len = len1 + len2; result = (pos_trgm *) palloc(sizeof(pos_trgm) * len); for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) { memcpy(&result[i].trg, &trg1[i], sizeof(trgm)); result[i].index = -1; } for (i = 0; i < len2; i++) { memcpy(&result[i + len1].trg, &trg2[i], sizeof(trgm)); result[i + len1].index = i; } return result; } /* * Compare position trigrams: compare trigrams first and position second. */ static int comp_ptrgm(const void *v1, const void *v2) { const pos_trgm *p1 = (const pos_trgm *) v1; const pos_trgm *p2 = (const pos_trgm *) v2; int cmp; cmp = CMPTRGM(p1->trg, p2->trg); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; if (p1->index < p2->index) return -1; else if (p1->index == p2->index) return 0; else return 1; } /* * Iterative search function which calculates maximum similarity with word in * the string. But maximum similarity is calculated only if check_only == false. * * trg2indexes: array which stores indexes of the array "found". * found: array which stores true of false values. * ulen1: count of unique trigrams of array "trg1". * len2: length of array "trg2" and array "trg2indexes". * len: length of the array "found". * check_only: if true then only check existence of similar search pattern in * text. * * Returns word similarity. */ static float4 iterate_word_similarity(int *trg2indexes, bool *found, int ulen1, int len2, int len, bool check_only) { int *lastpos, i, ulen2 = 0, count = 0, upper = -1, lower = -1; float4 smlr_cur, smlr_max = 0.0f; /* Memorise last position of each trigram */ lastpos = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * len); memset(lastpos, -1, sizeof(int) * len); for (i = 0; i < len2; i++) { /* Get index of next trigram */ int trgindex = trg2indexes[i]; /* Update last position of this trigram */ if (lower >= 0 || found[trgindex]) { if (lastpos[trgindex] < 0) { ulen2++; if (found[trgindex]) count++; } lastpos[trgindex] = i; } /* Adjust upper bound if this trigram is present in required substring */ if (found[trgindex]) { int prev_lower, tmp_ulen2, tmp_lower, tmp_count; upper = i; if (lower == -1) { lower = i; ulen2 = 1; } smlr_cur = CALCSML(count, ulen1, ulen2); /* Also try to adjust lower bound for greater similarity */ tmp_count = count; tmp_ulen2 = ulen2; prev_lower = lower; for (tmp_lower = lower; tmp_lower <= upper; tmp_lower++) { float smlr_tmp = CALCSML(tmp_count, ulen1, tmp_ulen2); int tmp_trgindex; if (smlr_tmp > smlr_cur) { smlr_cur = smlr_tmp; ulen2 = tmp_ulen2; lower = tmp_lower; count = tmp_count; } /* * if we only check that word similarity is greater than * pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold we do not need to * calculate a maximum similarity. */ if (check_only && smlr_cur >= word_similarity_threshold) break; tmp_trgindex = trg2indexes[tmp_lower]; if (lastpos[tmp_trgindex] == tmp_lower) { tmp_ulen2--; if (found[tmp_trgindex]) tmp_count--; } } smlr_max = Max(smlr_max, smlr_cur); /* * if we only check that word similarity is greater than * pg_trgm.word_similarity_threshold we do not need to calculate a * maximum similarity */ if (check_only && smlr_max >= word_similarity_threshold) break; for (tmp_lower = prev_lower; tmp_lower < lower; tmp_lower++) { int tmp_trgindex; tmp_trgindex = trg2indexes[tmp_lower]; if (lastpos[tmp_trgindex] == tmp_lower) lastpos[tmp_trgindex] = -1; } } } pfree(lastpos); return smlr_max; } /* * Calculate word similarity. * This function prepare two arrays: "trg2indexes" and "found". Then this arrays * are used to calculate word similarity using iterate_word_similarity(). * * "trg2indexes" is array which stores indexes of the array "found". * In other words: * trg2indexes[j] = i; * found[i] = true (or false); * If found[i] == true then there is trigram trg2[j] in array "trg1". * If found[i] == false then there is not trigram trg2[j] in array "trg1". * * str1: search pattern string, of length slen1 bytes. * str2: text in which we are looking for a word, of length slen2 bytes. * check_only: if true then only check existence of similar search pattern in * text. * * Returns word similarity. */ static float4 calc_word_similarity(char *str1, int slen1, char *str2, int slen2, bool check_only) { bool *found; pos_trgm *ptrg; trgm *trg1; trgm *trg2; int len1, len2, len, i, j, ulen1; int *trg2indexes; float4 result; protect_out_of_mem(slen1 + slen2); /* Make positional trigrams */ trg1 = (trgm *) palloc(sizeof(trgm) * (slen1 / 2 + 1) *3); trg2 = (trgm *) palloc(sizeof(trgm) * (slen2 / 2 + 1) *3); len1 = generate_trgm_only(trg1, str1, slen1); len2 = generate_trgm_only(trg2, str2, slen2); ptrg = make_positional_trgm(trg1, len1, trg2, len2); len = len1 + len2; qsort(ptrg, len, sizeof(pos_trgm), comp_ptrgm); pfree(trg1); pfree(trg2); /* * Merge positional trigrams array: enumerate each trigram and find its * presence in required word. */ trg2indexes = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * len2); found = (bool *) palloc0(sizeof(bool) * len); ulen1 = 0; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) { int cmp = CMPTRGM(ptrg[i - 1].trg, ptrg[i].trg); if (cmp != 0) { if (found[j]) ulen1++; j++; } } if (ptrg[i].index >= 0) { trg2indexes[ptrg[i].index] = j; } else { found[j] = true; } } if (found[j]) ulen1++; /* Run iterative procedure to find maximum similarity with word */ result = iterate_word_similarity(trg2indexes, found, ulen1, len2, len, check_only); pfree(trg2indexes); pfree(found); pfree(ptrg); return result; } /* * Extract the next non-wildcard part of a search string, i.e. a word bounded * by '_' or '%' meta-characters, non-word characters or string end. * * str: source string, of length lenstr bytes (need not be null-terminated) * buf: where to return the substring (must be long enough) * *bytelen: receives byte length of the found substring * *charlen: receives character length of the found substring * * Returns pointer to end+1 of the found substring in the source string. * Returns NULL if no word found (in which case buf, bytelen, charlen not set) * * If the found word is bounded by non-word characters or string boundaries * then this function will include corresponding padding spaces into buf. */ static const char * get_wildcard_part(const char *str, int lenstr, char *buf, int *bytelen, int *charlen) { const char *beginword = str; const char *endword; char *s = buf; bool in_leading_wildcard_meta = false; bool in_trailing_wildcard_meta = false; bool in_escape = false; int clen; /* * Find the first word character, remembering whether preceding character * was wildcard meta-character. Note that the in_escape state persists * from this loop to the next one, since we may exit at a word character * that is in_escape. */ while (beginword - str < lenstr) { if (in_escape) { if (ISWORDCHR(beginword)) break; in_escape = false; in_leading_wildcard_meta = false; } else { if (ISESCAPECHAR(beginword)) in_escape = true; else if (ISWILDCARDCHAR(beginword)) in_leading_wildcard_meta = true; else if (ISWORDCHR(beginword)) break; else in_leading_wildcard_meta = false; } beginword += pg_mblen(beginword); } /* * Handle string end. */ if (beginword - str >= lenstr) return NULL; /* * Add left padding spaces if preceding character wasn't wildcard * meta-character. */ *charlen = 0; if (!in_leading_wildcard_meta) { if (LPADDING > 0) { *s++ = ' '; (*charlen)++; if (LPADDING > 1) { *s++ = ' '; (*charlen)++; } } } /* * Copy data into buf until wildcard meta-character, non-word character or * string boundary. Strip escapes during copy. */ endword = beginword; while (endword - str < lenstr) { clen = pg_mblen(endword); if (in_escape) { if (ISWORDCHR(endword)) { memcpy(s, endword, clen); (*charlen)++; s += clen; } else { /* * Back up endword to the escape character when stopping at an * escaped char, so that subsequent get_wildcard_part will * restart from the escape character. We assume here that * escape chars are single-byte. */ endword--; break; } in_escape = false; } else { if (ISESCAPECHAR(endword)) in_escape = true; else if (ISWILDCARDCHAR(endword)) { in_trailing_wildcard_meta = true; break; } else if (ISWORDCHR(endword)) { memcpy(s, endword, clen); (*charlen)++; s += clen; } else break; } endword += clen; } /* * Add right padding spaces if next character isn't wildcard * meta-character. */ if (!in_trailing_wildcard_meta) { if (RPADDING > 0) { *s++ = ' '; (*charlen)++; if (RPADDING > 1) { *s++ = ' '; (*charlen)++; } } } *bytelen = s - buf; return endword; } /* * Generates trigrams for wildcard search string. * * Returns array of trigrams that must occur in any string that matches the * wildcard string. For example, given pattern "a%bcd%" the trigrams * " a", "bcd" would be extracted. */ TRGM * generate_wildcard_trgm(const char *str, int slen) { TRGM *trg; char *buf, *buf2; trgm *tptr; int len, charlen, bytelen; const char *eword; protect_out_of_mem(slen); trg = (TRGM *) palloc(TRGMHDRSIZE + sizeof(trgm) * (slen / 2 + 1) *3); trg->flag = ARRKEY; SET_VARSIZE(trg, TRGMHDRSIZE); if (slen + LPADDING + RPADDING < 3 || slen == 0) return trg; tptr = GETARR(trg); /* Allocate a buffer for blank-padded, but not yet case-folded, words */ buf = palloc(sizeof(char) * (slen + 4)); /* * Extract trigrams from each substring extracted by get_wildcard_part. */ eword = str; while ((eword = get_wildcard_part(eword, slen - (eword - str), buf, &bytelen, &charlen)) != NULL) { #ifdef IGNORECASE buf2 = lowerstr_with_len(buf, bytelen); bytelen = strlen(buf2); #else buf2 = buf; #endif /* * count trigrams */ tptr = make_trigrams(tptr, buf2, bytelen, charlen); #ifdef IGNORECASE pfree(buf2); #endif } pfree(buf); if ((len = tptr - GETARR(trg)) == 0) return trg; /* * Make trigrams unique. */ if (len > 1) { qsort((void *) GETARR(trg), len, sizeof(trgm), comp_trgm); len = unique_array(GETARR(trg), len); } SET_VARSIZE(trg, CALCGTSIZE(ARRKEY, len)); return trg; } uint32 trgm2int(trgm *ptr) { uint32 val = 0; val |= *(((unsigned char *) ptr)); val <<= 8; val |= *(((unsigned char *) ptr) + 1); val <<= 8; val |= *(((unsigned char *) ptr) + 2); return val; } Datum show_trgm(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); TRGM *trg; Datum *d; ArrayType *a; trgm *ptr; int i; trg = generate_trgm(VARDATA(in), VARSIZE(in) - VARHDRSZ); d = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * (1 + ARRNELEM(trg))); for (i = 0, ptr = GETARR(trg); i < ARRNELEM(trg); i++, ptr++) { text *item = (text *) palloc(VARHDRSZ + Max(12, pg_database_encoding_max_length() * 3)); if (pg_database_encoding_max_length() > 1 && !ISPRINTABLETRGM(ptr)) { snprintf(VARDATA(item), 12, "0x%06x", trgm2int(ptr)); SET_VARSIZE(item, VARHDRSZ + strlen(VARDATA(item))); } else { SET_VARSIZE(item, VARHDRSZ + 3); CPTRGM(VARDATA(item), ptr); } d[i] = PointerGetDatum(item); } a = construct_array( d, ARRNELEM(trg), TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i' ); for (i = 0; i < ARRNELEM(trg); i++) pfree(DatumGetPointer(d[i])); pfree(d); pfree(trg); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in, 0); PG_RETURN_POINTER(a); } float4 cnt_sml(TRGM *trg1, TRGM *trg2, bool inexact) { trgm *ptr1, *ptr2; int count = 0; int len1, len2; ptr1 = GETARR(trg1); ptr2 = GETARR(trg2); len1 = ARRNELEM(trg1); len2 = ARRNELEM(trg2); /* explicit test is needed to avoid 0/0 division when both lengths are 0 */ if (len1 <= 0 || len2 <= 0) return (float4) 0.0; while (ptr1 - GETARR(trg1) < len1 && ptr2 - GETARR(trg2) < len2) { int res = CMPTRGM(ptr1, ptr2); if (res < 0) ptr1++; else if (res > 0) ptr2++; else { ptr1++; ptr2++; count++; } } /* * If inexact then len2 is equal to count, because we don't know actual * length of second string in inexact search and we can assume that count * is a lower bound of len2. */ return CALCSML(count, len1, inexact ? count : len2); } /* * Returns whether trg2 contains all trigrams in trg1. * This relies on the trigram arrays being sorted. */ bool trgm_contained_by(TRGM *trg1, TRGM *trg2) { trgm *ptr1, *ptr2; int len1, len2; ptr1 = GETARR(trg1); ptr2 = GETARR(trg2); len1 = ARRNELEM(trg1); len2 = ARRNELEM(trg2); while (ptr1 - GETARR(trg1) < len1 && ptr2 - GETARR(trg2) < len2) { int res = CMPTRGM(ptr1, ptr2); if (res < 0) return false; else if (res > 0) ptr2++; else { ptr1++; ptr2++; } } if (ptr1 - GETARR(trg1) < len1) return false; else return true; } /* * Return a palloc'd boolean array showing, for each trigram in "query", * whether it is present in the trigram array "key". * This relies on the "key" array being sorted, but "query" need not be. */ bool * trgm_presence_map(TRGM *query, TRGM *key) { bool *result; trgm *ptrq = GETARR(query), *ptrk = GETARR(key); int lenq = ARRNELEM(query), lenk = ARRNELEM(key), i; result = (bool *) palloc0(lenq * sizeof(bool)); /* for each query trigram, do a binary search in the key array */ for (i = 0; i < lenq; i++) { int lo = 0; int hi = lenk; while (lo < hi) { int mid = (lo + hi) / 2; int res = CMPTRGM(ptrq, ptrk + mid); if (res < 0) hi = mid; else if (res > 0) lo = mid + 1; else { result[i] = true; break; } } ptrq++; } return result; } Datum similarity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1); TRGM *trg1, *trg2; float4 res; trg1 = generate_trgm(VARDATA(in1), VARSIZE(in1) - VARHDRSZ); trg2 = generate_trgm(VARDATA(in2), VARSIZE(in2) - VARHDRSZ); res = cnt_sml(trg1, trg2, false); pfree(trg1); pfree(trg2); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(res); } Datum word_similarity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); float4 res; res = calc_word_similarity(VARDATA_ANY(in1), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in1), VARDATA_ANY(in2), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in2), false); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(res); } Datum similarity_dist(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { float4 res = DatumGetFloat4(DirectFunctionCall2(similarity, PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1))); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(1.0 - res); } Datum similarity_op(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { float4 res = DatumGetFloat4(DirectFunctionCall2(similarity, PG_GETARG_DATUM(0), PG_GETARG_DATUM(1))); PG_RETURN_BOOL(res >= similarity_threshold); } Datum word_similarity_op(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); float4 res; res = calc_word_similarity(VARDATA_ANY(in1), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in1), VARDATA_ANY(in2), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in2), true); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(res >= word_similarity_threshold); } Datum word_similarity_commutator_op(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); float4 res; res = calc_word_similarity(VARDATA_ANY(in2), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in2), VARDATA_ANY(in1), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in1), true); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(res >= word_similarity_threshold); } Datum word_similarity_dist_op(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); float4 res; res = calc_word_similarity(VARDATA_ANY(in1), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in1), VARDATA_ANY(in2), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in2), false); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(1.0 - res); } Datum word_similarity_dist_commutator_op(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *in1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *in2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); float4 res; res = calc_word_similarity(VARDATA_ANY(in2), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in2), VARDATA_ANY(in1), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in1), false); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in1, 0); PG_FREE_IF_COPY(in2, 1); PG_RETURN_FLOAT4(1.0 - res); }